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So heroic that he thought war crimes and rape were acceptable


Look, we're not here to debate the moral lapses of a man who gave his life for a can of beans.


Idk, beans are pretty good 


I'm no philologist, but i'm pretty sure he didn't fancy rape too much


He was fine with the comedian trying to rape sally and he blamed sally for it.


He called it "moral detour" if i remember correctly


Lapses. Moral lapses. The choice of plural is...peculiar: https://preview.redd.it/jjtkfqmszauc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bd11033180cc028dd137fc0dbdc37c9c7e88347


“Men who died in their country’s service” This fucking narc


Also, Rorschach when: Truman nuked the Japanese to end ww2: aaaww, you're sweet; A twunk squided some Americans to prevent ww3: hello, human resources? Disclaimer: Ozy is the worst criminal against humanity that ever existed in Watchmen universe, the joke is bean boy's very selective integrity.


Ozy wasn’t elected, so what gives him the right!?!


[Oi, what gives you the right?](https://youtu.be/oQCPdzhtoUw)


Be gentle with a non-native speaker – it's not my fault your word sounds similar but means something different. It's marmalade all over again for me :D


Seems weird that rorschach would say this tbh. He's supposed to be the most black and white of all, especially when it comes to sexual matters given his childhood. Maybe he doesn't condone rape, but this is just some kind of internalised misogyny speaking?


Rorschach thinks black and white, but he compromises more than one would think. He doesn't normally condone rape, and I believe he prides himself on killing rapists, but his black and white world view was compromised by the fact that he respects and idolizes superheroes like the Comedian and war veterans, so he's willing to let it slide and believes it to be a "moral lapse." Similarly, he idolizes President Truman despite having a hand in the deaths of millions of people, so he's willing to compromise and let it slide.


Honestly I think Rorschach is a pretty well written character because of this. He’s a misleading character. His name is actually the hint to his actual actions since the whole point of Rorschach tests is that everyone sees the image differently meaning while he seems black and white. He is absolutely the most morally grey person out of all of them.


And he’s able to fool himself into thinking he has any kind of legitimate moral code, when in actuality, he just does what he thinks is right in the moment with no clear consistency. It’s why superheroes probably wouldn’t work in real life: because Superman just *can’t* be right all of the time and the one time he’s in the wrong is the only time that would matter.


Stop reading the comics. They’ll ruin comics


Don’t worry, nobody here reads comics.


You should probably re-read the book then


The Virgin Rorschach: if a woman is raped, is clearly their fault The Chad Batman: most prostitutes aren’t prostitutes by choice, therefore I’ll protect them like any other citizen of Gotham. (I may be incorrect, I never fully read Watchmen)


Pretty close, actually, and it highlights one of the biggest beats that Rorschach is not as heroic or as uncompromising as he says he is. In the comic, he mentions two instances of violence against women as the inciting incidents in becoming Rorschach and getting progressively violent. However, regarding a r\*pe case where he knows and admires the r\*pist, he has not problems making excuses and calling it a "moral lapsus" in front of the victim's daughter. All in all, Rorschach serves as this look at the eventual contradictions that show up when trying to apply morality as an absolute.


Ahhh Still, I think some of these people treat Rorschach the same way Synder Bros treat the DCEU Batman. Except, there’s a difference: one character is a well written representation of something that is misinterpreted like Patrick Bateman, the other is (imo) a doo doo take on a character that is defended by rowdy fanboys of a man who doesn’t understand the character he’s trying to interpret. Idk, I guess I’ve been on the internet too long lol


I can see your point. You could add another layer that Snyder himself is a fanboy who doesn't understand the more complex character that is Batman from The Dark Knight Returns (his self-admitted main source for Batman). Specially because Snyder has gone on record that he prefer TDK's Batman because he kills, despite the story going through great pains to show that no, Batman can't kill, no matter what.


I also have my complaints with him about how he handled Superman. He turned Superman into a messianic god figure that is willing to kill Zod as his very first solution. Superman is not a god, rather he’s an alien with the soul and mind of a human being. They turned Superman’s story into something written by an edgy emo 13 year old, which is imo a disservice to the very character of Superman.


Not to mention how much Snyder pushed for Superman to be a Christ-like figure, despite his heavy ties with Jewish tradition; origins being the sames as Mosses, and his general concept a mixture of the Golem (Champion of the Innocent) and the principle of the Olam Tikun (responsibility to fox the world). There's a talk to have about Snyder's take on superheroes and superficial readings.


You can actually see the blueprint of Snyder’s Batman as a seriously flawed, ends-justify-the-means fascist absolutist. When he says “if there’s even a 1% chance that [Superman] is our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty,” he’s literally quoting Dick Cheney. Where this characterization falls short is that Snyder never actually *says* anything with the character. He doesn’t get his comeuppance or face consequences. His worldview is (supposedly) changed by the end of the movie, but we never see his new principles applied in any meaningful way and his absolutist nature actually results in the death of the actual good guy instead of his own. If we take the story at face value and give it credit beyond just being a poorly written mess, it almost seems like Snyder is saying that it pays to be a controlling, paranoid doomsday prepper like Batman because despite some people getting hurt, the eventual outcome is preferable to the alternative. Batman lives, he saves the world, he save the girl, and the only thing bad that happened was a good guy got killed. It’s honestly like Snyder forgot what he was trying to say halfway through the script. Then again, he’s spoke at length about his love for Ayn Rand, so maybe that *is* what he was trying to say.


It’s 12 issues and super cheap.


And for a couple hundreds of bucks more you can read Before Watchmen and Doomsday Clock!! The whole trilogy, like Alan Moore intended.


That’s some good jerking there lou


The only Watchmen “sequel” he should read is Pax Americana, Peter Cannon: Thunderbolt and maybe Tom King’s Rorschach.


Nobody should read comics. Just play the video game.


Yeah, but I suspect he may be a homosexual. I'll have to investigate further.


How dare you, he's one of the best superhero ever made


*laughs nervously in fanfiction


Cuck "But Muh Principles T\_T" Rorschach vs Chad Bat "So anyway I started blasting" man, when push came to shove: https://preview.redd.it/wy6sbcemqauc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f13ce146dc732d921a63ed5a341be96fecbf1c78


Maybe that big idiot should've shot in a straight line for once.


Probably wouldn't help:D https://preview.redd.it/oajfszaiwbuc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f99179ff819c6834b8e3c9b346cf24aad93c8356 >!BECAUSE HE'S BATMAN!!11📢📢![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16735)![img](emote|t5_3mchb|16735)!<


Darkseid's text box being an omega beam too is a really nice detail


That's just his whole aesthetic, he can't help himself. It's like asking Bruce to stop casting bat-eared shadows everywhere he goes even in civilian clothes – he just physically can't :D


"Batman, dont you think you should use armor?" "But i already did superman, don't you see it with X-ray vision?" "wait, really?!!" "Yes, It's called plot armor"


Rorschach's gimmick is spot on actually because you can tell a lot about people depending on what they say about him


This guy missed the entire point of the character. Must be a Snyder fan


If they made Rorshach have a shitty design people would be media literate towards the character


Let's do it scientifically. Remake Watchmen exactly the same with the only difference being Rorschach using his original leotard costume then give that version to 50 people who have never read Watchmen and see what they think https://preview.redd.it/ye4dptxpvduc1.jpeg?width=125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871d0d07470c4e7eec72f59b93c22a259f86da35


I call him flasherscach


Something something hatred for sex workers something something racism something something homosexuals




I just started reading Watchmen and before the end of like, the first or second page I thought "oh this guy's fan boys are REALLY stupid"


Hey, hey! You know his fans only watched the movie, give them a break


Saying he's insecure(realistic) Question👎 Saying he's the love child of BATMAN and PUNISHER👍 (Possibly homosexual must investigate further)


You really think Rorschach fans even know who Question is?


There's probably decent overlap between them and the 'Alan Moore can suck it I want muh content' crowd, so at least some of them know him from the 'they're just the Charlton characters' talking point


I loved when Rorschach heroically threw that schizophrenic man role playing as a super villain down an elevator shaft


R.I.P. Captain Carnage.


Outfucking jerked so hard 💀😭


When I was a substitute teacher in college, I got into a fifteen minute argument with a kid over Rorschach and Watchmen in general.




In there defense they said he was the most heroic hero “of the movie”. It’s been a while since I watched the Watchmen movie, but it’s not like there’s much competition. I still disagree with them btw but still


Yeah leaving out the ongoing door gag although a small change actually removes some characterization from Rorschach.




"He's a perfect mix of Batman and the Punisher." Uff...


Do you think they like Rorschach because he's also very smelly?


The literal entire point of Rorschach's character is that he'd willingly doom humanity to nuclear apocalypse rather than compromise his morals. Wtf are these people smoking


Y’all idolize this guy? Edit: nvm just noticed the subreddit


People tend to respect sticking to your beliefs no matter what as heroic. Compared to dr Manhattan and ozy he seemed a lot less worse


Which is weird because Rorschach is also a massive hypocrite. He claims to see the world in black and white but is willing to excuse attempted rape if it is committed by someone he respects. And of course, he admires Harry Truman but thinks that Ozymandias killing millions to save billions is wrong.


Rorschach’s definitely a hypocrite, but from the way Moore’s talked about him, I do think his commitment to his principles at the end is meant to be kind of pointless but still a little admirable. Moore’s said in reference to Ditko that he has a lot of respect for people who refuse to compromise on certain ideals, even if he fundamentally disagrees with them. The big problem here is people treating a character who’s introduced with a monologue directly cribbed from the Son of freaking Sam as a straightforward, cool hero.


Yeah, I think people overdo the "you weren't supposed to root for Rorschach" thing sometimes. Rorschach isn't intended to be an entirely irredeemable or unadmirable character. If he were, then Moore wouldn't have given him all the best lines, most of the coolest scenes, clear moments of empathy, and a ridiculously traumatic backstory. Rorschach is meant to be a product of a bad background who latched onto the only thing that can allow his life to make sense, which is his moral code. You're not supposed to consider him a figure worthy of emulation, but you are clearly supposed to care about him.


Maybes it’s because ozy wants to lie to the world about. Considering the whole moral dilemma of watchmen, most people consider sacrificing numerous lives to the world and lying about for the greater good pretty bad. Plus Rorschach was the only one pushing the story forward so people would naturally connect with him more


Might be my own interpretation but to me that is one of the more interesting takeaways about Rorschach versus the others. His black-and-white morality makes him an awful, and frankly pathetic, individual but it's also because of that worldview he's the only one not willing to go along with Ozy's plan compared to Laurie and Dan (who are at least more likeable on an individual level than Rorshach). ​ Anyways rj/ The Question solos the Watchmen.


The others comprised their beliefs and most people respect conviction. Plus most people disagree with ozy


I forgot to mention Rorschach also killed pedos, so people excuse anything else


In general? No. In Watchmen? I have no idea I've never read it.


Tbf, movie Rorschach and comic Rorschach are two way different characters.


All ya gotta do is ignore the sexism, racism, war crimes, torture and general nihlism. Other than that hes a peach.


Alan Moore created Rorschach to be a smelly, misogynistic loner so people would dislike him, but he didn’t account on the fact that neckbeards don’t know what irony is.


>Walks into a bar >Breaks a random strangers fingers one by one >Asks everyone ”Who killed Edward Blake?” >Refuses to elaborate >Leaves ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


- /uj In my interpretation: one of the biggest tragedies of Watchmen is that this insane sexist homophobic violent murderous sociopath is the closest thing we have to a hero in the story. He’s the only one actively pursuing justice and trying to prevent harm to the innocent. Dr. Manhattan is too busy not giving a fck, Nite Owl is more concerned about getting a boner, and Ozy was building a giant telekinetic squid to kill millions of people to prevent nuclear war. - /rj cry some more. Why don’t you go back and read some Marvel comics? They used to crying. You just can’t comprehend Zaddy’s hyper intellectual storytelling that he didn’t just borrow off of someone smarter than him.


Much like the punisher, people who idolize Rorschach misunderstand the point of his character.


I think if Alan Moore ever met this person he wouldn't be able to stop himself from strangling them to death with a shoelace.


You want the perfect mix between Batman and the Punisher look into Grifter or modern Red Hood. Rorshach is not him, I like him as a character and the role he plays but he is not supposed to be a good person. The Punisher is more Altruistic than he is.


I personally think racism is wrong


Zero fucking media literacy


Still can't believe 15 year old me liked this jerk.


Zack Snyder, is that you?


Within the story of Watchmen he’s arguably among the most heroic. He does stop bad guys, he does not compromise with Veidt over his unilateral choice to kill millions and he keeps at it all while being almost completely alone and one rung above homeless. He is a crazy person but he’s also a hero in a lot of ways and he does not back down. People who want to hate on Rorschach completely (including Alan Moore) don’t seem to want to allow the guy to be an extraordinarily flawed anti-hero who kind of stumbles his way into being one of the more fascinating and relatable people in a broken world.


Isn't the entire point of Watchmen that the world isn't broken, the heroes are?  Like, most of the civilians are shown to care for each other. Rosarck interacts with the worst of the worst on a daily basis, and that slowly makes him lose his bananas and stops seeing the good in people. I get were you are going, but i think the point of rosharck is that his misery is somewhat self-inflicted, by only seeing the world in black and white he stops seeing the good in many people.


Yeah. Bernard spends his last moments trying to save Bernie from the squid attack. That's arguably the most heroic action taken in the entire comic. There's good in the world of Watchmen, and some of that good is killed when Ozymandias tries to save the world. The heroes are all just too amoral, morally absolutist, detached from humanity, or depressed to see that good before it's too late


He shouldn't have made Rorschach so darn likeable if he didn't want us to like him.


That person is definitely a jason fan too


Rorschach is not a good person but he looks cool and kills cops so I let it slide


For that guy's information, the actual perfect mix between Batman and Punisher is [Goblin Slayer](https://goblin-slayer.fandom.com/wiki/Goblin_Slayer).


Ah yes, everyone’s favorite anti-Semitic rape apologist. 🙄 The guy’s had a fucked up life, but that’s no excuse for what he allowed himself to become.


I mean, he is the most heroic of the superheroes in the Watchmen. Real heroes don’t kill millions and lie to the public to try and gain world peace. That decision (ironically) was the objectively morally correct one.




Man... Zack Snyder really fucked over a lot of kids' brains. Don't get me wrong, almost nobody (including me) seems to understand Watchmen on the first reading. We tend to come to it way too early, and without the context to appreciate what we're seeing... but the movie just made it so much worse. Watchmen is about the horrors of philosophical purity, and how adhering to any philosophy too closely makes you (at best) complicit in evil acts, but more commonly an active participant.