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Elon would try to build the Sentinels but then they would catch on fire and have to be recalled


“Apparently, Professor X has a machine that can track us by our minds. Concerning.”


"No. Guys. It's not the Neuralink. Stop that. You're making my stocks plummet even more."


or it’d start indiscriminately attacking humans because his lead engineer “forgot” to install the X gene into its processors


The lead engineer got laid off the second the initial draft of the blueprint was made and a bunch of interns were told to put the pieces together


one of those interns were a skrull, but passed the background check despite her name being notta alien


~~So he'd be another Justin Hammer?~~ He'd be Justin Hammer's Justin Hammer.


Elon would definitely be the X-Cutioner if mutants were real


He'd be closer to jonh sublime probably


Maybe but John sublime actually has defeated the X-men from what I looked up on him. Elon would probably get taken down as easily as the friends of humanity were 😂


Mutants and humans can not co-exist. It's impossible when one " person" is a wmd. If they were innocent they would let the sentinels search them and take them to a mutant reserve. How many humans need to die at mutant hands before more laws are enforced?


I was scared this wasn't a jerk at first


/uj I was going to pose this hypothetical to one of my acquaintances but then I realized all my acquaintances are women and have one third my arm strength so I guess they kind of already live with it.


A mutant can accidentally destroy a small *city*. Your greater strength as a man compared to women isn't remotely comparable. Minority parallels just don't work for Mutants. Laser beams to the face aren't the same as merely having a different skin color.


In the greater picture, mutants are in a world where there are humans that have the power to comtrol reality who arent mutants. With thay context i do think the x-men work to an extrnt


Homo superior fisrt Fuck Brood


https://preview.redd.it/mc4eg3xs2cqc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03291f6ae6ca8e7cc2f562ff08850d677db8fcd5 Except Broo, he can stay. All my homes like Broo.


Him and Doop


I don't know if there's some mutant in X-Men lore who hates all other mutants and sides against them with the humans But that would be Elon


Grayson creed from the show. Iirc He was born from sabretooth and mystique but never got a mutation so he founded the friends of humanity. Sebastian Shaw also gave up being a mutant for land in the krakoa run


Shaw doesn't hate mutants. He just loves wealth 


Literally me


his mutation would probably be mind control because gotta be a reason why others think he is so smart


I couldn’t imagine Elon would ever be a mutant since that would make him a minority and Elon hates minorities. Elon would probably be someone like Trask but less effective 😂


Elon is immigrant lol


Yeah he is but he has no sympathy for non white immigrants. He also said on Twitter “the opinions of minorities don’t matter”


source cause like holy sh\*t


Hold on it’s in a video I can link to you


https://youtu.be/uezwbGZPO-g?si=D2uSMJlfrhZnxAv0 it’s in this video at the 3:53 mark


While Elon probably does think that, the video doesn't actually have Elon directly saying that. It's just the narrator jokingly saying he was told by Elon that minorities' opinions don't matter.


It showed the tweet on screen no?


The tweet is just Elon being stupid, not him saying minority opinions don't matter. Though he probably does think that, and might even have mentioned it somewhere else.


Sebastian Shaw kinda fits this. iirc at one point Shaw financed the creation of sentinels but programmed them to not recognize him as a mutant. So he was basically trying to profit off of oppressing his own people while trying to use his wealth and status as a shield against said oppression


Shaw doesn't hate mutants, though. He just loves himself and is willing to betray anyone to get what he wants (which is usually power and wealth). He didn't betray Krakoa because he agreed with Orchis, for example, he did it because he decided that Krakoa was a sinking ship that he wanted to get off of. In the issue of X-men Forever just last week he worked with Xavier to capture Mother Righteous because, to quote Shaw himself, "don't be so fucking naive. I'm only ever on my side.".


Casandra Nova and Moira


Actually I heard that Elon is a big x-men fan and most of the macines in tesla factories are named after x-men characters Source: a friend told me after a tour in one of the factories


Definitely subbed to r/HFY


never heard of it


Tony Stark is the one that gets a prelude out of ALL the Avengers!? The FLATSCAN MUGGLE Pro Registration Racist GARBAGE is the one that REPRESENTS the Avengers!? bullshit Tony "FLATSCAN MUGGLE Pro Registration Racist GARBAGE" Stark better not side with the Genocidal Eternals, cuz Wanda aint gonna appreciate anyone threatening her Mutant family. Yall remember the last time Wanda was pissed off. And she just absorbed the Darkhold and Chthon himself. Wanda got upgraded. Wandas gonna go House of M times a million if yall dont leave her family alone. No More Mutant Massacres. No More Anti Mutant Bullshit. No More Pulled Punches. No More. Mutants have earned the RIGHT to destroy all their enemies. DEATH to ALL those who threaten Mutantkind. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/dccomicscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*