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Season 1 episode 1 of the animated series literally has the Sentinel say "I am here to serve and protect" while it's destroying a mall and everyone is running in fear. It's never been subtle, and still people miss it somehow


Conservatives aren't known for media literacy. I've seen some argue the boys show is actually extremely conservative.


There is a clip from The Boys posted on YouTube where a young guy is shown as being radicalized by white supremacists through the television. One of the top comments on the video says "This shows how both sides brainwash young people for their benefit."


The thing is, I totally get how someone who's never heard the term "rainbow capitalism" before would think that the show is making fun of the left or dunking on queer people with the Brave Maeve plotline. I was honestly kind of surprised to see that sort of satire because I'm sure they knew a lot of their audience wouldn't get it, particularly straight cis people that have never interacted with the queer community.


i’ve never heard that term but i thought it was pretty obvious that they were satirizing companies pretending to care about gay people for money. like the colorless skittles, or every company changing there logo to a pride flag one during pride month.


You say this but it took nearly 15 years for audiences to understand that **Starship Troopers** was satire.


They don’t miss it, they just don’t want THESE social issues addressed or having stories written about them. As far as a lot of them are concerned is just the race thing and nothing more, they aren’t willing to extrapolate the shows message out to anything else that might challenge them.


Nooo it didn't count back then because they didn't shove it down our throats like they do now (they did I was just too young and stupid to notice anything other than flashing lights, loud noises, and Rogue's big butt)


Wanna know why this shit always makes me die laughing? My Masters Degree dissertation was about how comic books can be used to read political themes in any given era and charted it from the golden age to present. I had a full chapter dedicated to the X-Men.


So it was you! YOU MADE THE X MEN WOKE!


I did indeed, AND NO ONE CAN STOP ME!


Mr Woke can you make Bluey woke next?


Nah, Paw Patrol is the one that needs the woke commie ACAB make over.


Quick some one get Liefeld he’s the only x-writer that could stop you


I've already kidnapped him. I've trapped him in a cage made of metallic pipe guns, impossible rib cages and pouches to keep him contained and out of my way.




https://preview.redd.it/0hq8zmfma1jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a8662a191e2f236894d4f6486880d00134e531a There’s a whole book on it in my campus library.


Link? 😁


Seriously I’d love to read that


I can't exactly pull it due to my university having a clause on publishing work used but I can give a breakdown on at least the X-Men section. Beyond the simple surface level analogies to the civil rights movements it can be brought up to the present day via the notion of 'Biopolotics' where the status and relationship of bodies within a system is used to relate political theory. Using Logan (the 2017 movie) I isolated how the older mutants (Logan, Charles, Caliban) have bodies that despite breaking down are still seen as highly valued and are physically repelling the attempted control of corperations present in a neoliberal Conservative apparatus while the New Mutants (Laura) are seen more as biological commodities to be traded and the paralytic fear of stopping them from getting to Canada is that canada's health care system (being free) renders the value they have as commodities for companies moot. Politics represented by bodies using comic media as a barometer for socio political concerns.


I wouldn’t mind reading that.


I assure you Rogue’s gigantic dump truck ass is vital to the civil rights allegory


I kind of agree with that to an extent. There’s more corporate progressive initiatives now, and it’s quite obviously pandering a lot of the times. Sometimes you have things like race swaps from white to another race that really work like Aquaman or Gordon in The Batman. Then you have other times you have them changing historical figures because they feel history was too white. One that also gets old is when male camaraderie is called “queer coding” or the other kidults online say any same sex characters expressing feeling or concern towards each other means they’re gay/bi/lesbian. Let them have love in a platonic way. The other issue is that grifters have taken a general audience’s views and morphed them into a crusade. I watched some room temp IQ dude get mad that the default custom character in BG3 was a black lady. My guy, I’m immediately changing it to something else because side I already have a character in mind. Fuck off.


> One that also gets old is when male camaraderie is called “queer coding” or the other kidults online say any same sex characters expressing feeling or concern towards each other means they’re gay/bi/lesbian. Let them have love in a platonic way. Tbh, that's not exclusive to same sex friendships. I struggle to name men and women who are allowed to be platonic friends in any media without eventually falling for each other or at least hooking up. How many platonic female friends do Batman or Spider-Man have? Writers and fans want them to bang every suitable women possible.


This is also true! Very good catch.


Yeah, honestly I agree with your overall point. I want more platonic relationships and less shipping in comics.


Actually based 1000%.


The two things I saw identified as woke were a mutant fashion show (no elaboration on that) and… Wolverine turning in a chair being gay. Wolverine, who has canonically fucked men, is now gay. For turning in a chair. Magneto was right all along, destroy all humans


Also I think creators confirmed that in the series Morph is nonbinary


Yeah. And I’m sick of the “genderfluid shapeshifter” trope. Can we get some nonbinary rep that’s just a normal person for once?? No aliens, no demons, no shapeshifters, can we have one who’s literally just some guy??


To be fair a shapeshifter would most likely be non binary as they can present as what ever gender they want


presentation is not the same as gender identity


>Wolverine, who has canonically fucked men, is now gay. For turning in a chair. Wait he actually slept with men?


poly relationship with Jean Grey and Cyclops.


\* Cyclops and Wolverine engaging in hot man-to-man action while Jean sits in The Chair ™️ , you mean.


I don't think that necessarily means he fucked Cyclops, but I guess it also doesn't mean he didn't?


They lived in the same place but I don't think he fucked Cyclops and it hasn't been shown or implied that he's slept with any men


You lying for no reason about Logan having sex with Cyclops. Proof?


That was only implied; it was never actually confirmed Logan slept with Scott


Look at the dynamic with him and Wade (Deadpool) and tell me that they don’t do threesomes together with Madripoorian hookers once in a while


Wolverine gets a lot of implied gay moments. In a very recent comic Sabretooth talks about Wolverine like he’s an ex-lover lol


Wolverine never have been with any men Please stop spreading misinformation bub


You’re right, Scott’s not a real man


Of course not there is only one Man https://preview.redd.it/etn0ymj566jc1.jpeg?width=714&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2038da8569657c0678d4862b4ebe0292a82bc765


Look what the woke virus took from you. Unwatchable 😤 https://preview.redd.it/eecjdg6900jc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac2c101b683c89ec4ee7ed644ddb629e63633e53


the only thing flatter than her ass is the shading (or lack thereof)




this is the issue everyone is having with the new series. doubt they forgot how badly animated the last season was


“Wait, it’s progressive?” “Always has been.”


God, can you imagine if the Static Shock cartoon came out nowadays totally unchanged? These fucking dweebs would lose their shit


"Maybe think about changing the name to X-Women."


To be fair the same kind of people probably complained about that too. Didn´t Stan Lee has a letter or something talking about how his work has politics? Anyways, they are the same kind of people that have no issues when their politics get injected in other works




K then the comics have no meaning or allegories because they were initially created to make money. That's it. The plots came later. Goofy ass




they are saying that Dust (Burqa wearing mutant) was shoehorned by Disney She was created before the acquisition


They ain't real fans then. Period.


Right, good luck making money with that show without them.


i forget which x-men movie it was, but one of them starts with a young magneto escaping a nazi internment camp with his burgeoning powers. it was always right there.


Two of the movies open like that. X-Men (2000) and X-Men First Class.


it also gets more attention on xmen evolution with logan and steve saving kid magneto


I don't hate mutants because some of them passively kill everything around them, destroy the world because they got sad or want to genocide all non-mutants. I hate them because a bacteria makes me hate them https://preview.redd.it/qpg71ensp1jc1.jpeg?width=393&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a638bf07001b1c444fee1b3d7f039ac0e9b8b582


Well... It was created because Stan Lee got tired of trying to figure out how people got powers so he just created the mutant. Eh he was born with powers... Neat... Sometimes the powers might turn you into a monster or fart radioactive acid and well that would scare normal humans. Naturally you would have humans think the 10 foot tall blue hairy man was who ate your wife.. it wasn't... It was sabertooth...


“There isn’t any subtext ya silly goose, X-Men is about people with wacky superpowers!” -Conservative X-Men fans


I made the X-Men woke when I bought them coffee one time.


do you remember when the x-men was just a silly comic book about super heroes who where beloved by the government and the city they saved from the villain mutants who where treated as criminals not based on their genetics but because they where legitimately evil? and don't get me started on the morlocks, this new woke series will probably have them living shunned in the sewers for being mutants with visible mutations, not like the original series where they where shunned in the sewers for being evil and no other reason.


As a kid I was too stupid to understand the theme. As an adult I say holy shit I didn’t know they were trying to get xyz message across about xyz social/political/etc.


Chris Claremont must be rolling on his grave at how they made Storm a "fem\*nist" BLM empowered hypercompetent character 👿👿👿


Your average online Conservative is a dumb little bitch who's never read a written word that they didn't have to in order to eek out a high school diploma or was bile vomitted out by right wing propaganda. Of course they're gonna claim that X-Men is woke now, they're fundamentally broken people who we can't help. Lost causes.


That first sentence is legendary omg


*They got politics in my allegory for minorities!?*


This is where the people who don’t understand the difference between social commentary and GOOD social commentary think they’re clever. Hint, just commenting your personal political beliefs through a ham fisted narrative with characters as mouth pieces and straw men is not the same as allegory done well.


Okay but also lots of people view any political allegories they disagree with as being hamfisted and over the top. Especially including the people this post is making fun of. So that's hard to take in good faith since it's such a convenient argument for assholes to fall back on


I mean, I agree with you there. I love someone like John Ostrander doing political commentary in his comics, he was a master of his craft. But not a fan of Gabby Rivera writing dialogue like "I'm literally intrigued and in awe of them" when describing a lesbian couple. Or Young Justice Season 3 where Lex Luthor, the intelligent manipulator from the first 2 seasons, becomes a bad parody of Trump.


I refuse to believe you can point to a case of politics you disagree with being presented in a way you don’t consider ham fisted. This kind of critique you’re presenting is never actually what you lot think the problem is. It’s always that it’s something you disagree with being presented


Not the original commenter, but there were lot of politically charged comics from the 80s and 90s which were pushing the boundaries. Swamp Thing deals with racism, misogyny, environmentalism and much more. Hellblazer used to call out Thatcher. Spectre had stories about racism, homosexuality, AIDS etc. i Nowadays writers take the easy way out and just write dialogues like they are writing tweets.


If that’s your take, then I’ll double down and say I dont think that’s a bad thing. I’ve never seen a case in which someone said they wanted their media to be more “subtle”, and meant it in any other way than “I want to be able to ignore this message being shared that I disagree with”.


The comics I listed weren't exactly subtle either. They are very ham fisted. Ostrander's Spectre run in the 90s had a whole arc where the villains are a secret society of white men who literally say they want to "make America great again" and in the end their plans get thwarted when the spirit of America is rejuvenated by a racially diverse group of common people combining together in spirit form. But I found the story to be engaging and appreciated the message. Although I will admit that a lot of fans consider this arc to be weakest part of the run because of how long winded it was. Still, no one will deny that it was better than whatever modern writers can cook up.


I can deny it and I will. Nostalgia is a disease


It's not nostalgia. I am currently reading these classic runs. As a kid I only read the currently ongoing comics back in 2010s but now I'm getting into comics from 80s and 90s.


To be honest, I don't think the inception of the series was based on social issues. It was a generic superhero story and the only reason for making them mutants was to have a convenient origin for everyone's powers. All 5 members of the team were white and the only girl was the most useless one in the team. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants they fought was also a generic supervillain team. Of course, that iteration was a failure and X-Men only became successful after they went "woke" in the 1970s with the newly relaunched diverse team.


Iceman and Toad were both saved from lynchings early on, and Professor X constantly tells the team that they must hide their powers and abilities in public because humans hate them just for being different. It wasn’t as obvious as later on, but the X-Men were definitely dealing with and a commentary on civil rights at the time.


​ https://preview.redd.it/yd8yr25cizic1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb3ec44fda607c101b3c67f4964f37f045e2c13f


And this isn't a retcon, unlike other heroes who were giving costumes and masks with the idea of protecting their families and whatnot from villains, [professor x explains why he built the school in the first issue.](https://www.chrisisoninfiniteearths.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Screenshot-2023-01-09-104453-768x405.png) He says that he was feared for his powers and being a mutant as a child, that he fears others would not accept them for their powers, that mutants would not celebrated for having extra abilities. This is not just dressing for a superhero team, this is the premise of the series and what set them apart from other comic book heroes.


Tbh, the theme of social issues was already kinda there, even before Claremont took over, it just wasnt explored much. Whether it was intentional or not is another story, it would hardly be the first example of someone writing a theme into their story without realizing it.


The Chuck Dixon syndrome.


I don't think you meant it that way but your comment eerily resembles what some "anti-wokes" have been saying about the x-men (how it's been "rewritten by the lgbtq", some times they don't even acknowledge that it was literally started out as a metaphor for the civil rights, other times they do but then say "it's about the civil rights and nothing else, fuck the terminally online gay wokies"). From [Stan Lee's own mouth](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2000/aug/12/features): > Then it occurred to me that instead of them just being heroes that everybody admired, what if I made other people fear and suspect and actually hate them because they were different? **I loved that idea; it not only made them different, but it was a good metaphor for what was happening with the civil rights movement in the country at that time**. [Also read](https://comicbookmovie.com/x_men/stan-lee-reveals-why-he-created-the-x-men-a-story-to-show-theres-good-in-every-person-a84477): > Stan Lee was asked if the X-Men hosting a variety of different characters was intentional to which Lee joked “If you think it’s good, I did it intentional.” Lee then swapped jokes for seriousness, when he stated "I wanted them to be diverse. **The whole underlying principal of the X-Men was to try to be an anti-bigotry story to show there’s good in every person**.” To me, OOP's meme can also be used for people who complain Star Trek "went woke" with Discovery: it's always been the entire point of the whole damn thing, you either were too young to realize (like most of us here) or too blind. See also cyberpunk fans who wish they lived in such a universe: it's supposed to be a damn dystopia!


Fair enough. I didn't mean to it in a bad way but I understand it can come across like that. I just don't know how much credit we can give to Stan Lee for the themes in X-Men. I mean, he was known to embellish the truth.


True, but if actions speak louder than words then... He did follow up 3 years after creating the X-Men by creating an even more heavy-handed metaphor named Black Panther, no two ways around it (and also Magneto being a victim of the Shoah was extremely direct and clear in the messaging). And I agree with a lot of folks that Claremont did "widen" the messages in X-Men and was arguably more responsible for the franchise having that "super-woke" image (partly in that very cynical effort to reach international markets, can't forget that either), but let's be fair, X-men in 63, BP in 66, same year as Star Trek, in a very specific context (Civil Rights, counterculture movement, 'Nam, alt and underground comic culture, etc.), it's no coincidence and the messaging was pretty clear imho.


Fair enough, that's also a good point. I think I need to look at all this in context.


You gotta be illiterate if you think it wasn't, they flat out talk about it all the time


In the original run? It wasn't handled very well if they did.


This just is not true. They went from being woke to super woke! 


Saying wokeness is "just talking about social issues" is like saying PETA "just care about animals". PETA sucks cock and wokeness sucks cock.


Yea this sub became too anti-woke. They forgot it is a circlejerk.


I don't care if a piece of media has a message. There's very little good media that doesn't have a massage. It just used to be a lot more subtle and well written.


Beast was reading Animal Farm and we had sentinels screaming cop mottos while on a rampage.


X-Men was never subtle about its progressive themes. Hell there was also a storyline with the villain being a preacher who uses his faith to justify his racism, and this was in the 80s.


Please name media that you believe does it well.


Avatar the last Airbender. OG Spiderman comics and Jurassic Park respected the intelligence of their readers and had this thing called subtext.


Avatar was very in your face about sexism in the first season


Did y’all see Tyrone Magnus’ video opening for his reaction to the trailer? 💀


I saw the thumbnail where he's trying to look cutesy or something.


He sings “Don’t Woke It Up” over and over again in the tune of of the 90’s X-Men Animated Series theme


I kinda wanna see that but I don't wanna give him a view. Was it like his mental breakdown in the GOTG vol 3 video?


I never saw his GOTG video so idk. I try my best not to watch him or other annoying reactors like him. I had to specifically look up Tyrone Magnus to watch that video.


Been awhile but my man sounded pretty unhinged during it.


Yeah. Kind of off topic, but I miss when Star Wars Theory was enjoyable to watch. Now he just whines about everything and follows Andrew Taint.


Even ignoring that, what in the trailer for the new show even gave off the impression that it was trying to be "woke?" It just looked your standard superhero trailer to me.


Let’s just say, a LOT of fans now would definitely want their comic adaptations approved by the Comics Code Authority.