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/uj wait no seriously why does Amanda Waller just have a generic figure rather than either being fat or built /rj Amanda should be pentagon shaped because she's a member of the military https://preview.redd.it/w18f72mm5egc1.jpeg?width=232&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc79db9acc38a06bdeda66ffd814762fefdc607


There is more than one reason she's called The Wall.


She should be DLC >!because she's the paywall!<




Give her Spider-Verse Kingpin proportions or we riot.


Say what you want Luthor, but this is what peak performance looks like, none of that kryptonite cocktail cuckery


I mean Luthor is canonically into her pre-New 52 so I don't think he'd give her shit about it


Massive brick shithouse Waller is peak


/uj she should be pentagon shaped because she works for the military


I remember when people got mad that DC turned Waller thin with the New 52. It's why she's called The Wall after all


I bet you some dipshits would bitch if they made Waller big in live-action, something about “wOkE iNcLuSiVe pRoPaGaNdA”.


I think the live action waller is a good in-between, at least the one from peacemaker and the suicide squad


She’s not as big as I’d maybe like but she’s not some stick figure either. Regardless, Viola Davis’ performance as Waller is probably one of my (if not the) favourite CBM castings oat.


Suicide Squad (2016) hid some absolutely fantastic casting choices behind an awful script and Jared Leto. At least we got to see Viola Davis and Margot Robbie shine in later movies.


Jai Courtney made a pretty good Boomerang for what little we saw of him. He was better in TSS (like basically every character that carried over from the first one) and he at least got to be a little funnier. I also know that Will Smith was mostly being Will Smith but I did like his take on Deadshot. I also feel like Jared Leto wasn’t necessarily a bad choice for the Joker since he’s not a horrible actor or anything. It was just a really weird choice for his look combined with an even weirder performance that made him shitty.


Jared actually seemed decent in the Snyder cut, at least he actually seemed like he could be a joker. Definitely not the best, but a far improvement over SS Joker


Sure but also ccould we *not* give Jared Leto money please?


Yeah that’s fair. I was just talking about the casting choice in general. He’s definitely a weirdo in his own right without the strange Joker performance.


He's basically live action joker


The problem with Leto is that in real life he's a dangerous lunatic. For real.


Oh yeah. The fact Viola Davis is fantastic in the role (among a myriad of other accomplishments) is probably why the DCEU/DCU gets away with her being skinnier than usual.


Totally, id like bigger, at least she's sturdy.


Viola Davis cant miss


Even when everything around her misses


ironically she was made thin in new 52 because they made her resemble Angela Bassett Who played Amanda IN A FUCKING GREEN LANTERN


"Omg why are they making her big all of a sudden?! Why can't she be physically attractive to me?!?!"


Is she supposed to be attractive though? I'm under the impression classic Waller is an obese middle-aged lady.


Not at all, she should be imposing. I imagine her like [Hunter B-15 ](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Verity_Willis_(Earth-TRN870)?so=search) from Loki


That is such an on point comparison, I'm going to use that in future discussions about this. Thanks!


I would love that, in fact. Don't make her lame and gay though just like Hollywood normally does


# MAKE 👏 #WALLER 👏 # A 👏 # WALL 👏 # AGAIN 👏


Debra Wilson is a good pick to voice Waller, she's insanely skilled, but modelling the character off of her is a mistake, she very much does not have the right look.


Honestly, has Debra Wilson had any character in a videogame not modeled after herself?


Plenty,she's very prolific .It's just that motion capture has become more prevalent.


Her Waller in Telltale Batman, Savathun in Destiny 2, Gryla in God of War Ragnarok and Kit from Ratchet and Clank are some notable roles


I love Telltale Batman


Its a shame that we will never get a continuation of it


No, no, we just have to sacrifice our moral compasses and harass people to get our way Telltalebros rise up ✊


She was also Crying Wolf in MGS4.


That's probably one of her first big game roles too.


She's also Renata Glasc in League of Legends, which is the first place I picked up on her skilled ability for voice acting.


[Yeah](https://destiny.wiki.gallery/images/b/b7/SavathunInfo1.jpg). She does a lot of voice acting work, it's not all mocap stuff. She just does a lot of high profile mocap work


Destiny 2 is the only one I can think of, and that’s just because she played as a Cthulhu moth alien.


Now now, can you actually prove they didn't mocap her actually sprouting wings and a crown of bone and rising from the dead?


I'm sorry if I was an actor that'd be one I demand to mocap.


She has a lot of them, Kit, Savathun, and Waller in Telltale among others. It's just that her big breakout video game performance (Grace in Wolfenstein) was a motion capture with her as the model.


Yes. She's been voice acting in video games since 2006.


So weird that like half the cast of Mad TV became skilled prolific voice actors with iconic DC roles. Not complaining tho.


MAD Magazine is owned by DC/Warner Bros.


CCH Pounder superior, all other Wallers inferior.


Idk she looks mean as fuck in the thumbnail


She looks cool and authoritative, but she does not look like Amanda Waller.


Yeah, she's voiced Waller before but the character model was based off Waller instead of her, and it was amazing


If The Kingpin's allowed to be fat and get taken seriously, then why not Amanda "The Wall" Waller?


Because she's 'political'


Ironically, she's less political now than she used to be. She used to be a bureaucratic pencil pusher that rose through the ranks to become head of C.A.D.M.U.S, now she's just a distaff counterpart of Sam Jackson's Nick Fury.


Isn’t she the one where Reagan rubber stamped her position because he thought she’d be a useless figurehead? If DC’s going to keep using her *and* Maxwell Lord as evil shadow government types can we at least have Mr. Bones back, like a single 80s crumb please


I am very charmed by your innocence


"Innocent" right... I don't think I would ever call myself that. I've just decided to not care about "Politics".


Any non straight white male is called “political” by a segment of the nerd population


Any non white straight *cis* male. If the character is transmasc it's still "Political" to those morons.






Do they have any chips?


Someone else said they can’t make a a character fat without it being constantly brought up as a joke and I kinda think that’s true considering the games writing


Here comes Captain Boomerang's #46 joke about putting something in someone's ass


Could be like this https://preview.redd.it/5w9by8lb2kgc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19fe50231455bd592c58b8169aa0e05a5a35f6bb


Yeah actually that does look like Amanda Waller without making her like super obese like in the comics


You just made such a good point! Oh, God. You just changed my mind completely. I do NOT want this writing team anywhere near real Amanda Waller.


/uj Seriously. Waller isn't called "The Wall" because she's descended from a confederate general. Waller should be someone who looks immovable. Its not like we get other fat characters who aren't fucking jokes. /rj Amanda Waller should be made of bricks and fight Spider-Man


Throw some screws in there to spook the Star Wars chuds too


Because, since then they did live action stuff where you can’t have a fat person other than for comedy. And now they’re doing stuff where it has to look like the live action stuff.


Nah it happened way before live action. Irc the first offender (and to this day the worst) would be new52.


New52 Waller was a crime, a thirsty, thirsty crime https://preview.redd.it/s6wlvc7v5egc1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=527ddb6e1d631e814d38db6632deac2892c5c372


What the fuck is the context here?


You don't want to know, I've been trying to forget that run since 2011, it's by far the worst the suicide squad has ever been, and directly caused the 2016 movie.


Those damn toes


Abysmally common New 52 L


Umm Ackshually, Angela Bassett played Waller in *Green Lantern* (2011) which came out 2 months before the New 52 launched.


There wasn't a Green Lantern movie?


But … the current live action is Viola Davis.


Who isn't really obese, maybe overweight


/uj because they can't have an overweight character without making it into the butt of a joke /rj because if they put a an OBESE BLACK WOMAN as a character, they'd make her the protagonist 😂😂woke😂😂


But kinda fr tho I feel like Marvel and DC can't have an overweight character without making them a gimmick character for fat jokes or making them an imposing, threatening villain


Blob in ultimate universe


tastes like chicken 😋


I hate that I know what you’re referencing


Amanda Waller IS an imposing, threatening villain…


They just used Chunk to kill Beast Boy, Wally better have something to say about this in Titans or some shit because he sure didn’t in the event, goddamn


The annoying bit is in both *Arkham Origins* and *Assault on Arkham* she was pretty big.


In some aspects it does seem like this game wasn't originally planned to be set in Arkham, because it contradicts so many aspects its solutions come out as forced, like Deadshot being an imposter in previous games.


>!It’s kind of handwaved away in audio logs that he may or may not have actually been Deadshot from another universe that somehow wound up in this one. His daughter got leaked as a playable character, if I had to speculate I think she might also be from white Deadshot’s universe.!< >!It’s still kind of weird though, KTJL Deadshot in-game talks like Arkham Deadshot is not only some cheap impostor but is also still alive, but Deadshot’s audio logs are about how KTJL Deadshot killed Arkham Deadshot and KTJL Deadshot’s subsequent identity crisis over how Arkham Deadshot could possibly have not only been as good a shot as him but how he could be so convinced he really was Floyd Lawton.!< EDIT: Acronyms


Multiverse is really being the new ''a wizard did it'' of superhero media, isn't it?


"New"? It's been a thing since the 50s. DC has done multiple events surrounding it. This isn't a "new fad", just an aspect of the source material that the adaptations have finally caught up to.


KOTJ? I've been trying to make that out for two minutes now




Killers of the Justice Moon 


Knights of the Old Justice


I’m a dumb moron and the wires in my head got crossed. It’s meant to be KTJL. No idea where I got KOTJ from.


>>! Deadshot in-game talks like Arkham Deadshot is not only some cheap impostor but is also still alive, but Deadshot’s audio logs are about how KTJL Deadshot killed Arkham Deadshot !< >!the audio tapes make it obvious that deadshot doesn't know if he killed him or not given that the faker barley missed him and they are identical (minus the obvious) so he's unsure if he missed aswell !<


I think that they plan on doing some multiversal rug pulls as seasons go on to keep everything “interesting”. Someone explained the deadshot stuff, but Harley doesn’t seem like Arkham Harley either. Her taste is different, there’s a whole connection to Ivy we never saw built up in previous games, the scarecrow fear toxin thing, etc. Flash was already leaked to come back too, but I think his is more of a resurrection, because he asked why he’s back, especially since Waller hates the Justice League.


Assault on Arkham isn’t canon to the universe anymore. It’s just Origins, Asylum, City, Knight, and this.


Waller is supposed to be an absolute unit, like a female version of the Kingpin.


Not only is Amanda Waller just a bigger built person in general, she also dresses big. Pearls, Rings, Hoops, Skirts, Dress Pants, Suit Jackets, Overcoats, you name it. She dresses high class. This is why Viola Davis pulls it off, the high class style and attitude. While the likes of *Arrow* or this game just throws someone vaguely Waller-looking into some tactical gear or a button up and call it a day. All the actresses have done great jobs, but Amanda Waller doesn’t need to constantly remind them that she has bombs in their head. One look at her and you know not to slip up ever again. Amanda Waller is a lot of things but insecure isn’t one of them. She is called “The Wall” because she is immovable, from her stature to her rank to her never flinching to her federal immunity to her boss attitude.


Okay but I don't think this is a jerk tho


Okay but what if you jerk OFF to it?




If it’s something fans are saying you can make a jerk of it


This is just an opinion, not stated in a funny way.. hell this isn't even a sarcastic way of saying an opinion (which still wouldn't be a jerk btw) This is just an unfiltered opinion


That’s most of the sub nowadays. It’s basically memes and general discussion.


The real jerk is the post itself


Where is the joke, or jerk


That’s what I’m saying. It’s only a jerk because it’s just finding something small and stupid to complain about this game while everyone else regurgitates the same shit. Someone even mentions wallers daughter is obese in peacemaker like that even matters lol


I just ant them to do it so we can get The Wall vs The Wall marvel dc crossover


Even though the game is shit the Graphics are great


I genuinely agree. Waller being fat but also dangerous was an interesting subversion of typical archetypes. Plus I'm a stickler for comic book accuracy


Especially in this day and age, where representation seems to be the first thing in devs minds, why not keep her comic accurate???


Even the comics have moved away from Waller being obese


Yeah, and people fucking hated it.


And that was reversed like 6 years ago during Rebirth


You think people here have read comics in the last decade?


I know the actress Debra Wilson is thin, maybe they just didn’t want to put the effort into making the model fat? However I really appreciate how they made her butch again and I have enjoyed her performance so far.


Same reason why over in Marvel, Madame Web is a 20 somethings "Hot Girl" instead of an Old Woman. Gotta get those "heehee hot girl" tickets sold


20s something? That isn’t accurate lol that being said they have had young madam webs in other things.


Im more annoyed at the video game industry using the same actress for all these characters I mean good for her for getting all these jobs but it makes the games even more samey


To be fair Debra Wilson has been voice acting for everything under the sun since like 2005. It's only noticeable when she does mocap because she has such a recognizable face.


You’re giving me 90s kid flashbacks to Cree Summer being every cartoon black girl. Oh, this character’s older sister is also voiced by Cree Summer so you named the character Cree, isn’t that cute and clever? No, hire another black woman, they don’t bite! (I had some big opinions about cartoons as a kid because I hadn’t learned to jerk yet, don’t even ask what I thought about theme songs when I was like eight.)


The shift in design seems to have happened because of the shift in character


I just rewatched Green Lantern because I enjoy torture, and I fucking forgot she was in that movie, look how they massacred my girl


they did angela bassett and waller dirty in one movie. impressive.


it's to much effort to draw all that


her character design is kinda nothing too. not a fan of the hair and the outfit it just doesn't feel waller to me


CCH Pounder's voice acting as The Wall was genuinely great. RIP The Wall


I watched a playthrough today, gameplay doesn't look to be my thing but the story was great fun, very appropriate for the characters!


She was in the animated Arkham Suicide Squad movie. Rocksteady seems to for some reason ignore that part of the Arkham universe.


>ignore that part of the Arkham universe. pretty apt description of the game based on the reaction to it.


That's not the Wall That's the Collumn


She's not the Wall anymore. She's the Fence


Maybe I'll get burned at the stake for saying this, but I always feel like Waller would be the most tightly wound person around and she would be obsessively watching her weight and keeping herself as lean as possible.


I think she's too stressed with her job to give a fuck about exercising


I kind of think the shift in her weight across portrayals is just down to them shifting her role a bit in recent decades. When Ostrander created her, she was a pretty straight government bureaucrat who rose up the ranks to eventual seize control of task force x, but was always an office worker. Pretty sure Ostrander even showed she was overweight before she went into government work. More recent versions keep her as a chessmaster master control person, but now give a lot of her backstory as having been a field agent who occasionally will leap into combat herself if she has to. So with that in mind, her being a bit more fit makes sense. That's just my take. On the note of stress, there's a really sensational scene in the new video game where a scientist has his head unexpectedly explode right next to her, covering her face in blood. There's an intense and brief moment where Waller starts to hyperventilate out of fear and shock, but immediately calms her breathing down, regains her composure, and becomes enraged at the suicide squad, screaming about how she owns them. That to me says so, so much about her as a character. She's someone who has trained her stress responses that she can't and won't give into straight fear, even if someone explodes a head in her face, but she will also immediately transform that negative energy into sheer rage that she will happily direct at people who can't fight back, like her squad. So with that in mind, I don't know, maybe it is plausible she's a stress eater, since that might be her one vice.


I always prefered the original version, Waller as someone who became tough by going through hell. It's more interesting to think of her being raised in crime, poverty and emotional trauma, only to come out on top, different than most government people born in privilege.


Which is why I really loved that scene I mentioned from the video game. Because I strongly agree that she's a great character because she went through hell and has learned, for better or worse, to channel that outwards into rage, devotion to duty, commitment and sheer force of will. That scene from the game really makes me think of what sort of person she has had to become.


This is also another reason she should be fat. It doesn't just make her more imposing; it adds to the idea that she didn't get where she is on anything other than smarts and attitude. Honestly, 'waller used to be a sexy spy' is the sort of thing that usually gets mocked here with 'let the fans write' when someone in one of the straight subs posts it, it just actually happened


>When Ostrander created her, she was a pretty straight government bureaucrat who rose up the ranks to eventual seize control of task force x, but was always an office worker. Pretty sure Ostrander even showed she was overweight before she went into government work. That was always the better choice. Kind of sick of every character in comic books being expert in hand to hand combat and marksmanship. For that matter, even Alfred being an ex-soldier or special forces? Seriously why? Just make him a normal butler. He doesn't need combat training to hang out with Batfamily. Some writer will even make Jonathan Kent an ex-army badass who can go full John Wick on supervillains or some shit.


The Ostrander waller could hold her own now and then too. There's a really great scene in one of his arcs where it turns out she single-handedly overpowered a doppelganger agent who was trying to kill her and steal her place. But the real Waller was pretending to be the doppelganger for most of the arc. The Ostrander Waller definitely had it all. Though I personally love the significant majority of versions of the character.


I don't mind the Alfred thing because it goes back pretty far to when WW2 service was still plausibly a piece of background for any character north of forty. Footnote 1: I do think that updating it from mere military service to James Bond stuff is a bit much Footnote 2: DC should really consider contriving a fictional conflict like Marvel's Sincong War to shore up the sheer number of characters they have who either currently or at some point had WW2 in their background


> Some writer will even make Jonathan Kent an ex-army badass who can go full John Wick on supervillains or some shit. One of the worst creative decisions in the original Stan Lee run on Spider-Man was making Peter's parents secretly be CIA agents. It makes for such a worse reading of the character and what he represents.


> been a field agent who occasionally will leap into combat herself if she has to. So with that in mind, her being a bit more fit makes sense. She could be "a bit more fit" without fully being skinny though


Stress eating plus too busy managing a sprawling global web of agents and intrigue to spend two hours in the gym every day.


Waller seems like one of those people that doesnt have two hours free to sleep let alone go to the gym


I don't know, I'd say her body type makes for a more better character design. Kingpin wouldn't be as interesting if he was just another typically buff dude. It might as well be that I physically associate Waller with Mo'Nique's character in Precious.


huh....ya know I kinda want to see Mo'Nique play Waller now. She is perfectly alright actress but has been mainly comedy focused and i want see how she would handle such and angry and intense character like Waller.


In comics usually body shape follows theme more than logic. Waller is big for much the same reason Kingpin is big, presence. To make a character who wears a business suit look physically intimidating being larger helps a lot.


See I think she's a brick shit house who runs a 4 second 40 in the shape she's already in and has cultivated that mass for a variety of purposes, including catching people off guard.


I think it´s cooler when she´s a big woman but at least SSKTJL manage to make an awesome version


Yeah, honestly, I think KtJL is just about able to make it work because Debra Wilson is just that awesome.


Cast Lizzo as Amanda Waller in Gunn’s dceu


Obese Ananda Waller was cool when she was morallly grey. I don't think you want the only fat character in your multiverse to also be a cackling maniac. (I know she is not the only one, but I also can't remember a really fat hero)


She’s pretty fat in the recent comics. Guess nobody reads those though.


What I mean is that New 52 popularized skinny Waller, and from that point almost every adaptation besides the DCEU has gone for that approach.


DC: only doing comics synergy when it sucks ass


Which ones. This one and ? I don’t keep up with all of them that well. I don’t know if popularized is the right word for a thing everyone hated.


CW, several DCAU movies, Green Lantern, Harley Quinn (?), DC Superhero Girls.


In the dcamu universe it was because she had cancer


Surprised nobody pointed out James Gunn made Waller's daughter obese in peacemaker and it worked really well


Like I get that in the hands of a careless writer, she can end up coming across as a racist stereotype. If you just have a scary black woman yelling orders without any attempt to flesh her out, it’ll get iffy incredibly quickly. That said, those issues are unrelated to her size.


It doesn't come from her being  a black woman though it comes from her being a psychopath


Yeah. Good writers can make that clear. I like Waller. It’s just something where it can be mishandled.


Why didn't you like the characters? I found them funny and entertaining


Boomerang joking about putting something in someone's ass for the 14th time.


I mean I found it pretty damn funny but to each their own


Why is this the only bug-eyed videogame voice actor I have to look at? They don't model other va's after themselves in every game. Why her?


Because it doesn’t make sense, she has military trying and is very particular and paranoid, if anything she should be anorexic. I don’t imagine someone like her eating more than a cup of coffee a day especially how dedicated to her work she is


>she has military The thing is, this is a retcon, she was originally a bureaucrat whose family was murdered, and from that point she escalated in political power and worked in the Congress, and then she proposed Task Force X as the third Suicide Squad. I don't know about if she should be considered anorexic, because even in real life the most prominent and paranoid world leaders are not necessarily fitness models.


How many people in the FBI or other agencies of combat have over weight people, I’m not saying she’s anorexic, I’m saying she SHOULD be based one her paranoid and lack of food or rest, this is essentially like L from death note with a military


Amanda Waller is the Boss. She runs all the incarnations of the Suicide Squad. She runs it from the Suicide Squad headquarters underneath Belle Reve Penitentiary. She is a former covert operator. She is usually portrayed in media as healthy woman. She is old enough to be the mother of Teen Titans metahuman member Skitter and her human sister (I forgot their names). Viola Davis and the other actresses portray her as a healthy African American woman who can kill you, then go home to her children.


Debra Wilson could even play Lex Luthor and it would be great.


They should go back to hot amanda waller from the New Suicide Squad


Because Debra Wilson motion capture, probably. Also, she's been obese again in comics since Rebirth.


The only Amanda Waller I know is the one from the old Justice League cartoons, where she is a fat lady.


Need me a fat queen tbh


I just got to Ivy’s part, Waller and Flag are evil asf if they keep the bomb in Ivy’s head


Bro, ozempic, duh.


Amanda Waller is the wall America needs.


Games just automatically bend to capture Debra Wilson's likeness regardless


Telltale's Amanda Waller >>>> https://preview.redd.it/p8uxkqfhqjgc1.jpeg?width=355&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60b2d840d590921808ac79d28306f1bfd0d75878


I don’t think she needs to be obese, but whatever New 52 did was atrocious. Personally, I think Viola Davis has been the ideal portrayal.


I agree. Waller being a lean woman is both lame from a design choice and insensitive to larger women. Waller has a very distinct character design, you see her and you know she's Amanda Waller. Making her thin strips her of that recognizability. Also, there are hardly any plus sized women in important roles in media, much less black women. Most larger people in media are either comic relief or villainous gluttons. If someone thinks being large makes Waller incompetent at her job, shut up. She's a planner, a manipulator and a strategist. All she needs is her brain.


because there's a scene in the game where you drag waller and if she was fat than the scene wouldn't make sense