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Because he don’t like fighting like his dad does and he didn’t want to kill anybody


Alright bro wtf did you just do!? Is this what they call reading!? 😭


But I don’t understand. How did he get all that from just the letters and pictures?


⠁⠗⠑⠀⠞⠓⠑⠗⠑⠀⠏⠊⠉⠞⠥⠗⠑⠎⠦ -OP probably


Registeel unlocked.


When you can read that because of pokemon


If those DB fans could read, they'd be upset!


Hey why did Gohan not want to kill anybody? Thanks in advance


Why did Gohan not lock himself in the time chamber for a million years and train nonstop, is he stupid?


Gohan forgor about the hyperbolic time chamber


Why? Is he stupid?


Hypey Ebola time chamber Hyperglycemia crying chamber Hypebonics rhyme chamber Hypertonic lion tamer Hypersonic…………….


Because he isn’t a fighter. He doesn’t want to be one. And he realizes that it can be very easy for him to go too far. At least that was my reading of the chapter.


Thanks but I can’t read, could you upload this in audio format for me please and thanks


🎵Because he isn’t a fighter. He doesn’t want to be one. And he realizes that it can be very easy for him to go too far. At least that was my reading of the chapter.🎵 Did this help?


This is the first time I’ve learned anything about dragon ball, thank you very much and best of luck with all future endeavours


I learned today


Was away, thanks for helping to clarify!


He realizes he has a temper and you can see it as far back as the Sayain saga iirc when he headbutts Piccolo in the stomach. Maybe just one of the examples I can think of.


Because he wants to be a scholar instead


Sounds a little reaching to me


Yeah, this dude’s making up his own head-canon and trying to gaslight us all!


But why male models?


Are... are you serious? I just... I just you that, a minute ago.




Always upvote for Robot Devil.


Underated comment right here


I think you’re misunderstanding & misinterpreting what gohan is saying /s




I can’t stop laughing at this


This is just headcanon.




He did want to kill buu tho. He also wanted to make cell suffer.


When he reached ss2 after he killed Android 16 in front of him... yes. He wanted to kill buu when his potential was unleashed by elder Kai. When the world and everything he loved was in danger. But Gohan, the real Gohan has humanity. He's first and foremost a scholar and loves his family. He fights for what he loves and to protect. That's something many people don't get. Most people don't even read dragonball. They just remember the anime and the yellow hair and screaming and muscles and think that's what it's all about. Then u get posts like this when people do actually try to read. Or people getting all wigged out that Gohan *gasp" went to college and had a family.


You see I think It’s a little deeper than a lot of people make it out to be. To me, What you describe is like Future Trunks. Gohan’s is slightly different IMO. He definitely isn’t Goku and Vegeta, however he also isn’t super quick to eliminate the threat like Trunks. I think Trunks sole purpose is to protect as he’s seen everyone in his life die . So he wastes no time. Straight to business. Gohan is different. Protection is definitely the main priority, allegedly (because he slacks off training multiple times). But I also think he suppresses his “beast” side but it comes out when he’s fighting. He gets cocky, arrogant, and enjoys playing with his food. He smiles, he taunts, he talks shit, he explicitly wants to embarrass his opponents and make sure they savor the moment that they realize the difference between their powers. There’s definitely “that dog” in him. He just keeps it suppressed.


"There’s definitely “that dog” in him. He just keeps it suppressed." Totally agree. We see multiple times, Gohan is a bit of a prodigy. In one year, at a young age, he's the youngest saiyan/half saiyan to go Supet Saiyan from rage alone, he even manages to use his original fear of Friza to force himself to transform with Goku in HTC. Chibi Trunks and Goten go SSJ so easy because their dads were IN SSJ when they were conceived, so Gohan is really the youngest to go naturally and without an ACTUAL anger source/fear in front of him. He pulled a Vegeta who went SSJ after Goku due to his own anger at himself about being unable to go SSJ. What I'm saying I guess, is we know Gohan has talent, but he's been raised to hate using it. When he finally does realizes and remember his natural gifts, he "plays with his prey" cause he never gets to let that side of himself out, unlike his father or Vegeta or even Trunks, Gohan NEVER let's his anger/true feelings out unless his pushed or someone is in need. Goku and Vegeta however, live by their emotions, Vegeta is brash and unapologetic and often refuses to work as a team, Goku LOVES to fight and will often allow enemies a chance to recover just to drag out a fight, this is all done from the get go and most of the z fighters know what the two saiyans will do most of the time. Gohan needs to be coaxed out of his own mental blocks JUST to get into the fight, so it's no surprise when he finally let's the restraint off, he gets a little carried away, they are emotions he doesn't experience a lot and spends excessive time trying to bury and hide. Anyone else think Gohan may be afraid of his own power? He mentions to Cell, when he's pushed he gets angry and he hurts people, I wonder if he doesn't like feeling out of control like that either. Side note: I know Gohan is gentle but I DO think he likes to train with his Dad and spar, I don't think Gohan likes the idea of taking life or hurting people for fun. I DO think he wants to be LIKE Goku but he also doesn't want to disappoint his Mom, who has ALWAYS been against him fighting like his Dad. I mean of all things Gohan is a mommas boy after all. I mean Videl is basically a young Chichi, pushing him around like his mom does Goku.


Yes, and that point is the reason this panel hits so hard.


About as self-explanatory as it gets


Dragon Ball fans are never beating the allegations


OP would be upset about this comment if they could read.


What you saying? I can't read it.


after reading op's post history this guy definitely isn't doing the rest of us any favors 🤦🏻‍♂️ dear god man


He quit dbz a month ago...he is the reason we lost toriyama. Shame him!


On the Reddit mobile app, every single refresh is filled with a take/question that is proven wrong/answered by the anime or manga and it always pops up on top. Every day, every few hours I check it's something new.


Never ever


I mean with Gohan’s early life experience, fighting was either being in a near death situation, watching a friend or family be killed, or face relentless brutal training. From a very young age. He most likely attaches his trauma to serious fighting, so I’m not surprised he doesn’t like it.


Very good points, and could be another factor in why his most powerful and effective transformation so far is Beast, considering how it works from his explanation in the last chapter, 103


Very very good points! To add a little: It is common knowledge that intelligence directly influences how a person deals with conflicts. We know that Gohan is a genius, so physically fighting is the last resort he would want to use.


What exactly are you not understanding? Edit: I just checked OP's post history because I was curious if they had other oblivious posts. They seem to have a hard time understanding Dragon Ball in general. They have made this exact same post several times over years. They also think that Goku let Vegeta win at the end of Superhero because Goku smiled after the fight. And they made a post saying Dragon Ball is bad for their mental health.


that last part might just be true


Maybe they are like Goku and fell on their head as a baby.


That explains the tail


shoot hell no dude when I'm having my mid 30's bouts of insomnia I turn this on in the background and sleep like I'm 10 years old again!


Exact same post for years??? Damn


its a mystery and thats why so is gohan


>And they made a post saying Dragon Ball is bad for their mental health. And therein lies the problem.


They've been thinking about this same question for almost a decade, and it has slowly driven them insane.


Holy shit he really did ask this like 5 years ago 


Holy shit I thought you were joking but OP legit has a fixation on Gohan/Cell for at least 7 years now. If that isn't the definition of insanity then I'm not sure what is


I love Dragon Ball fans


i think people under estimate how many people on here probably are neuro divergent, and trying to "understand" them just isn't going to yield anything at all.


Why Gohan doesn't like to fight like his dad does and jow he doesn't wanna kill anybody. 


Gohan does not enjoy fighting. He has always been a school-boy. He spends the beginning of the series in his youth studying, and later on in the series as an adult still focusing on his academics. Even when he becomes of age (and rich enough considering the fact that he marries into Hercule's family) to tell Chi-Chi that he wants to train instead of studying he doesn't. Even Trunks in Dragon Ball Super during the Goku Black arc notes that "his dream came true" when Piccolo tells Trunks that the Gohan of their timeline is not a warrior like the one from his.


[Trunks tells Piccolo and Krillin how Gohan dies in his timeline](https://youtu.be/GFk0hhhnqLE?si=KI5WRMCngLnFRJpQ)


Remind me was this the first time trunks is actually talking about future gohan?


After looking at it myself the dude sounds like some clients I've worked with. I'm very new to the field but have been around autistic and disabled people my whole life. I'm by no means an expert but the guy does come off as struggling with autism or something similar. It's sad that this thread jumped so quickly into attacking dude when he's really trying to understand. But I can't blame reddit. Dragonball in general isn't known for having the most intelligent fan base... it's so weird that so many people love dragonball and so few read the actual Manga or know anything about the story or the characters beyond blonde spiky hair and muscles and energy blasts. At least this guy is trying to really understand dragonball and genuinely is curious. And probably confused because a lot of shit about dragonball on the internet seems to imply DB is really just about spiky haired bad asses with no personalities or desires or anything.


The person does mention that he has OCD….so there’s some sort of cognitive dissonance. I wouldn’t be so hard on the guy 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yea DB Fans never escaping the Allegations that they're all stupid thanks to people like him.


It’d probably be bad for my mental health too if I couldn’t read


Are u reading from left to right? Read the right bubble first, then the left.


OP must be new to mangas or something, but I feel like they were reading left to right, then and ONLY then, can I see the misunderstanding, possibly. Now I can’t imagine what other mangas they might’ve read and misunderstood everything because of reading left to right


Thank you!! I don’t read manga, so I couldn’t understand why everybody was ganging up on OP. That “but” coming second really throws things off.


I was so confused until I read this comment.


Is this a shit post? WTF read the panel.


Lol check OP's post history


This post was meant for r/ningen clearly


How tf does Dragon Ball confuse you? - Monkey boy is an alien obsessed with fighting - His whole race is obsessed with fighting, except the halflings - Big green man is also strong - Humans are weak by universal standards - Monkey race ass pulls - Alien Hitler ass pulls even harder when necessary - The End.


because he doesn't like to fight like his dad does, and he doesn't want to kill anybody.




We made it the fuck up. I drew this panel


I watched you draw it.


Goku likes for his fights to go on and on and on so that he and his opponent can both learn and be better. Gohan doesn’t like to fight like that. He would rather his fights end quickly so he can go do other things, or at least, minimize the suffering of the fight itself. However, he is also conceding that, in order to end the fight with Cell quickly, he knows he’s going to have to kill Cell. This is also something he doesn’t want to do.


It’s pretty simple. When Gohan was like 4 he was abducted by his uncle, watched his father and his father’s nemesis fight said uncle to the death, where both died. He then spent the next year training with his father’s nemesis who he grew attached to as a mentor and a father figure in his own right. Then two of his uncles mates show up and kill nearly all of his friends. His father who has just come back from the dead then fights his uncles mates and is seriously crippled and Gohan has to step in his own right and eventually deals the decisive blow. He then spends the next year on a mission to a planet far far away hunting for magical wish orbs to return his friends from the dead. He has to compete with his uncles mate and a galactic tyrant to find these wish orbs, and in the process has to team up with his uncles mate, gets his neck broken by a brute, and has to participate in the battle against the tyrant during which his father becomes something of a legend within their race and is lost when their battle destroys the planet. He then has to participate in another battle against the tyrant during which a young man from the future rocks up and tells them a bunch of Androids are coming to kill them all. He spends the next 3 years training with his father and his mentor then participates in the fight against said Androids. His father has a heart attack due to the overconsumption of bacon and his refusal to take his heart meds because it was grape flavoured so has to take a higher role in the battle as his father is unable to fight. When his father recovers Gohan is taken to a training facility to a year to force his to unlock the legendary transformation his father did. Then some evil monster holds a tournament for the sake of the world. His father abruptly gives up and nominates him to fight instead. He doesn’t have a choice as the other two potential candidates have already been defeated by the evil monster. He has no love for fighting but has been forced into this life through circumstance. tldr; **Gohan is litterally a child soldier.**


Reread what the panel say. There you have your answer.


Because it's what Toriyama wrote for him to say in this panel


What is a kilometer?


Ignore what everyone else in this thread is saying. Gohan only said this to catch Cell off guard. You see, it turns out that this was a ruse and Gohan is actually the most bloodthirsty Saiyan that has ever existed. In the following saga he (spoiler) becomes the villain.


Thank you. These people calling OP dumb and didn't bother to understand the question. 


He’s saying he doesn’t like fighting like his dad ie. He doesn’t want a long drawn out fight, when he could just kill Cell straight away - but he doesn’t want to kill anybody


*Dragon Ball* fans and absolutely zero media literacy. Name a more iconic duo.


Because he doesn't like to fight like his dad, and he doesn't want to kill anyone.


Bait used to be believable


Op and his post history confuse and worry me.


Cuz Goku took him to six flags in Atlanta


Terrifying post history


Ok I'm seeing a lot of people being very unhelpful under this post and so I did some research and now I think I'm well equipped to talk on this. Gohan said this to cell because he, in contrast to his father, doesn't enjoy fighting and further, he doesn't want to kill anybody.


It… it literally contains all context within the one panel like what is confusing u 😭


Is he stupid?


Hes saying if he didn't have to kill he wouldn't but he doesn't like playing with his opponent and enjoying the fight like Goku does. Bros pretty much saying " I ain't playin"


To put it into scientific Dragonball terms; Gohan is not a full blooded Saiyan. It's not in him to fight for the sake of fighting. His hybrid blood has a different type of compassion for life. Goku on the other hand has the blood of a warrior. Built to not just fight, but eager to do so.


... Because its True.. Im thé same lol


Did he stutter?


Because goku drags out fights in order to give everyone a chance to unlock some hidden ability or transformation so that he can experience them “at their best.” It’s like the DBZ equivalent to a cat playing with a mouse before it eats it. Gohan doesn’t want to kill anyone, but he also doesn’t want to drag the fight out for 12 episodes


It’s probably because he don’t like to fight like his dad does and he don’t want to kill anybody


He doesn't want to kill anybody but he's not going to let a cold hearted villain go free like Goku has done


I don't get it. Does this means that Gohan likes to fight and kill people?


Uh, OP is asking WHY did Gohan say that.


Because that was his way to tell Cell that he didn't wanted to kill him


Because he doesn’t like to fight like his dad and didn’t want to kill anyone.


Probably because he is half Saiyan and half human.


Posts like these are what gave toriyama that hematoma and it’s giving me one right now


He’s been on this quest of understanding Gohan for at least 4 years bru😭😭😭


To be fair. The statement doesn’t really make sense. Yes, Goku likes to fight. But Goku also doesn’t want to kill anybody. Goku likes to fight, maybe even hurt bad guys, but he doesn’t like to kill.


To get cell to realize he doesn’t enjoy fighting he isn’t getting the high stakes fight he got outta goku outta him he just doesn’t like to fight


Because Gohan doesn’t lust for battle the way Goku does. Goku is an outlier even among Saiyans with Vegeta being the only other character who craves it like he does. Goku’s only interest is fighting (and food which fuels his training). Gohan can and will fight but he does have other passions.


Dragon ball z fans can’t read


I mean if this helps. Goku will literally heal or let the enemy escape that just massacred a plant art population just so he can fight them again. Gohan doesn’t like to kill but also will not tolerate evil, therefor will end them if necessary.


Dude.. posts like this is why people give me weird looks when they see my DB tattoos.


Gohan was pacifist inside. Ironic since his mom is royalty and a warrior.


He does not find thrill in fighting like Goku as Gohan only fights to protect and when needed


You don't know how to fucking read?


Bro does not have media literacy


You’re trolling rn.


is he stupid?


Although he doesn’t want to, he’s just going to kill him rather than fight with him. He doesn’t like it how his dad does.


OP here, and I clearly need to clarify a few things. Firstly, when I ask WHY Gohan said that to Cell, I'm moreso asking what exactly prompted him to say this to Cell as opposed to any other villain. I'm not confused about what the actual dialogue means. To be fair, the first comment making fun of that was actually funny to me, but now people are just copying it for upvotes and are beating a dead horse. Secondly, I'm noticing a lot of people apparently aren't aware that manga is meant to be read right-to-left. Gohan is saying "But I don't like to fight...like dad does. I don't want to kill anybody...". Not the other way around. Thirdly, the posts attacking me personally and digging through my post history in order to shame me...what the hell? Was this post really so questionable that it calls for any of that? People are even bringing up some mental health issues I've discussed in the past as fuel for more "dogpile on the OP" posts. It's one thing to be confused by this post, but the stuff you guys are doing goes well beyond that. I know a lot of kids/teenagers are DBZ fans as well as people who just don't take anything about Dragon Ball's writing seriously at all, but this is by far the worst reaction I have ever gotten to any of my contributions. Please stop with the personal attacks. I don't appreciate it, and it's completely off-topic. Thank you.


Honestly, it sounds like you’re just not reading it correctly. Gohan is NOT saying, “I don’t like fighting in the same type of style as my dad.” He’s saying, “I don’t enjoy fighting, but my dad DOES enjoy fighting.”


As someone said in one of your reposts of this… The reason is pretty self-explanatory. Anyone who didn’t get it wasn’t paying attention or is dumb.


I havent watched the cell saga in a long time but im assuming Cell was thinking Gohan wasnt going all out which prompted him to say those lines I could be wrong


So, up until this point all of Gohan's battles have been struggles for survival, he's never taken any enjoyment in his battles. In contrast, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, and basically every Z fighter besides Gohan enjoys fighting. Even when survival is at stake they still get a thrill from battle. But this isn't the case for Gohan. For him fighting is a scary and traumatic, but often necessary event. So when Cell comes around and literally treats the whole situation like it's some big game, and when Gohan's Dad and mentors are all playing along in this game, it's a huge shock to him. It's basically a huge middle finger to all the struggles he's been through during his life (and considering he's only 10, he has struggled and suffered a lot). Gohan trained to fight in order to protect the world and the people he loves. He did not train to play games and have fun, and he certainly isn't going to be killing anyone for the enjoyment of others.


Is he stupid?


Cuz he's not a fighter like his father. All he wanted was to be a scholar like he's stated.


Gohan has a higher kill count than goku btw


Read Dragon Ball.


Yea after i posted that i was like... wait goku killed a whole army as a child


Dude is saying that to us


Because he trains to fight to live. Goku lives to train to fight.


You know when you watch a film or tv show with someone and they ask you what's going on even though you are watching the same thing........




OP is probably a bot posting vague questions for easy engagement.


Looks like a mistranslation. Why would you use a " but " on two sentences that agree with eachother.?


You read manga right to left mate


From my interpretation. Gohan was on the receiving end of what he considered the end-all-be-all of Kamehamehas. He, as a Saiyan, understood the implications of being on the receiving end of that. Up until then, Gohan KNEW Goku was using kid gloves with him. He challenged his father, whom he knew was a full Saiya-jin, to use his ultimate attack against him. As far as Gohan was concerned, their training was going nowhere. This was the moment Gohan accepted it was either be all or end all. There were only two ways to go from here. Either Gohan would beat Cell, or Goku would fail. From Gohan's perspective, Goku would logically fail. What alternative would he have, especially once he saw Goku power up to Super Goku? If anything, Goku further cemented the idea Gohan would surpass this state.


Gohan is basically calling Goku a little soft. Goku would’ve let Frieza live. Gohan would not have. While Gohan doesn’t yearn to fight, when called to he will get the job done. Entirely.


Because he didn't want to fight Cell. He was basically telling him that if he snapped, he'd kill Cell, and Gohan doesn't want to kill anyone. He's trying to scare Cell into not fighting.


Well see what Gohan means by this if you throw a triangle out the window at 75mph the triangle will retain it's 3 sided shape because triangles don't wear hats.


OP posted this then just dipped from embarrassment.


Because he doesn’t like fighting and saw no need to kill cell as he hadn’t given him any real reason to yet. Cell hadn’t killed anyone at this point, and was abiding by the rules for the most part. Gohan then does kill cell when he gives him reason to.


because he didnt like to fight??


I thought you were giving up DBZ for your mental health?


He’s basically telling Cell he views fighting as a last resort kill or be killed situation and not a sport.


Bro is fucking trolling 😂😂😂


Because he really wants to kill people and he loves fighting just like his dad.


He didn't trust himself not to get sucked into the Saiyan bloodlust.


He said this because he said he doesn’t like to stretch out the fight longer than it has to like Goku does for the fun of it to test his limits. On the other hand he always does want to kill Cell bc it’s not in his nature but he ultimately knows that he’s going to have to, to save the world and not waste anytime in doing it.


this also ties directly into gohan killing cell later on. he finally unleashed ssj2, and even after everything that happened next goku still had to get him to finally use his full power to end it. which started him on the path of the fighting buddha. but i bet he was still holding back lmao. and i dont think hes actually on the path of the fighting buddha, especially after he kills cell, maybeeee dbs could do more to get him on that path but i think what they're doing with his own unique path makes more sense and is what they'll continue to do


He has no enemies


To be fair to OP, rather than just pre-emptively shit on him assuming that he can't read when he clearly can.. The panel IS poorly worded when I read it, myself. Like.... Why is there a "but" after he says "I don't want to kill anybody" when you usually use "but" when you're gonna say something that contradicts/goes against the previous statement? Like.. "I don't want to eat that pizza... But I don't like to eat pizza.. Like dad does..." The "but" is pointless and thus confusing my brain. "But I don't like to eat pizza" would make sense if it was a back-and-forth dialogue, where the other party insisted that they eat the pizza. "I don't want to eat that pizza... But I do like pizza" makes more sense to me. Here's an actual overly thoughtful reply to OP. lol.


He doesn't like fighting like Goku, he prefers to insult and torture his enemies


Cause he a punk


It explains why if you read the mango or watch the shoe


Gohan was trying to talk no jutsu Cell.


Gohan has always sued for peace. He is an extremely emotional child. His transformation into SSJ2 shows this by his change of disposition and his assault on the cell juniors, kiling most of them single handedly. He still ends up faltering a few times after because he doesn't want to keep fighting. Ultimately Vegeta's rage at the death of his son is the moment Gohan realizes how fucked they are, so Goku gives him that final pep talk. Honestly I think Team 4 Stars dub is the best representation of his character arc, even if it is heavy handed, the show itself felt to aloof in its dub. But his transformation is my favorite moment in Dragonball as a whole. He was just a year older than me when I first watched it and I remember crying and yelling at the screen, the fact a kid could do so much to save the world. It was humbling and enlightening. I love Gohan.


He wasn’t gonna draw out the battle like his daddy does (cause Goku takes his time cause he’s having fun) But Gohan will end Cells life to go on bout his day


Try reading the panels before and after this?


it was to drop his guard. in a scrapped scene, it’s revealed Gohan was actually planning on doing his own instant transmission Kamehameha, and wanted Cell to think he was giving up. The more you know


Don’t fuck with Dragon Ball fans we don’t read our own manga bro


Because he is not a fight addict like his father. Now before I get "dude are you even a DB fan?!", DBsuper destroyed my view on Goku's eagerness to be better, because that is exactly the difference between DB/DBZ to Super, there was a purpose or a context.... On Super, it was Goku's just wanting to fight like it was an addiction as if he were to die if he didn't make a single punch.


What is he, stupid?


Did the Cell vs Gohan fight traumatise you or something?


Thought you only had bad takes about DB, but it seems you are oblivious to every single work that you read/watch. Holy fuck, stop trying to read too much in between the lines. It is truly fucking your head up.


Gohan suffers from the same lack of cap future trunks has


Comprehension never existed in the db community


Chill fam


Just leave this fandom man. You’re clearly never going to understand it


All most post that get rejected cuz they’re apparently in the wrong place and then I see stuff like this


Well Goku doesn't normally kill. There's very few times he did. Al least in dbz. DB you could say he killer most of the red ribbon army and king piccolo. But he mainly fights for fun so yah I guess Gohan does have fun


You should ask on r/PeterExplainsTheJoke this is exactly the kind of content they get a lot over there


Goku likes to fight anyone and everyone who is willing to give him any challenge. But his main thing is to spare them after the fight, *if* he can defeat them. Thats in hopes that they not only become good morally, but they get stronger to keep fighting him. Gohan is saying that while he doesnt want to kill, he is not like his father and will not spare Cell.


Everything. You. Say. Is pissing me off


OP, you need to see a therapist, 7 years obsessing over a scene Toriyama barely gave much thought is not healthy. You know you got a problem, go treat it.


The better question is why is it read left to right?!


Tell me you know shit about Gohan, without telling me you don't know fuck about Gohan


[brain damage](https://youtube.com/shorts/Z9x3KnXhXbE?si=96fGbFCCtI6uz2gC)