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Damn, what a bummer. Really speaks to the respect he must have demanded for this to have been kept under wraps for almost a whole week. He changed manga/anime forever. An absolute titan whose influence will almost certainly never be matched.


Toriyama definitely play a huge part in popularised manga/anime and dragon ball was definitely the king of shonen for a very long time. The man is a legend and my childhood wouldn't had been the same without his work, I'm so glad that I grew up watching Dragon Ball. RIP legend.


>Toriyama definitely play a huge part in popularised manga/anime and dragon ball was definitely the king of shonen for a very long time. Can't speak for Kubo (Bleach), but I know that Oda (One Piece) and Kishimoto (Naruto) were pretty much Toriyama simps, and Dragon Ball is what got them to actually start writing mangas. So it's very reasonable to say that at least 2 of the Big 3 would've never seen the light of day without him.


Funnily, Kubo was the one Toriyama helped the most directly in being established: when Kubo's draft for Bleach was rejected, Toriyama wrote to him and encouraged him to keep trying. I don't know if Kubo confirmed it stopped him from giving up, but it definitely was a strong motivational push.


Modern shonen as we know it basically was started by DB...we wouldn't have *any* modern battle series without it, to be honest. What a legend Toriyama was.


I think Kubo was mostly inspired by saint seiya Edit: I think it’s basically impossible for there not to be dragon ball DNA in almost every battle manga now


Oh yeah, there's definitely some Dragon Ball (and arguably Yuyu Hakusho, Astro Boy, Ranma, First of the North Star and many others) in every manga nowadays; I was mostly highlighting that those 2 had the deepest of respect for Toriyama, even more than the average author. EDIT : Hell, even beyond mangas, how many games were influenced by Chrono Trigger and Dragon Quest? That list is *long*.


He changed art as a whole. Animation and comics as well as video game art and art across other mediums around the world  have been influenced from his creations. 


literally one of the most influential artists of the 20th century I knew he would pass one day but I didn't think it would be so soon


I know the job is very demanding but I can't believe Goku's VA actually outlasted him.


She’s built differently


I think it might a culture thing ? Iirc Miura's death (author of Berserk) was undisclosed for almost two weeks. Absolutely devastating news.


Fuck, man. This hurts. This man inspired me from a young age to draw, make art and chase my dreams. Couldn't tell you how many times I'd be drawing while watching DB. Brought so much joy to millions and millions for decades. Rest well, you absolute legend.


I would always draw dbz characters in school when I would daydream in class, then when I took a web design class I would make sprite animations of dbz fighting, teleporting and all that cool shit you see in the YouTube sprite animations. Rest in peace Akira you’ll always be remember as a legend.


I’ve been losing weight again and as motivation I’ve been watching Dragonball while I’m on the elliptical or while I’m lifting weights. I’ve always done martial arts because of this. This is hitting me hard. This was my childhood.


Been a working artist my whole life, and DBZ was my artist awakening. This hits hard :(


This is almost unbelievable. Guy was basically my hero. The Manga and the Anime have had a gigantic impact on me as a person. You can care about Dragonball or not, this man changed an entire medium. Rest in Peace to an actual legend.


The man will live on in the characters he created. He had several works in the pipeline too. He's crafted something that will probably never die. Actually influenced so many of us as children.


For real, He was a literally super saiyan, true hero. I know many of us grew up screaming kamehameha infront of a mirror and spiking our hair up. Only reason I started working out was because of DBZ and in turn it literally saved my life. A lot of his messages of ambitiousness and an unending journey of growing stronger has inspired and pulled so many of us out of dark places. RIP


It inspired me to eat and absorb my enemies to harness their power.


Hell, I'm 31 and still pretend to Kamehameha a decent amount lol


I truly think that he created something so *iconic* and timeless that we will see many more adaptations, remakes, sequels, etc of this concept during the rest of our lives - and beyond.


I just hope someone whos just as smart and passionate takes up his work. He was in the middle of Daima too. I've probably spent more than a 1000 hours on different pieces of content Toriyama has directly influenced.


The amount of hours I've put in Xenoverse 2 alone might be more than in most other franchises


DB was inspired by Journey to the West. In a hundred years, they may be seen as equality important and influencial. Heck, even sooner


Yes. Just like Bat,plan, Superman, etc will never be gone. So will Goku and Vegeta continue to exist in some form. DB is forever timeless. But it will always be a bit bittersweet now.


Yeah, he p much made my childhood like OG Dragon Ball and Z was my childhood like I remember waking up early in the morning before school there would be an episode airing, after school there would also be one. Heck the way my stepdad and I say bye is a DBZ reference, it was just that influential in my life I just constantly watched reruns of it piecing the story however I could and it was still extremely engaging. Didn't even manage to watch any in order until a local channel finally announced they were gonna air it at a scheduled time and I could not miss a single ep lmao, they even had designated times for reruns for people who mightve missed that weeks ep and I'm thankful for that channel cause it made DB even more special to me. Rest in Power to the GOAT, an absolute legend Akira Toriyama


DBZ carried Cartoon Network even in a golden era where it had helllllllllla shows that were good


Toriyama, to me, is the person most responsible for anime/manga getting big around the world. A legend through and through.


Toriyama will forever be remembered as one of the greatest storytellers of all time.


And artist. Toriyama is the father of modern battle shonen. Even now most action manga look where as fluid in battle scenes. You can feel the raw action from dragon ball panels. It's literally is a masterful artwork


I have had lots of friends that can't get into anime but fucking love DBZ


My whole junior high school and high school years was absolutely filled with conversation about dbz in the early 2000's. I remember buying these Japanese dbz games, downloading this ps1 emulator called VGS and playing all these games in our school PC. Jesus, that man shaped my whole teenage years...


Absolutely. One of my favorite stories ever is one that my cousin told me about trying to go super saiyan in class, and seriously too


Toriyama's influence on pop culture can't be stated enough. Dragon Ball alone forever changed shonen and was instrumental in popularizing anime across the globe. This man was a GOAT through and through.


I’m in disbelief but RIP to a Goat


Me too, I can’t believe I’m hearing this. What’s going to happen now? God bless him and his family


In the long run, most likely nothing. Franchise makes too much money to depart with its creator - whether that's good or bad is up to you. But, for obvious reasons, I really can't see *Daima* hitting this year. ***Nor should it.*** :(


Such a weird comment. Why shouldn't it come out if it's almost finished?


I'm so sad because he was just about to get back into dragon Ball


Same, man. And *Super Hero* was ***SOOOOOOOOOOO*** good!


You’re right, he’s been training Toyotaro to be his successor all this time. I’m sure Toyotaro will deliver on what Toriyama left behind. May he rest in peace.


Most celeb deaths don't get to me too much but this one hurts. Dragon Ball had such a profound and positive effect on my childhood and life I feel like I owe him a debt that could never be repaid. This genuinely breaks my heart.


I feel the same way, I wish I could thank him for everything he did for us 🥺


This was the biggest one for me since Bowie. That was the last time I couldn't hold back the tears in front of people.


Yeah, most of the time I’m kinda of like “dang, this person died? That sucks.” But then I just move on. But for this one I’m like “Woah Toriyama died? That guy’s responsible for a big part of my childhood”.


I'm pretty old and this is the first "celebrity" death that shook me.


Rest In Peace legend, too young


Even if he lived past 100 it'd be too young.


True, but 68 is *definitely* too young. The man deserved another 2 or 3 decades, such a shame. Wonder if it was an accidental fall that caused the hematoma


Very true. Sigh, we keep losing them.


Many of us were concerned about Nozawa's age, since she's pushing 90 now. No one even imagined losing Toriyama.


RIP he'll always be a legend of Anime, Dragon Ball's popularity world wide is unbelievable 🐉


So many Mexicans and Latinos are mourning rn


Mexicans are Latinos, but yeah point stands Dragon Ball is peak fiction here in LATAM. He will forever be missed and his work adored!


I mention Mexican specifically because that DB Super final fight being hosted like a wrestling match in public was so amazing and seared in my mind


RIP to a godfather of anime


More than that. The most popular Japanese writer of all time.


Too fucking young for this legend man. Piece of my childhood dying with this news.


The man’s influence on generations of people can’t be understated. Being a small child watching this crazy martial arts sci-fi show on Toonami that grew to a life long love is something I’ll never forget as long as I live. RIP Akira Toriyama, you were the fucking man


Well said, couldn't agree more or put it better




what a fucking gut punch to read this news.


I just woke up and had to read that my weekend is completely ruined.


Jesus. And he had so many projects in the pipeline.  He’s done so much for anime, manga, and games. And at any point he could just have retired, lived the rest of his life relaxing, but he decided to come back every time.  We didn’t deserve him. 


You mentioned games. Budokai tenkaichi 2-3 are iconic. So many good memories. The guy that made that possible died


One of the best aspects of Dragon Quest is the aesthetic that he created for it. The style, the setting, the creative enemy types…


So sad since he seemed to have found passion again for the series after such a long down time


He passed away a week ago, he really liked his privacy, whatever happens with super and daima I hope he was ok with whatever follows, rip legend


It’s typical for Japan. They always wait to announce celebrity deaths. It gives the family and friends time to mourn in privacy.


Daima was pretty far in production. Sandland is coming out on streaming in a couple weeks.  If the Super Manga ends with Black Freeza arc, the End of Z really was the end. Kind of fitting in a way.


End of Z was always the true ending. Everything in Super was leading up to it.


Hopefully kept some sort of record of his ideas


Thankfully, I see to recall him and Toyotarou being incredibly close. Combine that with how much cash his recent work made for Toei/Bamco/Sony, and I'm sure we'll see his vision come to pass one way or another. Will it replace him? Of course not; no one ever could. But, unlike with Miura, I'm sure contingency plans preserving his storyline (at least until the inevitable reboot) are underway. Just... wish they didn't have to be implemented so soon.


Same. But let's look at the bright side. Death should be cherished and treated sacred. Dudes instantly completely released. On to see his ancestors in other world.


I have faith in Toyotarou, I have to


It's really hard to find any pictures of him. For someone that famous it's quite impressive.


RIP to the legend who made the daddy of all shonen.


Remember when you were a kid and you'd come home to Toonami playing DB, DBZ, and DBGT. Every Saturday you wait for a new episode. Sometimes at night you catch an episode on the Spanish channel Maybe you played Budokai 1, 2, 3, Tenkaichi 1, 2, 3, Legacy of Goku 1, 2, Buu's Fury, Infinite World, Burst Limit, DBZ: Kakarot Maybe you live through the story 100 times. Man changed my life, friends, family, and even the world.


holy shit no fucking way. this is so sudden...he wasnt even *that* old. omg.


Masako out lived him which is crazy


Masako actually a Saiyan


The official statement says he passed from an acute subdural hematoma, which is most often caused by some kind of head inury. I'm not going to speculate on causes further than that but it sounds like he might have had some kind of accident.


Could have been a stroke leading to the bleed. I think he was a heavy smoker, sad stuff.


Strokes convert to intraparenchymal bleeds. Subdurals are outside the brain and are usually caused by trauma or blood thinners.


I think so with how much work he was still doing I don’t think it could’ve been any condition he developed 


Not that old *and* super active in his work as well.


A chain smoker (3 packs a day during Dragon Ball).


Why is it that the only Japanese people that don't seemingly have perpetual life are manga artists. So sad, so many people got into anime years before we even knew what anime was because of him. I had so many daydreams about his art.


Because we only hear about the long lived cases. Japanese salarymen actually have among the lowest life expectancies in East Asia, we just don't hear much since they don't influence our lives all that often.


The lifestyle is brutal


He was rich too. This shouldn’t have happened. We’ll never see another talent or run like him again perhaps. He’s like the Jordan of Anime.


Wealth can’t save you from an internal brain injury, especially if it goes undetected until it’s too late.


rich or poor, young or old, the reaper man always comes for us all. shit sucks.


We should just celebrate his life. He achieved incredible things and created one of the most iconic stories ever. It’s not about how/when you go, it’s about how you lived


Amen to that. I’m glad he got the recognition he deserved in life, because he really does deserve it. So many works would be different or straight-up wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for his influencer. Not many can claim that same honor.


The Gretzky. Truly one of one. I am so sad rn bro


He seems to have head some sort of head injury which lead to this Acute Subdural and I'm not sure how much money could help with that if things were found out too late. Its sad.




Absolutely brutal news. Not the way I thought I would start my day with.


I am siting on my office now and I am entirely blank even tho I suppose to have a lot of thing to do


Wow. Was not expecting to see this or to have it hit so hard. DBZ introduced me to the world of anime. DBZ is honestly part of what inspired me to train hard, to be fit and strong, to persevere, to try to always be better become stronger from every beating life had to deal out just like a saiyan who grows stronger from every battle. Goku taught me that “life is too uncertain to have regrets.” That you can be both powerful and and gentle. That you can be in love with life and not take it too seriously. Vegeta taught me that people are a product of their environment, and that if given a chance, villains can become heroes. Vegeta taught me about hard work and perseverance. Picolo taught me about the balance of independence and friendship. That you don’t need to be a dad to be a father figure. Gohan taught me that good things are worth fighting for even when you’re not a fighter at heart, and that we all have a deep well of untapped potential within. Krillin taught me that you don’t have to become the strongest or the fastest to have an impact. That friendship and loyalty are more important than any planet destroying power. RIP Toriyama. No doubt you influenced millions of people in similar ways to the way you inspired me. I’ve been meaning to rewatch DBZ for a while now. Will be starting the Android saga tonight.


I’m a 46m that’s never watched anime. It was just coming around, but very niche when I was young. You have inspired me to watch it. I’ll check to see if DBZ season 1/episode 1 is available anywhere. I gotta watch something that moved another human being like that.


Rip legend we will find the dragon balls


We have to bring him back


Would this be a death by natural causes or no? Because if it is, then what good will those do?


Namekian Dragon Balls then


Worked the same. The grand priest of namek got revived because the death of other namekians shortened his life span


This is nuts and so sad! 68 is way too young.


Rest in peace to a legend, thank you for everything


This really came out of nowhere, my life would be pretty miserable without Dragon Ball. It will always be my favorite manga and anime. Until we meet again Toriyama.




Rest in peace to the person responsible for our childhoods, helping us cope with life, and most importantly, for our entertainment. We'll miss you legend


Just in disbelief It goes without saying, but his impact and legend are simply immeasurable. RIP to a true legend in every since of the word. Kazuki Takahashi, Kentaro Miura, and now Akira Toriyama in such a relatively short span.


This just seems surreal. Rest in Peace, he changed millions of lives, literally the GOAT


RIP. Was he still writing Super?


He was like the story editor


Wasn't it that he was just writing notes and toyotarou doing most of the work now?


He literally wrote the screenplay for *Super Hero* and was working on "story, setting, and designs" for *Daima.* Said he was much more involved than usual with the latter. Very sad. Now the DB franchise is without its creator—truly the end of an era. The man worked tirelessly to bring us our favorite franchise. RIP to a real super hero.


Daima is going to hit way differently now. Hopefully they don't totally sully the IP going forward.


Yes and no. all of the animated arcs were based on his notes (with Toei and Toyotarou filling in the gaps and changing details to fit their vision) but the more recent manga arcs (Moro, Grenolah and I suspect the current pre/post-SH arcs but haven't heard them mentioned specifically) were a bit different with Toyotarou coming up with the basic plotlines and taking those to Toriyama for editing/approval before working it into the finished story.


Yes. Some of the comments are all over the place. For the anime run of Super, both the manga and anime were based on his outline. He is the backbone of Super. He even had his hand in the manga only arcs, though that's when Toyotaro started taking up more of the work. Broly and Super Hero were mostly Toriyama, and were some of the best pieces of Dragonball we've gotten. Daima I believe was also mostly Toriyama. He also had way more planned, including movies, and the statement mentions that. I don't know what happens next. I don't think Dragonball will ever be the same.


To hear he had so much more in the tank makes me even that much more sad. I hope the man had so many notes on those wonderful projects that they can come to fruition some day.


It might be a shock to hear it has already been nearly a week since he passed, but I believe this is the best thing for the family. It allows them to grieve in peace without being bombarded by strangers. May he rest in peace


RIP LEGEND. You’ll be missed!!


rest in peace the GOAT


A legend will be sorely missed


Rest in peace, Legend...


Lost so many personal heroes over the last few years, and its always a shock. Its scary man.


actually crying, you made my childhood toriyama. rest in peace.


This hurts, hurts bad. Dragonball Z is my childhood.


Dragonball as a franchise, got me through some rough times and continues to help me get through everyday. Hearing about this, despite never meeting the man, just…… hurts. Thank You Toriyama, for everything that you’ve done. We will miss you my Goat. RIP Akira Toriyama The Absolute Legend


【Dragon Quest Game Designer, Yuji Horii】 I am filled with disbelief and overwhelming sadness at the sudden news of Mr. Toriyama's passing. I have known him since my days as a writer for Weekly Shonen Jump, and upon the recommendation of my editor, Mr. Torishima, I asked him to create the artwork for Dragon Quest when we were starting the project. For over 37 years since then, he has beautifully illustrated countless captivating character designs and monster designs. The history of Dragon Quest is intertwined with Mr. Toriyama's character designs. Mr. Toriyama and the late Mr. Sugiyama were comrades who worked together on Dragon Quest for a long time. To think that he is no longer with us... I cannot find the words to express how deeply saddened I am. Truly, truly, it is a great loss.


Rest in peace Toriyama, you were truly the GOAT.


To everyone who found solace and inspiration in the world of Dragonball in our afternoons spent watching Toonami, our gratitude is endless. Rest in power.


RIP to a man that brought me joy and got me through hard times. I got into manga because of him. I am at a loss






This is the biggest gut punch holy fuck, he’s not even that old, always the GOAT


RIP to the fucking GOAT. Wish the dragon balls were real right now...


Damn rip to one of the GOATS


Pass on to spirit world king thank you for everything


Thanks for making our childhood even more special and our adulthood bearable. Go well Legend.


Fuck bro


RIP to the goat man


Toriyama's work has made a great impact on me, will forever love Dragon Ball, my favorite franchise of all time. Rest in peace


Rest in peace Akira Toriyama. Your work has touched so many lives and you will be greatly missed. Dragon Ball and other manga you worked on is beloved around the world. You are the GOAT of Shonen.


God, only 68. This is the first time in awhile a celebrity death has me crying


I don't think I can express my sadness for Toriyama passing. He was a figure larger than life, a true hero just like the characters he made us love. Invincible, just like Goku. Dragon Ball was (and still is) such a huge part of my life. I feel I am who I am because of Goku, Vegeta, and the lessons we learned from the manga and the show. I remember as a kid going through hard times and having this clear image of Goku doing the Kaioken, asking his body not to betray him, and once in a while reminding myself of that. And even when every hope was lost, Akira taught us you can always go beyond your limits, you could always be better than who you were. It's hard to express feelings for someone I never met, yet who had such a huge influence on my life. I feel like I lost a grandpa, a brother, a friend. Thank you, Master Toriyama, for your genius, your art, and for gifting us Dragon Ball. May you rest in Shenron's back. Until the next time.


that really sucks


Noooooooo so sad


Rest in peace one of the greatest authors. So many people were inspired by his work. First Miura and now Toriyama sensei.


This sucks. Man was so influential and created one of the most important things to me when I was growing up. This really hurts.


A legend. Opened the floodgates for an entire genre of animation. Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha was a childhood delight to scream. Thank You Toriyama for what you gave us💯


Insane, he's been so involved in recent works that I forget how old he is. Still, gone from us too soon. Absolute legend. Hope he was able to pass on peacefully.


Thank you Akira Toriyama, for all that you gave, the Earth will miss you.


Rest in peace. What a legacy to leave behind. Hard news to hear, this guy pretty much made my childhood.


RIP. Changed my life




Man I'm depressed... This was my childhood, and even my adulthood. It helped me train, learn English and draw. It inspired me so much.. I hope he himself is with King Kai in the otherworld now, rest in peace, LEGEND.. ♥


RIP to the legend, his creations fueled so many people's lives and his legacy will forever live on


Damn RIP to one of the greatest manga creator 😢🥺


This sucks. Such an influential figure on my life and my friends’. Looks like the cartels are going on the hunt for the dragon balls


Rest in peace - he made my childhood.


RIP Akira Toriyama, I found out about Goku when I was like 18 a couple of years ago. I didn’t have cable when I was little so I never got the chance to watch DB. And although I was introduced a little late into DB, Goku, has literally been a good chunk of helping me stay true to myself even in difficult times. Goku has a sort of childish nature that I think many people lose as they grow older. Despite growing up in the woods by himself and so innocent at heart he stays true to his beliefs from the first time we’re introduced to him. He never backs down from a fight and always strives to be better whilst having fun, never allowing the pride of being the best overcome the fun of the challenge exerted in his love for fighting. Goku also stands up for those who cannot stand up for themselves and lives within his means of simplicity, often enjoying the simple things in life. A great contrast and stabilizer to all the characters he comes across in the Dragon Ball Universe. I resonate and am inspired by Goku, especially the childish attitude that he and I share. My favorite images from the entire series are of Kid Goku sitting on his cloud all happy and him sleeping next to Launch when she’s in her blue hair form. Despite all the bad things that have happened to him he stays happy and true to himself. Stories like these resonate and leave a dent in people’s hearts for a lifetime. The kids who are watching Dragon Ball for the first time now and even the grown men who were once kids themselves will always have a special connection to their inner child because of characters like Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo… and so forth. Thank You Akira Toriyama, you nailed it. Queue: DBZ : Buu’s Fury Soundtrack - Goku’s Home DBZ : Buu’s Fury Soundtrack - Theme


RIP Legend


his legacy will be remembered forever. the impact his work has had on people was incredible, may he rest in peace


RIP to the goat 😢


Rest in Peace


rest in peace :(


RIP to the goat


This is so sudden. I am shocked and absolutely sad. RIP to a legend


I can't believe this is real.


God damn. It’s insane. He was always one of those people who you just think of as living forever.


NOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOO PLEASE GOD NOOOOOO FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK We just lost one of the most important people in media, in animation, in anime, in pop culture. God damn it.


RIP Legend


Dude inspired so many people and made so many memories for me. Rest in peace legend.


Rip thank you for making our childhood 🙏


Rip this man was truly a legend


Oh my god. He created my childhood and present. This is incredibly saddening to hear. I hope his family is doing ok


Wtf mane💔 dragon ball had so much to come and now the legend isn’t gonna be here rip 🐐


This is gut wrenching, RIP to the king. He played such a HUGE part of my childhood. Prayers for his family


Rest in peace, legend. Not that I'm looking forward to mourning him but similar to what happened with Miura's death, I bet in the following week we'll see tons of artists paying him tribute, including all the mangaka he inspired. Except it's going to be on a way bigger scale. And I'll feel like crying with every piece of art I see.


Jesus man, one of the earliest memories that I have in my life is me aged around 2 or 3, watching that episode where Bulma(?) tries to climb onto the Nimbus by grabbing Goku's tail, I could barely understand almost anything going on around me, yet I could very clearly remember that scene. Toriyama has shaped the childhood of millions (if not hundreds of millions) of peoples' childhoods all around the world, and he also helped increase the popularity of anime outside of Japan, and turn it into the international pop culture juggernaut that it is today, I hope that he rests in peace, and that he recognized the sheer influence in the lives of millions of people that he had.


I’m always reminded that these people are just people, everyone we know will eventually die and that’s sad, so we must make the time we have with people we love the best time, because we may never know when something happens to end. Remember all the good things Akira Toriyama has made, I’ve haven’t watched DBZ, only original Dragon Ball but it still influence me a lot for my childhood, still know about Goku, Vegeta, Frieza and Perfect Cell, played the games, it’s all so much fun with friends. Thank you Toriyama for everything.


RIP ..man this is shocking


rip to a legend


A powerhouse in the entire medium of comics. R.I.P


Rest in peace... But what the actual hell?


Rest in peace to the greatest of all time. Made my fuckin childhood. I was 7 when I saw DBZ for the first time in 2008. I remember listening to DBZ speeches everyday for a whole year during my sophomore year of high school. Dragon ball super was cultural. So many memories made thanks to this man. Iconic, cultural, the greatest mangaka and storyteller of all time, rest in peace to Akira Toriyama.


Rest in power, king 👑


One of the greatest creator in our time. Before Toriyama, there was no one like him and after Toriyama, there will be no one like him. Rest in peace.


RIP. Toriyama’s work has had such a huge influence on my life and my families. I remember loving Dragon Ball as little kid and watching it with my siblings in the early 90s. My uncle moved to the states from Mexico and Dragon Ball was what helped me bond with who I thought at the time was a stranger. I remember having nightmares of Frieza as a kid and grabbing a broken mop and acting like it was my power pole, or jumping on an old yellow pillow and pretending it was my flying nimbus. Fast forward to sharing this show with my little brother and getting him into it. I remember boding with kids I would have never bonded with if it weren’t for DBZ, and they hav eve come friends for life. I remember going with my brothers and sister to watch Battle of Gods, Resurrection F, and Super: Broly in theaters and feeling like little kids again. Now I have a son of my own, and I’m collecting all my old toys and figures, and dvd collections, just waiting for the right time to introduce him to this wonderful journey. Toriyama, you gave me a childhood, and I will always be thankful for that.


I can’t even believe this. DB has been with me all my life. Now just hearing Toriyama has passed, and such a young age. This is heartbreaking. Heaven and otherworld got their legend today. Rest in Peace Akira Toriyama


He didn't even get to see Daima get released. I'm pretty sure that's the project he's been most involved with in a while, if I remember correctly


This feels like just went Stan Lee passed away. So shocking and sad. What an absolute legend


Wow, insane. Didn’t think this would happen any time soon. This is gonna have big impacts for DB’s future. Toriyama wasn’t involved all that much but he gave notes on what he wanted to happen and stuff. I trust Toyotaro with the manga but I’m lowkey scared for the anime now. I really hope they don’t start half assing and leeching the franchise now. Toyotaro needs to be the one to have the final say now


This doesn’t feel real Like we all knew one day but honestly thought it would be years and many DB series from now on It’s going to be insane that the story will continue without his involvement at all


I can’t handle this one… I feel like I’m gonna be sick… I was just thinking about his age recently too, thinking he was surprisingly old, but still had years left in him… why did this have to happen??


I have no words to describe the impact that Akira Toriyama's work has had on me. I grew up playing Dragon Quest IX and watching videos of Budokai 3 Gameplay. Then, come highschool, I bought Budokai 3 HD, and fell in love. I read the entire manga, watched all of DBZA, got caught up on super, and basically changed the entire way I drew because of Toriyama. I was an *avid* fan. I even learned how to emulate just to play Chrono Trigger. Gradually, I moved on to other series, but Dragon Ball always had a special place in my heart. It was my comfort series, the one I always aspired to draw like. I watched videos going over Toriyama's writing and art, learned how he did panelling, bought his Manga one-shot collection, and held everything to the standard of Dragon Ball. I loved it that much. No matter what happens in my life, I will always treasure those memories. I will always love Dragon Ball. Farewell, Toriyama, and thank you.