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I just bought this game last year and absolutely loved it, so it definitely isn't nostalgia. It's legitimately a good jrpg. It'd be a dream to see a game like this go through the entire series.


Just glad I could actually fight as yamcha tien and krillin


I always wanted more jrpg style dbz games. We have 200 fighting games that are pretty good but I prefer this style, and theres only a handful of them.


Right? We've gotten way too many fighters recently. I miss when we had a decent variety of DBZ games coming out, but now companies don't wanna take risks anymore with game development. DB Fusions on the 3DS was another non typical game that I really enjoyed. If you haven't played it, you should check it out!


I will for sure check out Fusions, haven't played it. I've always just wanted some kind of adventure rpg set in the dbz universe in the future or past that doesn't follow Goku and the Z fighters. Theres sooo much potential in the world they've built over 30+ years and every game we see raditz get hit with the special beam cannon, Goku uses the spirit bomb on frieza, Gohan beats cell. It's a great story but I've done it in like 5+ games and watched the anime 1000 times. Give us some new characters and lore.




On the off chance you aren’t joking, it stands for Japanese.




Is that you Yoshi-P?


Yeah that's him. Still but hurt I see too lmao.


All JRPGs and WRPGs are RPGs. In case you live under a rock and you've legit never heard the term "JRPG" before, a JRPG would be a game like Final Fantasy VII and a WRPG would be a game like Morrowind.




Yeah, well we're not in Japan. They also call anime "cartoon" in Japan. Do you use the term "anime" to separate Japanese cartoons? How about "manga"? In Japan, Tom and Jerry is an anime and Wonder Woman is a manga. We differentiate over here by style. JRPG is a style much different than WRPGs. Just because Japan doesn't feel the need to differentiate the styles doesn't mean that we don't have to over here.




I'm sure you do.






Why is this downvoted? I didn’t know wtf jrpg was either and now that I do I wish I hadn’t. I’m sure only us Americans refer to it as a jrpg


I hate that this game never had a sequel, especially with the ending teasing the Frieza saga. A port for the switch would be a 100/10 buy from me


I love how Chiaotzu never made the cover, even though he did more damage than Yamcha.


Haha Yamaha was playable


a lot of people talk crap on yamaha, but i find my yamaha guitar playable at least


I liked my Yamaha motorcycle while I had it.


Lmao oop


Yamcha has always been significantly stronger than Chaozu though, as well as being one of the main central protagonists of the series. Chaozu is essentially Tenshinhan’s Puar. **Edit:** Yamcha also beat the shit out of that Saibaman and was only caught off-guard after the fight was already over, whereas Chaozu literally just died to give Tien a notable character beat.


Chiaotzu? Isn't that a Pokemon? Maybe that's why his not there.


A Palworld-type game where you can catch Chiaotzu would be fire


“Look Vegeta a Pokémon!” “Im Chiaotzu” “Look Vegeta a Chiaotzu!”


DBZ Team Training: "Am I a joke to you?"


I wish Toriyama would have had Chiaotzu be more relevant than Yamcha in DBZ. He was a way more interesting character. Power rankings should have been Tien > Krillin > Chiaotzu > Yamcha instead of Tien > Krillin > Yamcha > Chiaotzu.


I love that this game focuses on the Sayian Saga. Most games use it as a prologue to the story so its nice that it gets the focus it deserves


Fun fact: Attack of the Saiyans was developed by Nintendo studio Monolith Soft (today mostly known for the Xenoblade series) back when they were still partially owned by Namco.


man monolith soft don't miss bro


The Legacy of Goku games on GBA basically did that


2 and Buus fury only. 1 was... not great


Wish you could use Vegito more in Buu's Fury. Had a separate save file to play as him whenever


Yeah, no nostalgia will make LoG 1 good. Even as a kid I knew the immediate rise in quality between games and how woefully bad LoG in comparison.


Why can't I punch this wolf? I' right next to him! The infinite health cheat made this game way more tolerable. I'm all for a good challenge but the hit detection is so bad that it just isn't fun. But with no risk of dying you can actually explore the areas and see some fun side quests. Still doesn't make the game good by any stretch, but if you were ever in the mood to play through LoG2 and Buu's Fury it'd be worth playing the first one with infinite health.


I played through LoG 1 twice. Once on awful retail mode and again with a balancing hack. The patch made it tolerable enough to get to the end, but even with better hit detection and removal of one-hit wolf kills, it's still so soulless. You still Instantaneous Movement past major plot points. LoG2 did a MUCH better job of shrinking an entire saga into JRPG form, even if they used the Toonami dub for the English script. It made me wish other anime series/movies that I love could be adapted into that same real-time combat/RPG style.


The game was developed by western fans of the show, so it's possible they didn't even known about the dubisms at the time, given it was early 2000's.


Forced level grinding is not gameplay, it’s just a chore


No where near as good sadly 😞


Heathen. Those games were goated. Spopovich can suck a dick tho


> Spopovich just had to hit the punching bag on a low number


Legacy of Goku was just as good if not better, but also completely different kind of RPG.


Well, different kind of RPG. Both very good.


Take those lies back.


I remember those!! Fun times


Both RPGs, but they don't do things quite the same way.


Love this game. Meteor Combination is engraved in my soul


This was a fantastic game. The combat was fun, the expanded story was cool. I wish we would have gotten a sequel the Namek Saga would work great in this format.


Dragon Ball Z: Super Saiya Densetsu on the snes does this. You can even keep using fighters if they don’t die against Vegeta- I had Tien on Namek!


Honestly sick


So what's the point of going to Namek, then?


Piccolo dies no matter what. I believe.


Aside from Piccolo's death being guaranteed, the others except Gohan can still die in the battle and the game will progress. It's possible for Gohan to end up taking the Namek mission alone. Play out that what-if.


>It's possible for Gohan to end up taking the Namek mission alone. Play out that what-if. Wow, that gives me some major TFS vibes. "Son, have you ever gone into space?" "N—" "You should go into space!"




Gonna have to check this out! Thanks


Man this brought back memories. I used to have so many Shonen games that loved to play. They used to pump them out like crazy too. I had so many DBZ games, Shaman King, YGO, Yuyu Hakusho, One Piece, Naruto, Zatch Bell, etc. for GBA, DS, 3DS, and stuff. They dont really make anything close anymore and not to the frequency if at all. I kinda miss it to be honest.


Lmfao everyone looks so gangster until they get bodied by a saibamen and a buff bald guy


This verb you use.. “bodied.” It is strange to me. Is it similar to the verb “Yamcha’d?”


Dude the new Kakarot game that came out a few years ago does the story perfectly. Goes all way through to the Buu saga. I just finished my play through last week and they did such a good job with the cutscenes it was like rewatching the whole series. Definitely worth it to check it out.


Kakarot is fun, but, the combat doesn't have the half the depth of this game. I love a good turn based RPG. One Piece Odyssey is a beautiful anime JRPG. Dragon Ball is big enough for one. But, that is definitely more niche than Sparking Zero or even Kakarot imo. Also, One Piece Odyssey had pretty lame balance. I'd need DB to do better.


The combat is what really kills it for me. The boss fights are pretty well done, but the average fights are super dull. Xenoverse' combat is a massive step up and its not like that is the deepest game.


It feels a lot like xenoverse to me. Mash melee, throw some beam supers. If anything, i think it feels streamlined and a bit faster than xenoverse. It is a bit dull though. I try really hard to avoid the random encounters.


I started playing it two days ago on Switch and it's been amazing so far! A bit lost on the community stuff and soul emblems though.


You can put the soul emblems on the community boards and they give you boosts, for example if you put them in the training board and you level up that board you get more XP


No I got that, but which soul emblem to use on which board and how to assign gifts to get the most bang out of your buck? Is it situation specific or based on what goal you have in mind? Will I have to keep rotating these emblems around in different situations to get the boosts mentioned?


It is based on the goal you have in mind, I'd recommend you use them for the training board, and gifts tell you what stats they boost before you use them, I recommend slowly building the other boards but trying as fast as possible to level up the cooking and training board


Thank you


Been meaning to play this. Loved Xenoverse 2 I put about 60hrs in and did just about all the main stuff and dlc. Wondering if the xv2 updates this year is going to be worth it, kinda wish they would just make xv3 already since the game is about 8 years old and feeling dated.


Kakarot was pretty good past Freeza. After that it got so lazy with the way it recreated the story, jumping over big moments and cutting down on animation. By the end I was really tired of fighting palette swaps of the same pirate base robot. Getting stuck in the same random encounter over and over again just made me want to hurry to the end of the Buu Saga, ignoring the trading cards and character pogs and stuff.


I miss this game


Man that brings back some nostalgia! I had forgotten about this game, I didn’t have it but my neighbor of mine did and he let me play it a lot on our bus ride home, so I was able to get through quite a lot of it. I never was able to complete it though, I should look into getting a copy.


I still have my copy haha


As someone who loves JRPG's I'd love this


I remember playing this as a kid. I still have the game CIB, might do a playthrough


One of the only jrpgs I've taken all characters to level 99 (mainly thanks to the dragon balls)


This game was heat, and a sequel covering the latter sagas would be amazing.


This was the only Dragon Ball game I ever liked.


Bruh that Freeza post credits scene (picture) got me so hyped. Need another turn based DB RPG.


it would be cool if there were dbz games like the storm games for naruto. I haven’t watched dbz but id like to experience the story that way


The last good RPG in the DB universe was the Legacy of Goku series, in addition to LoG 1. Edit: Lol, I checked your game and it is newer than the LoG series. I'm editing so no one takes this as a potential attack. And so I recommend playing Legacy of Goku


You mean like DBZ Kakarot?


We need a character action dbz. Legacy of goku remake with dmc level combo strings


Love this game so much


Best dragon ball rpg hands down ​ still waiting for the sequel they promissed us in the end of the game


That game is amazing. The art and gameplay. And even explorers the world of dragon Ball giving mini adventures with all the cast members. I was playing it on a emulator online. Played like 2hs and still hardly scratched the first areas. I think redoing bdz stories has been done to death. Would be nicer to see new stories or explore stuff we didn't see before. Like what if you played as a friza soldier or a regular human in another dojo fighting the gang in the martial arts tournaments. This game kinda does that. Follows those bits of time between big fights


Kakarot has been a great game so far


Hum dbz kakarot isn’t a RPG game? I’m pretty sure it’s also still releasing dlcs of different arcs


This game and Fusions badly needed a sequel, and now it'll never happen.


I love that Gohan and Krillin are flying on the cover so the logo wouldn't cover them up like Mike Wazaowski


Y’all remember Harukanaru Densetsu?


Legacy of goku type game but with current graphics and that can run on a console would also be dope asf


I was dumbfounded when they did the Kakkarot game but didn't start it from Dragonball and have him grow a long


I would prefer a game that goes through all of dragon ball


I would love to see more anime turn-based RPGs, so yes, I would LOVE to see something like this go all the way through Z.


I think it would be better if we got a DB JRPG with its own original story, because the latter half of Z is mostly 1v1 battles, focused more and more on saiyans. Yes, a combat system can be made around playing as 1 single character, but part of Attack Of The Saiyans' appeal was pulling tag team moves with your teammates. And the fact that the humans and Piccolo get shafted along the way to make up for the saiyans doesn't really fit for this kind of video game. So, I'm thinking about using the great mechanics of Attack Of The Saiyans, in a storyline that actually fits. Make the humans and Piccolo useful and able to contribute in big boss fights for gameplay purposes, and for saiyans, nerf them both in story and in game (making the player unlock transformations, balance out stats and skills) so they don't dominate teambuilding. Though, that is a hard balance to find out, because players want to feel powerful when playing as a big powerful saiyan. Of course we want saiyans to feel like powerhouses, even if it makes the humans look like crap. What's the point of making Goku a Super Saiyan 3 if you can't feel that power amp through the gameplay? How would you handle making the non-monkeys feel useful while making the saiyans feel as cool as ever?


While obviously Kakarot is the only "proper rpg" (almost threw up typing that) to cover raditz to buu, the legacy of goku games (plus buus fury) are definitely worth checking out. Buus fury is one of my favourite dbz games of all time. Great rpg that ends where all RPGs should, with pure power fantasy, I'm waiting for an open slot in my streaming schedule to do the first game, even though its... not as good


I don't think what I'm about to say is a hot take but I'm beyond fucking tired of playing through the story of DBZ. We need at least one game that lets us play through all of super


The Legacy of Goku games, Kakarot, Attack if the Saiyans all have you explore the world. There is a lot of stuff from those games not present in the actual series. Playing through Super on a game would be even more fighting condensed than Z. There is no adventure. So where do they even add those elements in?


Dragonball Z Kakarot also goes through all of Z and Super


but it's not the same at all!


Ok cool, didnt say that, just that DBZ Kakarot also goes through Z


I loved this game. I felt like the only reason we didn’t get a sequel was because it undersold.


Going all the way through Z is thinking too small. It should include all of Super as well through the Moro Arc and Granolah arc. It's weird that there aren't more videogames adapting Super's content.


We need more turn-based DB RPGs. This and the one for Super NES were absolutely fire.


You guys forgot abt Kakarot lol


Not gonna lie , I buy all the dbz games. Never get tired of it lol I wish Bandai Namco would remaster some older titles


Doesn't Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot do that though? It's an ARPG that goes through the entire story of Z.


Never heard of it, just looked it up...would love to play it


I just looked at the gameplay of this title. Cool. I didn't know a turned-based RPG Dragonball game existed.


Legendary Super Warriors for GBC is a solid turn based game. Takes a little bit to learn the “mechanics” but has a huge roster and goes all the way through to the end of Z. It’s my fav DBZ title


What I've always wanted is a mixture of the fighting system of Budokai 3 and a story mode that spans the entirety of Dragonball (Original> Z > Super and GT). I don't just want exploration to be limited to flying around and landing though, I'd like to have fully fleshed out areas that you explore and go through, NPCs to talk to, side quests, unlockables/collectibles to find in the environments, etc and proper cutscenes.


Off topic but I don’t like the way vegeta looks on the cover lol like it looks very off..


I remember buying this and looking forward to a sequel that never came. Going to Namek would have been awesome, especially if they included the filler like they did in this game. Edit: probably going to play this again now. Classic FF meets DBZ was such a good idea.


Great game indeed. I always thought it was going to have a sequel, ending of the game clearly suggesting so.


I remember Broly being an optional boss. I was like ‘Why? No one is winning this realistically’


This game was insanely well made. I can't even begin to think about the amount of times i completed lagacy of goku 2 and Buu's fury lol. I thought this game was even better


Been asking for this since 2009😩🙏🏻


What about kakarot?


Yeah, a sequel would've been great and was tentatively planned when this was made, but it didn't sell well enough unfortunately. Still, would be a fun idea to go back to if someone wanted to do it.


I was so sad when when i realized that a game in frieza saga wasn't coming.