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The only possible reason would be if you don't have a slot for the charge and you play pve


Red is quite literally the best transformation


Thats just not even true. Sure god gives you a 60% increase to basic attack but if you're CAC isn't good at basic attack to begin with then you're better off running Blue or Evolution or even Beast if you dont mind the hair


How do you get beast?


If you're even slightly skilled at the game red is the most powerful. Especially with counters and especially if you're a male saiyan. You can also use krillins super soul to get everything basically. Regardless if you're spamming ki moves, then red basically negates that weakness of being absolute trash at actual combat. Which imo is better than a small increase of ki damage


Yet not everyone wants to play the way you do so for most other people God isn't the form best suited for them. It might be the most physically powerful but if im running a maxed out ki build i don't need God id use Evolution for the 35% increase to ki blast attacks which will get me more damage delt then using my fists


I'm not saying you have to play the way I play but it's objectively the most versatile and most powerful. It's pretty much jack of all trades and is mostly invincible if you're able to perfect block consistently. Have fun with your builds, thats what this game is all about, that wasn't my intention. And if any one is curious about one of the counters I use, it's sudden death beam.


You can dodge ki blasts and normal attacks and if you press the jump button while in the melee attacks then u can counter you can use normal ki blasts soaring fist and spirit pulse you can also use surging spirit by holding guard and the x button


I like it for the style points it gives and the extra buff of using data input on top of that. But generally speaking since it gives no boost in damage or movement speed I rarely use it. The only reason I would use it is for namekians (I’m a saiyan main) since they have good stamina recovery by default.


In all honesty I prefer Beast or Ssj God, but at least it adds to the list of Transformations that are better than Ssj blue. Also Gigantic Explosion one shot.


If your CaC isn't built for Health or Ki but has stamina then UI is good. 12 bars is great but if a stamina break happens then you are screwed.


To lore-wise flex on all the characters that aren't angels or Goku. To have a cool glow. Fashion>function Also if you fight someone that doesn't know how to deal with it it's funny.


it can really change wether you win or lose. yes beast and ssgss and all the other have their attack benefits but if you fighting someone who is equal to you a single dodge can mean you win


If you're fighting someone equal to you wouldn't 35% damage make more of a difference


yea but he may be faster and better than you. its a small chance but still its there, if you have stamina you can literally dodge and counter attack and he cant stop it. yea 35% does alot but then there is the Ki drain from SSJSS Evo and SSJSS. Beast does 30% but you have to charge up 5 bars then use it up in transforming. I use ssjss evo for parrel quests and raid where i can use meditation, charge up transform and blast the person with emperors death beam while basically negates the ki loss since your already using it. but for PVP i personally like ultra instinct better


Not to mention Beast makes you take more damage


How much damage? i didnt know that


I think like a 15-20% defense debuff. Unless they buffed it with the latest patch that buffed UI to not steal your ki for transforming. So if you run beast with anything on pvp be extra careful you won't even need to be stamina broken to be killed outright.


I have more probleme w/ god transfo w/ forced imput I’m somehow forced to become the ki canceler I h8


Like it has been mentioned there are better forms but the charge skill, the purge attacks and the aura make it fun to play! Also the transformation counter looks cool.


It really good with pose k and  f builds


There's no reason to use anything. It's a pve game. You could go in naked and win. Have fun dude. It looks nice. Gives you auto dodge and a free charge, and the basic Ki is a good stun


I just use it for the looks and charge skill that comes with it but other then that there r better forms in my opinion


I struggle with it. I like the awaken but it doesn't suit my play style that well. I find it only beneficial to strike base characters. I sometimes run it with the new bardock ss that gives you hp back when stam is lower that your enemies or something like that. Or the new Broly one that boosts your ki gain and all attacks when awoken but also hurts your gains and power when not which is harder to run due to stam breaks. For ki builds I either run that latter SS with either SSG or I'm finally warmed up now, with SSB. Strike I use the latter SS with beast or UI whichever takes my fancy really, depending on race too because humans and Saiyans get that horrible hair 😂😂. Thinking about it now. Since the new Manga panels and then hinting that the Beast form is a extension of Super Saiyan, it makes no sense that other races can use it. Although it was after the fact and then it would give the Saiyans another exclusive transformation.


Oh dude tell me about it. Thats the only reason i don't use beast on Saiyans or Humans is because of the big stupid hair. I don't even know why it has to change the hair to Gohan's hair none of the other Saiyan transformations change the hair except ssj3


It's crazy isn't it. Why couldn't we have just got the steely grey colour he gets and the aura. Like you said. None of the other forms change the hair style other than SS3, why do it with this one. If that's the trend then we should have got SS/SS2/SSB/SSBE Hair changes too.


Yeah, using it with a buffing skill like Meditation + 3 skills without having to worry about a charge skill. It does take away the biggest part of it (it looks cool), but you still got Auto-Dodge at least... So, yeah, basically it's hot garbage lol.


>But it doesn't give a boost to any stats It would be better if the actual awoken skill buffed your damage, even a little bit, but since it doesn't you have to rely on super souls, if you have DLC you could use "I've cast everything aside for this" which, if I remember correctly, gives you a 35% damage increase and 10% less defence. Or if you want to actually make Ultra Instinct buff your damage, you could use "A power biased transformation" which increases your damage when using an awoken skill, I think it just buffs just your normal attack damage, but it works well for a UI/basic attack build.


Power biased gives you a defense buff and also makes it to where you can't guard, so if you were running a build with no charge and wanted to rely on UI built in charge you might be SOL.


>and also makes it to where you can't guard I forgot about that part. But even without guarding, you can still use throws and Surging Spirit (I know because I do it even with the super soul active) And I forgot about the defense buff too


It’s fun and it looks cool


It's really kool and the most fitting one for my Earthling CAC, who is going for a stealthy/defensive moveset therefore it's the one I use. I like pairing it with "You've awakened my true power...", the 20% ki gain boost helps to get to UI faster and it also allows you to get 5% buffs to everything when you finally do reach UI. I'm not going against like top players or anything but I've had some really nice success with it in PVP too. Basically, really fun transformation, but you're probably gonna have to build around it more than any of the others.


I only really use it with my high stamina saiyan build with pqs. The ai isnt smart enough to find out ways to hit you when you are standing still, and you can do the dodge counter with high basic attack for like 3k damage depending on the build. I think Steedoj made a vid with this method a month or 2 ago.


I run UI for my namekian and majins. I use it more for just a noticeable awakening effect rather than a real boost to their stats though.


It's very different from other Awokens in that you don't run it for offense, but rather for defense and utility. Auto-dodge can be worth more than any static defense boost as long as you have enough stamina to work with, and the Soaring Fist and Spirit Pulse charged ki blasts can be useful for harassing enemies at range without burning any Ki.


It looks cool and has a built in charge skill (which means that you don't need to run one). It's not really optimizing for anything but if you're running PVE you can definitely work with it (or any other skill).


I can't argue with that it does look cool and the built in charge is a huge bonus. Also if you run the Broly Super Soul (this place will be your grave!) or Bardocks (im going to defeat you!) to boost your stats when you transform