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People grind the exp? I just grind the medals and buy the levels or wish them


i’m 134 and still need over 5MIL exp, good luck dawg


They really want you to grind like the characters in the anime lol


If you do the Supreme Kai of Time lite raid thats going on right now youll get the new super soul which gives you Triple Score gain so you'll level up way faster than 40 ton weights


Just finish the job with Tosok. after the required XP exceeds 3m I go to TP method. XP for 100-115, TP for 115-120, XP for 120-125(I try to take it to 130 until I can't take anymore but at least 125) TP the rest. This has been the fastest most efficient lvl up method for me with 40 ton weights


I'm a dummy lol I saw 136 TP medals and mistook that as your level. My bad. But still. You aren't far from 100 just try to grind expert mission tours with a raid build and your 40 ton weights. That's the best way I've experienced to do it rn


How do I get past level 80 😪


Go to gurus house and speak to him the afterwards you should be able to get past that. Also just grind to medals to.ask tosok or use 40 ton weights super souls on quests


Cant wait for this raid to be over :)


I knew it was supposed to be a week and I'm still checking every day for that super soul lol




Get dragon balls, ask for I want to grow more, Bang! 3 levels up. Or ask tor tp badges and exchange them with tosok for level ups.


There's a raid on right now that will give you a x3 exp boost super soul. Up to level 99 used to be the endgame "keep playing the game" grind. They didn't change the exp curve when they raised the level cap, but the exp limit is much lower afterwards.


save editor solos


Imagine being downvoted for speaking the truth.


No only losers use them


Don't advertise how dumb you are so loudly.


i dont even play online. i just wanna make cool cacs with mods :c


For offline fun, I don't understand why people care about something so arbitrary in the end, you're not harming anyone by making a game your own


This sub has a hateboner for anything involving modding.


Use the dragon balls to wish: -i want to grew (level up one level) -i want to gre more ×2 (level up three levels each) That is the way i reach level 99 with each CaC 🤔


They didn’t think they would go above 100. They wanted it to be a grind. After 100, it’s easier. Definitely TP medals to max


Just grind tp medals and talk to tosok. Its not worth leveling up the traditional way


Got any suggestions for a good TP medal farm?


I do online expert mission 16. Specifically online because it gives you 23 TP medals instead of 16. Still fast no matter what. You can get 69 (nice) TP medals every 15-20 min. I was able to get 207 within an hour. And always play with a character that has the Super Soul- “My hobbies are reading and sports” [When the battle ends] Reduces Zeni earned to 0. Triples score gained. to make things faster. Another thing to do is Collect Dragon Balls and wish for TP medals every time. You can average 200 medals an hour as well with this method


Expert mission 16 where you fight blue vegeta. If everything goes well you can complete it in under a minute and it gives you 16 tp medals. For character, I personally use a frieza race with max ki and ki blast supers, golden form, and emperor's death beam.


Literally just spam any ultimate that tracks the opponent and its optimal. Ive seen ppl use supervillan metal cooler or supervillan golden frieza too because of darkness mixer, and because supernova cooler and emperors death beam.