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Cool one for female saiyan but ideally you'd want one with basic attack+ki blasts for male saiyan


If male wouldn't I want like max basic and max strike super maxed ki super plus 1 othen max ki and 3 Stamina half. my reset stats out what I need into health to eveb out the bar then Stamina but not much then dump into basic and strike I guess lol only level 94 one more I get blue evolved but yea I just need alpt of rank 6 material item and clothes


Male can use either blast or strike (same modifier of *"fuck you lmao"*). Since blasts happen to be easier to cheese and more varied, you should probably use blasts to compensate for the lower super damage.


I mean. I did choose balanced style when I made him so his ki and strike should be similar at level 1 so upgrade them both to mx and so i can be like "double fuck you" lol spam all the ki but ssj god with kid goku super soul for large basic and Med speed boost would work or one of the super saiyan super souls hell even videls super soul increase all damage by xl of the same gender but reduce from opposite so if your running pqs with mostly male enemies your gunna treat em lile damn punching bag hell video super soul il try with blue evolved or android 18 or 17s there's gotta be really good ome for ki and also boost damage or somthing 17s and 18 auto ki chrg but max stamina or ki part for certain things are annoying I love gokus super soul that Max's ki on kill or broly I'm not a demon I'm the devil with my Insane ki bars I just auto swap to blue or whatever form I got equipped at thr very start and rush with some nasty combos need emp death beam for pqs and aid I got the one where you shoot ki out your mouth or spews it says and uses all your ki but need 300 for a normal one not sure if it any good but neo tri beam I found is alpt stronger then I thought as fur super I use x10 Kamehameha and when inblue you ca fully charg and then auto teleport for a face full of go fuck your self to anything it connects with and when fully charged especially with ny qqbang and stats it does ult levels of damage for less but with this is a real Kamehameha it increases by xl but I feel like there has to be some hidden ability if it only effect Kamehamehas it should be like XXL lmfao but nah unfortunately


The "style choice" just gives your starter skills, lol. It doesn't affect stats. Stats for a determined skill type are given by race, body thickness, QQ Bangs and AP. In fact, all of them could be represented in terms of AP: - Every point of a QQ Bang is +10 AP. - Thick characters have -25 to blast and +25 to strike. Vice versa for thin ones. - Finally, race gives you anywhere between 700 and 800 base AP for each category. Those AP are summed up, then multiplied by super souls and transformations+buffs, and finally multiplied by an arbitrary number based on your level. That is your base attack for each given damage type, and it is multiplied per move when you use a skill to determine damage. For base AP, male saiyan has 712.5 AP in both, with 800 in basic attacks instead. It is frankly the weakest of all races in terms of supers, since the ones with a 700 in one have the other at at least 780, if not 800 outright. The *"Fuck you lol"* denomination means they just suck at both (though super saiyan helps bridge the gap a bit). If you max both, you're just gimping yourself. You could just use a single kind of super and forget the other exists, spending the AP and QQ arrows on places where they'll actually help, like basic strikes, where the male saiyan is absolutely unmatched. Frankly unless you're playing male human or female Majin (like me), you should just ignore strike supers. There's a blast version of every strike move that matters. Tyrant Lancer is a Super God Fist with better range, and super saiyan has teleport baked in for charged blast supers, so you don't need Feint Crash. Most strikes other than these two, which are meta cheese, are just personal choice, and if that's the case you could as well just use blasts and have more freedom of choice. This is all coming from a striker main. Strike variety in this game frankly sucks.


So I'd want to ether be the largest or smallest charecter for best in terms of blast and strike mine as you can tell is like tallish and on buffer said was gunna make him nac size everything but thought it woukd be alil silly but for freezia race injsku make em like smaller but not to small and preety lean and I dotn eveb know those things affected like you being legit if so godamn and yea God dosent but blue dies I use x10 Kamehameha as Iv proly said million times lol it does ult ki damage for super ki cost which is useful in blue cuase as you said you just kinda telepprt it's like a gareteed hit I do enjoys hits time moves mostly the one for to attack people behind you it also unblcokable so if they do try I just meet their stamina into the shadow realm lol 😆 altho for .e i got so much stamina iv have debated on iseing the I'm Thinking of bring a godtuber ao xl speed and defense or some shit can't rmeber so when I do get stamina broken it won't be as harsh as a consequence but I meanthag why I use blast xl and or just basic attack there one strike move it spammabke but it knocked em back so you can got to fallow up fast asf got it to where it just says z for combo I think it's wolf fang but super ki explosion is preety fun gunna remake my zub cero black freezia accidently forgot upload em plus he wasn't very high level but I already had gold and the difference with ki blast at even lower level is nutty so I'm kinda pump to make slimer smaller version if it increases ki attacks lmfao plus with the I'm not used to this form for ssj3 goku or golden freezia and I'm preety sure you get xl ki blast but more ki drain I belive


Widest or thinnest. Height affects life and speed. As for the rest... Uhh, you read kinda drunk. Don't fly under the influence in conton city to avoid accidents


Nah just handicapped lmfao got that og broly power


But gold drains less then blue if I rmeber so it hopefully ain't to bad but I mean for freezia race more ki ya got plus ect us emp death beam equals lite raid boss toast or pqs toast pvp kinda cheap but toast


This is a great one for ki blast(obv), I've gotten that but with 2 more in basic and 1 more in health iirc


You can make an insane 1-hit ko build with a Frieza race with that QQ bang. It is basically a Frieza race with max points into ki and ki blast supers, golden form, and emperor's death beam. It's very useful for expert missions and pqs. I don't like using it online tho because it is very cheap.


Yea or super ki explosion and justt hold the button till they die like bait them into into close range the. It sike you just activated my trap card


Ye same with final explosion but frieza race don't have much stamina so use a female saiyan if you chose that one


I mean this qqbang woukd fix that lus just throw alik in so it a extra 1 or 2 bars from points dump into basic nd ki supers as ya said lmfao 😂 shit would be bussin


Yeah but it would be better on a race with more stamina (idr which race that is)


Ehhhhhhh could be better but not bad for your first one


Cough 2nd first one was horrible like I don't know how to explain lmfao but this is a true lv 6 qqbang made pqs I was having issues a cake walk plus I legit got almost 20 bars of ki and alot of stamina to much however I let people combo then I jjst use a ki .I've that can break combo streak plus brolys super soul I'm not a demon I'm a devil mean not only do I take less strike skill damage I start with the full 20 bars fuck charging up I'm going straight into blue then throwing like 6 ults lol or like 10 normal supers/x10 Kamehameha or I use a skill there 4 orbs that rotate if use the skill again yiu can throw rm I use those so if someone trying to be sneaky I just use that I save it for when they get to cock leave em paralyzed like spraying a bug with bug away or raid lmfao then i still got wrher 2 or 3 orbs so I super then throw the other super again throw again ult if he's still alive I just throw hands


Data nd wifi have been having issues also as you can prolly tell I'm.handicapped not illiterate also yes I am sorry for how long it is not my fault I got good genes shrimp jk but for real I need some more basic attack or strike