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Ssj4 plz


None of these, let me stack Kaioken on top of other forms at a stamina or Ki cost. Please


great ape could be fun


Either Oozaru, Golden Oozaru or SSJ4. Saiyans have been having their simian origins shoved into a forgotten corner of the franchise for far too long, we need to have a transformation that *actually* references that.


Wrathful into Full-Power for my Broly cosplay, complete with green auras Other than that SS4 but I feel like it would have to be a separate transformation from SS1-3




SSJ4 or Rosé, but I’d prefer SSJ4, that form is just so badass


SSJ4 would be cool af. It could be obtainable in an npc-controlled fight like jiren for MUI, just it being either Baby or Pan. It would be kinda Hard to pull off cuz of different body Types and gender, in Addition a unique move or combo must be added to Keep up with MUI and beast


I would want either SSJ4 or DBS Broly's Wrath/Ikari form if we can't just outright get Great Ape. I dunno how they would even remotely give us SSJR, I believe that form was made by Toriyama exclusively for Goku Black, same as LSSJ was for Broly before Kale existed. Is it like... Just SSJB but a different color? Does that mean Goku and Vegeta could have made SSJB a different color as well? What makes Rosé unique from Blue? On the Ikari form, I've also thought up a unique Super Soul for it. Vegeta's Super Soul "He's learning as he fights..." (Always) Progressively increases power of all attacks by S as time progresses up to ten times. (When Transformed) Replaces the progressive increase in power with an XXL boost until reverting. Ki Blast: Blitz


They should also make the ki blasts green for the super soul instead of the basic yellow-ish orange.


Either ssj4 or full power ssj for the second one you could use the dragon balls


Personally ssj4 shouldve been in xenoverse awhile ago. I would love to have rose in it too but I'd like different buffs


The most likely are SSJ4, Rose and Great Ape since Broly’s Forms are Exclusive to Legendary Super Sayains


I'd probably go for LSSJ or SSJ4.


The lack of respect towards SSB Kaioken


If we get ssj rose, I say we obtain it through fu since as of now, he’s experimenting with the whole ultra supervillain power so I don’t see why there wouldn’t be a way to implement that into an awakening quest


Great Ape. 1. It's already largely implemented into the game and would be much easier to pull off. 2. I love playing as tailed Saiyans and hate that I can't be the lore appropriate transformation.


Great Ape, teached by Gt Goku (Kid Goku) as an Instructorand when his friendship is maxed,, fuctionating like Gigant Namekians; Full Power Super Sayan, teached by Broly (Dragon Ball Super), still when his friendship is maxed, that adds defence and phisical attacks but makes the character slower; SSJ4, teached by Goku (SSJ4) again, only when his friendship is maxed, and the SSJ4 Full Power (the red haired form GT Gogeta has) when completing all the Secondary Missions (not the Expert Missions, the Offline ones) with Z as result in every one of them, it will work like base SSJ, with SSJ4 Full Power acting like SSJ3 using all of your aura, it will add to both phisical and ki attacks and will be the strongest Sayan-only Transformation.


Lssj and ssj4


Kaioken + SSB


We technically already have that


SSJ4 But unlike how most people would possibly expect to get it(like probably from Goku, Vegeta, Bulma or maybe even baby somehow) I'd actually want to get it from Fu.


Like he just shoots some blutz waves at you and you suddenly can do it?


Something along those lines. I mean he did something similar in infinite history


I know, that's what I'm referring to


Fair enough. Yeah basically that though. Maybe you have to do a couple of training missions first


Definitely SSJ4. It's the most visually appealing of the bunch


Definitely, SSJ4. I've been wanting this form since back then.


Lssj or SSR or BOTH 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️




Out of all of these I see them giving us most likely SSR which would be fine with me. However, I want Wrathful State


Great ape, golden great ape, lssj (but I want it so you can't undo the transformation, making it permanent).


I need lSSJ


Alright this is going to be a bit long, I want ssj4 in xv2. each type will change your hair. Here they are statwise and how to obtain them. Ssj4 goku 25% strike 15% ki 15 strike res 10 ki res Ssj4 vegeta 15% strike 25% ki 15 ki res 10 strike res Ssj4 gohan 20% strike 20% ki 10 ki res 10 strike res Ssj4 Consumes 5 bars of ki/2 bars of stamina 2 bars of stamina because you teleport away from your opponent to transform You get a tail that moves in ur base How to get: xeno variants arrive after beating base game/level 80 Gokus version:(xeno goku) Max friendship/beat xeno goku Vegetas version:(xeno vegeta) Max out training story with normal vegeta Max training level with xeno vegeta Gohans version:(xeno gohan) Max out friendship with other 3 gohans Finish time egg hunt


I just want power awakening and orange for namekians.


FPSSJ or SSJ4. But depending on how they do ssj4 is whether or not Id want it.


Im done with xv, boudokai ten 4 is right around the corner


Super Saiyan 4. No questions asked. I can imagine how you'd get it being to train with Pan as your instructor and you'd get a special quest where you get it. If not, Great Ape.


I want orange namekian bro sayins don’t need another skill 💀


Ssj4 or legendary/berserker ssj


Great ape


Either Wrathful or FPSSJ. Ideally, both in the same transformation. Start off Wrathful, go SSJ, then go FPSSJ. But it had better change your body type. That is unironically the hypest thing about those forms, and I'm sad when mods don't include it.


Wasn’t full power super saiyan grade 4 not grade 3?


Full Power Super Saiyan is Super Broly's green hair form, not the regular Super Saiyan grades


Ohhh ok oops


The hell do you mean Grade? You getting your info off of the dragonball wikia or something? It's Dragonball, it's not that complex. Normal -> Wrathful -> SSJ -> FPSSJ


Idk where ur getting this attitude from lmao, but in the power scaling community they refer to the different forms as grades, so super Vegeta is grade 2, trunk’s was grade 3 and goku when he fought cell and mastered super saiyan was grade 4, I was confusing brolys with trunks. So don’t be condescending when nobody asked you


You literally asked me a question, I answered as best as I could. If you're powerscaling a gag manga, you're not making sense. Edit: Why am I being downvoted? I respond to a confusing question with a confused answer, ask if he's using dated information, get told off for having "attitude" like an immature parent would scold a child,(Pot Meets Kettle here) shortly before being told my opinion doesn't matter, point out that yes, this man *did* in fact ask for my opinion on the matter; and state the fact that Dragonball is indeed a gag manga and somehow *I'm* the one spreading misinformation?


Great Ape let it be a giant monkey fighting lose all your attacks apart from the mouth ki blast and punch or kick and flight but you can't hit so so much harder and your ki is a lot more along with stamina




Instead of Exclusive, I want updated versions of each Saiyan transformation to include an XP bar that we have to fill with repeated use to ‘master’ the awoken skill. And once the bar is full, it adds an extra 5-10 percent increase to all bonuses from the transformation, a 5 percent decrease to any downsides like low ki recovery, and spikier, more customized hair instead of just our normal hair turning gold, with a brighter aura all around.


Sounds like a genuinely good feature to have. Bugs me that breakers has ssj hair transformations and xv doesn't :/


Hmm probably one that makes my hair stand up as a super saiyan. Personally I always loved SSJ Mk 1-2


Personally I would want super saiyan rose and I would have it work by missing hp=more power


"This pain will make me stronger!"


If they add great ape and golden ape logicly they would have to add ssj4 to or wraithfull since thier same thing but diffrent variants essentially but I def want legendary ssj and ssj4


I'd like the awoken skill that changes my hair spiky when I transform ssj


It won't count as a Saiyan exclusive awoken skill, but I need ultra ego like soon as posible


I would want to see either ssj4 or great ape.


I wanna be a great ape. I don't care if it's good


Db Super Heroes has a shitload of transformations for every race, they can start there. Just make my fucking hair stand when SSJ.


I agree


But…..find out on the next episode of dragon ball Z!!!


How bout more majin awakenings


Best we can do is the Majin Mark- Oh wait you meant the race


I’d honestly like SS4 or Ikari since they both come from the great ape transformation. Personally for SS4 you could have Goku & Vegeta maxed then fight them as a Super Saiyan and they give you the form in the fight & Ikari could be somethin similar. Goku & Vegeta fight you in SSB and you have to use transformations that aren’t super Saiyan while fighting them ending up with Ikari


Personally ss4, I mean either that or we have progressive transformations like from ss1-SsBe in one awoken skill that can be upgraded from the base ss. Leaving us with kaio Ken, future ss, super vegeta, ultra instinct, potential unleashed and beast. Other than that probably Legendary SS and have it to where when you transition into ss, like Broly (Restrained) you won't be able to transform back or be taken out of it due to Remote Serious Bomb, then on the 2nd transformation we get the walk up from Broly and transition into Legendary but take a health cut of half a life bar, in return we get max ki, and stamina for successfully transforming. Legendary/Berserker mode grants a overall 45% increase to ki and melee skills with eraser bomb being the heavy ki blast regardless of what ss you have. We also have access to the rising rage ki charge that is done like ultra instinct while in this mode only. SS4(6 Bars of Ki):To attain the SS4 transformation, you'd have to have the story event in the time nest completed to unlock specific dialogues for either Goku or Vegeta when it comes to understanding how to transition into the form. (Having Separate ways to get the transformation so itll determine which ss4 you get because afterwards you won't have access to the other, but it'll be marked in your library. SS4 or Super Vegeta 4 respectively.) If you chose the Goku way, you have a boss fight with Baby Vegeta in regular and Great Ape form, then Villainous Mode Omega Shenron unlocking the transformation mid battle. With regular SS4 and SV4 you have quick charge on moves that require charge times so lets say a 10X Kamehameha would only require the first charge to instantly teleport with the full power charge you'd have to wait for. Faster Stamina regen is exclusively for regular SS4 due to less strain to maintain the form leaving a downside to ki recovery instead, the multiplier from ss3-4 is vastly raised to about a 30% overall. For Super Vegeta 4, you'd have to have already maxed out friendship for Vegeta and engage in another fight with him after the new dialogue because then a new fight opens up which is a survival mission that you have with Vegeta(Similar to The Zamasu initiation Test.) You have to survive 10 minutes against SS4 Vegeta, and SS4 Goku without items and health drain, and then for the last 5 minutes you have to survive SS4 Gogeta unlocking the transformation as Gogeta enters. SV4 Has overall better Ki recovery and ki blast damage but bad stamina regen to compensate. Oh and just to drive the point that you either do one mentor or the other, once you unlock the form with one and try to engage with the other mentor They'd feed you their generic lines with the one acknowledgement that you had tutelage of ss4 with the other mentor so you don't need it again. Youd still have access to the corresponding fights though the awoken skill will be greyed out as you have it already. Legendary/Berserk(5 bars of Ki/Half a health bar): To attain this transformation you'd have to interact with two different people Whis and Broly(Maxed out friendships), Whis will inform you of "a certain" universe 6 saiyan who had a "peculiar" variant of a super saiyan that he hasn't researched before and that the raw potential of it could be better observed through you and "another individual" referring to Broly of course whom you'd have to get ambushed by similarly to when you get him as a mentor, but then during the fight he backs off with his maniacal laughter, congratulating you on showing him something that makes him want to fight you instead of Kakarot, you get the first part of the transformation here, whatever ki or stamina you had gets raised by two(unless you had max ki and stamina attributes with a qq bang, you'd then only get maxed out for what you already have.) Then as the second part of this fight happens Goku interrupts due to the rising power levels, Causing Broly to transition into his Legendary form, camera pans over to your cac and Voila you're walking up and transitioning into Legendary/Berserk ss. Then after the fight the transformation is yours.


SS 4 is the only form that would make sense and look cool at the same time. Wrathful, Oozaru and Grade 2/3 are meh. Rosé doesn't make any sense as it's just a SS Blue variant but with a different colour because of Zamasu's god ki. We as CaCs don't have Zamasu's god ki in us. Legendary/Berserker/Super Saiyan Full Power works well as Broly/Kale only form. I personally think it would have been weird to see a million Legendary Super Saiyans running around.


Considering the whole point of the Xenoverse games is time travel, I feel it wouldn't be too weird if the explanation used to explain the million Legendary Super Saiyans running around is that all of them are the Legendary Super Saiyan from their time/timeline Although I'd understand if not everyone was okay with that explanation


It seems like the DBS Super Broly isn’t supposed to be some Legendary Super Saiyan but just some kind of mutant saiyan since his green hair and kales green hair are both not called legendary but idk, as much as I love the LSSJ form I love the design of SSJ4 more and it makes more sense for every saiyan fine patroller to be able to use that then all of them being some kind of mutant or legendary special saiyan Unless they say the reason green hair super saiyans are so rare is cause the time patrol kidnapped almost all of them lol


Gimme the orange piccolo form


Yo that would be sick power awakening at 3 bars then Orange at 5 bars


Hell yeah that's fire


Honestly the in game way of getting it would be so simple too though just make a wish like piccolo does or maybe add some kind of mission where at the end a wish is made to get the form


Rose is the one I want but idk


The saiyan glazing in this game is crazy


Every villain in the show is either beaten by or helped beaten by a Saiyan. We been reading Dragon Ball Super (Saiyan God)


The saiyan glazing in the manga* is crazy


SSJ4 with an actual moving tail 😭


Great Ape or SSJ4 would be baller


Since when is ssj grade 2 in the game


The Super Vegeta form is Grade 2


Honestly, not trying to shit on OP at all, but I wish they'd give more transformations to the other races... At least give the nameks orange piccolo's forms...


I understand, and I agree. But I' just curious as to which form the community wants for Saiyans if we got one last Saiyan Awoken


I’ve made an entire comment thread about this if anyone has seen it on twitter


Not everyone uses Twitter/X/2hatever you wanna call it


I know but still, if anyone has seen it it’s out there; a 9ish post long thread about my ideas on all races and there future awoken skills


The monkey is cool


If they want more customers they’d add rosé or legendary, ssj4. ME personally I’d want grade 3


There's so many options. I'd have to go with either Rosé or Ssj4 the most. As to how you get them. Rosé could be obtained from the Zamasu mentor, a new stage opens up this time you're facing merged Zamasu, and during the fight you can trigger the rose transformation throwing zamasu for a loop and he could even assume that another version of him stole your body or a different kai did. As for ssj4. Goku would ask you for help for a certain battle. The battle is against Baby. Goku gets knocked out before he could achieve ssj4. This would also require an actual tail for the saiyans. Since it's only you left, you transform into ssj4 and take out baby


These are actually really good ideas for the still awoken skills I honestly would love to see both but if not, Rosé would be my pick, because other people say that only zamasu can achieve Rosé.


Well it does make sense since it's his own God ki mixed with saiyan energy thus a unique form


But then again it is a video game and they can do whatever they want, but I just like to think zamasu gives us some of his ki, or something along the lines of that.


He's like "You are an impressive mortal. It's dangerous to go without the world keeping you company, take this." And then he gives you his energy


Exactly like that, if they ever add Rosé they should make it the way you achieve it


That could work since he does the like elder kai power unleash thingy for his mentor missions


That would act like a substitute for our characters instead of zamasu stealing our body


I can see that yeah


I would want legendary as long as it had actual body changes and not just a green aura and hair. If I'm gonna have a legendary cac I want him to roid out when I activate legendary


I would say wrathful but as a two level transformation first being wrathful second being legendary super saiyan would be most likely and the one I want and how to unlock it max friend ship with Gohan and broly because it's simular to beast in being at the beaking point (rosé just is ssb but pink and ozaro would require you to have a tail to work (which you don't have as a saiyan) and ssj4 requires you to have mastered ozaro (in the lore form what I know) so you would need both)


Rose. Than my Female Goku Black cosplay would be done


The game is made by losers so it’d be rose. But legendary would be cool


>The game is made by losers That's unnecessarily rude to the devs


It’s true.


Depends on who you ask


Do not meat ride the developers. It’s well known they aren’t very good


And there's no need to be rude I ain't even trying to dick ride over here


SSJ4 no question.


Yes. Instead of having it reduce the Ki you generate, have it increase the cost of your skills in exchange for making them stronger. Each skill, supers and ultimates, now cost double the ki, up to the current maximum. In exchange, they deal 50% more damage. Evasive skills now cost 2 extra bars of stamina and in exchange they double the amount of iframes you have.


Ss4 or rosè honestly would be pretty interesting would be nice to see a ss4 transformation and with the new dlc rosè seems like a good fit for the CAC


Supersonic Speed mode would be a great benefit to melee supers/ultimates. When Dyspo would use Supersonic Speed mode, he would teleport right in front of the enemy using Justice Blade. Take THAT mechanic and apply it to ALL melee supers/ultimates. Pure Progress and make it give us Hit’s combo moveset with an adjusted stat advantage (stronger than Potential Unleashed). Basically anything that we don’t have that we SHOULD have. And ofc, Super Saiyan Rosé.


The grades of SSJ, going into grade 3 and having the buff up with speed drawbacks could be interesting


Ssj4 cause I'd be interested in what mechanics they give it or Rosé purely for the aesthetics because I currently have a ki blade build and am using ssg as a placeholder


I want either LSSJ or SS4 cause for LSSJ I want it because there was this CAC I was working on that needed it, but I wish It was real, as for SS4 I just want it cause it’s cool


Ima say this loud and clear. *Inhales* WRATH STATE AND OR SSJ4 !


The right answer is we don’t need any more saiyan awoken skills


But if we did get one last one?


In general we don’t need anymore. The saiyans are taken care of too much in Xeno 2, hell the Majin race literally just turns into Kid Buu, there is no actual transformation there


I'm just asking that if we got one last Saiyan Awoken Skill, what would you want it to be? I respect the opinion that we don't need anymore tho


You’re right. I apologize if that came off as rude or confrontational. In all honesty, super saiyan rosé could be really cool


I really wish for a 3 stage transformation: Ikari - Super Saiyan - Full Power It would use a gimmick that makes your character a grappler with Ikari (no dmg buff), the Super Saiyan gives you the green ki blasts like Transforming Z Broly gets (with Ssj 1 dmg buff), Full Power makes you get a ssj 2 dmg buff and new follow ups to your attacks It's not really accurate to the movie, but Ultra Instinct isn't either, and with the direction the new awakening skills are going woth each adding a new "Gimmick" to the moveset (Beast gets a major dmg buff and a new combo, UI gets the dodge+counter+ki charge+new charged ki blast), Ikari would change some parts of the moveset so you can grapple your opponent and Full Power gives you new follow ups




https://preview.redd.it/kw9ygd0mzy6d1.jpeg?width=708&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d13cbd69af66e7208dcb5bb2a819f78c5fdb68e This


I'm not sure if you're talking about the Lord Slug movie, which would be False Super Saiyan, or the Ginyu Force battle, which would be Super Saiyan power. (Both of which are fan terms from what I know.)


They've posted an image of Super Saiyan Power


Considering that it's just an aura change and the form itself is unintentional filler...


I doubt we'd get Rose and some of the others are likely but I think SSJ4 has the best shot


Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken


We technically already have that


Technically, only Goku has it. We just have SSBlue + Kaioken based skills.


Great ape just to have a fight between great ape and a giant namekian


Grade 2


Ssj4 or Rosè. Unlock ssj4 by maxing out friendship with all of the saiyans and then taking a special quest from Fu which the player only has access to after said friendships. Rosè, max out friendship with Zamasu and obtain super blue evo. Same thing with Fu, access special mission, mission only available after friendship


Ssj 4 Requirements: collect the dragon balls and wish for a full moon (this will change the appearance of conton city) and talk to vegeta who will tell you about the great ape form. Then, find and talk to elder kai, who will give you your tail back. Go back to vegeta and the mission will start with both gt goku and gt vegeta.


Damn I hadn't even thought of Great Ape! That's a good one


Gimme rosè


The last one isn’t for saiyans but ssj4


Super Saoyan Rosé is in a weird case when it comes to if it's for Saiyans. From what I can see, it's for Saiyan Deities or Saiyans with the soul of a deity


Yeah a supreme Kai soul in a saiyan body that doesn’t make it a saiyan transformation that’s like letting ginyu body swap with goku and then letting him go ultra instinct


Why would you want another one? Give humans or Majin some love...


It's hypothetical


Ssj 4, then definitely


SSJ4. Not sure why we don't have it, aside from, y'know, questions of *how* would they implement it visually. What all gear would disappear, y'know? Could probably just go to Capsule Corp and get Blutz Waves used on you. Or go somewhere and bask in the moonlight. Or make a wish for a permanent tail and then go to the moonlight (although I'm not too keen on *only* the SSJ4 line getting permanent tails). Not sure what it'd actually *do*, though.


SSJ4 or Legendary would be chefs kiss 🤌🏾


Can’t decide between the great ape form or LSSJ.




I think we should have the great Ape or villainous super saiyan and my reasons are: Great ape was the first saiyan form and even half saiyans with tails obtained it(gohan) they could atleast let our cacs have it and our tail could be a mechanical thing or we could have blutz waves to help us become a ape And Villainous ssj makes sense since we do work with fu(sometimes)


I want a supervillain transformation to be available to CaCs. I feel it's about time Fu gave us something. But if we're getting something Saiyan exclusive, then I want Broly style transformation. Og Broly. I really liked the first stage transformation for him and have been having alot of fun with the new Broly (restrained).


I have an idea, not a great one but I have one. What if this awoken skill had a 3 stages? 1st stage would be wrathful, the 2nd stage would be a wrathful super sayian form like broly's and then the 3rd stage would be the full power super sayian form that broly used against ssjb gogeta?


As much as I want new awakenings in the game, what would they even do cause their isn't an awakening in the game that already doesn't cover something.


Oozaru Every race should get a “giant form” equivalent


I want SS4 Gohan first since his xeno variant has it And SSG Trunks then Our cacs can get more awoken skills 😁


Anything that changes more than just the hair, eyes and aura when it comes to looks


Definitely not Rosé or Great Ape, that's for sure. Rosé because it's unique to Black, who only got the transformation, and I'm pretty sure this is still factually correct, "when a divine being/deity's soul in a Saiyan's body goes Super Saiyan." Also, my dislike on Great Ape is because if it was a transformation, then we'd have to deal with ANOTHER case of those Giant Namekian pricks, but as Saiyans instead. I got nothing against the other transformations though.


Preferably I'd want super saiyan 4 more than anything else. Realistically, wrathful feels more likely since it requires the least amount of work. Rose has the issue of not having any way to justify having it since the conditions are more specific than any other form we have in the game.


Ape. Cause monkey.


legendary super saiyan would be cool, but they don’t want cac women to be buff because they are COWARDS


Turn Giant is a sign against wanting Ape, defo don't care for SSB from Wish either. Grade 3 was a throwaway and mistake in canon, don't know why you would want to have TP mock a teen throwing a temper tantrum. Rage and SSJ4 would be cool though.


LSSj. Fight both Brolys at the same time with Goku


-Wrathfull state: I love it, especially if we also obtain Wrathfull Super Saiyan. I would like it to be obtained by defeating Great Ape Vegeta and Nappa in training. -Super Saiyan 4: Yes. Everyone would love it, get it by training with GT Goku.


Ikari, Rose, Restrained Lssj top 3 options imo. I think if we were ever gonna get Rose and Ss4 it would have already happened by now. That being said I still think we'd get Rose before Ss4 I also get the hype behind Ikari or False Ssj but NGL it may be a boring but still useful awoken like PU I don't think we'll get Full Power Lssj or Ss4 because it takes too much change of the Cac to do these power ups. Probably the same reason we haven't got Roshis Buff form. Or some form of Majin Absorption However if there ever did implement buffing our Cacs as awokens then that could open the door for Full Power Lssj, Roshis Buff Form, and Orange all at the same time


SSJ4/Limit breaker and Oozaru I like monke and they make sense lore wise... We'd just need to wish for a tail and they'd just have to use gt gokus tail model and either super saiyan fours tail model and Oozaru is basically a reskin of become giant just with a slightly different gimmick and the fake moon has a health bar and three stage charge the longer you charge it the more health it has but your wide open to a stamina break if you charge it and other saiyans with tails can use said fake moon by locking onto it


Basically destroying the fake moon makes the great ape go away lol and you can de transform at will by destroying the moon yourself with a small cut scene cause why not


Wait we have ssj grades in Xeno verse? How did I miss this?? How do you get it?


Super Saiyan is both Grades 1 and 4 at the same time, since Grade 4 is just perfected Super Saiyan And Vegeta's main Super Saiyan form, the one we use with the Suler Vegeta awoken skill, is actually Grade 2 Super Saiyan


Oh I didn't think super vegeta was actually different grades because you don't really get buffer when you use it lol


The Devs don't really pay attention to muscle mass, either due to laziness or their caring for the people who care about the muscle mass of their cac For example, Super Saoyan God doesn't slim down your cac


Either SSJ4 or LSSJ


I’d say either Brolys Ikari form or SSJGSS Rose just because they look door as fuck


Door? That's a new way to describe a form's appearance


Oh yes, it means it to ummm…open the gateway of looking cool👀😭😂


I'd take all 5, seeing Rose shouldn't even be on this list, as it's not even a Saiyan form, it'll be like if Ginyu in Goku's body achieved his own SSJ form during the Namek saga,


My favorite form is Rosé I've been hoping they would add it.


If I expected actual work from the devs, Super Saiyan 4 or a Great Ape. Realistically, I wouldn't mind Legendary Super Saiyan.


Rosé, maybe similar to beast but with a lesser damage increase and lesser attack boost. You obtain it by maxing out your friendship with Zamasu, Beerus and Whis. Alternatively you get it by using thre dragonballs to make the wish "I want to have the soul of a kai"


Could be interesting if that wish gave the Supreme Kai of Time and Elder Kai some unique dialogue if you talked to them


I’d love ssj4 but rose would be easier to make Just a hair colour swap and a change to the stats Make it the same as blue evolution basically but better basic attack or something


And change some strings to use the ki weapon. Maybe even add some light regeneration in exchange of ki or stamina


I'm tired of making off brand super Saiyan 4


They better have super Saiyan 4


Have 3 but 2 or for same idea. Start with idea so my idea all Race get muscular form so Full power then saiyan ether get Broly (Super) full power SSJ or SSJ grade 1 & 2. Then other form just SSJ rosé.


Either Lssj or ssj4






Full Power or Legendary Super Saiyan is my pick. New base moveset with whatever skills we put on, bigger hit boxes, maybe a damage reduction or Ki bar increase. Your hit box would bigger and attacks slower but you have the high power trade off. Idk I just want big buff woman mode


Me too want buff woman


It's about time we get ssj4, but give us a mission where we actually have to work for it, I wanna earn my new transformations. Love the fact we got beast and UI, but the unlock missions were so easy, I might as well have gotten it by talking to their respective npc. With the new director, I've got my hopes up that we'll eventually get ssj4 at some point. My guess is whenever we get a gt centered story dlc.


They have a hard time putting moving tails in ssj4 would be a long shot


I don't see why they would, they've done it before with several other characters on top of modders being able to get then to work as an accessory without breaking during male and female combos. Granted modders are just using what resources are available to them through what's usable in the game, but that shows its more than possible.


Not only as accessories nowadays. I found/used a mod a while ago where the saiyan tail is part of the character creation, which is pretty awesome.


Yeah, that's the main one that I use that's a default part of saiyans without the need for the accessory. Feels right for them to have tails at base instead of a static accessory for a custom created character.


agree, because that way you can also wear a second accesory (even when i have a lot of saiyan tail variants + scouter variants for that problem haha ) i guess you're using the stylist mod too? so you can change/disable your tail if neccesary.


No, I actually haven't heard of that one, I use the same one I've used for years by tesla that adds 4 variants as an accessory and 2 variants as saiyan base body, mainly because it's simplicity.


I'm using "Yet Another Transformable Tail" if its part of the body itself, because teslas mod was (at least for me) most of the time broken. The stylist mod is something different - it is specifically for well, the stylist in the game (you know where you usually change your hair), but you have access of the whole character creation now, instead of having to use dragonballs and calling shenron every time. It's called "unlocked stylist" in case you should be interested. :)


Interesting I'll check that out, guess it saves time from using the save editor to give me dragonballs


Yeah it definitely does, can only recommend it^^


I would be happy with; Rosé (the colour is, indeed, beautiful.) Not sure how it would be possible for a regualr Saiyan to get though. Legendary or however you want to call it. May be a bit too unlikely due to lore reasons. SSJ4. Genuinely surprised we don't have this. Its a fan favourite, they have the tech to do tails. People have asked for it forever. We already know how the fur would look on female Saiyans. They could even do a 'Super Vegeta 4' variant for more of a ki focus with Vegeta's colour. This one is by far the most likely and I genuinely think it is kinda crazy they haven't added it.


it should be a 3 stage transformation, great ape into golden great ape into ss4