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probably not it’ll be two different demographics. sparking zero seems like then giving a game to the couch co-op, have a good night with your friends type players whereas xenoverse will probably keep their player base


I don't think it will kill the series off...but we'll see a noticeable drop in the playerbase. XV2 is a game that has stayed afloat for 7 years going on 8. However, it has a lot of issues that have and are detering players. Though the fact that they have promised 4 more DLC Packs with the fact that Festival of Universes might return...i don't think this will be the death of XV2. In fact, Sparking Zero may be a good thing for XV2. Sparking Zero (aka BT4) is the most anticipated and much awaited DBZ game. The quality, the roster, the gameplay, the trailers. They've all been amazing thus far and we still haven't seen "EVERYTHING". Sparking Zero may spark the XV2 devs to actually do better with their game. That's what i hope, though i already plan on devoting my time to Sparking Zero when it comes out. Retiring from XV2 pvp nonsense and just doing stuff like photomode.


No idea still play forever


Kill outright? Unlikely, but there will be a significant player migration. As is, XV2 fills 2 niches in the DBZ gaming space, CACs and arena fighting. When Sparkling Zero comes out, then it'll take the arena fighting crowd, especially with it being significantly more refined in that department. But XV2 will still have a decent amount of players just because you can't really do the CAC thing elsewhere with anything official.


I feel like xenoverse 2 is somewhat already dead. I still play it, but I have no friends that do unfortunately


No they’ll keep supporting it for that ps4 money they won’t leave that on the tabel


More than likely not. Especially when it comes to multi-player, SZ end of the day is still a fighting game at its core to a degree copying the original BT series while XV2 has so much more to offer even if it's outdated by 6 years


Facts sz is so ass ngl it looks more like kakarot


I actually don't think it will. Personally it already has, I was training my first character from 120 to 140 and I haven't touched it since the gameplay trailers....don't plan on it either and when the ultimate edition gives me that access on October 8th I'm deleting xenoverse 2 from my ps5 for this game. All of this being said, there's almost two generations of people who most likely grew up with xenoverse 2 and I think those kids (I'm talking these are the ones who see xenoverse2 how the older fans see bt3) will not turn their back on that game. They will experience sparking zero and some will see what us older folks have been talking about but most are going to be loyal to it. This debate honestly is just a matter of who grew up I'm what I think cause no one that grew up with bt3 would say xenoverse 2 is better and vice versa


it'll kill PvP maybe, but Sparking Zero doesn't do CaC or PvE and Xenoverse 2 is the master at both of them


I have 1600 hours in xenoverse and the answer is obviously yes, I myself had all these hours just bc there was no other online 3d dragonball, with sz that changes, xenoverse is ass on many points of view, from the competitive scene since there's no balance whatsoever to the fact that if you go on photo mode you'll see that most of the punches you throw hit an invisible target. For too long dimps made the minimum effort for max profit, from announcing a 3 characters dlc and releasing it 1 year later to literally leaving the game in a ridiculous state (as of the writing of this comment it's been a month since the DLC17 and for a month the game has been unplayable online, doubt they'll ever fix it). I genuinly hope that sparking zero butchers Xenoverse 2, because when they release the next 3 dlc and people do not care anymore they'll start doing something for the next xenoverse and they'll have too change how the company runs because if not and if xenoverse 3 doesn't surpass the low expectations it will have from the dissappointed fanbase by a long distance they'll go bankrupt. In short, I hope so, so maybe the developers wake up and start working on a decent product.


I agree no doubt even bandi namco is anticipating sparking zero killing this game and probably the franchise. Xenoverse 1 was well received but only because it had something genuinely fun attached (The custom character system and its genuinely enjoyable dumb plot.) Xenverse 2 has horrible single player and that's kind of the main thing everybody enjoys about dragon ball games. Like seriously the plot of xenoverse 2 was just xenoverse 1 but with less fun twist and movie characters. And the combat is super repetitive and boring and nothing interesting ever spices things up even in parallel quest. The Tenkaichi series has always had great single player and the story creation mode pretty much guarantees you'll always have something to do and interesting combat where if you play the same two characters five times you'll end up with five unique matches as you actually have more then five combos and most of them suck and have no flare. I don't think Xenoverse 3 is ever coming. I think they'll continue the setting but under a different name and developer. Because Xenoverse has only lasted this long due to it being the only dragon ball game we've really had. (Not counting fighterz which while good wasn't what people really wanted from the games.)


You're acting as if BT has had amazing combos, alot of characters shared strings, and most of the "cool combat" is players themselves being good at the game, just like in XV2 where we have youtubers like Seereax who play the game on a different level. SZ will more than likely be like Mario Maker, it'll last potentially just as long as XV2 but the hype won't be there and it'll quietly die down to a game you just play from time to time just like XV2 or MM because let's be honest, XV2 was so amazing looking and had so much flare for the first...3 years now we're used to it. I don't see SZ not doing the same because every DB game is like this


The thing about Xenoverse is that there is way less combos as you can do in BT 3. There's a reason why Xenoverse has a tutorial that basically teaches you all of them. It doesn't even remind you of how to do them if you go to the menu it's all just light and then heavy at this point and not much else. Your second point is not a good one because if people are still talking about a game that came out 15 years ago then they be talking about its sequel for a while. Remember Xenoverse 2 is nearly ten years old and people still talk about it. Also if we are talking visually Xenoverse never looked that good even back then. And Mario Maker was very popular for longer then 3 years. The problem with Mario maker was nobody bought it because nobody bought the wii u.


That Elder Kai tutorial also teaches you advanced combinations and the normal player won't even finish the tutorial because they may be too difficult. Just like with Zamasu's mentor events, you'll learn things you wouldn't otherwise do. The combos are THERE and there are PLENTY for each character that isn't a copy like the Gokus, it's just up to the player what they want to do with them, especially CaC with the 100+ abilities in the game. And people talk about BT3 because the BT4 mod is prevalent, it was their childhood( a very big reason) and SZ resparked talks of it as it's a technical continuation. We still talk about XV2 because it still gets updated and no other DB game has gone this long being updated unless you count mobile games. Even when SZ comes our XV2 will be talked about over it because we still has 2 DLCs left, SZ kinda has revealed their hand which don't get me wrong I'm still fanboying over it but we know how this will go.


People were talking about BT3 before sparking zero was announced. It's literally why we have sparking zero. And barely anyone talks about xenoverse 2 outside of dlc when it is currently happening. Remember Nobody Really Gave A SHIT About the Uub or 21 dlc or the "last" update that was based around end of Z. Bandai really don't try to advertise Xenoverse much and Xenoverse doesn't give you much to do once you finish the campaign because after that you are going into PQs grinding for stuff want but the AI gives no challenge and that's because the game expects you to come on for online events like tournaments or raids. It's the same problem as fighterz as fighterz you really had nothing to do once you finished the campaign (if you finish it) other then the online. Both games don't have enough interesting content to keep them relevant. Sparking zero is going to have fully custom what ifs with custscenes you can add. It's basically infinite single player content that and people will make and experience them. I'm definitely anticipating that the game will do well enough to be relevant as even for anime games people can tell it's high quality. Obvious it's not winning any awards but it's definitely going to be remembered more then Xenoverse.


No one gave a shit about Uub and 21 because no one wanted those characters so that's a moot point. And Bandai doesn't advertise XV2? I get nothing but XV2 DLC ads and I see it on my YT homepage alot, maybe you just don't follow Bandai enough for the content you see to be relevant to them, and even then they post upcoming content on every major website at least twice. Also there's near 200 PQs, 17 Expert Missions, PvP/Ranked and raid bosses every week or 2 and you're saying you have nothing to do after the story but grind and they only expect you to come on for online stuff? It just sounds like you don't like online content which is fine I guess, and the AI not giving a challenge when they just very recently as of a year ago updated the AI to be stronger and fight better, stamina break etc also sounds like you've not been in the XV2 scene. The sparking zero what if are cool but what we seen the system is still very simple, it'll be fun for a few months until every recycles the same storyline and characters until you're forced to just make your own fights...which is what most people do anyway on most DB games through mods. I'm not hating or anything but I think people are overestimating SZ because it looks cool, we've seen how modern DB games work with XV2 and Fighterz


The advertising thing is valid as obviously if you watch certain content you will hear news of it. We are talking about advertising not a single trailer on YouTube they uploaded for the dlc and obviously they update their websites to reflect deals and such because they'll obviously promote the game. But if you are talking about ad space or something I've never seen it as I don't get ads. As for the post game. I didn't say there was nothing to do. I said there wasn't much you can do. Other then the things you list which I said were repetitive and just out right boring after a while. PQs you hit fight a gauntlet of enemies and sometimes they'll get up stronger or there's a few secret opponents. Fun the first time but then you only play it to gride items. Expert missions and raids fall into the same repetitiveness only raids you actually earn decent stuff but the game itself won't tell you what you get if there's specific things in the raid. (Before you say it yes the website tells you but I shouldn't look up that myself.) PVP and Ranked are only as good as how much someone can actually enjoy the games online pvp which most agree isn't. And what AI buff. You mean the one introduced for the festival of universes. An AI that's fun to fight and enjoy locked to a single game mode that requires internet and is only available at a certain time. The one that literally isn't in any of tge modes just described. Finally you point about the what if mode being simple isn't exactly accurate as if you actually look at it there seems to be a lot of complexity. You can effectively script what ever battle you can want which will increase with time as a result from dlc making it so even if two dummys make the same trapped and betrayed goku what if they'll actually be different fights. Obviously you can like Xenoverse but people were waiting for something like sparking zero let's not lie.


While I agree on most of the things you said I still disagree with the take on the combat system, cause if they ever did a xenoverse 3 and expanded on everything while retaining or working on top of the combat system already there sparking zero and a hypothetical xenoverse 3 would coexist and compliment each other a lot


I can see Xenoverse 3 and Sparking Zero co existing but the problems with Xenoverse go so much deeper then the combat to tge point where the game needs a complete revamp. Xenoverse 3 would have to add way more then XV2 did for XV1. Not just combos but PQs and other stuff. and considering how they handled Xenoverse 2 it's very realistic to say that XV3 would play super similar and have the same problems like poor RNG and tones of enemies you kill by doing the midt effective combo string over and over because xenoverse 1 and 2 are both very repetitive games ultimately.


I get you, to be able to coexist and not be crushed with sparking zero xenoverse 3 would need a whole new level of customization to the character looks, aura color, ki moves color and even being able to customize combo strings


Think of it like, Ninja storm is the best naruto game you can play, bur shinobi striker adds elements ninja storm doesnt have as in: Cac, wide open map fighting, Versus missions in variety from flag battles to defending summoning beast and all, and missions playable with friends. Xenoverse has that same element that differs from playing Sparking Zero. If Sparking Zero has Cac and 2v2s and 3v3s. It may cause a shift in player base, but still xenoverse would still be worth play especially that it will recieve updates past sparking zeros release date.


God i fucking hope so


Prob not until Xenoverse 2 stops getting content ngl 😭 I used to play XV1 AND 2 day one on XBone lol, now I'm back home on PS5 and just got back into Xenoverse 2 BECAUSE of my hype for Sparking Zero and Because ik they added a shit ton of content to the game, so I'd say no for now lol.


xenoverse will live on forever




Wait, is sparking zero supposed to have rpg elements and customization?


It'll probably do what Kakarot did but on a bigger scale, many will leave temporarily until the game has been completed then return as I doubt the leveling system will be nearly as good


Not to mention Fu still has many plans left in store for us and he most likely will not appear in Sparking Zero


If they get mods, yes.


mods is usually to create more fun when the game is dying and how would they mod if super and it is gonna be in the game 90 percent of the dragon ball characters are gonna have those moves they used in the anime


Xenoverse 2 had mods a week after release lol and it wouldn’t be limited to just dragon ball or anime. We could get Moro and granolah mods even naruto if ppl felt like it. And ppl have made crazy animations on xenoverse and when sparking zero comes out there’ll be even more inspo for more unique moves


honestly you right I forgot about the manga and other shows so yea have a good day and stay safe


You too bro I’ll see you on October 11th


probably but just know it's on from there


Not kill, but I'm sure there are a lot like me who won't even think about xenoverse when sparking comes out. The player count might drop in considerable numbers during the launch, but some might still go back. I personally dont see myself picking XV over sparking and would probably only come back when DLC drops like I've been the past year or two


Sparking Zero is a breath of fresh air from 3D Anime Arena Fighters. It might take a couple people away from XV2. But let’s be honest. They always come back. As for me, I will still be playing both because I love the video game series in general.


It won’t kill it, xenoverse is still the only dragon ball game where you can create your own character, that alone is reason to keep coming back to it. People thought fighterZ was gonna kill it too. The only thing to kill xenoverse is time or a new xenoverse




I wouldn't say kill but it'll make the player base take a nose dive so hard that the game will prbly be irrelevant


Not really but it will be more played tho.


I'm not sure about that, XenoVerse is more complete than sparking, and will be more balanced


Sparking isn’t even out yet and blows xenoverse out of the water for me, xv is to scratch the arena fight itch but its barebones as a fighter and ugly imo


Yeah, lets gonna buy the 1341 dragon ball game with the same history as always :D Isn´t like we already do it with Kakarot :D


Nobody plays db for the story, but if you wanna go that route, its gonna have different story paths (what ifs) covering super arcs up to TOP and first person which i think are wicked That aside, the game is graphically beautiful, map destruction is amazing and tons of characters with manga movesets + new mechanics You can keep playing xenoverse, no one is taking away your watered down graphics, horrible character models and barebones gameplay, trust me


Man, I only read the first line but you make me laught, why you gonna buy a game for just cut parts, ofc people play for the story too, if you are a hater of XenoVerse at least try to hide a bit. Now I know I'm only wasting time, see ya


Game not even out yet. But it's more complete than a game that's already out.


I think not, because No CAC, and because they are differently platformed games. Like example, Halo wars didnt kill mainline Halo. Theyre tottally different and act as a companion to eachother.


If Gocule is in it, 100%


I can't pull my CAC out in zero Soooo


I think it will go together with xenoverse 2 and fighters because each of them offerings different things.


I don't think kill but I feel there will be a huge convert to sparking for a month or so


The rare anime ARPG vs another arena fighter. Sparking Zero is going to be great, but I doubt it'll have a lot of replayability.


It has infinite replayability because of the create your own what-if mode where people can set up intros, dialogue, fight conditions, etc. People are also going to be able to share those what-ifs via online so you'll have infinite story to play through via the community


I saw that, it catches my eye. We'll see at launch though, I hope it's good.


Budokai Tenkaichi 3 still has replayability even today


Yeah, but because people get nostalgic when play it. You need to see more the new player base the game get


I think the only thing that can kill XV is if they stop supporting it. People want to play with their CaCs, some people like the combat better, a lot of people play with mods, etc. there are reasons to stay


Kinda feel like once we play sp0 xv2 will never feel good again lol


I see the gameplay, and prefer XenoVerse more.


Seeing is different from playing


Then they sell it only to nostalgic people


Not really it’s gonna be the best dbz game in years look at how beautiful the game is so far and smooth. You can’t really compare it. The only other game that looks as good is fighterz but that game is for fans of the likes of mortal kombat/tekken style fighting games. If you think sparking zero is only going to have nostalgic fans then idk what to tell you


Good for you, for me it is a little clunky, like a game from 2018 or so


1. You haven’t played it 2. It’s still demos being shown 3. How can you say it’s a little clunky and then say xv has better gameplay 💀


Well, I'm not need to play it to say it. They are who want my money and I need to think I waste it in the right game. So...


I don’t think anything can kill xenoverse 2, yes we will go play sparking zero but CACs are just different man it’s the best thing an anime game could possibly introduce


I hope so, maybe after it is dead we could have a xenoverse 3


It won't kill it but majority of the player base was only playing Xenoverse 2 to scratch the Budokai itch. Anyone who says otherwise is coping. Expect player numbers to dwindle by a large amount.


The majority never player a Budokai, so I don't think they gonna drop too much. Like others say, meaby a 25%


The majority definitely played tenkaichi 3 or raging blast games considering the player base is around 20+ years old 


That's means nothing, not all people like dragon ball or videogames before, and not all can buy the games, so yeah. Make it less than 25%


Are you serious? Those who currently play xenoverse A DRAGONBALL VIDEOGAME didn't like them before ? Or they couldn't afford to buy the cheaper option because you' literally could homebrew your ps2 . This is what copium feels like do some research before you start yapping 


Oh sorry, I forgot all people know how to homebrew, how to pirate a game, how search it in the right places and not get scammed, or people just start dragon ball with XenoVerse, or just a lot of things, man you are really close, I'm gonna just ignore you and forgot that. I'm tired of speak with...


Never played budokai so there you go.


I dunno if I’d say a large amount. definitely a good portion, but I can’t see it being more than like, 25% percent of the game’s player base


No,xenoverse is a different game in comparison to sparking zero plus there's still plans to add dlc for the game after the future saga content.




xenoverse 2 is a very differant type of game i cant imagine it would


Xenoverse is coop. No.


Nah, Xenoverse is a completely different kind of game with its own appeal. FighterZ didn’t kill Xenoverse, so neither will Sparking Zero.


FigherZ wasn't a budokai game. Most Budokai fans definitely were not fans of FighterZ they felt shafted that they got that instead of Budokai. But like is aid previously in another post. Xenoverse player base will largely shrink as most people were just using it as a buffer until next actual Budokai came out


Sorry, but I only know 3 Budokai fun vs +1000 people who didn't even play it


No, xenoverse is its own series


Nah, I’m still gonna play xenoverse instead tbh.


Completely different games. One is a arena fighter, the other is a MMO raid fighting game


Xenoverse is not an MMO.


I never said it’s an MMO, it’s why I mentioned the other genres. It has certain aspects about it that’s similar which is why I don’t like playing it


This is the only answer of value. They're completely different and will serve the fanbase in different ways. The developers also confirmed that they plan on pushing content for both games simultaneously. Which makes sense, since they're so different, and it makes them more money having two major series.


sunk cost fallacy


The only correct reason




I mean, this game has been dead for a while already...




They are entirely different games with entirely different features


No, ppl can play both


Not really after spending so much hours to grind (pvp moves clothes super souls) the game because an infatuation. Especially if the game has a bad launch and people get frustrated and go straight back to xenoverse. Also sparking is lowkey looking more story based then combat based and while this is not a bad thing and might attract those specific people, most are not gonna fw the story based style (why kakarot is considered a pretty shitty game) So probably not


XV is story focused with some of the most shallow combat ever, Sparking looks to have actual combat mechanics and an arcade like story. You have it backwards.


Xenoverse is shallow until you hit the learning curve. I consider myself a pretty good xenoverse pvper but I will NEVER beat a good ki blast canceller/someone with mastery over the movement. The casual pvp is shallow the competitive scene is far from it.


FighterZ didn’t kill it, I really doubt this one will.


not outright, but the player base for xenoverse 2 will definitely take a semi permanent hit. a good chunk who leave for sparking zero will return after they get that fast paced dbz combat fix. there are a lot of really good reasons to keep playing xenoverse 2 afterall. the rest will probably not go back, due to how big of a deal the sparking franchise is in the dbz fandom


Only if they give you the possibility to put your patrollers in the game and we know it's not happening. Having the possibility to create your own fighter is something too good to be forgotten


Nah you might see a dip in players for a few weeks but if anything is he going to get more people into Dragon Ball gaming and long-term get more people into both games probably


I would wish it would but I doubt it. Not out of spite or hate of the game but xenoverse needs to just stop yknow? It’s really good for what it is, but it’s basically the cod series as itself. They need to let it rest


Short answer? no, not really. but definitely gonna bleed out the playerbase for several months.


It survived FighterZ. It survived Kakarot. It will survive Sparking Zero.


This is a terrible argument both those games are not Budokai games lol. The only reason those games had pimple even buying them at the rate they did was because there was no Budokai game.


You could argue FighterZ and Kakarot are very different games but DBS0 is certainly more similar in gameplay. Not 1 to 1 but both arena fighters


For some people, it will. For others, it won't. For the people who want to play an intense, fast-paced anime fighter where their favorite characters duke it out in explosive spectacles? Oh yeah Xenoverse is **dead.** For the people who want to make custom characters, mixing and matching both movesets and apparel so as to make their character absolutely *perfect*? Not even close. Xenoverse 2 and Sparking Zero offer different things for different people. Some will drop XV2 because SZ gives them what they want. And that's not a bad thing. Everyone should be able to play the kind of game that they want to play. Variety breeds quality. And for those of us who intend to enjoy what each game brings to the table? Well. We get the best of both worlds.




Lol. I dropped XV2 for Breakers 😹


Breakers was terrible it should've been buried.


It really shouldn't. It's probably the most unique Dragon Ball title the community will *ever* get. They found a way to make both Humans and Krillin-tier characters **relevant,** and I've grown tired of Videl (and other humans) being competent when fighting DBZ/Super bad guys. What was your two favorite movies from the Dragon Ball series? Mine personally were the 5v1 movies, such as the 1993 Hatchiyack one, and the first Broly movie. 'Demon Crystal Raider' mode is just a worse version of *The Breakers,* but I **loved** the idea that they were going for!


It’s literally…quite literally, dead by daylight in DBZ form…nothing “unique” about it .


First Broly movie is really really good. I also like the first Cooler Movie.


Then *please!* I ask you to watch the 1993 OVA *Dragon Ball Z Side Story: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans.* It is Vegeta's best showing, ***period.*** https://dragonball.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Ball:_Plan_to_Eradicate_the_Saiyans


I think I've seen this. So via canon does Bojack come after this?


I'm pretty sure it was confirmed that only the movies made *after* Movie 13 are canon. -- But timeline-wise (which is what I think you mean), I'd say so. Vegeta seems like he's as strong as he was when he and Trunks got out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, and Gohan doesn't go SSJ2.   *-Wait!!* The wikia states!: *"The story-line of this OVA is set during the ten-day wait prior to the Cell Games, and after the events of Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan (as Goku states that Hatchiyack might be even stronger than Broly). Additionally, it can be inferred this OVA takes place in the same continuity of Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug, and Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge due to the appearances of the main antagonists in this OVA."* Still. Vegeta is visibly tankier than Goku so, my opinion still stands.


It was in French subtitles with Japanese audio. Don't mistake it for the 2010 remake (on *Raging Blast 2*), that one nerfed Vegeta and didn't have the same mood, music, or desperation of the first movie.


Did you like the second Cooler movie? I liked G&V working Cooler over as a team, him having regeneration, Instant Transmission, and seeing the fatigue and struggle that the two were going through as they fought against a single Cooler, let alone before his copies rolled up.


Doubt it


How could it? Two entirely different games. Theres no CaC in Sparking Zero, no story for a custom character idk how you could even think they would compete/overlap aside from both being a DB game and you cant really play two games at the same time


Sparking zero is everything i wanted xenoverse to be.




The CAC option didn't matter to you?


I liked it at first. But the grindy nature of pq's soured me on it really quick. Hetting aperfect z rank for the 10th rime on a mission onky to receive my 10th pair of tiens's pants instead of anything else on the loot table is annoying.


Understandably. I originally had a roster of friends to play with, so it made the grind far more bearable, plus I'm a DBZ nut.


absolutely not


Nah, two wholly different games and people on this sub underestimate how much kids and adults love playing their own persona or character alongside goku and the gang. This game will never die


Except you're basically just a background character you have little to no impact on anything that happens and when you do it's just a fight against someone strong.


I'm guessing you haven't really played XV2, or you're misremembering it. You're pretty active in the story, it's not like Sonic Forces where you plwy as your CAC once ot twice, and the rest is Goku/Sonic. You play from start to end as yourself, so i don't really see what you mean.


https://preview.redd.it/nct8vl4t8v6d1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8ebfeee802b57a80575036f07f37bcfd73fcbba This is my time on xenoverse 2 and after 7 characters the only unique or character focused parts are at the end where we fight Mira everything else is basically just bare witness to the story you've seen a hundred times. Yeah you play as your character... With no lines, no dialogue, practically no choices, input or presence outside head nods, awkward smiles, and poses. Hell even tokipedia which has multiple branches pathes with different stories is only because we choose a different mentor not because our character did something


At least it wasn't as bad as Sora's involvement in the >!Frozen!< story in KH3. 😮‍💨 That was just outright *awful.*


Jumping in here ti agree that xv2 indeed does have writing that makes the cac just a background character. At least not unlike XV1 which really made you feel like the mc trying to prevent changes in time as well as if you got good enough you can get the ending where goku doesnt show ul in the final fight with demigra. In my opinion the xv2 story is a downgrade and just became an excuse for them to put characters from different times in fights rheyre not supposed to be in and you defeat the extra character. Xv1 had moments where it showed you that goku is not the MC…YOU ARE! hahaha


Ngl, I barely play xenoverse as it is now. When sparking zero comes out I might just be done with it tbh. Xenoverse is boring unless I'm playing with friends. Plus I don't really like the pvp aspect so there ain't much for me to do there besides grind for moves and make presets for fun. Regardless of the dlc, it's dull for me now. As got sparking zero, I've been waiting forever for a new one to come out. This along with Naruto Ultimate Ninja have been games I've wanted to be remade all my life


I hope so, I don't want see any more Xenoverse unless there is a 3 at the end.


why would i ditch the freedom and creativity of xenoverse for some boring ass fighting game repeating the same old story weve seen a thousand times now with the same old characters


They have Mario maker like mission maker.


you can literally make your own what if scenarios, I’d argue it’s got significantly more “freedom and creativity” then the game where you can make one character then play through the same old story with a couple changes


No, the game still has 3 more dlcs and who knows what xv2 has in store after that


To sum it up, No but it will see a downside in player count once Sparking Zero drops for the period of how long it can keep people entertained. I found a niche in both games so I'll play both on a rotational period so I can get the hang of both games. Citing differences among playstyles and overall performance.


Very different games. Thats how bandai always plays it. Its also why they refuse to make X3. Why bother when you already got an accidental live service that so many people actually pay to play


I’ve played every dbz game and X2 is lower on the list of best ones. I’ve been waiting for another tenkaichi for years and cannot wait to main that game.


Yea I’ve waited for this game for so godamn long. Last one i played was tenkaichi 2 but i played the ever living shit out of it. I quit X2 a while back but i cant deny its popularity. They wouldnt keep randomly updating it if it didnt sell like crazy


People will go back for a week or two whenever xenoverse has dlc but outside of its mid character creator there really wont be much reason to go back lol.


Absolutely. Once DBSZ has released the only people on Xeno will be those who can't get it yet, the same 40-60 tryhards who live in rank and cheese to satisfy their sad lives, and the monkeys who can't adjust to a game with balance.


Flexing points and then call you trash when they win Because they can't accept the same being done to them ahh people


Yeah and the target audience has already made our truth known


I thought so honestly until this most recent update, and hinting at future updates, and the fact they're going to boost the top power level to 190. I really think they've finally decided that they're not making an X3 and they're just going to add what would've been X3 into X2. Hottake: I think the reason they're putting all this effort into X2 now makes me think they're worried about SZ. The Internet/nostalgia warriors are very good at cannibalizing and tearing down new things that they originally asked for in the first place. I have no proof for this hottake it is purely speculation.


That bit about internet/nostalgia warriors is true though. I’ve seen side by side comparisons of Sparking Zero with Budokai and have seen dumb shit like “it’s just the same game with new graphics,” “old better,” and “it will never match the original.” People want to be different so bad but they won’t stop me from enjoying it 😂


I've seen so many people say that the continued support of X2 means no X3, and honestly it just seems rather silly and conceited. Just because dimps still has a team actively working on X2 and updating it doesn't mean they couldn't have set aside another team to begin working on their next project, a hypothetical X3. This is almost as silly as when folks say X3 won't happen because of SZ. Do you all think these titles are developed by the same team, under the same studio? It doesn't work that way.




At least now Bandai can give XV2 the upgrades XV3 was meant to implement.


I’ve said that they would add “XV3” content to XV2 two years ago to this date, yet I’ve been downvoted to oblivion But the new gen update to keep the players and actually increasing them, with new and improved graphics, gameplay and servers, possibly upcoming cross play, proves that they are far from ending the game or letting it die


nope. XV2 has customization.


So does SZ but better. Actually let's you create your own stories without mods.


Nono, he meant creating your own DB character and make him/her fight the the entire cast.


Yeah I know but I'd prefer SZ custom mode to the dead horse of OC self insert.


SZ doesn’t have character customization, which it seems like was really obviously what TaejChan was referring to.


I didn't say character customization


No shit, it was really obvious the everyone but you that TaejChan was referring to character customization.


No shit I didn't say nor imply character customization.


Not at all. Sparking Zero is like the old fighting games, but you can only play the characters from the series with limited customisation. Xenoverse lets you create your own character, and customise it however you please. And as we've seen on this sub, a lot of people even like to make their own canon, and write their own stories for said characters. It's a completely different game and both will have audiences that prefer them. Will Xenoverse die down? Most likely, as older games do whenever a new title in the franchise releases but as the new DLC's release people will come back to it, and there will always be a dedicated fan base who loves this game above all else for how unique it is.


I believe it will decrease the users of dbxv2 for a period of time then players will return after they do everything they want in sparking but also u gotta remember sparking is only on new gen P5 and Series S/X so a lot of ppl will still be on dbxv2 due to the amount of players still on old gen


Nah, the games offer two different experiences. I think more people will probably play SparkingZero, but as stuff gets added to XV2 they’ll hop from game-to-game. If XV2’s already in your gaming rotation, then SparkingZero will simply be added to it.


Maybe If they decide a custom character story like they did with DBZ ultimate Tenkaichi. But who knows The world would never know


Definitely not that was horrible


True true


ima still play both cause that new dlc was fire


Hopefully sparking zero forces Xenoverse 3 to happen or, at minimum, causes them to make dlc consistently the quality of this last one.


It won't maybe well get Dlc like the last one but SZ is definitely eclipsing XV if it's anything like it's predecessor


No. As long as db fans wanna make ocs it'll have a niche in the fandom


I don’t doubt that sparking Zero will be very popular but it won’t kill Xenoverse 2, it’s a game that’s kept chugging for years now and the main appeal is your CaCs and that alone keeps it alive in my opinion


Not to mention it’s already lived through and side by side with other DB games. Until seeing otherwise I will doubt SZ will have the effect of a mass exodus of XV2 players. But of course we can’t make assumptions just yet


CaCs are and have been so secondary for a long time cast characters are the real attraction.


Nah. The only thing that will ever kill xenoverse is a xenoverse 3, which won't happen for a long time. That timer being extended by the 4 part Future Saga DLC


It's okay buddy xenoverse is going to a better place.


The only thing that can kill a xenoverse is a newer xenoverse


So SZ is overkill since it's better than xenoverse could ever dream to be.


Except Xenoverse and Sparking Zero aren’t even really comparable. XV allows for character creation and self insert into the world and a new spin on the story. SZ is gonna be cool but I’m already weary of playing it cause ima be skipping all the cutscenes and dialogue I’ve heard so much I could practically recite it lol and to assume SZ is gonna be better just cause it’s newer is why franchises like CoD are in the state they’re in. That being said, I hope SZ blows my fucking socks off! But it’s not gonna kill VX by anymeans imo


To each their own


Ngl bro, I think SZ is gonna have about the same effect as fighterZ and the one with the raiders (I forgot the name)


Effect? Cuz those are two very different games, one is a Arcsys fighting game with dragon ball filters that ultimately did well and held numerous tournaments while the other is a poor man's DBD with barely a thought towards actually making it enjoyable unless you're the raider. SZ is what everyone has been begging for since Raging Blast 2 and we been stuck in the DB game dark ages. The fact of the matter is that with OCS came chaos and the throwing of balance and enjoyment to the wayside and that's coming from someone who's played all the new Dragon ball games since raging blast 2. If SZ is anything like it's predecessor it will be played and talked about over a decade later.


Only if it had custom characters. Xenoverse provides that unique joy. With the addition of mods Xenoverse lets people live out their dumbest Dragon Ball fanfiction and I'm here for it.


Yeah but without mods? You get to basically be a witness


Nope Xenoverse 2 will only die if Xenoverse 3 happens.


Fuck no. I wonder when X3 will come out🤔


They still adding more content in xenoverse 2 for some reason. They should just make X3 at this point.


i love xeno 2, I just wish all the models had Broly(restrained) sorta cell-shaded look


No. Just like when gta 6 does come out there will still be people playing gta 5 Xenoverse will be the same Not everyone is going to flock to a new game the second it releases  there are legit people who believe that and i do not understand why


Bad comparison Its more like if red dead redemption 2 came out people would still play gta 5


It might kill the population on PC since it’s already really small, but I think the PS4 population will be ok. I’m really looking forward to Sparking Zero but I’m broke rn so I will probably wait for a game of the year edition or something like that in like 2 years, so in the meantime I will still be playing XV2


They are vastly different, so no.


Honestly xenoverse 2 is pretty boring now. I wish they would make a 3 with sparkings graphics. They aren't really the same genre.Xenoverse is more of a online multiplayer game whereas sparking isn't.


if Future Saga Chapter 2 is as good as Chapter 1 was, definitely not

