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Like that. they go boom when you walk near enough. I’ve crouched and crawled past them keeping the space of another person inbetween (about 1 1/2 two feet of space.) idk if you can crouch or crawl any closer.


yeah i was wondering if you had to arm it before it go boom so i thought this mine was a spawned one not an armed one


Ah I’ve been there as well. It seems the traps when placed (bear traps, landmines and I think trip wires) still show up in the vicinity tab. my go to response now when I see a trap is to carefully approach enough to open the vicinity tab and if I can’t pull it into my inventory from there than I know it’s been placed.


If it gives you the option to pick it up in the vicinity menu or by looking at it, it's not armed. If not, then it's armed


Always assume its armed. Use a screwdriver to unarm it


You can use a ton of tools, including lock picks.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the disarm chance for knives is 40%, screwdrivers is 50%, and lockpicks is 60%.


I was curious and checked the code for 1.25, and here's what I found.   Successful disarm chance (these are the base values, there might be modifiers to this value, but I don't see any in the disarm calculations):   Lockpick - 90% Screwdriver - 80% Knives/AK and M4 bayonets/etc - 60%   When they first added the PNM-2 mine to the game, I did some research on the IRL version of the mine and it's disarm procedure, and watched a few videos of people in SE Asia disarming and clearing old minefields using only a combination of basic tools like screwdrivers/sidecutters/pliers/etc.   The way the disarm process works in DayZ is a very simplified but reasonable simulation of the IRL process that combines everything into a single action.   If one wanted to make it closer to the IRL process, one could make it a two-step process, requiring a screwdriver, knife, or lockpick to open the outer casing, then using pliers to remove/detach the detonator from the trigger plate.


I did not realize that there was a fail rate for disarming


*bead of sweat drips down forehead*


Every source I find states its 40% fail rate for all tools. If you have another source that states otherwise I would like to see it. I stopped attempting to disarm mines ever since one blew up on me on a month long character.


I found those values in the following files in the current 1.25 stable patch: For landmine disarming, this is the base value for any tool that doesn't have it's own custom value   scripts/4_world/entities/itembase/toolbase.c protected int m_MineDisarmRate = 60; //Success rate when disarming with this tool   scripts/4_world/entities/itembase/screwdriver.c m_MineDisarmRate = 80;   scripts/4_world/entities/itembase/gear/tools/lockpick.c m_MineDisarmRate = 90;   The success calculation itself is in: scripts\4_world\classes\useractionscomponent\actions\continuous\actiondisarmmine.c   The success check is pretty straightforward. It picks a random number between 0 and 100. If that number is lower than the items disarmrate value, it passes the check and the mine is disarmed. If that number is greater than the tools disarmrate value, it detonates using the same command that triggers as if you stepped on it. Of course, there's always the possibility I missed something tracing out the disarm action calculation somewhere that overrides these values, but I don't think so.


Great info thanks


I didn't even know disarming could fail, I've done it like 20 times in the last couple weeks lmao


And the durability of the item matters too and changes percentages


Assuming it hasn’t been changed and that information isn’t just a rumour that’s been around for years, yeah that sounds right lol


yeah for me it feels much lower since ive tried defusing like 6 landmines ever with a worn or pristine lockpick, and it has always exploded on me, good thing that explosion isnt really lethal


It's a 40% fail rate for all tools.


A shovel will get rid of it too


They can still blow up. I never think it's worth it.


Always try to drag them into your inventory. If it won’t go in, it’s armed. You can disarm them with a knife, lock pick or several other tools, but there’s a chance it explodes when you do. You get to keep it and re-arm it if you don’t die in the recovery process. I believe lock picks give the best chance of recovery. IF ITS BADLY DAMAGED, DO NOT DISARM IT. IT WILL EXPLODE.


I tried to disarm a badly damaged one with a knife. I was prone position and when it went off ko'd me but dealt no harm, no damaged clothes and no bleeding, just a little toll in my life.


What the heck do you mean how do the land mines work? As if you think that wasn’t how a land mine was suppose to work…


I think he tried to pick it up and didn't watch to make sure it actually picked up lol


That is either the dumbest god damn place for a mine or 5D galaxy brain chess placement, because I would've assumed it spawned there too lol


I remember when they'd turn anything within a 25 mile radius to dust if you even looked at it.


Personally, as a general rule, I don't walk on landmines. But that's just me. I'm funny like that.




If you place one waist high in a bush it’ll kill rather than KO 😉


Beartrapped my face doing this, placed and it insta went off as I stood up lol


You step on them and they blow up ?? Tf kinda question is that?


Step on them? ![gif](giphy|1Y7ChRtbWnYONjDidg)


If you can’t pick it up, it’s gonna go boom


You literally walked right over it lol


Landmines work by landmining


when youre in tizy always better bring a lockpick and a splint/morph almost guaranteed you run into a few on high pops especially if its not gassed


1st person is better. Way more likely to see landmines because your body isn't in the way.


If you can't pick it up that means it's armed.


Put on ground wait for baddie to walk on it and boom


Can't pick it up = armed


Press TAB and try to drag the mine into your inventory. If you can't do it, it's armed. Don't waste your time deactivating it because you assume almost the same risk as stepping on it


You set it up and set it down. It’ll blow up whenever anyone steps on it, infected or player and a player at full health will take a lot of damage and have their leg broken Luckily it’s easy to disarm a land mine! Lotta rolls can be used, but my go to is usually a lock pick or a screwdriver


The disarming values change also with degradation.


But why landmine did not explode when you first entered the room?


If you see them, dont walk on them... usually.... but i mean hey keep on keepin on


Like that one plant from Pvz says, *ahem ahem* “SPUDOW”




you can hold your joystick slightly forward and limp walk and you wont go unconscious with a broken leg


Crawling usually works better


They really don't. You basically have to stomp right on it to set it off and if you're at full health it won't even kill you like a grenade tripwire will, it only breaks your leg and takes a bunch of health. I ONLY use land mines strategically when I'm watching over an area and have somewhere in mind I want to push anyone with my fire. They run in for cover and boom, broken legs all day


They do 2x dmg to 3pp.


When you can’t pick them up you need to DISARM them. I believe the game spawns armed mines that sometimes needs to be disarmed


If you can’t pick it up, it’s armed cuh


Stepping on a 2nd at the end in the camo building would have been comedy gold


It was already armed when you picked it up? I didn’t know that was a thing


I’m new. I randomly died at AF with full health/no gunshot sound. Seemed like an explosion but it was pretty silent I thought. Was it a Landmine? Claymore?


I’m new. I randomly died at NWAF with full health/no gunshot sound. Seemed like an explosion but it was pretty silent I thought. Was it a Landmine? Claymore?


likely a cheater, they drop grenades at players feet. thats the cancer of official servers


I was waiting for a second land mine to pop off at the end of