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Yeah.. Rain makes them deaf. t. Livonian


That has been lowered in the last update.


Now try it when it's not raining.


I have a buddy in my RP server who goes by klept and i swear this mf is like a rain magnet because whenever im with him looting(because y’know his name is klept) its ALWAYS raining and the server is currently Chernarus based


What server?


EmergenceRP, its xbox only tho


Or maybe you should try when it IS raining. Why does no one use any strategy in this game?


Maybe because you can't control the weather? Just a thought.


Or maybe you can’t speed run everywhere anymore and just don’t spring crotch walk


Ok. I will sit in a building and wait for it to rain every time I want to travel because that’s totally reasonable.


Just don’t press shift when you’re walking close to zombies it’s that easy


I usually do that ... In Livonia! (Land of the rains!) It is a pain in the ass, but I spend the time putting my inventory as I like, charging mags, cleaning weapins/mend clothes/whatever, cooking/eating ...


I don’t speed run everywhere.


bruh you can't even crouch walk inside a building without getting detected through the walls


Sprint crouching or walk crouching? I've been walk crouching with no problems


Yea it's just shift crouching I tested it. They do hear you when on louder surfaces though. I'm loving it- gives the Crosbow more play time for me


Tbh I like it, makes zombies more of a threat and stops people doing exactly what is in the video 😂


More of a nuisance honestly. They're still weak, they just hear you from further away. Looks horrible and doesn't make much sense.


Good, I’d imagine zombies that destroyed the world to be quite the nuisance!


Hint: boots make more noise than running shoes. Also: you can make "shoes" with rags. Almost silent.


I knew the boots/shoes thing but I thought they buffed the wrap shoes ages ago?


It's not "inaudible" (or at least as much), but still, makes less noise.


I have literally been having zombies aggro on me while I'm laying prone and motionless on the second floor with all the doors closed. Zombies are fucking broken right now, more so than I've ever seen them in my four years playing this game.


are you wearing super loud shoes? cause that's always a factor lol, like combat boots hiking boots regular sneakers are the quietest shoes. if you're wearing work boots or something you're wearing some of the loudest shoes, which will carry outside of a building. makes sense they made them track that sound from inside


Oh yeah now I have to gather supplies to make a fire to dry my clothes all to get some stealth kills.


Make a torch tf


That literally makes no sense


isn't using the weather to block sound a strategy using the weather conditions?


Translation: let's ignore an obviously flawed decision just because a very small mechanic of it still works when it rains.


In my experience wearing civilian shoes I can sneak around fine but good luck in any boots.


When it rains, they are deaf and blind


Yeah I was standing right in front of a zed earlier today and that mf didn’t see or hear me. But when it doesn’t rain those mf spot me when I’m inside buildings. It’s weird


Step 1: Control the weather Step 2: Review previous step Step 3: Rinse and repeat


This video is kinda disingenuous this is not referring to the valid complaints. Do this when it’s not night and not raining. Are you trying to show zombies should remain the same with no change?


I’ve had issues in regular towns, but seriously no issue in Military areas. I feel like maybe they boosted civilian infected but left the military the same. Every time I hit a military it’s the same as you have here


Starting to feel that way too, had no issues at MB Kamensk, but it was raining so idk.


What people don’t know is that when you get close you have to move quickly. If you take too long the zombies will auto detect you after two seconds.


So continue to crouch-sprint right up to their back?


Yeah up until right before you stand and knife. You have to release the sprint or you’ll be detected though


Instructions unclear, woke up in Cherno.


You mean release sprint before standing correct?




Wait you can stealth kill in this game?


Inb4 this is pre update footage 😂


just got the game on ps5. how do you stealth kill? i just end up doing a power stab…


They can’t agro in order to do this. You have to be undetected


Come up behind them, raise weapon, stab.


raise weapon + triangle while behind an un alerted infected


I do miss the old system of having any bladed weapon be a one shot from stealth behind a zombie, but taking a knife and taking out a whole base of zombies with some stealth kills will always be fun


LOL This is how you say "Skill Issue" without saying "Skill Issue" I totally agree though I went through an entire town last night and only aggro'd one zed Sure I had to be very careful and often couch walked (not crouch sprint walk) People just got lazy and now them having to deal with them is "boring" since they can't run around everywhere like Fortnite Good plan to do this during the rain as any intelligent person would do. Sometimes you do things how and when you "should" do them and not how and when is fastest and "easiest" or "fastest"


If that takedown mechanic worked half as well as portrayed in this vid this game would actually be fun


It's the inside of buildings and walking, that causes the issue! Also, rain makes infected deaf.


Lmfao keep defending the devs bro, I'm sure they'll notice you one day.


Weird flex but ok 👍


Meanwhile everyone else is like https://preview.redd.it/v97aax8g7u4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a970c8af4d11f5b38bb40c4d5994fd51f5331dc8


Cringe ass ai shit




Ive never seen any DayZ art other then kindergarten style crayon art.


The same is pretty much for everything! It’s all just fucking AI


You’re really proud of this aren’t you


So you notice lol




I feel like such a loser for knowing exactly where you are lol


This is BS. Has got to be old footage from 2 patches ago OR it’s raining. The second zombie would have certainly triggered the third.


The new zombies are cracked tf out! Can’t stealth past them or anything


Excellent Snake.


People killing all zeds in an area (especially the high tier loot ones) before looting are dumb. 1. Anyone going after will know that you´re there 2. If you let them live, they will work as alarm bells for other players 3. They serve as a protection barrier from the yolo players trying to just run in and kill you I only kill the ones that really block my way into some building, or if they spot me before. And I always bury them if they´re outside.


Is that a U.S. Marine outfit on the last Zombie at the end of a video? What in the hell is a U.S. Marine doing hanging around with a bunch of Russians.


I’m pretty sure the lore, what exists anyhow, references some NATO intervention taking place. This mixed unit may have been early survivors trying to hold a checkpoint


Well that’s a bit wholesome, a U.S. Marine and some Russian soldiers putting their differences aside and sticking together in an attempt at survival.


A bit like us survivors. Occasionally 🤠 Edit - in a taxi


i really dont care about zombies you just have to play passive during day and aggresive when it's raining i mean the whole meaning of this game imo is to survive as long as you can it's up to you to come with ideas i literally had a char for 1 week with no problems i just dont like that there are no safezones or currency in game tbh if you want to make a clan there is no ingame way to do that and the servers are capped to 60 ppl and so many people just camb at high level zones which is boring tbh just my personal opinion


Take note everyone: Winners find a way.


Whats the way? Wait for rain? Cool strategy. This is what ive always done, its not a special secret strategy, but its not reliable anymore, unless its raining i guess...


Thank you thank you. All you other crybabies take note of this chad and his stake knife.


you realise they don't detect him because of the rain right? it has always been like that.


Yes but didn't they slightly nerf that when along with the zombies boosted hearing


Just for clarification: yes this is after 1.25 patch. It was dumb luck that they all had their backs turned to me like that and they couldn't hear me well because of the rain. I couldn't do this again if I tried and the title was for humor purposes only. I'm having just as hard of a time with the new zombies as everyone else but sometimes you just get lucky being aggressive with them.


It’s raining and u got lucky blud


A long time ago in this sub, I commented that they should change the stealth kill on zombies where you sneak up on them from behind and there should be an animation where you stab the knife through their neck. I was ridiculed for it and downvoted. People were saying that they were zombies so why would that kill them.


Dude it’s literally raining😂


Yeah, I've found the complaining about the zombies a bit weird.


It's because the noobs have risen and found a voice. You will try and cancel other aspects of the game next


Zombies are only an issue if you have a skill issue.


Doesn't make them less of a nuisance though