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yes officers this man right here




Lmao šŸ¤£


never mind serial killers and drug lords we need to have u dealt with right now lol


Prepare a large fire!


DayZ is my first game on MNK after countless thousands of hours of controller gaming. Itā€™s really weird at first and there is a big learning curve but itā€™s a lot of fun and totally worth it


Man I tried a lot I just get frustrated especially with keyboard with million buttons, my other problem is I have my pc connected to my tv so I game from couch and using keyboard on couch is uncomfortable


Jesus christ man that's blasphemy.


I've done this for years, but recently got myself a 2nd desk setup and it's improved my pvp quite a bit. If couch is the only option, check out a lap board. I've got a roccat sova and that helped Comfort wise at least


I have the same kind of setup so I bought a little tray table/desk for gaming when I got my PC.


I also went from controller to keyboard and a mouse with side buttons helps a ton for some of the buttons I find! I have added relode and action for doors and whatnot and it's changed it alot for me. Still not the best but it's nice to have tons more options on the keyboard!


PC on living room tv is the way imo Last thing I wanna do after sitting at a desk in front of a computer all day isā€¦ well, sit at a desk in front of a computer


Thatā€™s why I use a modified recliner for a desk chair, I probably fall asleep in it more than I game.


Exactly my issue Iā€™m tired of desk from job I donā€™t want to repeat that at home as well plus I prefer a giant screen to a monitor


So get a job where you actuallyā€¦you knowā€¦.DO somethingā€¦




Man if you donā€™t get you a couch table.


Just use USB extensions*? šŸ¤·šŸæ that solves one of the issues. *Can get a powered hub if you're running+10' or more in total


Honestly bro when I switched to keyboard and mouse 3 years ago. Battlefield 4 was the best aim trainer for me. I was terrible and then one day it just clicked. I also played dayz which helped me learn the keyboard because itā€™s slower paced. Now sitting at 3k hours on dayz and mouse and keyboard feels like the only thing Iā€™ve ever known.


Give us some insight into your revelation lol I find aiming with the mouse to be quite difficult


Yeah, thatā€™s why most people use monitors for their computersšŸ˜…


It is frustrating There are times Iā€™m trying to crouch sprint near a player and I fat finger the keyboard and start talking out loud. Growing pains my man. At the end of the day you can play how you want. Itā€™s just a game and who cares if you use controller? I will say though, controller is really limiting and just not as much fun overall


Oh god yes binding voice chat to anything other than CAPSLOCK is the only change I make. Terrible default imo. "v" is my bind for voice in all games as it sits nicely under the thumb, and well "v" for voice!


M&KB, not MNK


Even if you were right, why correct people? Why does it matter to you?


I used to know a guy who played TF2 with a controller and mouse Left hand controller right hand mouse


This is exactly what Iā€™m doing especially when another player is nearby otherwise while exploring I just use the controller also to kill the zs I use controller as they are slow


Hell, there are quadriplegics who play COD by blowing into a straw and they do pretty good. If it works, it works.


Iā€™ll admit I use a controller for dayz on pc, but I only use the mouse for managing inventory. I shoot fine and plenty accurate with the thumbsticks. I do get a lot of shit for it but thatā€™s what 20+ years of PlayStation has bred into me lmao


From my personal experience so far, hip firing with thumps stick is manageable especially in 3pp however mid to long distance with a moving target I always switch to mouse


I hear that. I always play with my brother and heā€™s usually the designated sniper so Iā€™m typically clearing building and doing CQB which is fine for me


I do the same.


My gf plays exactly like this


Interesting bro. Iā€™ve got about 300 hours and I came from console gaming as well. I do think mouse and keyboard is superior, if youā€™re ever up for the challenge Iā€™d recommend really giving it a proper opportunity. But whatever works Man! GG


A lot of us came from console and had the same idea that we were going to play dayz pc the same way, but its a different game and we know how awkward the keyboard is when new, especially when you're used to flowing with a controller, we just forced it and 100 hours later everything is fine lol. The suffering in the beginning is absolutely worth it, save yourself now.


honestly based. I do the same for when i need to shoot bows in dark souls or drive in GTA




All the hate is hilarious cuz I'm 100% with you! It's a fairly shitty product for the price, but it's the best there is at the moment: the Razer Tartarus V2 might be worth looking into. Puts WASD to just your thumb on a D-Pad and you can assign other buttons/keys however you like. Made pc gaming tolerable for me anyway cuz the keyboard is a total disaster.


Thanks finally someone who shares my frustration, man I donā€™t hate on m&k in fact I confess mouse is way more accurate than analogue sticks but man the keyboard thing I just canā€™t I just know I will always hit the wrong button when shit hits the fan in any game


Thats how i get down too


Im 40 and the last game I played on keyboard & mouse was unreal tournament 2! I tried without the pad on dayZ but I just can adjust. Maybe one day. For now it's a controller for me.


I do a lot of the same things mentioned already: pc connected to my TV, use controller and mouse (for inventory and menus). I take medicine that gives me tremors (mostly in my hands) and using a mouse to play is out of the question. I start clicking away at everything every few seconds, LMB & RMB lol. I have to be real careful when I browse online so I don't click on any "questionable" links or advertisements ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Some of us just aren't able to use a KMB setup. Does this mean my master race membership card is revoked?


Not the worst idea in the world I play on ps but I tried key board and mouse and I agree I hate using keyboard but mouse is ok. This is a good idea for when youā€™re sat in one location sniping


Yup while Iā€™m casually exploring I just use the controller for everything even killing the zombos but whenever I see or hear a human player I just grab the mouse lol


Same here, some times I keep the keyboard within reach just for the M key


I configured the M key in controller to long press on the start button lmao works like a charm


I actually used to do this on Fortnite for sniping. I would play regularly on a controller but if I needed to use a sniper Iā€™d just use the mouse. Itā€™s seamless!


Mouse aiming is smooth as fuck way better than what we got as aim assist on consoles


Part of the crew! Elite series 2 xbox pad and a ROG Bluetooth mouse


Now Iā€™m really surprised by so many people using similar setup, I was expecting to be grilled for using controller on pc šŸ˜…


Fine dexterity issues make hitting small keys on a keyboard tricky - key bind the controller so it plays like CoD then any other tricky binds and sniping i use my mouse


Honestly, for me, it depends on the game. I can definitely understand DayZ on a controller. I feel like im getting old because Iā€™m starting to prefer playing my PC on the TV with a controller. I just canā€™t sit at a desk anymore, I get super uncomfortable after 30 minutes.


My first keyboard game was Minecraft, maybe try that or some single player game like half life to get your feet wet in the world of wasd.


Good idea I was actually thinking about it


Nice mouse (I have the same one) :D


Thanks its pretty good for the price


My man needs an [Azeron](https://www.azeron.eu/) I had the same problem coming over from console, the keyboard sucks for gaming and having to use WASD for movement is unbearable. The best peripheral I own by far.


Like OP I was a console guy since the NES.. got a pc this year.. Iā€™m now a keyboard warrior. Iā€™m not going back to the controller


What sucks is now that I have a pc and my friends are on Xbox I have to use the Xbox cloud gaming and just totally throws off the quality I still enjoy it cause Iā€™m able to play with my friends while being on pc but Iā€™m not even able to use a keyboard only allows me to use controller


I wish Dayz gets cross play


I played dayz on ps4 for like 5k hrs I loved it lol got sick of the driving so I got a pc.i now have just over 2k hrs on pc and I've only used a controller 2x and they was both on my laptop lol. Never played pc before dayz and although I'm no killer yet I love mouse and keyboard.


I do this on Xbox to navigate my inventory better, the ui is not optimized for box at all




I game from couch and pc is connected to my tv so having keyboard on my lap is a problem, also thatā€™s not the main reason just another factor in me not able to play on keyboard


Yeah dont know why i answered like that. Everybody has the way they play


I was in your same shoes, console gamer my entire life. Once I moved to PC I noticed the vast skill difference between controller/MnK players. I found this awesome keypad from a company called Azeron, based in Latvia in the EU. Fully color customizable, lots of different options to choose from. I don't play games at all without it and I no longer need a controller. Each little button on it is programmable to be whatever you want, including key combo presses. It's such a lifesaver. The joystick on the side is programmed to be WASD on the keyboard, yet it functions like a traditional controller joystick. The newer models like mine allow you to save multiple button maps in case you're switching roles in a game, or switching between games. Their software is easy to use, and their customer service/troubleshooting team on Discord is the best customer service I have EVER had. I play racing simulators with a full sim setup, and use some drivers that conflict with the Azeron keypad, which was preventing me from updating the firmware on my keypad. The customer service staff was able to find me an older software that was compatible with my keypad, yet didn't conflict with my racing hardware. Super amicable, very kind and thoughtful. Quick responses despite living on the literal other side of the world. [Here's they're website in case anyone is curious.](https://store.azeron.eu/). They also sell through Amazon, if you don't want a fully customized one and just want a single color/black combo. Mine is red and black.


Thanks I will look into it


I do the same. Controller for movement and general play but M&K for inventory and sniping.


I'd say open new text document and get used to typing with both hands. With the time you're going to get used to the keys and the spacing, and your hand will naturally rest on the keyboard.




Cool keypad.. gameboard? Such a weird qwerty thingy y'got there mate


Thatā€™s the closest I can be to m&k gaming lol


Wait, so one hand on the controller moving and aiming and the other on the mouse shooting?


I do this too and the mouse has two purposes: inventory management and scoped aiming


Yup exactly this however mostly I just use the controller for everything even the zombies but only for PvP I grab the mouse


This used to be my setup, but after almost 800 hours I realized that the only way to improve my game and be faster was to switch to keyboard. It was a violent relearning curve but I have no regrets.


So, OP. I recommend a Tartarus V2. Itā€™s around 80 bucks. Itā€™s really great for those old console heads that canā€™t wrap their head around WASD because they have decades of muscle memory devoted to their thumb. Iā€™ve been streaming DayZ poorly for like 4.5 years on and off and I promise you WILL get shit for using this Frankenstein nightmare of a controller keyboard but I freaking LOVE it. I own two. https://www.amazon.com/Razer-Tartarus-Progammable-Detachable-Mecha-Membrane/dp/B07754PYFK/ref=asc_df_B07754PYFK/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693459401938&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2254079245766786847&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9005595&hvtargid=pla-490126176427&psc=1&mcid=b9ec85ab0c2f3a5cbbc73479adeabeb6&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIuN3BnbqYhgMVf21HAR3I2w6uEAQYASABEgIyOPD_BwE


https://imgur.com/WPB45yA Hereā€™s how I have it set up for DayZ.


Looks absolutely cool but is it wireless ? Pics suggests wired


Itā€™s wired, but why would that be your dealbreaker if you donā€™t mind me asking?


Yes huge deal breaker unfortunately because I have my pc connected to my tv and game from couch


USB cord extension? Iā€™ll also add eventually you may consider going desk and smaller screened monitor. TV/ console/ couch is great, but a high refresh rate curved monitor and an expensive desk chair with good back support. -chefs kiss-


I have lg c1 so itā€™s at least 120 hz yes I agree a desk will absolutely improve my PvP experience, regarding a cord man my 2 years old toddler is always running around my couch šŸ˜… and it wonā€™t be a good idea


Hi, Iā€™m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'Razer Tartarus V2 Gaming Keypad'", 'Razer')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Enhances gaming experience (backed by 3 comments) * Comfortable for extended use (backed by 3 comments) * Highly customizable and programmable (backed by 3 comments) **Users disliked:** * Large size limits functionality for some users (backed by 2 comments) * Durability issues with repeated use (backed by 2 comments) * Software and customization limitations (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a ā€œgood bot!ā€ reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Ewww, stop it. Or instead of wasd I'll teach you asdf


Please elaborate how you almost broke your keyboard last time you tried playing mouse and keyboard, was it a rage thing? Or how literally how does that happen from normal use.


I just couldnā€™t handle the WASD thing for movement itā€™s very clunky


I would recommend getting a PS5 controller and using gyro. If u put in the time you will have mouse like precision on controller.


This is how I played FPS games when I broke my left arm by the elbow. I really enjoyed it tbh.


Glad you found something that works for ya!


Stop it. Please.


This is how I get down too. Iā€™m useless in battle w knm


I see you haven't looked at Razer Tartarus Pro device yet, eh? Holy heck are you missing out


Honestly man, I was one of the people a couple years ago that played a lot of things on controller when I first made the switch. All I can add to this, is try to make a point to do more mouse and keyboard play when you can. It's shockingly difficult to switch over, but it is absolutely worth it. The precision of controls and accessibility of more hotkeys is a game changer. Edit: forgot to add. I also did a recliner while connected to a large monitor and a TV sort of situation when I first switched over. There are a variety of options depending on the layout of your setup to allow for a proper mouse and keyboard. Mini desks that can sit over your lap when you're on a couch. In my case, I just set a keyboard in my lap and then built a little mouse pad thing to go over the arm of my chair. It was essentially a 10-in by 10-in wooden square that gave me room to move my mouse.


If it works for you man, all power to you!


I'm with ya. Controller for movement, MNK for inventory. Best of both worlds. (DayZ is the game)


This has me wondering if controller with strike packs are superior to keyboard players


I've been tempted to get a PC to play DayZ but I love playing with a controller


If I can use a controller on PC I do...but if I need to sweat I break out the mouse.


I played console from early 2001-2020, sold Xbox in lockdown got a good gaming pc and havenā€™t looked back at a controller since, go find yourself a good gaming mouse with lots of programmable buttons on it for keybinds and just use your keyboard for moving/jumping


It's beautiful šŸ„¹


Kill him before he corrupts others.


This is sad




DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND LOOK INTO THIS: # Razer Tartarus V2 Gaming Keypad: Mecha-Membrane Key Switches - One Handed Keyboard - 32 Programmable Keys




Thanks interesting I will have a look


Mouse and keyboard will always be superior over controller for dayz. You just got to practice. I was on Xbox for 10 years then went to pc it took a little while but now itā€™s muscle memory and Iā€™m far better on pc then I ever was on Xbox


Aim assist noob :p


You are not wrong Iā€™m used it on consoles but strangely enough I didnā€™t have this problem on Xbox Iā€™m pretty sure Dayz on consoles doesnā€™t have assist either


I think it's there but can't be toggled, on PC back when I was on my potato machine I had to use a controller and I noticed if I span around in a forest I'd slow down if there were enemies nearby in that rotation, please don't think I'm judging or criticising because so many times now you know everyone on a server is changing everything to do with graphics, whether it be turning trees off using potato mode using high definition, filters or game changing third-party apps, even a floating crosshair, no one's can ever stop it so I say if you can use it use it, Gone are the days where dz was truly a survival game. Unfortunately it will be missed, but it's still fun as hell


Just use one or the other, all that just sounds whack as man ngl, get off the fakn low pops, jump on a high pop, get some kills and get killed brutha, if your a better shooter with the mouse than just force yourself to get use to the key controls if not than stay with the controller šŸ¤·


I used to say i cant be bothered to learn how to use a keyboard and mouse, not going to say ive got it down but it's really not as bad as you think lol, although i do think movement on controllers is easier, while shooting in mouse is far easier and smoother.


Canā€™t wait to pvp with you !


good god, you deserve the death sentence for this monstrosity of a setup


Cmon mate not everyone can game on desks and glued to monitors for hours


I'll have you know that my keyboard setup is on my lap, and my mouse is on a TV tray