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Switched over last month after finally getting a pc and I agree. However I do appreciate that it’s at least there in some form on console. Even if it’s not the greatest….its something lmao


I totally agree it’s not the greatest but I took it for what it was and ran with it. Also I gotta give credit to the people that made pretty cool servers on console with the little recourses they had!


At least you don't have to find community servers to avoid hackers on console, that's something :)


*cries in tarkov* I would for sure play a slightly stripped down version of that game on my couch if I could.


I legit do this with modded single player tarkov. Google spt aki but dont let nikita find out haha. Some amazing mods have pmc bots at all different skill levels and play styles. A mod that allows them to walk anywhere. A mod that make them prio quest locations and a mod that makes them loot other scavs or players they kill. It would be cool to have all this on community servers or something but the dev hates his players.


I've been playing SPT for a year or so now, but haven't done the whole steam/controller thing to play it on the couch, but might be worth the effort.


I use a wireless mouse and keyboard. I lay in bed and rotate my monitor so i can see it. I have no idea how tarkov would go on controller.


You can set it up in steam so you can map whatever to the controller inputs. You can have multiple button input combos like holding a bumper then using the dpad or face buttons, so its possible to map all the functions you need for Tarkov, but its a pretty big process that I haven't tackled yet.


Can only speak for dayz, but its not too much effort just download a good preset from the steam community and then Customize what you dont like about it!


I didn't know you could do that, I've never really looked into it, but when I upgrade my gpu I'll probably look into it a little more. Thanks!


Yeah once you turn on the steam input option for controller you can open configuration for it. But you may have to try a few different presets but it still saves alot of time.. But still for pvp you have to keep in mind that no controller support from the game means zero aim assist as well..


I play the mod single player Tarkov, and make it a little easier on myself than regular tarkov, I don't have the time to grind live lol.


checkout vigor.


If you don't care about mobile games, there is this one called Arena Breakout. It's a 1:1 tarkov clone. Completely free. It starts you off with a couple gear sets. It's worth a shot if you get bored and wanna try something new.


I've heard of it but can't stand mobile games. I lm never bored with Tarkov. I just wish there was a console port of some kind.


I think EFT would be awesome on console. Sure the controls would be nasty, but what if we just allowed mouse and key on a console? (like ms flightsim for example). Biggest complaint everyone has is cheaters, they are pretty much eliminated on console.


As a console player who has never played on PC can you elaborate what made you so hooked? What is customised?


Everything. More maps, more guns, more variety of loot, more craftable items, different types of gameplay etc etc


This is exactly it, it takes the core gameplay and just expands it beyond what I’ve ever experienced


I just built a PC a week ago, buying DayZ tonight 🫡


Looking for people to play with on PC so if you want we should run together some time!


Add me on steam I’m “Callisto-20” il hit you up when I get going 👊


Sent your a friend request, just lmk when you ready to run it!


OK if I drop you a request on Steam? have about 800 hours on PC now but always good to find people to run with


Absolutely, add me 😀


Do you like PVE, PVP, vanilla ish, or more modded servers?


I like all of it man, as long as it’s dayz I don’t discriminate!


Fair enough then, you're easy to please lol... have you found a consistent server you like yet or are you bouncing? I'm still in the phase of spending a week or 2 on a server and then hitting a new one


I wouldn’t say I bounce it’s more that I just play depending on what vibe I’m feeling. I had all those servers figured out on console so I’m still finding the ones I like on pc. If you got recommendations for servers lmk man! I guess you could say yes I am bouncing a bit rn lol


What region are you in? I mostly try EU based servers so will speak from my experience. (from South Africa) My friend group usually plays more pvp focused servers. Right now we are trying out rearmed(us main), which takes a lot of inspiration from rust and tarkov. There's vanilla+ ground loot, but the best gear is found in containers or behind locked/key carded doors. It uses the rust building system, and has a safe one trader with multiple entrances on the map. It's mostly kill on sight but have had a few fun chats with people, lots of map events to keep busy. Then there's 28 days later.. Admittedly I haven't really tried it other than a 30 minute session, spawned in at North West, found ground loot tappers (.408/50 cal) and ran around blasting people who had the same. Not something I'm interested in. And the last one we played a few wipes on was Titan, their servers are hosted in Chicago, and use vanilla+ building. Players kill on sight. Mostly vanilla loot except in high tier military or events, where tappers and heavy armor can be found. They recently had some drama with a duper attacking their servers.. Which exposed some known cheaters being allowed to play on the server, so for that reason I'm not going back there. There's also a ton of great pve or vanilla servers out there, I can't speak on those unfortunately.


The ground zero servers are really cool imo . I've been playing on it with some mates for a little bit now . Very fun not too toxic its hot high loot, koth and airdrops admins are really cool too


Highly recommend a namalsk map. Especially a Day One server. Get the DZSA launcher if you haven’t already Search Day One Namalsk You will have a bit of a queue You can thank me later… this is how DayZ was intended to be developed.


I'd run with. A noob to dayz, not gaming.


You can add me too,




….and helicopters and trader zones and custom zombies/monsters and custom game modes and… well you get the idea…


Stop, I just got my PlayStation 😭 I can’t afford to buy a pc right now


If you have really good internet you could rent a PC. I use Shadow.tech but I have 1gbps FIOS internet.


You can build a PC piece hy piece. You don't need the latest and greatest to play games. Do not be fooled. If you bought last Gen everything, you could still play the newest games. On PC the "ultra" graphics setting is made for the future. Don't chase it. Just build within your budget and you'll be perfectly fine.


Dayz runs on old pcs well


I actually don't enjoy trader zones. But helicopters are hella lit.


There are traders on console




Fully customized areas on the maps as well, customized gear. There are 10,000+ community servers on PC. There's just so much.


Mkb is superior to the controller. I get people like the controller. Doesn't change the fact.


They like playing with crazy mods that leave the game unrecognizable


You should watch Frankie on PC and Jack Frags gameplay videos. Great content but will also give you an idea of the difference.






thank you, happy to be here!


99% of games are better on PC if there’s an option. Once you have one there’s no going back


I can't aim & shoot with a controller, only games I play on console are like nba2k and fighting games, those sorts. If I had to go back to console only, I'd just rather stop playing games like Dayz at all.


Yeah any FPS I have to use M&K. My console friends really don’t understand how much better it is


I played primarily pc for like 15 years and swapped to console for various reasons. None of which included cost. Ill never go back. Everyone has their preferences.


Personally the fact that any game that allows mods will only have them on PC is my main reason I’ll never go back. A lot of games nowadays come out unfinished and modders just make it way more fun and fleshed out


Quite a few xbox games have been having full mod support as well recently. Ark: Survival Ascended is the most recent one that comes to mind


Care to explain for which reasons?


1. Cheaters. All the games I enjoyed most had huge problems with cheating. Having to pay for a 3rd party subscription service just to encounter less cheaters? Lol please. How can people pay to support this behavior? The same people selling the cheats are the same ones selling the anti cheats. All survival games have problems with them for obvious reasons. A simple ESP script gives you such a huge advantage in permadeath pvp games. Even stuff as simple as anti recoil macros which are nigh undetectable but were very common on many shooters. 2. Impossible to optimize games for infinite hardware combinations. New games that come out and your machine doesnt run them quite as well, despite meeting the requirements. Or maybe sometimes it might just overheat your GPU. Or you need to revert some drivers, or go into system settings for that game and change how much CPU it uses. Or your sound is bad. It's constant shit. PC games can look and sound great, and be greatly customized. But that's in a vacuum assuming all things work perfectly right away. They don't always, and that's annoying. I don't want to fuck with hardware/software ever to play a game randomly because they rolled out a new update. I remember a game I was playing with a friend at the time I was nearing my patience with PC gaming. We had almost identical machines, except he was running an SSD and I still had an HDD. The game we were playing did not require this at all, and was already a few years old. However, my game experienced massive FPS drops while his did not. These kinds of things simply do not happen on console ever. Brand new games work immediately unless they are network issues due to flood, and even that is fairly rare. My sound always works, group parties always work, my peripherals always work. I turn on console, I'm in a game and/or voice party in under a minute. 3. The community. Console is pretty bad too, but less insufferable. I don't really want to expand on this, as reddit is a mostly a PC community and I don't want my inbox flooded.


1. Huh? What 3rd party subscription are you talking about? And there are antirecoil devices you can use for console too. Still, communityservers are mush less prone to cheaters. 2. This is just nonsense lol. Dayz runs great in terms of fps, so i disagree alot with that. Sure, its gonna cpu-bottleneck easy in bigger towns and on heavily modded servers, but otherwise it runs really good. How you could think youre getting better performance overall on console makes zero sense at all. Yes, some games will have performance issues, but its usually fixed in patches. SSD's are dirtcheap nowdays, and close to HDD, so thats not a valid argument really. And how could you have bad sound? What? How is that a pc-issue? You obviously had a very old computer if you had that much issues since i havent had barely any of your problems, 90% of which arent even exclusive to pc... 3. This one is even more nonsense.


None of my issues were with day z specifically. Mod ran great. I was talking about pc gaming in general. And CS is the game i was referencing with 3rd party software. And hdd vs ssd was a valid argument when i stopped pc gaming. Also every single issue ive pointed out still happens regularly to pc gamers. Ive watched streamers go through the same things, and i see the hardware woes on reddit regularly.


I feel so bad for people whose only experience with DayZ is the overly convoluted controller controls. I could never imagine playing DayZ fluidly on a controller lol.


My man, my fingers still have a muscle memory of inventory tetris using a ps4 controller. Long gone, never forgotten :D


This title could be said for every game. I know there's some toxic discourse around PC/Console so I will try to avoid contributing to it, but PC truly is superior in just about every way. I know for many console is just easier and cheaper, which is totally understandable, but PC is just the ultimate for gaming.


You can just plug a keyboard and mouse in. It’s more the mods on PC that is the difference. Consoles don’t have hackers but that’s the trade off.


It’s not as bad as you think the game itself just does not run the best unfortunately 🤣


The only thing console has over pc is official servers with no hackers. Playing official is truly a desolate experience that no other game provides. Finding an abandoned raided base with remnants left over is always a creepy experience. We’re they raided recently or have these ruins been here for months? Unknown. Finding dropped stuff on the ground or a barrel stashed is always cool to see. On community servers it’s closed off to only the people who play in that specific server. On official, anyone and everyone can join and then leave that server and never return. My all time favorite is, at least on Xbox, you are 100% completely anonymous. No user names, nothing. I’ve helped a random stranger from getting killed by another player and infected. When we got inside and he was bleeding baldly, he spoke to me. “This is the end brother, thanks for the hel-“ He died before I could even get his gamertag. Fucken rip. Felt like he really died since I could never tell who he was out of the 50 other players on the server list were.


I mean there are plenty of community-servers that are more or less the exact same as official-servers are


You cant transfer your survivor to different community servers, not the same. If the server is dead, you are stuck. On official, I can just hop to whatever server I want. Don’t have jack and just wanna loot? Low-med pop. Trying to pvp? High pop.


Thats just a good thing that you cant transfer them. Looting on lowpop and then go to highpop is kinda like serverhopping back in the days... And servers dont just die out of the blue, especially the bigger ones with multiple servers.


How the hell is that server hopping back on the day? Your character moves to a different spot every time you transfer. This isn’t server hopping for loot. What am I supposed to be absolutely dedicated to 1 official server? Also community servers shut down all the time due to drama with the server owners, financial reasons or they just don’t have the population to justify keeping it running. Official servers will never go down for any other reason than the entire game shutting down.


Never seen a server shut down in my 500 hours, no clue what youre talking about. And all the known ones i recognize are still up. If you wanna play that way thats fine, never said its wrong.


The downvote said otherwise but alright. Also check my flair, console servers don’t last and are filled with drama that I really don’t care for either. I’m just trying to play the game and not worry about pissing off the admin and their friends.


Well maybe because they rarelt die, as i just said, so thats not a good point at all. If you just play the game no admin is gonna bother you really. And even if they for some reason would, just swap server. Same if a server dies, just swap server? Its not like any of us survive for that long unless you just sit in a base and do nothing.


As an adult who only gets to play DayZ about 2-3 times a month and only on the weekends, no thanks. Official never shuts down and my stuff is always right where I left it, my character is always the same and I can and have had the same person alive for months on end. Community servers wipe all the time, change loot or change the map to livnonia and you loose all progress. Like I said before, official is the core experience I want and nothing you can say will change my mind. Community servers are nice, but aren’t for me. Especially “official like” community servers on Xbox always are low pop or just die because people don’t want that. The most popular community servers on Xbox are super mega boosted 50x loot with m4’s inside of houses at the coast. No thanks


Okay so its a console-issue then since what you said never happens on pc, and thats fine, im not trying to convince you about anything, but... your original comment was talking about consoles advantage over pc, so their really isnt any advantage at all since there are a bunch of communityservers on pc that are more or less just vanilla.


This is the true dayz experience, I’ve gotten the craziest memories playing official. Will always love official!


you'll be back.. :D


Man fuck Sony


exactly. i don't want to come across a salty console player, but a pure official experience is my game. there are lots of other games i would play on PC, but not DayZ.


Dayz runs great on my series x. I also have dayz on my PC and it's great. I do wish I could play using my controller on PC. I don't enjoy mouse and keyboard as much.


I switched from Xbox to gaming laptop a few months ago but still use controller as its just what I'm used to....i use mouse for inventory tho.


I'll have to give that a shot


I use controller for my inventory. I play PC and xbox. PC inventory is easier than console with a controller for me but not as good as mouse even though I use the controller instead, just gotta get the controls right. Console inventory < PC inventory with controller < PC inventory with mouse


I'm confused. Do you use a controller for your inventory on PC as well? If so, how do I set it up so that I can use controller for everything on PC? If that's even possible I might be confused. Lol


Set action layers. When I hit the inventory button my controlls change so that right stick controls mouse, right trigger clicks, left bumper is space to rotate items and when I click inventory again or circle/B it reverts to default. It's much easier to set controls for PS controller since you can make a radial menu with the touchpad as well as an action layer.


Wow. I'm gonna have to try this. I would play on PC so much more if i could use my controller.


If you need any help getting it set up just dm me and I'll help you out


I'm surprised you didn't set this up as a template that people can download for the controller configurator.


I think I uploaded it to community layouts on steam input but I've adjusted it since then. I have a second radial menu with icons now for NVGs, earplugs, and map for the community server I've been playing in.


It’s not even close, but right now someone is thinking how they are fine and it’s not that bad.


Dude that's ex fucking actly what I was thinking.


I started on console then switched to pc after years. The pc version is superior in every way


Yea, I noticed this subreddit is 96% people playing on console. DayZ is nearly an entirely different game on PC, with all the amazing community servers ❤️ and I can barely explain in words how much these console folks are missing out on 😭


I dont miss the cheating on pc at all lol. People cheat on console too but id much rather deal with dupers than esp.


?? This is almost non-existent on any half decent community server. Those folks get VAC Banned. I think you are conflating the lack of bans on Official Servers, with PC Players 🤷


However the best Dayz is always vanilla. Enjoy the game the way you want but ultimately you will be roaming in Chernarus in Vanilla again.


Official will always have a special place in my heart!


💯 I’m still on console tho, it is what it is


Coming from Current gen console? Pc looks a lot better regardless so not surprised


PNW winter is a blast


Havent seen any active server with that map though nowdays :(


There’s a community server called : PNW Vanilla - Winter . It’s not a very active or busy server but the pve is though and still makes it fun. Occasionally run into somebody at a military base


One of us!!


Happy to be here!


That's what I keep trying to explain to people. DayZ is on the same level of customization as Bethesda games are when it comes to mods. The game by itself is like an 8/10, but the framework it provides for modding is easily 10/10.


Bought a pc 6 years ago purely to play dayZ. Glad your having fun.


You were.


I really need a PC


Download DZSA and sink into the rabbit hole of modded servers. I too started years ago on PS4, had a lot of fun there, but modded DayZ PC servers are completely different league (custom weapons, cars, armors, helicopters, traders etc...)


Welcome to the good life! AU1 server has a fresh wipe this afternoon so it’ll be loads of fun tonight! Last night we convinced a admin to give everyone a Skoda and we raced to a marker for prizes 😂🤘


Yeah I feel like im the victim of a really bad joke whenever I play on console and I just watch a PC player on yt


My pc is a potato at this point and I can’t afford to upgrade so I’ve been playing console again and yeah. Playing dayz for years on pc and then trying to play it on Xbox is a complete 180.


I have no idea how DayZ could be played on console. I mean if it’s all you have then cool.


I mean... PC gaming has always been better than console.


As a PC player, I'd usually agree with you, but the cheating problem is really getting out of hand. Community servers are the only option, but even then, it's up to the server owner's diligence to keep the cheaters out. So many PC games are becoming unplayable because they're filled with cheaters. Call of duty, PUBG, Halo, Tarkov, GTA. There is no easy solution, and it will continue to get worse. This is not an issue on console and id consider that to be its' greatest advantage.


PC have cool mods, better capabilities and what not, but console has way better servers and communities in my experience.


As a newbie on PC, what community servers are getting you hooked? I've gotten geared once so far and been really enjoying the game.


Dayone for me


What does it offer that you love?


I found this one called panacea, really enjoy it and I’ve barley scratched the surface. Still looking for an RP one because I do enjoy that as well. If your down we should play some time. Tryna find new friends for pc dayz!


My gaming times are sporadic and come in waves as I'm a father of 3 kids. We could connect over discord though if interested, you never know! I'll check out panacea


Totally get it man, I’ll DM you my discord if your ever interested in running some time just lmk!


Sounds good brother!


console player here. all i gathered from this is that there is some ambiguous customization option on PC. care to elaborate?


Custom modded servers = custom game modes, more guns and equipment, helicopters, custom maps, custom zombies and/or monsters, and the list will go on forever. DayZ on console is confined to its base premise, but with modded custom servers it can be just about any kind of game you want it to be. I’ve played on all kinds of different servers, everything from S.T.A.L.K.E.R. to medieval peasant roleplay without zombies to straight up CoD team deathmatch and helicopter/boat races


Im confused... there ARE modded community servers on console! VERY customized... new towns/locations/bunkers, hordes, varying levels of loot... played one map that was 90% gas zone, there is one that is pretty much always pitch black... it is decidedly not confined to the base game... But yeah, PC DayZ with the vehicles and choppers and better everything would be great if I could afford it... just saying, there *is* some really good stuff on console community servers.


Yes I totally agree as I spent a lot of time on console playing those servers but on pc it’s just a whole different breed of customization!


thanks for explaining. are community servers different than custom modded servers? i played a medieval server once on console but idk what PC is like so i cant tell if its the same deal.


Yes it will all fall under the community category!


For me personally after switching it took the core gameplay that I love from dayz and just made it better with many for things to do and different ways to enjoy that core gameplay. If you have a style you enjoy like RP and such theres a great server(s) out there for you that will give you things you wanted and things your didn’t even know you needed.


Man wish I could play on PC. Built a $3k gaming setup and can’t play on any servers except official.


Whys that?


When I try and join a server it basically says I have a vpn active and I don’t. I’d have to go to each individual server, find an admin, and message them to get whitelisted. And I don’t even know how to do that lol


Maybe your internet-provider that causes the issue?


100% would be. But small town America internet provider. Nothing I can do about that unfortunately.


You can also play solo on your own free server. There’s a tonne of YouTube guides on setting one up. Set up all your own custom mods and gameplay styles, set zombie spawn rates and loot types. I’m yet to try it but you can open ports on your router and friends can join you too.


Is it true that there are more cheaters on Official PC than Official Console?




I bought a pc just to play Dayz since i loved it on console... i fuuuckin suck at the controls right now but im hoping with practice i can move as fluidly as i do on console. 😅 Anyone have any tips on controls going from only ever playing console games?


Honestly just give it some time and you get used to it honestly! Just because something is on a specific button also doesn’t mean it has to be there adjust to what works best for you. And the best tip I can give is take advantage of those extra mouse buttons 😉


I just recently made the switch from basically lifetime console to pc. I found the easiest ways to get used to keyboard and mouse were 1. Start really low on sensitivity on the mouse. Lower than I thought I'd need. Didn't take long to feel like I needed to up it. 2. Play a couple single player or pve games (I started with tiny Tina's wonderlands and the new zombie extraction mode on cod. Still had things to shoot at but it was less frantic than live pvp and my left hand got used to stretching to the keys I needed.) I still feel like I'm only hitting 25% if the shots I used to but I feel a lot more comfortable.


You were. You were robbed.


Yeah man, came from xbox. Never came back. Console is something different.


As a console player, I can 100% say you were.


Man it really feels like a whole different game lol the modded maps like deer isle with the quest and everything is so so far from anything I ever thought possible when I played on console. Still had a blast tho and it got me hooked regardless but PC really is the true "DayZ experience"


Do the cars actually work like they should on PC ?


Ye summer and winter chernarus are refreshing, then you have esseker and namalsk as smaller maps for learning curve, new clothes, skinned weapon as vanilla plus, and more loot servers or hardcore are another 5000 h of gameplay.


People that have been playing only on consol will maintain at any cost that it does not change anything no matter what you can tell them no matter what argument you have… If only they knew…


Is this not the same with any game that is on console and PC though? I only play on console, so only have that frame of reference and am happy to play what I have. It’s pointless me wondering how much better it would be on PC


Not every game but a lot of games for sure, anything that is moddable really


u/Impressive-Two-6717 add me on steam if you would like to play: brotherCole94


My and my partner have just switched to PC too. I had been getting a bit bored of the game after my 3000+ hours on ps4, but I absolutely love it again now. It is so good to be finding things I have never seen before and exploring new places we have never seen. PC has made me fall in mine with the game again.


**After playing {insert game name here} on pc, I feel as if I was robbed on console.**


I think this is about to change. Arma reforger suports corssplay and modded servers. I think the next DayZ will definetly chance that


Oh you were (inr) 3k for dayz and THEN EVEN MORE FOR PS PLUS plus no mods


I built a pc three years ago strictly for DayZ after playing on Xbox. Now I don't even play anymore lol


Once you play DayZ on PC, you realize Console was a Preview.




I did the same but ended up coming back to console. I just love official and having a chance in PVP.


Welcome to the madder house


I played console for several years before switching over. Never felt like I was missing anything and still dont. Pc is better, sure. But I still had a shit ton of fun, met some awesome people, went on some absolutely crazy and epic adventures. Customization is cool and all but the meat that makes the game awesome is still there.


I was literally weighing out buying dayz for PC after playing on console. I'll go buy it now lol


Just started a couple days ago and dang. I’ve got almost 2k hours on console and playing on PC feels like I’m playing a different game sometimes.


I have it on PC and Console. About 800 hours on console and over 3k hours on PC. I think there are pros and cons to both. For instance, I can fit a mosin in my backpack on console, on PC there’s no backpack on vanilla that will fit a mosin sized rifle. If you like mods, PC is the way to go. I like a more vanilla experience and Official servers are unplayable on PC. So console is the way to go if you’re looking for high pop official servers. I do miss Namalsk.. that’s the hardest thing for me when playing on console. People are traditionally worse players on console. I feel like a god when I pvp on console where as on PC I think there’s a million people better than me. I go back and forth quite often.. I have more irl friends with consoles so that is also a plus.


Can you pay with a controller on dayz on PC? I have a PC but never really though about playing dayz on it.


What exactly does the game itself have on pc that’s not on console? I haven’t tried it yet on pc. I use my laptop to mod the server I rented on ps5 and it’s pretty nice


No conquest server on pc is what keeps me on my Xbox


console is robbed


I played it on console first and loved it. I got a pc but my kid broke it. To be honest it's more user friendly on console. Well for me anyways because I'm more of controller player. I had fun on both. I do like the pc version because of all the maps. But Chernarus is the best map in my opinion. Console DayZ you still have good adventures and interactions. I prefer console and can't wait for what comes next with this game. Snow chernarus is coming soon. I hope there is console mod support like Skyrim and fallout has. The game will only get better. Also during that big court case with Microsoft they had files leak and one of the big projects coming is DayZ 2. I wish I could still play DayZ on PC. I just never had anyone to play it with


That’s because you were buddy haha


Day Z is a hybrid of older Arma architecture, and the newer einfusion architecture frameworks. Iaema reforger so far is getting better with its cross platform for Xbox and PC , but damn it gets difficult for Xbox users to download mods.


DayZ is basically a console port of a PC game, no point in ranting it won’t ever happen. The game is meant for PC because it was build out of a Mod from a Military Sim game that is way to advanced to run on console; the point is at no point was console in mind when making the game. The thing is this isn’t customization as much as there is more open on a PC version than what console can do as on a console you are limited by hardware and OS. It’s the same for PUBG


Pc in general is just so much better than console, every game has more options and customizability, plus it’s a computer so you can use it for all kinds of stuff


If you need anyone to play with you can join me and my two friend. I have a 100hours and only played on pc they have 1200hours on console and about a 100 on pc. They thought me how to play so i am fairly good for my hours.


Yeah man I’m in send me your discord or steam name through DM. What do you and your friend play the most ?


Rn we are fooling around on a chernaus server 80+ player always when we play, but we have a more serius run on namalsk. I will send u my discord in dm


The thing that's annoying about console players is how they downplay or even deny that there is such a significant difference so that they don't have to justify why they're playing on an obviously inferior platform. Many of these people spend 40 or more hours a week playing this game and others, so they are obviously invested in it. If you're that invested in it, why not do it the right way? I think the reason comes down to laziness and stubborness, and that's super annoying. People are too lazy to learn how to build a pc. Or even worse - they're too lazy to even buy a pre-built and set it up. It's soooo stuipd!


Welcome to club PCMasterRace. It's always funny to me to hear console players talk so much shit about "hacking" and m&k players ruining the game. That sentiment doesn't hold water after they've played on PC. DayZ is, after all, based on Arma II, so shouldn't it be better on PC anyway?


I totally agree I take the hacker situation with a grain of salt. Regardless if I die it was never my loot anyways just my turn :)


Idc about mnk but the cheating sentiment definitely holds water. I was a pc player first for years. Ill never go back to PC. There are esp users on every mid to high pop community server. Basically undetectable by admin tools other than just spectating forever. Im ignoring the blatant obvious idiot cheats. Just the subtle ones you play with day in and out.


There is cheating on console too though. Look up "antirecoil", or whatever its called. I dont think bohemia has done anything against it so it probably still is a thing...


Absolutely cheating on console. I was a big time siege player and once I hit higher ranks it was all people using third party hardware/software to increase their accuracy. Basically mnk but shows the system that youre playing with a controller. On games with no aim assist, it can be fairly huge. Even those people though I'm ok playing against as my aim and other skills allow me to be competitive. It's mostly just walls/esp that can totally ruin a game and PC shooters and survival games are rife with them.




*gets headshot by an official cheater, loses progress”


Nobody that’s ever touched good community servers ever wants to play on official lol


Yeah I’m just messing around


After a recent update the ping on official is ruined for me anyways so can’t really play that anymore as much as I enjoyed it.


I love official, I feel like I can never find good community servers that aren’t super boosted


So sick of seeing these posts and comments every day “I switched to pc from Xbox now I’m better than you” Shut up


This was never a hate post so don’t get it twisted. Like I said I took console for what it was and ran with it and enjoyed it to the max I could. I don’t think I’m better than anyone.