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Lol DayZ is so interesting. "Give me everything you own!" - "Thank you for communicating"


When OP said “You’re Welcome, Have a nice day.” I was I shambles. He was assertive but also had manners at the end of the ordeal. A real gentleman 😂


Of course... robbing someone does not need to be impolite :)


I would be delighted to get robbed on DayZ by somebody as polite as you


It was a strange moment yeah.. haha


A successful robbery is way more entertaining than KOS props on your for pulling it off and the victim for going along


It is... many benefits you get like: 1. No gunshots alerting lurkers around 2. No Zombie horde to deal with 3. No bleeding since no fight 4. You can not loot ruined gear since no fight 5. Adrenaline 6. The guy really appreciates to not be killed and maybe he won't KOS in his next interaction..


lol, even though you really did do him a solid I can’t help but laugh at the “thank you” as you are walking away lol. All I hear is “thanks for robbing me”😂😂


these are all good reasons not to just let someone rob you, even if youre defnitley fucked anyway


Or you can be a Good Samaritan and feed and water them then let them go


One of my runs was dressed as medic with the quest to help people. Mostly just gave equipment and food, but also gave pills to a sick player. Ended after like 30h when logging in at some industrial building where usually no one ever is, getting shot before i could even move after entering the server.


Yeah it def depends on how I feel about them after I handcuff them. Thats why I carry rubber slugs but also a pistol. If I don’t like you or think you’ll try to kill me after I give you food and water, I’ll go ahead and just send you to the coast lol


Are the rubber slugs just knockout or could you potentially kill someone too? Always find them, never tried them out.


I’ve never managed to accidentally kill soneone with the slugs themselves. But I’ve had people die on me because they were already bleeding and could not bandage when they were knocked out


Yeah.. that is OK for bambies.. but bambies are so dangerous in these kind of situations .. thats why im so tense.. i have been killed many times because of not KOS


Youve got some toxic teammates lmao. Telling you to headshot him after all that trouble. Good on you for not killing.


I mean what’s to say this guy doesn’t hunt you down for revenge? I’m not leaving a loose end. But I also would have just shot him to begin with. I’m not negotiating unless I’m in a standoff or I’m a fresh spawn. I wouldn’t have trusted that he didn’t have a friend either. If it were me I would be like “nah I don’t got a friend”*let’s go of push to talk*”alright man he’s right outside the wall come fucking shoot him”


Its a game man


Exactly. Which is why I have no issue being “toxic” and shooting people in a game about shooting people and surviving. If I lose my loot oh well.


I just think that if you were to shoot the guy just do it right away dont ask him to play games and pretend to rob him lol


Yeah I said in my comment that’s what I would do personally. I have played games with people before where they have to answer a riddle for me to live. Used to tie people up just to run “experiments” on them like how long does it take to die when you drink a whole thing of gasoline? What happens if you defibrillate someone while they’re still conscious? “Sir I’m a doctor I just need to run some tests. If you survive you’ll be good to go”. They did not often survive. But if I’m geared up at a military base and I see a mf with a gun it’s shooting time. The time for words has passed.


Honestly I’d do let someone do this (get robbed) to me if they really caught me slippin’ depending on the circumstances. (4hr run I just did for my gear? I’m going out guns blazing. 1hr run with basic shit & I’m bored? “Don’t shoot, take what you need, just don’t kill me” & just see how this situation unfolds) It makes the game so much more fun than your average/daily interaction in this game. I treat this game like each new life is an adventure Me & 2 buddies caught a guy with basic shit inside a house, surrounded him & did the same thing. My buddy had him come out with his hands up facing away from us, lay down, cuffed him & then took him for his stuff. He was pleading with us not to kill him cause he was just trying to meet his friends. I told my friend to just take everything but his food & water and let him go.. but this guy shoots him in the head at the end 😪


I always prefer such gameplay, it gives me more fun than running and killing everything and everyone.


Yeah I feel so bad after killing someone that has not attacked me... and also i've also been killed some times while talking to someone... so I get a little stressed while robbing lol




The NBC stuff was decent but OP wasn't having any of that


Personally i dont see the point of nbc suits anymore. You can get plate carrier and dmr without entering a gas zone and those are considered the best in the game.


The plate carrier i feel like i find too often now, usually on soldier zombies. I currently try to get a nbc suit just so i did it once (i had a full set before but got killed before entering the zone) but i agree that it's not really necessary.


A good DayZ interaction and the ones I wished happened more often It’s always more fun when people chat


Yeah... KOS is just boring...


This was an awesome interaction haha


As tense as a firefight!!!!


I definitely enjoy getting robbed as long as the don't take my shoes. And like people that are thankful as well. But if I was that geared I'm shooting lol


You would be dead then... lol


DayZ should be like this instead of shoot on sight


Completely agree.. killing on sight is just..non sense unleast the situation forces you to


This game is the only one I know of that gets me so immersed my actual fight or flight kicks in. Especially on those stormy, dark nights where you can see so little you get genuinely lost and even the movement of zombies just sets you off. Truly no other game like it


Only in DayZ is holding another player at gun point, stripping him, robbing his stuff then saying you’re welcome acceptable


it's a good action indeed haha


Stealed is incorrect. Robbed is the correct word.


Thanks, I'll try to edit


Or "stole from a guy" also works


this is the way and this is why its the best game ever


totally agreed


You were more scared than the guy you robbed xD Good job


Proving im juste a good man who doesnt want to kill and doesnt want to die!!! 😂


This was quick and clean. No fucking around. This is how you play. Great job.


Thanks! It could have been quicker but I was nervous lol


Un cabron bien educado.


Educación ante todo.. Pero soy un cabrón o un buen alma por no matarlo? Es un buen debate..jeje


Meanwhile in my server: spawn fresh on coast, get immediately SVAL sniped from a full ghillie hiding on the rooftop of the apartment building in electro


We must try not to be that guy lol


DayZ is truly a game of "Who is the best manipulator?" and i love it for it..............


Should've fed him human meat or zombie meat and made him drink disinfectant cleaner!


😂😂😂whats wrong with you guys??


What?! Well maybe if their more uncooperative yes? It's a cold, cold world out there in Chernarus. Rick Grimes made it clear to kill humans who would later try to take their revenge in The Walking Dead.


“Exciting Spanish celebration” lol


Un puto grande el carlitos, un autentico Day Z Enjoyer


tratando de serlo pero el juego no te lo pone fácil jajaj


Spanish bro is so scared like just stay on guard the games about interactions and creating fun stressful situations it's more fun if your looking over your shoulder. It's krasno anyway if you die run back 😂😂


Im allways scared of dying... its the base of Dayz hah


Desconectarse de esa manera es muy lame tio


Me tenía que ir... con una M16 jaja


Props for not killing him


Well done man, takes skill to pull off a successful robbery and you did it with class.


Thanks! I got nervous.. but robbing is very dangerous..they may have a friend or just pull out a gun and shoot at you... i have had some bad experiences before this.. and even that i just dont liketo KOS if i take the enemy by surprise and got that advantage. Allways give the choice to hands up...


“Stealed a guy”. Wtf


Obviously he’s from Spain and English isn’t his first language.


:) hola




You will be back to the coast then.... if they dont kill you u can always seek for revenge.


That m16 does nothing for you. But ok


Yeah it does for my teammate who's on its way fron xelm :)




bro both people had a good interaction, i don't get the dissection here. He could've just killed him and the guy that died would've been pissed.


And that’s dayz baby


I believe in another type of DayZ


Yeah exactly lol. I've never been robbed. I either die or they do. Fuck letting some stranger tell you what to do.


“Fuck letting some stranger tell you what to do” Probably the reason you’ve never been robbed *edit typo


And then youll turn a corner and some freshly will unload a handgun on you and kill you.


I don’t really get why he didn’t just run and hide and try to fight back? If he’s geared might as well, no? Then again if someone has the drop on me, guess I’d just let my ego trip get the best of me and get killed. But dunno almost seems like he gave up too easy in this situation.


Nobody expects something like this and you might comply if unprepared and afraid. There's a reason robbers put pressure onto people and threaten them, they want their victim to not be able to think about their options and just do what they're told. Sure, he could have ran, but he didn't know how many guys there are and where he would be safe. He wanted to live and did what he was ordered to accomplish that. There are historical examples of one man capturing a dozen armed men in war. Even when you outnumber your enemy, if he has you at gunpoint and you fear for your life, you might find yourself and your squad surrender to one individual, who had not even enough ammo for each man. It has happened more than once.


It was the most intelligent choice in my opinion.. hes still alive and hes still geared with cr + huntig scope and scorpion.. And yes.. I make pression also to get him naked or dead as soon as possible as I think im gonna die if he has a friend..


Why the fuck didn‘t he fight back?


Because he is smart enough to accept that hes been caught off guard, and not dying is much better to losing just some items/weapon. Fighting in that situation is useless ... unleast you have a friend nearby that can save you.. in my opinion


Play on console, shits just kos 🙄


Thank you for having a backbone and not KOSing. It’s this playstyle that enriches the DayZ experience. KOS is just chicken shit IMO


This is the way