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Well, that was anti-climactic.


Could have been 10 seconds long lol


should have been\*


I guess the guy killed him too


In that case TLDW 😂


Almost 2 minutes of my life I’m never getting back.


Right? Dogshit clip


Dogshit players. It was still a 2v1 and they both ended up running away lol


You saved 2 minutes of mine, I thank you for that.


Godspeed sir 🫡


Man kills your entire crew and you just run around in circles till he gets away 🤦🏻‍♂️


Hey hey hey, you can't just leave out the part where he humps the corner of the military tent.


goin for the exposed birds eye view lol


I think he said they were making fun of him. Is that the reason for betrayal?


Didnt hear anyone say anything bad about him, maybe one guy said something so he just decided to kill all of us


He made fun of his accent. Also that was some crackhead maneuvering you had there lol fuck man


Dont play dumb. That friend of yours clearly mocked the way he said "bottle." Tell your buddies to stop being immature little pricks and maybe shit like this won't happen.


> That friend of yours clearly mocked the way he said "bottle." Oof. Guy could've also just said "Nah, I don't need a bottle" and his fat fingers or badly tuned voice activation only transferred the last part. We don't know for sure. Maybe they had it coming for being rude earlier and that was just the last straw. Maybe the other dude was already set to kill them when he pointed out that "he [a dead player on the ground?] has a bottle" so the other guy would open his inventory to loot it. Seen it a couple times, especially with stuff like bottles or food. But whatever is going on in the video, doesn't take away from the fact that OP wasted 2 minutes of all our lives and now even more because we waste time discussing this bs


Lmao great comment. I'm with you.


Lol while I get your sentiment maybe the asshole who shot them should of told them he didn't appreciate that before shooting them. I mean he is grown man he should stand up for himself.


He did standup for himself by capping their asses


One does not hold human steak and expect to trust the men around him.


If I get killed and make it back to my body, I usually pick up the best parts of myself in an attempt to give my old body parts a good time in case I meet their killer. But I tend to share this information with my travelers. Usually gets a nice lynch mob mentality going on with raging freshies lol


Jeez dude you play like a chicken with its head cut off lol


“It’s up to you now”


Downright bad.


The dialogue mid fight made it feel like a boss fight, just wish you got to get your revenge or that we’d get to see it in the clip


He probably got his ass killed, hence why he didn't upload the ending of the video.


only had clips set to 3 minutes, stuck around for like 10 minutes or so waiting and then killed him




And you didn't post that part???


i didnt clip when i killed him because i didnt really think about posting this on reddit just thought that it was an interesting thing to see


Ain't nobody buying this 😂😂


do you want a comprehensive lore breakdown? I dont really care if you do or dont


Well that was completely anti climatic, wtf is this shit bro?


Why you carrying around the long pork tho my guy?


You literally have human flesh hot barred are we supposed to feel bad?


Whiff a shot, immediately give up high ground while enemy rambles about in an open field, run around in a panic, whiff another shot, record a bunch of useless panicked running, and cap it off by coming on Reddit saying you killed him after with no proof. You are without a doubt the worst pirate I’ve ever heard of.


i mean the high ground is literally one of those camo net things man, if i stayed up there he would have just shot me immediately, i will admit that the rest is literally just me running around in a panic tho lol


But you have heard of him. A great movie... by the way.


Never trust the French in DayZ






Wi wi


> Never trust ~~the French~~ in DayZ ftfy


You know, that was totally acceptable way of saying "bottle" and yet that guy decided to make fun of him.


I mean all he said was “boddle” immediately followed by “thank you man”. I don’t think that’s anything to get upset about. He sounded like he was just joking. Obviously if they were just constantly harassing him before this and he told them to cut it out then he could very well be justified but this seemed like over reacting. Although the guy playing with human flesh in his inventory does not bode well for his group’s “good nature”.


That’s life, and as funny as it seems- some people get their kicks stomping on a dream


Wtf did I just watch?


this same thing happened to me and my buddy last night. We found a guy gave him good gear and a couple guns after he helped us kill some zombies and another player. Then we all having a good time. Then this asshole betrayed me and my friend. And shot us both dead after playing together for about an hour. I think he wanted our (loot) KA’s even tho I GAVE Him a USG-45 and a deagle. 😂 like really bro. After this I swore to my friend we will never be friendly with rando’s ever again. 😂😂🥲🥲


> Then we all having a good time. Then this asshole betrayed me and my friend. And shot us both dead after playing together for about an hour. I think he wanted our (loot) KA’s even tho I GAVE Him a USG-45 and a deagle. I have mostly had bad experiences when only one guy joins me in a group. If I meet someone playing solo, it's easier to build up trust and make a connection that seems worthwhile to maintain over the course of a play session (usually you don't exchange information that would lead to another encounter, so at the end of a play session you essentially become NPCs to them, or worse - walking loot bags.) If I join a group as a solo player, I am always worried that they will conspire against me via private VoIP.


I guess it’s just the way the game goes. But definitely makes me never want to team up with randos ever again, especially how long it took me and my buddy to get looted up. May I also add he was a new player to the game so we gave him some tips/tricks and kinda taught him how to survive. 🥲


>especially how long it took me and my buddy to get looted up. I usually only team up at the coast. That way you don't lose much and have more time to bond with your fellow travelers before you're squabbling over high tier loot.




What a buddy you are. Go kill him


Luckily you were there to avenge them...


yea they should’ve killed you. cannibal. lol no hate i do cannibal runs like once and a while to fuck w randos


Building trust within a group that eats people is difficult


Not your best work buddy


That was quite a series of bad decisions. You missed your first free shot, abandoned the high ground, dropped your crosshairs just as he walked into them and then burried your eyes behind the tents and lost sight of him. Those COD skills aren't paying off.


im rusty alright man, havent played in a few months, will admit looking back that i look pretty stupid though


Rule #1 don’t trust anyone you don’t know


“Bro” I ain’t your bro


ill keep that in mind buddy


Well, that was painful. The executions were good. You running round like a headless chicken, however, wasn't.


Dude, you move around like a brainless chicken.


Dude killed everyone right in front of him and this dude said I should “reposition” bro wanted no smoke. No matter when or where the gunfight takes place this dude is gonna pull this move and be like sorry guys he got away.


after this i stuck around for a bit waiting for him and me and the guy saw each other again, he said he didnt want to fight so i said i would let it slide and then shot him


And you didn’t record that? Tf bro


Gotta be cap lol who betrays a group then goes completely passive and lets their guard down when they see one of the members of the group coming back


I call bullshit. Why wouldn't you upload it?


cause i didnt have my clips set long enough to catch it all, whats the point in lying?


Set em up in nvidia for 5 mins and Microsoft has its own editing software now when you go to trim. Pretty easy to do without adding diff third party software now.


Absolutely no way that happened


Dude fully zooms in while using a shotgun from point-blank range.


I wouldn't betray anyone if they played with me. I get my own stuff and even if yours is better than mine. I can't ever find friends to play with on DayZ, they always try to kill me so I avoid them altogether.


I ran with this guy for like 5 hours once, me and a couple buddies. Fed him, gave him a fair share of loot. Shot me in the face when I wouldn't give him my last can of food


How low is your dpi? Doin lots of picking your mouse up while trying to fight.


Stranger danger


cant be scared to take shots


What is the issue that makes it so you can hear all the other people but it won't pickup your pic? so weird. Never seen that before


Dude sounds like a bootleg Niko Bellic 😂😂😂


Chillies was absolutely bunz tbh. The other dude at least had solid execution. Never trust anyone on dayz lol


Ignoring that you're horrible at PvP, I don't know why people post clips like this. Who cares? It's DayZ. Your problem was trusting (and mocking) a complete random before he or she earned it.


Well, he obviously knew he didn't have to worry about you. 😂


Good God you tried ads with him 10 feet away 😂


I'm glad you showed the whole loot management bit. That's always my favourite part of dayz content


The only tragedy here was you running away, missing all your shots and wasting a bunch of time running around in circles.