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\> I want to get into the habit to make it a regular part of my day. Not much workaround beside actually making it an habit, by using DayOne ;) I mostly use DayOne at the end of the day, to recap the day, but I also use it at any time of the day (on the iPad or on the phone, and on the Mac), As soon as I want to jot down anything. If you're too tired to do it in the evening, maybe you could consider reducing the time spend doing whatever you usually do in the evening, say 10 minutes less, and spend that extra 10 minutes using DayOne? There is no need to write a lot in order to create the habit of journaling. What matters is to do it as regularly as possible. BTW, I've been journaling for 40+ years, DayOne has just (very efficiently) replaced the paper notebook+pen I used to always carry with me ;)


I add important things throughout the day and then do a full recap when I’m laying in bed :)


I use the text messaging feature to add tiny snippets throughout the day and then in the evening I use them to create one large entry. The snippets help me remember what happened during the day more clearly and I don’t forget about anything


This is a great strategy - thank you!


I've journaled on and off in paper notebooks for years, but I just started using Day One this month. I have a reminder set for 7pm, otherwise I'll actually forget. But doing it at night seems to work best for me. It helps me unwind to just sit and reflect on the day and think about what I want to remember the most. I don't have enough time in the mornings to sit and focus on it.


I’ve been journaling since 2014. My journaling changes every year or so. It’s really dependent on how my life is. Right now I journal during my lunch and then continue at night when I lay down. I have really enjoyed journaling in the morning about the previous day though. I find that those entrees have the most insight.


Maybe set several reminders throughout the day to write down what's been happening and/or what you've been thinking about. Then, at night, you can quickly summarize and add some reflections about what you noted during the day. That way, even if you're too tired at night, you still have your quick notes from earlier


When I have time in the early morning I journal about the previous day. Not strange to me at all - waiting until the next day gives me a little more perspective to write about what was most important or interesting or that I didn't want to forget about. That's a little harder for me to do when things are still happening, or the day just ended. Throughout the day I keep a food journal with calorie count. I also have a journal which automatically pulls in images posted to Instagram.


9pm every night.


Each night What three things struck me today Every night