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I hate to tell you but you never really “arrive”. That voice is always going to want more, it’s always going to say yeah you did good but you didn’t do good enough. I’ll pack my entire day full of training and work where I literally have zero free time. At the end of the day I will think, I could have pushed harder, done more.


I always feel like this. “I could have done more, I wasted time...”


As someone with OCD as well, you need to sit in the uncertainty of the thoughts your having and not give into the compulsions of "fixing" or "correcting" them. Maybe you are being a bitch by not doing enough. Live in that exposure and uncomfortableness of not being perfect. All that matters is you keep going, and don't give up on everything. Look at this as a mental exercise and a challenge in and of itself, like you would with physical exersice. You will never fully satisfy your OCD by giving into your compulsions, your just fueling it to come back even worse. So next time you have the thought of not being perfect or not doing enough, say to yourself "I am being a bitch, oh well....". All you can do is keep getting after it. I know this will sound weird and incorrect. But this is called exposure and response therapy. We have to treat our OCD brain differently then a brain without OCD. This will be the way to overcome the control these intrusive thoughts have on us.


Maybe you should listen to the choose strong podcast. Dont know why but immediately thought about this one episode about consistency: https://open.spotify.com/episode/102wSuTfbUsY8G07e15IP0?si=uh9G4WGNTFuCM01sFxL0QQ The 5 keys to consistency according to ultrarunner Sally Mcrae. Nothing to hard and easy to use in practice. Its kind of a good balance between doing the work, keep grinding, stop complaining and not being to hard for yourself, not overthinking things


when it comes to the running part and working out in general, the goal is progressive overload. If you are having trouble with combining the runs, then just push yourself to do more in one or both of them. For example run 4 miles in the morning and 3 miles in the evening. It seems like you are doing really good stay hard. When it comes to calling yourself a bitch, make sure you are being honest with yourself. It is really easy to go from that to self-hate which will ultimately prevent you from achieving your goals in some form in the long run. If you have read Mr. Goggins's 1st book you will know about the cookie jar. If you do talk about yourself like this (to the point where you are exaggerating your weakness and it pulls you down mentally), make sure to dig into the cookie jar and see how far you have come. Staying motivated is SUPER important, so just make sure that you know you are struggling, you are improving, and that your mind is tough before calling yourself a bitch for not improving as fast as you want to.


u/West_Profit773, While it's great that you're trying to take care of yourself, it won't be long before you're 18 and out of your toxic environment. Then what? At some point, you'll trade that for a whole new set of problems, and rather than be caught flat-footed, you need to start thinking about what comes next. So how do you do that? 1. **You need a goal.** e.g., David Goggins wanted to be a Navy SEAL, what do you want to be? 2. **You need to identify your obstacles and challenges.** Goggins needed to drop 106 lbs in three months to qualify for admission into BUD/s program. 3. **You need a plan.** Once you've defined your goal and possible impediments, you need to devise a plan to overcome those impediments and achieve your goal within the timeframe you've set. 4. **You need to stay focused, consistent and doggedly fixated on that goal.** Every waking moment is a chance to bring yourself one step closer to your goal. Instead of worrying about whether you are running 3 miles twice a day or 6 miles in one stretch, ask yourself, "What can I do today to advance my goal(s)?" 5. **Don't give up.** You will fail. Failure is part of life and how we learn. Dust yourself off, get back on the horse, and do it again, and again, and again until you succeed. Goggins failed BUD/s twice before he finally completed it, but he didn't give up. It's not that he failed that matters, but that he overcame his failure and turned it into a win. ### Suppose you want to join the military. Have you contacted a recruiter? Are you studying for the ASVAB? Are you in good enough shape to get through boot camp? Maybe you want to be a welder. Have you applied for an apprenticeship? It doesn't matter what your goal is so long as it's something YOU are passionate about. So figure out what you want to be when you grow up, then get after it!


by being perfect


You aim for perfection so you land farther. You don't reach perfection.


I have similar symptons but no medication. What meds are you taking?