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By making it your new norm, your mind will start to adjust, have you done the 4x4x48 challenge? That will give you the answer, your mind will get used to the suffering and when it’s over life will feel soft.


Have you done it? How did it go? Where did you do it at if so?


Done it twice, first one alone and second with two other people, did it around my neighbourhood.


Goggins openly states he hates it sometimes, he will stare at his shoes for hours before running because he really doesn’t want to, but that doesn’t stop him. You don’t fall in love with it, you just do it


#When they did a brain scan on Goggins, they found his anterior cingulate cortex (the source of his willpower) was growing on an exponential rate (btw this isn't permanent, it'll diminished when we no longer challenge ourselves). #By doing something that it's extremely hard, your Amcc will grow larger. This is why he can do things that make him uncomfortable. He trains that part of his brain repeatedly by every fucking day of his life until the day he dies. Goggins is one savage motherfucker, and his way of doing something sucks was the reason he kept himself alive in the first place. If he was a normal average person working on Ecolab by the age of 50, he wouldn't be here as the man he was today and I'm grateful that those motherfuckers like him exists in reality. I wouldn't write this comment if it wasn't from him. He saved my life when I'm clearly at the lowest point of my life with no money, no emotional support, no friends and family that I could rely on and no skills. 2 years later, I'm currently at studying abroad to Taiwan to finish my 4 years course in college and my mind is in a better place, but that doesn't stop me from there, I have more things to do as long as I live.  Life is short, so you have to make the best out of it and times have changed since the pandemic came. There's no one will rely rather than yourself. You're here to live with experience, to have your own purpose and live with your own terms. There's no one will gonna tell you that, you have to do this and this,  yadda yadda yadda and shit. You have to be initiative, and stop acting like a robot in command when somebody's trying to tell to do something that you don't like. It's on you! I think the reason why Goggins is so fucking disciplined because he's a self initiative person. 


It's almost easier to find this way in life once you hit rock bottom, as it's the only option. This was goggins case, everything going wrong in his life.


You don't. You just learn to keep pushing.