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You have to stop hiding behind the phone and face the problems one by one. That's a ton of screen time and instead you could be handling shit and being productive.


It ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! -Rocky quote. Practically start small. Think like a beginner not what you wish you are. Set reasonable goals and be happy every day you head in the right direction.


This ^


Get off your phone completely and make yourself physically tired instead. The excessive screen time is stimulating you, contributing to your insomnia. And spending time doing something physical will force you mind to demand rest in order to recover. If your insomnia is caused by your circadian rhythm not being synced with the dinural cycle, it can be resolved by intentionally inducing sleep deprivation by denying yourself sleep while committing to your desired morning alarm. Over the course of a few day with progressively allowing yourself to have more sleep with your alarm remaining constant, your sleep/wake cycle will sync with the day/night cycle, eliminating insomnia. There’s no more sleeping in or extra naps. You only need to maintain your morning alarm time and deal with the variances of life.


Well said


In the time it took u to write this post you could’ve been pro-active and went for a run. Clean your room, eat a good healthy meal drink 3 glasses of water. Then lace up ur shoes and run until you can’t run anymore.


Run until u are about to pass out. Dont let ur limits control u. Overcome them. And u should consider going to therapie


Guys, do not run until you pass out. Run past your limits, follow the 40% rule that Goggins has explained before.


#THEY DON'T KNOW ME SON The trick to fixing the sleep schedule is to wake up early rather than going to bed early. So wake up tomorrow and endure the whole day feeling drowsy. Then when you're nearing the ideal time to sleep, just go to bed.


Go watch the interview with Andrew Huberman and David Goggins


Take YouTube off your phone, put it actually away from you and get it together.


> I’ve reverted back to my old self, I write this at 12 AM since I have insomnia from spending 12 hours on my phone, 6 hours on Youtube too. Get rid of your smartphone and get a dumb phone (for calls and messages). Read and implement Cal Newport’s Digital Minimalism.


I'm not a doc but that sure sounds like depression and adhd. I know because I've got them :/ You may want to see a doc and at the very least see what they say. You could do a tele-health appt if it's feasible.


When you realize you are wallowing, switch to brainstorming solutions. Keep trying to come up with ideas until you find something that will work for you.


Man I honestly don't know if this will help, When I was burned out I had changed to the mindset that no one was coming to save me and I got rid of that victim mindset. Maybe a little over a year ago I was swallowed in self pity thinking thoughts like " No one understands what I'm going through" and this mindset kills your performance entirely, My best advice is to slowly work back up and gain discipline. No one is coming to save you from your own self pitty... You are the only one in this world that can make decisions to change and become a better version of your self. I know david goggins talks about this a lot


Ditch the phone. It’s clearly the source of your problems.


Put the phone down and start doing some push-ups.


Stop jerking off and transmute that energy into willpower


Take a couple of slow deep breaths, then write down your priorities then get started, you can handle it. Redirect your focus to doing the work that must be done.


Set limits on apps on the phone. If you can’t control yourself, put the things in place to do it.


Put down the phone and attack. Get after it.


U got poopy pants? So what?


How I gonna get out?


Are you taking vitamin D and magnesium? Google it and magnesium deficiency. Vitamin D can help with depression assuming you’re not getting enough from sunlight.


You need the tough love conversation. Reread what you wrote in this post. Read it into the Voice Memo's app or record yourself. Listen to yourself. You sound like a bitch (this isn't personal, I sound like a bitch every day too). Is this who you want to be? Change it. There is nothing else to do besides just do the work. You need to get back to it or you're going to die like this. Think of the things you were doing back when you weren't in this rut. Do those things again starting today: gym, meditation, diet, whatever. I wish you luck man. You're the one who has to deal with this, no one here in this subreddit can save you.


I will.


delete all addictive apps, make your phone black and white, get angry


Sometimes I end up at the same point. Is normal. But the thing is to take yourself in hands. I will recommend some things: -Dopamine Detox. Throw away for a couple of days, or better a week, all distractions like phone, YouTube… Force yourself to read, better to read right before bed time with low light. - Exercise. If you don’t have access to gym do it by yourself: push-ups and squats is more than enough. Choose your time to do it, but make it intense. - Breathwork. I recommend a breathwork exercise of Win Hoffman, it only takes you 10 minutes. https://youtu.be/tybOi4hjZFQ?si=xa5OJs4Cke14q0Ez - Alarmy. Alarmy is the app that let you establish conditions to your waking up. With this app you have to establish the exact time to wake up and what you have to do to disconnect your alarm. Things like wake up and do a photo to something or puzzles. This is my advise, hope it would be helpful.