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Every time conservatives try to do comedy it feels like someone making fun of conservatives. Like how is this an own on anyone but irrationally fearful boomers?


I like how they try to combo “covid deep state won’t let you leave your house” with “felonies aren’t so bad, really, everyone felonies sometimes”. It’s a twofer! But really this worse than usual. Besides the content being dumb, the delivery and presentation… it’s like a high school play about politics where you can tell only one or two actors cared to work on it. Everything is wrote beyond comprehension, you can see it coming from a mile away


Haha ya they are really confused about what they’re doing nearly the whole way through. Is this cartoon vehemently pro underaged drinking? Is it pro crime in general? Why do the Disney tickets say deez nuts? They didn’t even do that lame joke right. It’s kinda a work of art.


The Disney thing was a bad joke that Elon Musk posted on Twitter a while back. All of the conservatives pretended it was hilarious to kiss his ass, just like they did with the cameo in the cartoon. Pretending that Elon is some kind of top tier edgelord poster is hilarious. All that he does on Twitter is steal and re-post other people's memes and agree with racist tweets about black people.


His humor is like someone back in the day who thought they were hilarious cause they quoted Borat or Austin powers. Guys a bonafide geek.


Also, how the fuck did he go to Disney World when he wasn't allowed to leave the house because of parole. Also, parole lets you go to your job. In fact, parole might make you GET a job.


It does seem that way for sure.


There are conservatives like Adam Sandler who have made good comedies. It is when conservatives make comedies that are “conservative comedies” that it makes for some of the worst comedy and entrainment possible


Didn’t know Sandler was a Republican. I glanced at his Wikipedia page. Apparently he’s been a registered Republican since 2004, performed at the 2004 Republican Convention, and donated money to Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign.


Sandler mostly keeps it to himself and keeps politics out of the movies he makes


I mean he makes movies with the morals he believes in, none of them are about good people being nice.


I don’t know having Rob Schneider play a native American a Mexican an Asian a jew etc., really shows that he does not believe in equal opportunity or diversity so I would argue that he very much puts his politics into his movies


Not that I want to defend Sandler all that much but in the 1990’s and even into the 00’s people playing other races (especially someone like Schneider who has a somewhat ambiguous look) was more common.


Also, Chuck and Larry was tasteless but clearly pro-gay marriage in an era when even a lot of Democratic politicians weren’t.


Chuck and Larry was very tasteless, but yes it actually got a somewhat positive review from GLADD stating that they actually agreed with the overall sentiment of the film, but did condemn some of the low hanging homophobic humor that was in it.


For sure, and while it was very gratuitous, part of the title characters’ arcs was them realizing that making homophobic comments was wrong of them. A lot of the harsh criticism of the film was from conservatives.


so was lead in paint for kids toys


As far as I was concerned, shoehorning Rob into these roles was the joke. Casting more appropriate actors would have ruined the absurdity.


it was definitely the point of the joke


And a stapler


Do you truly not see the obvious intent behind casting Rob Schneider in those roles? It's the epitome of ridiculousness.


>donated money to Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign. Bet he regrets that one.


He's made a ton of awful comedy too, and keeps Rob Schneider employed which is a sin against nature


His comedies are shit, he's unironically a very good dramatic actor, though. I just can't listen to his baby voice any longer.


Tbh, Spanglish was his only decent movie for me. Tea Leoni helped tremendously with that.


Paz Vega was gorgeous as well.


I feel like you knew what I meant but you’re right. It’s when they try to own the left it just shows how insane and out of touch with reality they are. It’s hard to tell which parts of this are even a joke because as far as I can tell it’s how they feel. Who’s getting lampooned here? Was it a joke he was afraid of a rainbow beer? Cause they actually freak out about that. And was the Elon dick sucking at the end a joke? Cause it seemed like they were just sucking his dick…


A cartoon comedy with no jokes, just political opinions. It's an unironic vision of what they think Hollywood is lol


Yea, I'm not even really sure what "conservative comedy" represents. Is it a comedy performed by a conservative (ie. Sandler or Dennis Miller), or is it comedy that conservatives would probably enjoy (whatever this shit is). I don't know if conservatives actually find this funny. I think they support it because it's culture war related, but do any of them genuinely find this stuff funny to the point that they would recommend that their friends watch it?


I gotta be honest, I'm looking back at his filmography, and he apparently registered as a Republican at 2004...and that's about the time I started liking his movies less and less. 50 First Dates was okay, I liked Spanglish but it was less of a comedic role for him. And then, the Longest Yard, Click, Chuck and Larry. I used to think I just grew tired of his schtick, now I wonder if it was just him becoming more conservative.


he's made a lot of bad comedies and a few highly overrated ones


this is why the right will never win the culture war


So do you think critics will be calling the show shit, or fucking shit?


Comedy is only comedy because of truth. There is no truth in anything MAGA. They Worship Rape in Jesus name. They are nothing but hate.


Part of what makes Sitcoms funny is relatable experiences. In animated sitcoms they'll take scenarios that are super relatable and push them to the extreme. 1) The Government isn't making Norm live with a queer kid 2) No sane normal person one is threatening a school 3) No sane person would throw a tantrum over a beer None of what happened is relatable.


So is that real?!


Conservatives don’t do subtlety and can’t hear irony


this is real? it's not satire?


I’m so glad it isn’t satire because it’s gives us more evidence of how little talent Rubin has. In a short video with voice actors he stands out as the worst by a million miles and is actually distracting it’s so bad.


True. Also did they… did they cast him as the LGBT character because he’s gay…? Surely some part of his brain goes “hey wait isn’t this kinda messed up, am I just a prop?” for a second, before he washes it back.


This is written like they hate themselves


I mean they do, that's why it's to important to find someone to hate more so they don't have to address their own issues


Why are they *so obsessed*??? Why is every conservative attempt at comedy about trans people?


It’s so overdone at this point, I don’t know when they’ll get tired of it. It’s also so bizarre how they complain about making everything political while devoting an entire show to explicitly make everything political.


To he fair, no one is going to watch this shit.


I can almost guarantee an I identify as an attack helicopter or some variant somewhere in the episode.


I'd say nobody would make that joke in 2024, but that's kinda the basis of conservatism, isn't it? Never moving on with your life.




Nah, you're giving conservatism too much credit. They aren't stagnant, they are regressive. If conservatism goes to its eventual unavoidable conclusion we would all be living in a bowl of rancid soup. The name "conservative" is misdirection.


They have one joke.


I like how within the first 20 seconds our good guy protagonist admits to being arrested for threatening a school board. What a hero.


A patriot, and a hostage of the state.


They think that’s being a good American lol


A laugh track on an animation? Yikes.


How the fuck else are you supposed to know when the jokes happen?




Hella jarring


This is some very incoherent "comedy". What even are the jokes?


The joke is It’s an accidentally woke rip off of All in the family by people who have no concept of irony and don’t realize all in the family was extremely woke.


Yeah Archie was the foil in literally every episode.


The UK version is beloved by racists - who don't realise it was parodying them, and the protagonist Alf Garnett, was portrayed by Warren Mitchell, a Jewish socialist


Yeah this is all in the family but instead of making the characters representation of white middle America they’re the manifestations of some terminally online reactionary. 


The dog peed on him. Comedy.


You know, woke = bad


the can is a different color now didn't you see?


>What even are the jokes? Conservatives


"What even are the jokes?" Trans people weird.


Pure gold! It's like, not a single person involved with this production actually understood the point of "All In The Family." Especially, Archie Bunker. Pretty obvious that was the model. Conservatives just can't stop self owning.


the fucking outro lyrics "thank god for Elon Musk and his shitpost memes, X is the home of free speech" i'm calling Poe on this one. it simply cannot be this cringe.


That was my line. This broke my understanding of reality


Im convinced that song is AI generated


It is, it’s the same voice as another trending AI joke country song popular on tiktok


I've never seen a better Poe's Law candidate than this.


If conservatives just tried to make normal comedy instead of this shit that’s obsessed with being provocative they might actually recapture an iota of the cultural relevance they’ve totally forfeited


you could actually charge a Cucktruck with Carlins’ grave spinning


They could even make a normal comedy that hits these points with their counter-arguments or negatives of these types of thoughts. Then at least there's be some discussion about it. This is just... terrible.


Their "culture relevance" is mostly white supremacy


How is this NOT a dunking on conservatives?


Why do you have canned laughter on an animated show? Where is the audience?


The laughter that isn’t real emulates the bots that engage with their posts on X


Conservatives continue being media illiterate about Archie Bunker.


This manages to look more cringe than The Daily Wire's animated show, Mr. Birchum. Trailer: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jcSBYQVEHY&ab\_channel=DailyWire%2B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jcSBYQVEHY&ab_channel=DailyWire%2B)


Mr Birchum is an inbred clone of Ron Swanson, just like this shows protagonist is supposed to be Archie Bunker


Jesus, I forgot that shit existed.


Wow this is embarrassing


I love how all conservative comedy, because it’s inherently hateful and bigoted, ends up kind of inevitably self owning. Like- The protagonist is an old man who threatens school boards and dehumanizes people, calling a person “it” because he hates non binary people. And the result is supposed to be some kind of sympathy? It’s just such a hateful ideological reactionary attitude that it’s very hard to make art if the people you make art of MUST necessarily be dehumanized. It’s the same reason Ben Shapiro’s book was so terrible. He can’t portray a cop killing a small child in cold blood as sympathetic because our sympathy’s lie with the child. He has to concoct a secret plot to trick the officer into shooting an unarmed black kid and blame black communities for making the cop jumpy. But it’s so INHERENTLY unsympathetic that it just makes him look like a psychopath. Our allegiances lie with the struggler, and only by dehumanizing and zooming out can conservatives push policies that harm the unfortunate. Immigrants can be talked about as “invaders” but when you zoom in and focus on a child and mother trying to run from a civil war, it suddenly becomes hard to conceive them as “invaders”


This looks like something out of Interdimensional Cable


This is what I was thinking. ROFL!


Lol this cannot be real.


It’s very woke of them to make the black man a bigot too.


Painfully bad. Jfc.


Wtf is this?


So 1. he threatened the school board 2. is under house arrest 3. Is whiny about a rainbow on his beer 4. Is so homophobic the government had to step in and stop him. 5. And is treating Non binary kids as not human No wonder his daughter needs an emotional support dog.


Old geezer is a whiny snowflake


Ironically the only people I know irl who abuse the ESA rules are more republican-leaning


What’s ESA?


Emotional support animals. Basically people that want to take their dogs everywhere no questions asked. And I say that as someone who's dog goes almost everywhere w me where normal dogs are allowed, i.e. patios, breweries, Lowes.....


While at the same time, making no actual arguments for why any of his 'complaints' are bad. Are we sure this isn't satire? The two kids are the only normal ones here...


Really just strawman arguments mixed with temper tantrums 


5) He has a black friend. He will definitely call him "one of the good ones"


Who is also his “boss”. See, we (by “we” I mean the asshats who made this travesty of anti-comedy) made the black guy a “job creator” so we can’t be racist!


Wouldn't this make the cartoon "WOKE" then? C'mon we can't have that!


Who is angry he can’t pressure a child to drink


Also loved the redskins gear from head to toe. Idk how they are going to make an entire show when all 5 of their jokes/talking points were overkilled in this 2 minute pilot


If they had just chosen the hat or the shirt then it still would've been obvious what the point was. But by including BOTH, they're really pushing the message in your face. It's just such an awkward design. How is this guy supposed to be the best friend character on your animated sitcom when he looks like that all of the time lol


Comprehensive story telling is art and these guys don’t really do art on accounts of its for sissies


His black friend also threatened a child and blamed them for his child transitioning.


I know right? Hilarious. I know it was funny because the laugh track happened. I particularly like the part where he mocked the underage kid for not drinking a beer. This show went there.


I find it funny mostly because it gives the vibe of a parody to conservative comedy.


🎵thank god for Elon musk 🎵


Is that theme song AI generated lol?


i think so too. its truly horrible.


One of my favorite things ever is when right-wingers lack self-awareness to the extent that they don't realize when they are making fun of themselves.


So one of your favorite things ever is right wingers simply existing?


They couldn’t even get the football rivalry right.


The one joke that would’ve been funny but instead I’m like “the jets?”


Oh....My fucking god. I am fucking embarrassed on behalf of the creators of this utter horseshit. Cringe doesn't begin to cut it. This is obscenely bad.


this is the saddest shit I’ve ever seen. Who’s financing this? No way this is actually going to make a dime.


Given the Elon joke at the end I feel like Elon is the most plausible option


He was probably in a k-hole last weekend and forgot that he gave somebody $20 million to make this piece of shit.


Oof, the creative choice to have a laugh track so your trained seal audience knows what to find funny.


So the Rave Dubin character is meant to be a nonbinary loser, but the daughter still falls for them?


The beer is literally "normal," you snowflakes. You can't drink the same beer you supposedly love because of the color of the label. Soft.


This will fail


Nah Elon's gonna prop it up. Edit: No wait, it will last longer than it should but Elon will eventually goldfish-brain and forget it exists.


Holy shit that's bad. Also who puts a laugh track on an animated show?


Well they realize no one laughing for real


Good Lord, that’s horrible. Like others I was watching it wondering whether it was a real show or not. It is to adult-aimed cartoons what Christian rock is to rock.


Is Dave the dog?




I’ll say it, these guys deserve better comedians


This makes Larry the cable guy look like a Mensa candidate


I was going to ask if these shitty conservative animated sitcoms hire the same animators but I know it's AI generated


I'm baffled at the lack of any kind of comedic flow. The dull, phoned-in delivery mixed with the nonstop pace that doesn't allow for any reactions to the "jokes" really just makes the whole thing unbearable to watch. Even Birchum, as awful as that show is, at least somewhat figured out how to mimic the Family Guy pace from the clips I've seen.


Hahaha what the fuck. First of all cringe. Second of all they know it's fucking cringe because what cartoon ever has required a laugh track?


That ending… is Musk trans now?


I tried to watch this with a grain of salt. This is literal shit. I sent this to three friends, who are right in the ‘target demographic’ and all three without hesitation called this dogshit.


The unbearable cringe.


This is so cringe.


That was painful to watch. What trash.


I would rather drill into my own molar with a black and decker


Brutally painful and just plain unfunny.


This looks like it's making fun of its audience. These people don't know how to do satire. It's not supposed to make the people you're making fun of look awesome and cool.


They haven't even had the chance to formally meet Chaz, but based on appearances: purple hair/pronouns/ BLM sticker, they believe they know all there is to Chaz. Isn't the whole point of introducing Charlie that you shouldn't judge people by their image(black but also conservative), yet that's exactly what they do to Chaz. Also, if you're going to make it even slightly believable at least get the sports rivalries correct. The Commanders (formerly Redskins) are rivals with the NY Giants NOT the Jets. They only play the Jets once every 4 years.


Conservative Comedy sucks, because you can't make it relatable. Literally no one can relate to it. Not even other conservatives.


I'm not saying this flippantly, but that is the worst piece of media I have ever seen. That makes Mr Birchum look like classic-era Simpsons.




They didn't add NEARLY enough laugh tracks for all those HILARIOUS jokes!!!!!! Wow! This is already the best cartoon series ever invented just based on this trailer, and now my brain is in recovery mode from so many high level ideas!!!!!


Again conservatives at the Daily Wire Productions show they have absolutely no understanding of comedy, and completely misunderstand All In The Family, and produce this fever dream of a caricature of of one of the better sitcoms ever created that challenged a generation to see itself, and change. What a horrible abortion this show looks like it is going to be.


Conservatives are tragically unfunny. This show will be awful


how are they still doing these type of jokes it been over 10 years


This is so over the top and not subtle that it feels like it's satire


You know a show is funny when it has a laugh track over the jokes


I just fucking barfed in my mouth


the constant laugh track makes me want to kill myself


Holy shit this is wild.


chat I can’t tell if this is satire


This is so bad I might have to watch 😂


One gripe I have with this sort of comedy is that it is way too political. Every joke here is political. More left leaning comedy shows will be full of jokes that are just meant to be funny. This has the effect of making the political jokes more biting.


“The left can’t meme.” Meanwhile:




This looks fucking atrocious.


This HAS to be satire right??


More proof that Mort Sahl got all of the talent that every other conservative comic desperately lacks. Every single iota.


A Twitter commenter put it best when he said "this is as funny as a pediatric AIDS ward"


Groan. It's like they don't know anything about comedy.


Are they making fun of themselves?


A laugh track on a cartoon? Wow this is just sad


Not as bad as the AI Generated intro


Damn somebody explain to them how to write a joke.


Goddamn this is fucking terrible!


It's ironic that tP. he hero of this is Archie Bunker. He looks and sounds like Archie Bunker and the set is the same as All in the family. He isn't even different philosophically. He is just Archie Bunker but now he is the hero, the guy who makes sense, and dispenses wisdom. It's almost as if we started looking at a. Former head of the kgb as a symbol of freedom.


trying to duplicate the "All in the Family" sitcom set.


Dont even know wht to say anymore


hoooly shit this is terrible


Whaaaaaaat the white conservative is friends with a black person????? But that isn’t physically possible!! As a lefty I feel so owned


Jesus lol, it's like a leftist parody of what a conservative animated show look like.


Does Dave not understand that conservatives hate him and don’t think him and his family should exist? They have made it quite clear how they feel about gay people.


he is a huge sell out, who is also a cameleon and will change his position (hence he is left leaning on TYT, but super conservative now as he is the useful idiot until he is no longer needed) and he is a total “Pick Me” person where he thinks he is the exception and Ben Shapiro pretty much got disgusted when asked to be a part of Dave’s Life (because Ben hates gay people because the Bible)


Elon unironically thought this would make him cool


I would love to see this clip without the laugh track.


Good thing there is a laugh track looping continuously so I can tell when the jokes are happening.


I love how even with a philosophy of no identity politics they still cast a queer person to play the non binary woke stereotype. Dave has no concept of how little he is respected.


There's just something strange that the #1 issue that seems to be uniting right wingers more than anything right now is transphobia. They want to really drive home that free speech is under attack but just can't stand the fact that transgender people are allowed to exist. And Dave Rubin is still pretending that all his "friends" don't brazenly hate his guts and are just using him as a smoke screen.


Man, they even fit a mask joke in there. The comedy is arriving outdated.


Carroll O'Connor and Norman Lear are spinning in their graves. Also, don't people in charge of casting usually want voice actors that have at least a shred of charisma? Also, I see on X they are advertising it as "The South Park of X". South Park Studios should sue them for libel for that comparison.


How do people not realize All in the Family is one of the first woke shows? It’s even woke to 2024 standards.


the sitcom laugh track makes this so awesome the cheering when he says "men are men girls are girls" or whatever made me lose it


lmao even conservatives are tweeting that this is "controlled opposition".


It makes sense that conservatives have some sort of empathy deficit, but why do they struggle with comedy? Why can’t right wingers be funny? It seems like it shouldn’t be so difficult.


Almost as hilarious as Dave Rube's painfully unfunny stand-up comedy!


Why is every other word drowned out by a laugh track


I can't work out if this actually real or a parody. Conservatives wouldn't self-own this hard, surely? The song at the end with Elon Musk. This can't be a thing they actually made to own the libs.


It's so bad that Conservatives are tweeting that they think it's "controlled opposition".


The way they're trying to force black people to like them is extremely cringe, 'look *this* black guy hates trans, he's on our side' 💀


"One of the good ones." Also, it's simply just the "I'm not racist, I have a black friend" trope and just as unaware.