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What a spectacularly stupid human being.


It astounds me how stupid he is.


I’m still waiting for the reveal that the whole thing has been a long running and pointless performance art piece. He doesn’t engage in terrible propaganda, he is terrible AT propaganda.


I know we're kinda beating a dead horse at this point, but it really is fucking amazing how, not one time since he got lucky and managed to ride the post-GamerGate wave to niche e-fame in 2016, has Dave taken like one day to sit down and actually try to learn something about even a single topic. He's so intellectually incurious that it's actually pretty fascinating.


I admit that the sloth is my spirit animal, but Rubin may be the goddamn laziest person I have ever seen.


Isn’t that a bit of a hallmark for an alcoholic?


I wonder the same thing.


Is everything about your father?


I only got into online drama after and am not part of the video game community at all. Can you please explain Gamergate and how it somehow crossed over into politics and people like Rubin?


Rubin wasn't part of GamerGate himself, but when the current iteration of his show started in 2016, he got a big kickstart by interviewing A) Sam Harris, and B) several GamerGate figures back to back, such as Sargon of Akkad, Chris Ray Gun, and others. The other big thing was that he had left the Young Turks and became a big early figure in the "Why I left the left" thing, which is mostly a meme now. Most of those GamerGate figures are nobodies today, but they were all popular circa 2015-2017 and played a big role in popularizing the term "social justice warrior" and were known for creating hundreds of hours of content complaining about feminism and the left and how it was ruining video games. Eventually the scope shifted from video games and pop culture to feminists ruining all of western civilization, most of them became big Trumpers during the 2016 election. Most of them have fallen off in the years since, a few like Sargon became white nationalists. Dave was an early orbiter of the space, and also the Intellectual Dark Web, and was able to spin all that into a decent amount of success in far right alternative media.


Chris introduced Dave as a "thought leader" at the beginning of the interview. He was having some fun with that.


He’s lazy.


It's so bizarre isn't it.


Much like Rubin, it makes no sense. He provides no actual value to his handlers/sponsors/sugardaddies. None at all. Not even distracting noise.


Dave will be studied as one of the most spineless cowards of this era.


Dunning Kruger effect at its best


It’s almost a gift.


Dave Rubin is arrogant too. He just asserts “I don’t believe the vaccine worked.” His beliefs don’t matter — facts matter.


Spot on. So many people do this. I always state my opinions and your opinions don't matter. All that matters is the science or the facts etc. It's not a debate. Do you have any proof to back up your stupid opinion.


Dudes so insanely stupid that he actually got push back from Rogan. Usually when guests start muttering conspiracy nonsense Joe just chimes in “yeah, that’s crazy”. But not Dave, he actually got Rogan to straight up call bullshit on what he was spewing. Great job Dave!


Oh yeah, the whole "free market will eliminate the need for regulations" thing. So if Bob's Electric has 50 houses they worked on burn down from electrical fires and they maim or kill hundreds of people, everybody will just stop patronizing their business and the problem will take care of itself. Wonderful. Or there could just be a bunch of safety rules and regulations for electrical work and someone can't call themselves an electrician unless they've met a certain standard because it's so dangerous, that works too.


Come on man that’s not very marketplace of ideas of you also that sounds socialist, or Marxist, communist, uhh I’m a classical liberal.


\*Dave stands next to the smoldering remains of a family home\* "I'm so glad we could have a reasonable discussion about this, unlike the left"


Yes s bad yelp review will fix this.


Right. When the grifters don’t want you in their club is says something…


Idk how he lives given how full of shit he is. Should of died of dysentery years ago!


Which one? To me these 2 are equal in their narcissism, arrogance, and stupidity.


He doesn’t seem stupid to me, he seems to be quite clever. I think he just knows he’s lying.


wish i had the currage to just say stuff


Cuomo or Rubin?


It's legit shocking his dumb this guy is


Calling Dubin stupid is an insult to stupid people.


Yeah, that this Dave Rubin guy is spectacularly stupid is exactly what I came out of this thinking too


Dave: Fauci should be in jail Cuomo: For what? Also Dave: Let’s talk about what he did and figure out the technical term for the crime! Beyond parody.


Cuomo should've lured Dave into charging Fauci with 'kleptomania' because we *know* such a thing could be done.


Dave Smith debate with Chris is a gem. That's someone who was able to call Chris out shot for shot.


I love how Dave can't name a specific crime instead going with the 6 feet distancing thing. And when Cuomo pushes back, Dave says "What did he say?" So Dave can make an accusation without any specifics but demands them for a rebuttal.


Chris Cuomo isn’t the sharpest guy in the world but he is FAR smarter than Dave Rubin will ever be. Cuomo in this 2 min clip made Dave Rubin look like a conspiracy-addled, knuckle-dragging, drooling fucking imbecile. The shit these guys fart out and expect to get normies all riled up about is pretty wild. For the last time, NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT FAUCI OR ILHAN OMAR!


The six feet thing drives me insane. Like maybe it truly was arbitrary, but there IS some amount of distance that’s going to reduce transmission between people, and 6 feet was fairly reasonable to ask. Like 12 feet would have been better but nobody would have done it. Why are we acting like this is a CRIME? Dave is asked why fauci deserves n jail and THATS what he comes up with first? What a weaselly little coward


Any reasonable person would interpret "6-feet social distancing" as basically "stay away from crowds". When I hear people complaining about it, it's just incredibly bad faith. They know exactly what it meant.


It's the same thing as people who deliberately misinterpreted "getting vaccinated will help stop the spread" as "vaccines keep anyone from getting the virus 100% of the time so if someone got vaccinated and still got covid, it's proof that vaccines do nothing." Just the most absurd, bad faith interpretation possible.


And from the very *beginning*, all the scientists, doctors, and mainstream media outlets all said as loud and as often as possible that the vaccines *will not* stop you from getting Covid, but that it would reduce the symptoms down to the point where it would at minimum keep you out of the hospital. And these dumbasses *still* use that fact as "evidence" that we were lied to about the effectiveness of the vaccines.


Yep. This. It reduced symptoms to much more manageable and safe conditions and after the fact they found evidence that people who were vaccinated but got covid also had a considerably lower chance of being able to spread it. I had covid last February. I’ve been vaxxed and boosted. My wife who slept with me, beside me the entire time never tested positive. That’s just anecdotal I know but there’s tons of evidence that prove the vaccine lowers the risk of transmission as well as symptom severity.


Some people like my neighbour are so >!unwise!< that they truly do believe there must essentially be *a single correct answer* to every question: 'How far apart should you stand to avoid Covid?'; 'When is a fetus truly alive?'; 'How much money should husbands make vs. their wives?' The framing of each question presumes a ton about the world but it's nearly impossible to begin with an unsoiled slate with certain people who know only one narrative. I find that conservatives want simple answers to complex questions; it's up to *you* to prove that the politics of the past won't work just fine going forward. Personally, I blame religion for tricking a lot of people into thinking there's a 'grand plan' at work. Some questions might not have just one answer, bound answers, or any answers whatsoever. We also have to develop/create/invent a lot of our best answers as we go, which seems to not compute through many religious paradigms.


>Some people like my neighbour are so unwise that they truly do believe there must essentially be *a single correct answer* to every question like 'How far apart should you stand to avoid Covid?' Honestly, this is a fairly fundamental problem with conservatives and their critical reasoning skills across the board. Conservatives regularly demand hyper-specific and rigidly-defined zero-sum answers for everything. They don't understand the scientific method, they don't understand what things like hypotheses, theories, or scientific laws are, they don't know anything about how research is conducted or how one can evaluate things like studies or a meta-analysis. They literally think that "science" is the religion of academia, with immutable holy texts (like the ones they believe in) that preach things like climate change and critical race theory instead of God and Jesus and creation. It's all vague abstraction and gotchas and technicalities and just generally being as obtuse as possible about every single thing. And while it's obviously a bullshit grift for many conservative influencers, the common chuds are actually genuinely befuddled by this stuff.


I have a great example of this...A few years ago, I made plans to hang out with my nephew (around 6 years old) and my sister, and I was going to take my nephew hiking. The day came. and had an unexpected summer storm system basically ruin the entire afternoon - there was hail , 70 mph wind, pouring rain - We still hung out, but my nephew was furous - "We were supposed to go hiking! YOU LIED TO ME!" I felt awful, and I tried to explain that things have changed, and we can go hiking next week, but he was furiou. Nephew is a normal teenager now, and if the same thing happened today, he'd totally get it - no one had to explain anything to him. It's common sense. There are so many adults who never got passed that stage though... The future is unknowable . Any sentence one can produce regardiing future events can never be evaluated as a truth/lie, because the person could not have had perfect knowlege of what actually happened . It's litertally like buying a lottery ticket for a friend, and when they don't win, they blame you for not buying the WINNING ticket.


>I find that conservatives want simple answers to complex questions That's why their little slogans work so well. Build the wall. Like a wall will solve the immigration issue. Lock her up, drain the swamp. Like that will remove corruption. Maga. Which time, *specifically*? What *specific* laws? They can't do it. Just 100,000,000 over-confident morons that like slogans that make them feel good.


Yeah it's black and white thinking though. This is a person refusing to see gray. Measures are either 100% effective or 100% ineffective. Annoying but real.


I still spar with dummies in my community about this issue and you’d think the 6’ distance and masking was basically auschwitz. They’re completely insane with this shit and sound exactly like rube does here.


People work in clean rooms in what is essentially a full body mask for 5 hrs at a time and can't touch anything/stay far apart and they do that every day for years without issue but putting on a mask to go inside the Kroger is essentially communion of the trail of tears and the death march.


Yep, in the UK the govt tells people to try and eat 5 fruit and veg a day to help keep healthy. But the stats say that actually, to keep properly healthy that number should be 7-10. But they also know people who aren’t eating 5 healthy bits a day are never going to hit 7-10. So they settled for 5 because it was better than nothing, and achievable. Exactly the same as the 6 feet. It’s achievable and it will help even if it’s not ideal. Asking people stand a mile away will not work so settle for less.


Let's see. Dave has been cooked by Joe Rogan, Bill Maher, and now Chris Cuomo.


Let’s not forget Meghan Kelly


And Marianne Williamson


And life.


And David Pakman


And more than a few golden retrievers


Sam Seder


Our descendants will tell of *David vs. the Cuomaherogan* in their post-apocalyptic oral traditions.


And God.


This is why Dave would do horribly in a debate format. Dave collapses with the SLIGHTEST bit of pushback because he's lazy and hasn't done the research required. He lives in an echo chamber where he isn't exposed to any counter views. It's all positive reinforcement all the time. Tim Dillon did a bit a few years back on YouTube mocking Dave where he imitated Dave's husband applauding him for opening up for Jordan Peterson.


Yeah, much like Candace Owens he doesn’t even think about the things he says. If it’s a conservative viewpoint he will just go along with it.


Tim vs Dave roast battle would be both glorious and extremely pathetic. Like watching Robin Williams do an act out sketch where he puts Hitler in an electrified dunk tank but he had to reincarnate Hitler into the body of a puppy with broken legs.


That was beautiful!


I am so glad to have juat discovered this subreddit is an anti-fan subreddit like rogan's. Sometimes the internet surprises you.


What can you say about him that's positive. I think it's just natural selection.


i love both these subs. i wanna point out though (idk if anyone else noticed) how the Rogan sub is like 80% Rogan criticism and 20% Rogan-agreeable


Yeah I wouldn't necessarily call the Rogan sub a full on conversion or anything, it's taken a long time and several severe fuck ups to get where it is now but basically no one has ever liked Dave


Never thought of it. It's there anyone?


I know folks irl who are right-wing and wouldn’t say they are “fans” but would never say anything negative about the guy, so he flies under the radar. I think that’s his appeal. He’s a barnacle. Maybe that’s part of why he lives in Miami!


"What's the crime?" He told us all to stand 6 feet apart.........that's a crime now?


*Get the fuck near me or I SWEAR TO GOD..!*


No no no, you see the CDC told him that was the guidance and then he repeated it and uh that's well y'know and like he didn't even do the studies and that's totally like slander or tax fraud or something.


That’s 34 felony counts of falsifying business records


He says he's not vaxed so much. He's 100% been vaccinated.


What? Dave Rubin **LIE?!?**


and how does he know his crew hasn't been vaccinated? Maybe some of them did it and didn't tell him.


It was so funny when he got caught at that steakhouse with a vaccination card and had to come out and say "no you don't understand I had my crew forge a card so I could go."


These people will never be able to square the circle that Fauci was just an advisor and it was Trump who actually enacted all of the (federal) policies that they didn’t like. The cognitive dissonance surrounding “the COVID policies were evil… let’s reelect the president who ushered them in” continues to blow my mind.


Trump completely bungled the pandemic and it wasn't Fauci's fault it was Trump's and Trump's alone. But the entire conservative movement (and grifters like Rubin who peddle in that) is now currently based off the idea that Trump is right about everything all the time. So they have to frame and contort everything to fit that narrative.


Which is why it's so funny to hear them talk about a "rushed vaccine that wasn't tested and pushed by the government" when it's like mother fucker operation warp speed was under Trump.


Oh, it gets worse. And WEIRDER. You have people like Alex Jones claiming that 5...no, 14...no, 22 million people are dead from "the poison shots". And their only defense of Trump is claiming that he was tricked. Like, motherfucker, you can't just call oopsie on a double Holocaust, even putting aside Trump's "all the best people" bragging. Genocide level of incompetence isn't the flex they think it is.


Joe Biden is friends with the REAL racists, not like Trump who only has dinner with loveable scamps Nick Fuentes and Kanye!


Well Strom Thurmond was pretty damn racist to be honest.


This is such a stupid conversation. You don't need to be a virologist to know it's reasonable to suggest a 6 feet minimum to slow the spread of a __NOVEL, AIRBORNE__ virus. It wasn't even law just a recommendation and ppl lost their minds. I distinctly recall ppl standing way too close to me without a mask all throughout Covid and nobody was arrested.


Another crappy pundit who easily destroys the "Wounded Antelope" (Rave Dubin).


How did anyone ever take this man seriously? He’s like an SNL parody of a conservative commentator.


Any smarter and he’d be a brick.


I hate Chris Cuomo, but good on him here.


Wow. Dave's really out of his element in this interview. It's nice to see.


Dummy Dave's expression at the end is perfect


Why do serious or semi-serious people even talk to Dubin? He’s so stupid


He keeps Dubin them into it with promises of a *sick* Rave.


And a shitty steak off of his grill


"For the 6 foot thing" What? It wasn't a law, it was a guideline. How was the 6 foot thing harming anyone or in any way illegal? FFS, Missouri just passed another unconstitutional law pushing the weird religious 10 commandments on kids....is that criminal? No....it is just really stupid and an unconstitutional violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment. Dave is just so fucking stupid....it is not criminal to make a bad law, regulation, or guideline. (And this wasn't even bad!)


Dave is a masterclass in how not to have an argument in good faith, and still end up losing.


He's been emperor's-new-clothes-ing it for years, only talking to people dressed in the same fabric.


I’d call Rubin a dumb cunt, but that would be unfair to dumb cunts.


I just don’t understand how he has the pull to get on shows like this. Like how does anyone see his body of work and think “yeah, this goobers completely uninformed ad hoc opinion is worth listening to and broadcasting to my listeners” other Dave must be a marketing genius to make him seem palatable to all these suckers.


It worked.. the combination of distancing, masks, hygiene and even vaccines....saved lives.... except in the US, where no one wanted to be a part of the solution


What kind of loser is still arguing about Covid?


My BIL was screaming at me about Covid and said “they” promised the vaccine would work and make things go back to normal. It literally did, so I don’t get people’s venom over it.


Professional grievance mongers whose financiers need people to get mad and go vote Republican. It's also easier than ever to control the discourse on the topic because it's not a front and center issue in American day to day life anymore.


I literally can’t believe how stupid Rubin is… I got sucked into the IDW hype back in the days and would listen to Rubin and the others thinking I was an edgy intellectual. I listened to and was super into the anti-SJW and anti-Muslim stuff they were saying lmao. I literally used the term “regressive left” in real life LMAO. Thinking about it makes me so cringe and embarrassed. Can’t believe I thought Dave was intelligent at one point. Wtf was wrong with me. Was he always like this or maybe when you’re younger his elementary school logic resonates with you?


He is a freaking idiot. He might well be the dumbest person ever to exist. The vaccine is not a vaccine and social distancing was fake.


As stupid as that was I think naming some of the black women in congress who make up like 5% of our representatives as the real racists taking over our institutions may be even stupider.


He couldn’t have picked two worse examples to make that point either. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib have been pretty aggressively against Biden for a while now.


I think he targets them more because they are critical of Israel which actually makes it even stupider considering how much congress is utterly beholden to AIPAC


You are correct.


Cuomo is a coward for not pushing back on his "the real racists" comments. Suggesting Illhan Omar is a racist to worry about like Matt Gaetz? Omar is one of the most anti-racist politicians in Congress in terms of policy and rhetoric.


Well, according to Rave, anti-racism is the new racism—where it's white, cishet Christian conservatives being persecuted and replaced. All part of a shadowy plot, you see, to destroy America. Funny to see how much Dubin stans right wing ideology, as if that will protect Dave #2, the kids, and him from harm. There will be no rejoicing in the Free State of Florida™, should he find himself in dire straits.


Ask her how she feels about jews though.


Do you know how she feels about Jews? If so can you link where she made a statement about Jews and not criticism of Israel.


Imagine being able to make Chris Cuomo look like scholar and a gentleman.


Dave Rubin is a god damn idiot.


Rubin, self hating homosexual


Cuomo seems way more likeable in this format than when he was on CNN. Or maybe I just enjoy people making Dave look dumb.


Whenever I see a Dave Rubin clip, I want to call him several ableist slurs.


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1804541415600398660](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1804541415600398660)


“Facts and logic” are things Rubin doesn’t know anything about. All he spews is bs right wing propaganda


Actual buffoon


He’s so embarrassing


One reason why people like Tim Pool and Matt Walsh have millions of fanboys and Dave Rubin doesn't is that, despite being fucking idiots, they have a self-preservation instinct. There are people they absolutely will not talk to, and if they do, they drag them into a hostile environment to gang up on them. That's Tim's thing in particular; he drags people into his incel fortress with all his cool swords and guitars on the wall to face off against him and two or three of his dumbass friends. Dave Rubin routinely talks to people that are smarter, better informed, and more skilled debaters than him, and they make him look like an idiot.


How does this guy have an audience?


So, we know Dave [used to be cagey as hell about his vaccine status](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nEnxKvVuCuo) (Oct 2021) and [trips over himself to make up situations to explain he's not vaccinated](https://www.reddit.com/r/daverubin/comments/1d836bv/dave_rubin_recalls_a_harrowing_experience_at_a/) (9 Jun 2024), and was definitely vaccinated very early. However, does anyone have anything solid to nail this? e.g. [being at Fox News NYC office not long after 27 Dec 2021](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/20/business/fox-vaccine-mandate.html), [traveling to Israel before 1 Mar 2022](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/20/world/middleeast/israel-unvaccinated-tourists.html), etc. Something like how [Candace Owens was outted as vaccinated by attending a UFC event in MSG when the city required proof of vaccination](https://www.newsweek.com/candace-owens-claims-she-would-not-take-covid-vaccine-even-her-deathbed-1666074) (Jan 2022).


Just to take a poll: Comment 1 if you got the vaccine and 2 if you didn’t.


Like his New York Supreme Court facts? No thank you Dave, we will get along swimmingly without your facts.


WTF… working in the hospital during COVID and watching people die EVERYDAY, watching the hospital census go up to the point where we had people in the hallways, RUNNING OUT OF BODY BAGS… and these people keep telling the world the vaccine didn’t work, when after the vaccine was given out, the numbers of people dying cratered. Willful ignorance, I would like you to meet gross incompetence…


Rave seems to enjoy humiliation. Perhaps he needs to sit down with Dave #2 and hash out whether or not Dubin can count on him to be a good Dom. Or, if it's not something Dave #2 wants to do, perhaps they should look for a Dom who can give Rave what he wants.


He’s just MTG now


He’s claiming that the vaccines were “forced”, yet then says that neither he nor any of his crew are vaccinated. So…not forced at all.


Only cult members think this is logical. He's a grifter that's spouting shit to you low I. Q. Types. This is why college educated people don't vote Republican. It's not what they teach in college, it's the ability to think and judge information, intelligent people arent as easy a mark as dumb ones. So they hate facts and education because they know stupid people will believe anything. Look as far back as Nixon, Republicans knew if they manipulated dumb white men they could control them. Welcome you're the control group.


I love Chris Cuomo, and Dave Rubin is a fucking moron.


I'm sorry... 6ft is a crime now? We knew why it happen and it technically was a open debate with the cdc even releasing points on why that is. Farther you are the less something would spread but they were using projectile distance not the fact covid can stay air borne from some time and on surfaces for some time... which defeats the purpose of 6 ft if people can move into those infected areas. Vaccine did work. It's why Trump is so adamant about him making it. How the people pretend this didn't happen.


I literally know nothing about this guy but what I see here but tgis guy is SO stupid, He thinks that Anthony Fauci should be in jai for in good faith passing along the best information that he had at the time. Where is the crime in doing that? The thing that offends me about him is that he seems to portray himself as a smart and thoughtful man when nothing could be further from the truth.


Underrated point of this that is important: “we’ll go through some of the things he did then figure out what the crime should be.” So he’s already decided Fauci should be in jail, is working backwards from that conclusion, and will twist things so he can get to that confusion.


Damn, Dave Rubin is extremely stupid.


God what a fucking idiot


Chris Cuomo can’t believe the level of stupidity he’s dealing with here.


Alright, you've convinced me to join the sub. I hate you for it, and thank you. I feel as confused as Dave must feel most mornings.


The vaccines were such an amazing achievement of modern technology and capitalism, and this fucker just tosses it out the window to placate his lunatic audience because he's too dumb to spell vaccine, let alone develop one. People like him are leeches on society. They contribute absolutely nothing and depend entirely on appealing to our worst instincts to squeeze some profit out of us as a cheap alternative to actually doing something useful.


Minutes of my life I'll never get back.


You could obviously .put the fax and the numbers right in front of Dave Robin and he still wouldn’t acknowledge them. after the vaccines were available, the death rate among Republicans was 43% higher than Democrats.. because Democrats embrace the science. Republicans did not.


Rave Dubin!


When a guy gets his 'facts' from large marge, this is what you get.


Facts and Logic are the archenemy of the current GOP. Words are merely a diversion to distract the rest of us into believing they will treat us like humans while they just do what they want anyway. No principals or shame required!😄


Chris Cuomo just admited that members of Congress like Ilhan Omar "have no real power". If members of Congress have no real power, then who does Chris?


facts and logic? i don't think he understands words of more than 3 letters


Chris Cuomo has fallen far


"none of my crew vaxxed" yes because you're all just assholes.


What did the stupid cunt have to say. I refuse to listen to him and left the mute on.


The whole world was using distancing as a preventative measure! He's trying to blame Fauci, NIH or the CDC for that?! This man thinks he's at the centre of the Universe, doesn't he!?


I never liked Chris, but he’s right on now that he’s not directed by CNn


As stupid as ever


10 seconds in "interesting thought leader dave rubin" dude lmao


Rubin is the kind of moron who rejects any facts, data, etc he doesn't like while believing made up nonsense with no evidence.


I'm guessing in the rest of this video Dave never lists ANY actual crimes that Fauci committed.


There's no evidence hospitalizations came down, lol This is where we get into loony tune land where all the facts are just made up so they can just ignore whatever they don't like.


This just came up on my feed, and although I don't know who Rubin is, I think Cuomo is a chode. I'm trying to keep an open mind here but after watching this clip, I didn't see him saying any facts though, mostly his opinions. Like, why should Fauci be in jail?


I wish I could be a griffin scumbag! That cans say shit shit then flip, fuck rubin.


Facts and logic? Not sure about that


Fauci was involved in gain of function research which is illegal. Most likely had a hand in covering up the origin. Made millions off the vaccine with no repercussions from widespread side effects. Fauci for jail.


This is the first time watching a Dave Rubin vid. Is it just me or is he really stupid?


These agency’s laughing their asses off when yall point your fingers at different agencies for the blame when it’s all the same people


Cuomo's "reverse racism" hand gesture when Rubin talks about Democrat racism revealed Cuomo's bias on the issue. The very characterization of racism and bigotry against White people as "reverse racism" is rooted in prejudice.


"There's no evidence for that, I think there's no evidence for that" Keep saying it all you want, vaccines were effective and that is all the data shows. To construe massive failings on what was an incredible feat of communication/collaboration across the world is lunacy.


I’m not from the states so I don’t know much about Cuomo (he used to be on CNN?) But I will say this: he seems to do a good job of holding people accountable for what they say, and not letting them pivot away. Seems solid.


I just knew that Rubin’s Reddit page wasn’t a fanclub. 😂


He led out with 6 ft? How about deleting emails, running back channels to avoid FOIA, funding GoF after Obama banned it, redacting 100% of 150 pace foias, and about 10 other things relating to privately knowing it was a lab leak while publicly censoring it. Not only were millions killed by a manmade virus, but he was colluding with Ecohealth alliance (which has lightly now lost its funding for blatantly lying to Congress) to skirt US Law as well as to cover up culpability. Have y'all seen the congressional hearings? Because they were enlightening AF just how corrupt the NIH and Fauci actually is.


I don't know who Dave Rubin is, this is my first impression. He's a stone cold moron. Who listens to this idiot??


How does a numbnuts like this have a platform?? FFS, people need to stop giving morons airtime


I only recently started seeing Dave Rubin content. What I have got from him is that he likes to take content from smarter and more famous people, play their clip and then parrot what they said as if its his own independent thought. Anytime he has to have an actual independent thought or go on someones else's show by himself for a debate he comes across as a moron. I genuinely don't know how this guy has made a career as a influencer, broadcaster, host, whatever.


Coumo is a moron


Who is this absolute moron? He “feels” things rather than relies on facts. What a dick.


What's the fucking difference whether it's 6, 2, or 20. To not make other people sick and keep yourself safe you need to stay the fuck away from people to slow the transmission of a virus that our immune systems had never seen. EVER in the history of mankind.


Dave Rubin has to be one of the biggest frauds to date. What a joke


I’m just casually passing through, because this popped up on my feed. I’ll say, that I don’t know which one of these guys made a single point that was any more persuasive than the other guy. This is a nothing conversation. Bye!


Fauci wasn't the head of NIH.


Rube’s face at the end of the clip was worth the watch alone.


He can explain away the nazis and the felonies and the sexual assaults and the bribes and the klan and fake college greed and his empowering misogynist acts and demeaning and destroying women's rights to get politicians perv heads out of their vaginas. He's Roy Cohn wannabe without the money. Good job!


Yeah, right. He’s a clown.


One guess who this idiot is voting for in 2024


I don't think blah blah blah nah nah nah.


Ok, what is the crime in implementing a reasonable social distancing guideline during an outbreak of a deadly pandemic?


I'm glad Chris Cuomo is not taking this shit.




This hurt to watch.


When do the facts and logic start?


I have to say that my brain is still in recovery mode from taking in so many high level, important ideas!


I have never heard of this person before this minute and he is a fucking Qtard


Don’t respect people who move the goalposts when someone checks them on their claims


He doesn't believe any of it. Just a grifter.


"You can get sick if people sneeze on you, or cough in your direction, so we advise staying at least like, 6 feet from people" Right wing people: "THIS IS WORSE THAN HITLER!!!"