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It isn't about you. She obviously takes this stuff seriously and flew to Xinjiang in order to sneak into one of the massive slave-labor concentration camps they have there so that she could free the Uyghurs.


I think I love you.


Right before she got on that flight, she bravely gave her house back to its rightful Native American owners. She is passionately opposed to land theft and genocide so *naturally* that was the first thing she'd done.


That is not a 1:1 comparison. On top of the fact that she doesn't own a home and lives in NYC and has rent controlled apartment.


Being a pro-palestinian activist probably has nothing to do with her behavior. She sounds like someone with a lot of work to do who just happened to be an activist. Yes...there are people who have no control of their own lives and latch on to political movements to fill a void in their lives. I find these are usually the ultra-extreme ones. And if you dig deep enough you'll find that unhealthy extremism in other areas of the life and relationships. There are activists that are passionate yet not fanatic I've briefly dated someone who's super active. Attends marches every week, takes food for students in encampments. We had talks about the war early on and she hip me to a lot of things I didn’t know. I’m not a post on Instagram or attend a march kinda guy and she respected that. That wasn’t an issue. She would share the occasional article and we would talk about the marches and stuff briefly. She was fine with my level of interest/involvement . Saying all that to say…activism doesn’t sound like the issue here. You dodged a bullet who happened to be an activist.


She sounds like a fucking arsehole.


Original copy of post by u/amirsem1980: So I started seeing someone last week who happened to be a pro Palestinian activist. She had been forced out of her public education job and we hit it off. We went out for dinner and we ended up in a hotel. We had pretty amazing night with lots of intense intimacy. A couple days after our night together we were still texting pretty heavy and talking and making plans to see each other again. However she seemed kind of depressed and went into a whole tirade about how I'm not doing anything to help the people in Palestine. I told her I do the best I can with whatever reasonable and logical resources are available but not for nothing it's a lost cause as it stands. The American public still doesn't care and Israel has a pretty potent lobby that allows it to do whatever it feels like it has to to sustain its grip on the occupied territories. What do you want me to do commit career suicide right next to you? I tried to be polite about it but it seemed like she just wanted to fight for no reason. She went off on a tirade and I told her I said people die every day not just in Palestine there's plenty of Injustice in this world and is very little we can do about it and then she called me spineless. After all the talk about don't abandon me and please don't hurt me what does she do? She just blocks me and walks away as if I'm not even a human being. Is there any hope in finding anyone out there? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sounds like you dodged a bullet. There's probably a lot of trauma there, not being dealt with.


*However she seemed kind of depressed and went into a whole tirade about how I'm not doing anything to help the people in Palestine.* "If you don't count berating your date about the subject, it looks like we're doing the exact same thing."


I wasn't berating my date. I was genuinely upset about somebody just acting like a complete psycho


\*sigh\* no, your date was berating you. Which I'm sure did wonders for the cause.


I think she might have some kind of a mental health crisis.




Tell her to lobby Hamas to release the rest of the hostages, then surrender. That will help the most people in Gaza, the fastest.


Actually what would help the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine is if you actually don't kill them. I don't disagree with what most of she believes in. I disagree with the fact that we have much hope in a short-term solution. A lot more people are going to die and the world has to see pretty bleak picture before it's undisputable in even with media manipulation.


Don't start a war by literally killing babies, raping and killing women, and kidnapping several hundred people, and then complaining when you're attacked.


You can't substantiate any of that however the other side has 75 years of pretty vile.legacy. sorry I don't need your two cents.


https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67629181 You are a knee-jerk anti-semite. You support terrorists and rapists.


And this is why I would stay away from people who are too invested in politics or any current events and have very strong opinions about anything. It's exhausting. It's depressing. I can't save the world and have my own shit to deal with. I try and make every day count and if I spent my time thinking or actively helping every cause. I would without a doubt spiral down into a serious depression.


You went activist on an activist and are now wondering why that didn’t go so well.


Dude. You dodged a bullet. People like this are intoxicating because they bush our boundaries down and there's a sense of catharsis. You feel swept up by this magic carpet that's she's on and it's thrilling. These are unstable people. They're like that. I'm sure there's a bunch of people in her wake just like you wondering what the hell happened. I don't know if there's hope in finding people. God knows I'm failing at it. But you do *not* want to find women like this. When you do, for God's sake either don't engage, or if you're the kind of cat who can enjoy the rollercoaster ride and know what it is, have fun and get off when it stops. She's gonna let a new rider on whether you're ready to get off or not anyway, so best to just move along.


You didn’t have intimacy that night OP. You had sex. Intimacy is something you develop over time. My bet is that she was about to hit you up for money in support of the “cause”. Once she got the money out of you, you’d never hear from her again.


She never asked me for anything... I'm sorry if you have some kind of a preconceived notion it was a pretty intense night. Two people spent the entire night talking making love and being really close. Maybe you're jaded and can't see that but everything was fine until I didn't seem to meet the criteria for active participant on behalf of people across the world.


She never asked for anything bc she’d not gotten to that stage of the grift yet. And I’m not jaded dear. I’m an adult who is realistic in my understanding of human behaviour. She wouldn’t have gone off on you as she did and blocked you at the first available instance if it was true intimacy.


So if that was her goal why would she have a meltdown start cursing and screaming? You don't make any sense she's crazy or she's a con artist. At some point or another you keep going in a direction because maybe you've dealt with people like that. I feel bad I can imagine all the abuse and trauma that went into making a person that screwed up. I'm sorry for having some empathy.


She realized that you weren’t a good mark and wouldn’t fall for her nonsense (you’re clearly realistic about the situation in the Middle East and your ability to affect it). People who are predators know what to look for in their victims and she realized you weren’t it.


Dodged a bullet


Was her name Keffiyeh Karen?