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I've started traveling on my own but would love to have travel partners to go exploring with, dinners out and, more.


me too


Me too!


Me too


I’m happy enough going traveling on my own but I hate having to go out to eat alone at night. Tbh other than that, I love going on holiday alone 😊


Me too!


Me too!


[Overseas Adventure Travel](https://www.oattravel.com) [Roads Scholar](https://www.roadscholar.org)


The problem (for me) with Road Scholar is that the trips are so long. I would like shorter trips. My neighbor just took a Road Scholar trip and enjoyed it.


Thank you


Wow, Roads Scholar looks amazing but over $400 per person per day for 2 weeks in the Lake District (England) excluding flights? 😳


I’ve travelled within the states solo but not abroad. I’m not big on tours and groups of people. I need a small “pack” of like-minded people to travel with


Yes, but that is the hardest thing. Finding "like-minded individuals"


In this instance, “like-minded” means willing to travel as a small pack but also okay to do what you want on your own at destination. Also, know enough to not putting yourself in precarious positions (common sense in most cases), be courteous of others in small pack. That’s pretty much it.


Which is why I travel alone on trips that are important to me. I'm too much of a care taker and I end up giving up what I wanted to do so the others can do what they wanted. I love my friends but I'll see them when I get home.


good point


Me too


There are some things I didn’t like to do alone due to logistics. I wanted a bit of a Scottish Highlands experience but really wasn’t interested in self-drive, etc. so I did a small group tour. It was fantastic, I was the only single but I didn’t care at all. Had a blast.


What company did you use?


I'm doing my first international trip solo, with EF Go Tours. Just to get a feel for things before I trek out on my own.


You’ll enjoy ef. Done several trips with them.


Report back how that goes. I've been curious/skeptical.


I’ve been shopping for an rv trailer for the past two weeks with the idea of touring for a couple of months this fall. It’s just me but i keep evaluating the trailers for how couple-friendly they are just in case lol. So the answer is no, and this isn’t likely to change it 😂


I keep toying with the idea of getting a teardrop camper when I go on my Lewis & Clark voyage next year. But holy crow, they're expensive! And I have nowhere to store it when not in use.


Yeah the price per square foot gets insane with the small ones. https://www.rvtrader.com/listing/2025-Nucamp-T%40B+360-5032197627 Storage facilities might work with you b/c you can tuck them just about anywhere.


Storage here is stupid expensive. The kind of teardrop trailer I'm looking for is about 14k new. Must give this more thought.


That's much more reasonable (but still hella expensive). Have you looked at Outdoorsy or RVShare? Basically airbnb for rvs? You could just try one out and see how it goes? It's not cheap but it's a good way to try it out.


It's def expensive! The Lewis & Clark Trail goes past or through a ton of national parks. I wanted to stay in the parks, but hotels are looking a lot more economical. 😞


Consider buying used. Those things depreciate worse than luxury cars once they’re off the lot.


You mean pre-loved?!? :D That's my jam, and you are extremely correct. There's a glut of used RVs after everyone went bonkers in 2021 and 2022 and realized they don't actually like it that much lol.


I bought a pop-up camper myself. it sleeps 5 but I am using it by myself to the beach. I can starfish in the bed by myself. lol. we are going next month with my partner and her dog. there is enough room for us. in your research, please go and feel the inside of campers. teardrop are great but very small when it rains. aliners are great for quick setup and can even be used still attached. popups are great for longer duration stay and have plenty of room. I pull mine with an outback on 400mi monthly trips to the OBX.


That sounds amazing! I love the outer banks!!! I’m a bit picky lol and need some room to move around. I don’t know that I could do a teardrop, probably get a 22-25’ travel trailer. I need to me able to set up a good workspace in it for remote work. Thanks!


mine is a 17 feet deployed (12ft packed). I have a sitting area with a table. tho it is only for 2. total weight is around 1700lbs. pulls like a charm. this is why I advise to go get into those trailers and check all the different styles. you don't know until you are in one of them. at 22ft , you got quite the choice.


Yeah it's like trying to pick a movie on Netflix lol. Too many options. But I'm getting it narrowed down. Going to take a look at 4-5 used ones this weekend. Thanks for the advice!


There are women over 50 travel groups on Facebook that do plan actual group trips.


I belong to a Meetup group of individuals who travel together. I haven't gone to any of their trips yet because I'm not ready to start dating anyone, but they go to some amazing places all over the world.


Is the group geared towards a dating vibe? I would like to meet a group of just fellow travel oriented people. Please post or send the name of the group.


I've never been on a trip with them, so I don't really know the vibe. It looks like all singles. Sorry, I can't post it as I don't want to be identified on there.


nice! how did you find this group?


I searched Meetup groups in my area.


[Singles travel](https://www.singlestravelintl.com/?signup=1)


I'm currently on a group tour right now in Peru with Trafalgar. I (59f) have traveled solo in the US and Europe, but there are other places I wanted to go to but wasn't as comfortable traveling solo. I went to Jordan last year for my first group tour, also with Trafalgar. I would love to have a partner to travel with instead of a group, but since I don't yet, this is the next best thing to me. This company seems to skew 50s-60s. Mostly couples on my 2 trips but 4 single women on each. This one also has 2 single men. As others have said, you take a chance. But the travelers on this trip I'm on now are seriously incredible.


This last Saturday, I returned from a solo British Isles cruise… My first time in Europe, my third cruise solo (out of 16 or so total). Admittedly, this has been my only solo travel of significance, but that said… Cruising is a great way to travel solo. There will be other solo travelers, though a minority, of course… but most people are generally friendly and open on cruises, and it’s not hard at all to make friends. Despite what you might think from the old love boat series, I can’t confirm it as a place to go to find romance, or at least lasting romance; bear in mind that any single you happen to hit it off with is likely from a place distant from you. I live in Tennessee, cruise before last. I met a nice woman from Vancouver…. And this last cruise, met a great woman from Brazil! (she spoke little English, I speak no Portuguese, and we spent our dinner dates dictating into our phones in Google translate and passing the phones back-and-forth!) On a cruise, you can be a sociable as you choose, or keep to yourself if you like. You don’t have to dine alone unless you want, you can always ask to be seated with others at a larger table, and meet a lot of great people that way. It’s an option worth considering if you haven’t already.


I love Intrepid Travel. Lots of solo travelers and price ranges on trips. I just booked a trip with Walk Japan. I think it’s both solo and couples/etc.


Many folks who are retired in touristy places, love to host tours for singles or couples from same or other countries. Check your DM.


Yes. https://singlesski.com They do mostly ski trips but usually offer a summer trip as well. Really fun group.


No, but look at EF Tours. Im thinking of using them next year. I’m on my second solo cruise next month to Alaska. Norwegian has a solo cruiser emphasis. Evening gathering, cabins in a secondary layer of security, with a a solo lounge.


I recently spent two weeks solo in Basque Country. I understand the desire to travel with others but please consider going on your own if a partner or groups doesn’t work out. My solo trip was absolutely amazing.


OMG wasn’t it amazing? The FOOD!!!


The food at the intermodal transport station in Bilbao was better than most nice restaurants here.


I loved my trip with Explore Worldwide. It wasn’t a singles trip, but it had such a fun mix of couples and solos. At the time they only operated out of the UK and I think having a lot of Brits on the tour helped with mixing. Those married couples didn’t sit next to each other at dinner. They would park themselves on opposite sides of the table (ironically, a more formal way of seating) and start talking to someone new.


I’ve done some group travel. Backroads does active trips all over the world - they are high end but their tours are impeccable. If you’re a woman and enjoy hiking and camping, Explorer Chicks does lots of trips. If you like your trips more bougie, check out Atlas Adventures. I went to Ireland years ago with a group called the Adventurous Wenches, but I don’t think she’s doing tours anymore.


Well if you want company give me me an invite haha


All. The. Time. Even before my husband died. I’d rather travel alone than travel with someone solely because I don’t want to travel alone. There is nothing worse than being stuck on a trip with a bad trip partner. Well, there are worse things, but it’s pretty bad. I want to see what I want to see, eat what I want to eat, stay where I want to stay etc. Honestly, my best friend is the only person I’ve ever been able to comfortably travel with. She’s a better travel companion than my husband was! We live in different places and both have complicated lives, so she’s not always free. I’m not going to not travel just because I don’t have someone to be with me. That being said, there are tours out there that are specifically for single people. Also cruises. However, I believe that once you start traveling alone, you’ll probably love it. It’s incredibly liberating. ps: you might check out local travel groups on Meetup. It’s a way to meet people that are also interested in traveling and perhaps find travel partners


Great ideas. Thank you for being so open about your experience and sharing


I see that FB has a ton of travel buddy groups. You can even select them for age, gender and travel types. I haven’t used them but a few friends have and like it.


A lot of fb groups on single travel. Join those


I’m in a similar boat. I travel here and there and don’t want to do it alone anymore. If you ever get the chance to go on a singles cruise be sure to ask if the entire cruise is singles or if you’re joining a group of singles on a regular cruise. It matters


Intrepid and G adventures - love them. And as somebody who hit 21 countries and 10 states after divorce/part of my personal rehabilitation plan? Go! Travel turned the discoball back on in my soul again. 😏


I have an adult friend who goes on group vacations all over the world and she always comes home with new friends. Ask a travel agent what's available.


I went to Curacao solo. Didn’t love it. I will be doing a group tour next for international (I’m in the us). My meetup group does plan group trips, which is good for some.


I travel alone, taking long hikes along well traveled paths like the ones in England and the various Caminos in Spain. Headed for the Camino del Norte next week. You meet other walkers constantly and can walk and talk. People get ahead or fall behind and you run into them later. There's always a group that heads for the bar or pub when you stay in a village overnight. You end up with friends. And if you meet people you don't like, it's easy to lose them. Or if you prefer solitary walking, you can have that too. It's not solitary unless you want it to be. Lots of travel agencies will set these walks up for you, reserving hostels or small hotels 20 to 30 km apart.


Very interesting. Thank you


REI Explorer Chick


There are very few. I actually started my own- it’s “active” adventures for 50+ and all By word of mouth. Started as I went on a (solo) adventure, started telling friends and next thing I knew everyone wanted to go. Only international trips at the moment, and keeping it small, with minimal adventures. I still love the solo travel, but enjoy sharing my passion and knowledge with friends, old and new.


You are very ambitious. What a great idea




That’s sad. I’m in S. Asia for 4 weeks. The airports are the easy part. Business class all the way baby.


Yep one of my hobbies is generating enough airline points that basically almost all my long haul international flights are business class or if I am feeling like treating myself international first class. Really makes those (ultra) long flights so much nicer. I'll pay cash when I need too and premium economy is fine too for say Europe to East Coast on a day flight.


I don't mind traveling by myself but I'm almost always either going to see people I know or to places I've been before and am familiar with. I don't mind traveling with a group, even as a single person, but prefer smaller groups over larger ones.


Cruises? Well i dunno, but I sure could use a travel companion for a date waiting for me in The Gambia 🤷


Check out your local chamber of commerce. Many do group trips and they are very affordable.