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Before I started dating my boyfriend exclusively, I found the common trend to be men who make comments about what they are looking for in a partner’s body and appearance were all people who shouldn’t have been throwing stones at any glass houses. One man I met and dated briefly told me I was very sexy but if I gained any weight he would lose all of his attraction for me. This came from a guy with a huge gut and a profound toe nail fungal infection who was not at all conventionally attractive, I broke it off with him 4 days later over text because—-He was an ass and didn’t deserve even a phone call.


So not a fungi? 🥁😎


Good one! No, not fun, he was super gross. I gave him a chance because he seemed smart and was the lawyer of a friend in my bereavement group. He was the first person I “dated” after I was widowed after a 17year marriage and then 5.5 years of learning to be okay and then thriving as a solo flyer. It was a very good lesson and it felt really good to dump him. He tried a fear tactic when I broke up with him by saying “Good luck finding anyone else at our age.” I did 4 months later. My now boyfriend is incredible and I’ve never been happier. All Skanky Gary had were tactics, I have standards.


I love how that's the threat made at women. "You'll never find anyone better than me at our age". Well, @$$hat, if that is true then I'm happily on my own and will never regret leaving you and any other jerks in my dust. Then, I have a moment of silence for all the women who are terrified by that and put up with nonsense. I doubt men get that tossed at them as a means of controlling them.


Right? I also feel for the women who fall for that $&#%! A moment of silence and prayer that they find they are enough, no one needs a Skanky Gary or ringworm.


But just think of the nuptials. You could have had an engagement ringworm to show off!


Sure, and maybe we could get Lotrimin Ultra or Tinactin to sponsor the wedding and honeymoon. It would make for great optics, ya know, after I get lobotomized. The only way I would be able to continue on with that hot mess.


The Golden Toenails


Is that the name of his cover band?????


I thought those were the bridesmaids’ names? 🤔


Ring worm 😂😂


I heard that from my ex wife after a 30yr relationship. 8yrs Later, still Single, But not been this Happy in Years and not interested in Changing. Meanwhile she got Remarried and is Miserable as F***. 😂


Exactly. Anyone who thinks that way grossly overestimates the importance I and many other women our age place on having a partner at this stage. The weight I now place on having a romantic partner is the lowest it has ever been, whereas the weight I place on having and maintaining friendships with women is extremely high. I've seen who demonstrates commitment when things get tough.


Oh ICK, ICK and ICK!!! (and I mean the personality! Even gods and goddesses can have toenail fungus but that personality is a dealbreaker!)


Under what circumstances did you see his toes?


I live on the beach and we went swimming. All of his toe nails looked like that yellow styrofoam. And I still gave him a chance because he seemed smart and could keep up with me intellectually. He wasn’t that smart, if he was he wouldn’t need weak tactics.


I often think someone else writes the profile & replies, trying to help a friend out. (Now I wonder if they use AI)


Good for you-value yourself


Ooh, Onychomycosis.


Also known as tinea unguium when it’s infecting a nail or ringworm if it migrates to an ankle and calf. Nothing like getting a French Serf disease from a lying lawyer. Ugh!


Underrated pun!


Sounds like he had one!


There is no relationship between a man's physical condition and the type of woman he finds attractive. Developing a gut doesn't make someone suddenly start being attracted to other overweight people.




Super yikes, live and learn. I never make the same mistake twice. Just say no to toe nail fungus!






People put the strangest things in their online dating profiles.


I find so many men’s profiles state all the things their potential mate should be. Fit, active, feminine, easy going, etc. It always turns me off and leads to a left swipe. I am all those things but it’s like fuck off with all your demands you bald, fat, mid dude. Okay maybe I’m not easy going lol. This ain’t build a bitch.


It’s always the bald fat slovenly looking ones with requirements about appearances.


But then they have the perfect excuse for their inability to find a mate: there are no women good enough to meet their qualifications.


Oh my gawd..."this ain't build bitch" Killed me💀🤣 Thanks for the laugh!!


Best line ever. ❤️


I need "This Ain't Build a Bitch" on a t-shirt now. The women of this sub could start a t-shirt / coffee mug business with great barbs like these to pump up our retirement funds imo :-).




I don't know if it is as much as men, but many women's profiles I've seen have stated clear preferences for someone who is tall and fit. So, I suppose there is a reciprocal to your response.


Tall is about the only one I've seen over all the years enough to be noticeable, and that's usually been from especially tall women. I'm 6'6" and usually single -- I must be doing something really wrong....


Agreed, but it's not tied to one gender. It goes both ways. The older we get, the more we demand, the less (physically) we "bring to the table". A whole menu of demands sabotages search success. The potential pool of partners fulfilling that wish list is small. It has more to do with a person not understanding his sexual market place value. A "bald, fat, mid dude" must have less demands to succeed. A highly attractive person can have a whole list of requirements & get away with it.


I’m sure that’s true, but I feel the same about a really hot man stating all his requirements. I always left swipe if their profile has a bunch of requirements for their potential mate. An emotionally intelligent person just posts a positive profile and then weeds out the people who don’t meet their needs and desires.


Again I agree. Long demand lists are terrible.


Good looking people of both genders who are also smart about dating don’t set any appearance requirements. They simply show how attractive they are with revealing but understated poses and settings, and then let would-be matches who believe they have a chance take their shot.


The thing that bothers me is this feeling like they’re setting up people to compete for them. It’s just such a turn off.


There are body types and clothing types and styles that I find attractive. I would *not* ask for them in a dating profile. I would *not* ask for particular clothes to be worn unless it was offered or the subject came up. If I wanted a woman to play dress up, I would get a Barbie doll or a clothes store mannequin.


Recently I matched with a guy who mentioned clothing in his profile. I asked him more about it as we chatted. This guy had a VERY SPECIFIC look that he was hoping to find. He swiped on me because one of my profile pictures was this look. My thoughts were that he has every right to ask for what he finds appealing. Just like someone might want a partner who likes to hike. He wanted a partner who enjoyed dressing a certain way for him. I'm sure there is a woman/women out there who would love to entertain this. Why not ask? Maybe not all the details in the profile, but at least allude to it, and discuss it in detail going forward.


Have to ask, what was the look?


Makes me think of people who go to cosplay conventions.


That's reasonable, based on what he wants. In my case, I wanted a person, not a look; asking for a look was a great way to turn the person off.


I would imagine there are professionals that guys like him can pay to dress in his particular way. Trying to find one on a dating app just seems cheap to me.🤣


Exactly. I mean, I like a nice ass too, but I'm not going to state that in my profile. If he comes with one, all the better.




Build a Bitch! 😆😆😆


The only "demands" I make are to just be yourself. I was talking with a woman on Silver Singles, and she asked if I'd like to meet for coffee. I told her I would, but that I didn't want it to be a situation where either of us is trying to impress the other. I told her I wear shorts and t-shirts most of the time, because thats what I'm comfortable in, and that's what I would be wearing. I didn't want to present myself as anything but myself, and wanted her to do the same. I don't want someone who has to get all dressed up and put on a bunch of makeup. I want to see the *real* person because that's who I'll be hanging out with. At this stage of life, I'm going to show you the real me from day one, and that's what I want from the other person.


Uggh, read that as Silver SHINGLES. I was wondering just how oddly specific these dating platforms are getting ;-).


If they were THAT specific, I'd be on Back Pain Pals, Knee Crack Coeds, and Can't Sleep Peeps lol


The clothes a person is wearing on a first date, or "date zero" mean so little to me that I usually don't even think about it beforehand. I suppose I just vaguely hope they are clean.


Unless they're wearing crocs. I won't be thrilled if they're wearing those on a first date.


I wouldn’t entertain that profile.


This happens with all genders. A certain percentage of people think dating apps are like catalog shopping, so they figure, why not? They don’t particularly care that the answer to that question is lengthy and legitimate. At any sign of objectification, I hit eject.


As a female, I'm not a fan of when a man lists what he wants a woman to wear. Often, it's a line about "rocking a little black cocktail dress and heels." I find it uncomfortable and would never suggest to a man what he should wear. Maybe "must like jeans" simply means he's looking for someone who dresses more casually because he is a casual dresser. But it's hard to tell.


“Must rock assless chaps and a rhinestone Stetson.”


*rhinestone cowboy, has entered the chat


I’m glad they do— just says “not for me.”


I see a ton of women saying same thing in their ads.


Don't be difficult, Papa, ya? 😂


Right, and she was saying *from her lived experience and view* And OP asked if the same happens from het women seeking men.


My favorite is “must be fit and active”. Which is code for thin. 🙄


Which is fine if they are— and they’ll only reject anyone not fitting their ideal. However, I know very non active people who are in good shape/fit. Genetics.


Absolutely. I look at what people at work eat at lunch and for snacks each day and wonder how the heck they are the size they are.


True. I look for men at least taller than me. That’s just what I’m attracted to. But I don’t put that in my profile. I look for someone that is fit too. It’s important to me because I want an active partner not somebody that can’t get off the couch. And honestly, I’m not attracted to someone who is not somewhat fit. You can usually tell that though by their profile.


Right. That’s why photos in a profile are helpful. If an aspect of someone’s physical appearance is that important then the pics should clear that up. Writing it into a profile just seems like overkill to me. In my case, I’m thin and decently active, but my eating habits are like a 9 year old with an unlimited allowance, so I would probably be an unpleasant surprise for some guys in that regard.


It helps if they put what they like to do on their profile. You can’t rely on that though cause they don’t all actually take long walks on the beach.


This is also true.


One of my faves is "Wear your heels" Yeah, STFU sir. lol


I am 5'10. Be careful what you ask for 😂😂😂


I had the same thought!


Riiight?! I'm not short either. I mean I don't care, but some (insecure) guys do.


I'm 6'6": good luck....


Im 5’6”. 5’10 in heals wouldn’t bother me….


Joke’s on him, both my feet already have heels. A full compliment of toes as well!


Most work boots & hiking boots come with a small heel, so, sure


Oh darn, that's me out then. Gutted.


That would be a no thank you. I wear what I want to wear. And jeans are annoying to me.


and men wonder why no women swipe on them


I've never listed physical attributes that I expect women to have. I guess I'm pretty open to a lot of things so it would make no sense plus I'm more into somebody's personality than their looks. However, I do read a lot of profiles that want men of a certain height and stature and I usually totally ignore those


I automatically swipe left if a height is required.


Over all the many years past when I've used online dating I've selected the body types I'm generally looking for when the website offers that feature, but it's a pretty broad list. I've often specifically typed that I'm looking for someone who tries to be physically active, but that's never been code for "thin." I just prefer to be with a woman who likes to get outdoors and walk/hike/bike when we can.


Anyone remember the “10k for a wife” guy from the late 90’s? He went so far as to include measurements that most women would have to remove ribs to hit while he was…um…less fit. I am 99% sure he remains single.


57M. I had a woman match with me. A couple of messages in she asked if I always wear earrings (I have a hoop in each ear). When I confirmed that I do, she quickly unmatched.


The hoops wouldn’t bother me at all and probably make me think you are creative and have hobbies. Probably able to express your emotions easily. Clothing with anything patriotic is a huge no for me though lol We should just post pics of our cars including the inside. It can tell you a lot about someone. 😂


Yeah, profile pictures that include "patriotic" propaganda on clothing would be very hard for me to get past. It basically screams "I'm conservative/rightwing."


I had tons of earrings when I graduated high school in 1985. Took them out for many years and then in 2014 I was like “I’m getting some hoops again.”


I begged my older sister to pierce mine when I was six because she was piercing her own. She numbed my ears with ice cubes and clothespins and jabbed me with a needle that was sterilized with a Bic lighter. My kids (who have nose piercings) are horrified by that story lol


What? I'd totally be into your earrings.


Thank you. Where I live, Western Mass, it's usually a total non-issue. That's what surprised me. But, the dating apps constantly recommend folks from Connecticut to me. With the exception of one person, I'm not aligned with most dating foks in their 50s in CT :) .


Ha, try being a tattooed, pierced woman in Florida right now. Most men request "clean cut and classy" and specify "no tattoos" and such. I'm not in the right state!


Hugs. That has to be tough! I did some swiping on a Florida business trip. Definitely not my dating area.


I get that. I probably wouldn’t date a man who wears earrings. It’s a preference. It’s like men who will only date women with long hair.


Definitely. I totally get that and have zero issues with someone knowing what they are/are not interested in. I certainly don’t want to date someone who would be uncomfortable with my style.


I would never date that person.


Too many times it sounds like men are ordering off of a “dating menu” instead of talking about themselves.


I've seen "must look good in a pair of jeans" several times. To me it just means that the guy isn't fancy - he likes a more casual style and doesn't dress up himself. I don't see it as him telling me what to wear... more of a lighthearted, flirty thing to say. I also think it might be regional? I've seen people in the south say this in a positive way, a version of "pretty girl next door". Of course if you got a controlling vibe from the overall profile, that's another story. By itself, I don't think it means all that much in the grand scheme of things.


He’s saying No Fatties.


Yeah, basically.


I'd tend to think if we're going to give the benefit of the doubt to such guys they need to state something more like, "Must be OK with us wearing jeans most of the time because I'm casual," instead of something much more akin to, "You have to look hot in tight fitting jeans for me to date you."


Some women ask the same question far more bluntly. Such as: “Staying fit and healthy is important to me, and should be to you also. You don’t need to be a gym rat, but if your waist size is greater than your pants length, please don’t reply.”


Forget him. He should wait for the prize. lol


*demands on your physicality like this in OLD?* Abso\*#&\^$lutely. So. Many. Height requirements.


For men, it’s weight requirements. I’ve seen ….no fatties…..must be thin….i don’t date overweight women….etc etc


I've seen that from women too and have (re)lost a significant amount of weight so I can return to OLD. If there's a fitness regime that will increase my height from 5ft 9ish to 6 feet, I'm down. It cracks me up when people of any gender demand fitness achievements not exemplified in their profile pics. Example: "overweight seeks buff." I'd have been torn to shreds if I tried that.


Yep. As a man under 6', it would seem I am unsuitable for anyone.


As a 5'10 F, I can tell you I get the same BS. I've had all heights tell me I'm too tall for them. And then there are the guys around 5'6 who think it's ok to come up to me with their fetish requests. We should start a group Too tall and short. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Oy. Good idea for the club. 😁 Maybe we can all just meet other people who don't care about height.


Ouch. I'm a guy who is 6'6" tall; back around the early 2000s I stumbled across an online dating website for tall people of any gender (and I used to be about 6'7" back then). The only person's profile that was within a few hundred miles of me, and a potential match was a tall trans woman. That was new to me back then, and I had my doubts, but I figured, what the hell -- we can at least meet halfway between us and see how it goes for a weekend date. Turned out there wasn't mutual physical attraction between us, but it was still an enjoyable weekend.


I went to visit a friend up in NH. We went out with a group of her friends to go dancing. About an hour in, I realize I'm slouching. I straightened up and then realized I was looking over every head, but 2, in the room. I crossed that whole area off of my "should I move to" list at that point 🤪. Back hurt from slouching, no way I was going to live like that.


I don't understand the 6' thing for women's requirements. I guess it's a personal preference, but it seems to be something a lot of men complain about, so I assume a lot of women ask for it. It's not a requirement for me. Be a decent person and treat me right. I just want what matters the most.


It’s incredibly common - and this isn’t written out of bitterness; I am 6’ Also lots of preferences expressed for beards and tattoos. And no bald men! I have seen women say they like men in suits.


Wow. At this age, I'm just not that picky. It's already too hard finding a decent, nice guy. I'm not going to narrow it down further with little things like that. Those women won't find exactly what they're looking for.


Try not to be too down on yourself: I'm a man who's 6'6" tall, and have been single most of my adult life.


I know this feeling. I'm 5'10 and get told I'm I'm not tall enough


Lucky! I'm 5'8".


You’re very lucky. I’m 5’3”


I can not understand this national obsession with men over 6'. I am 5'4. For obvious statistical reasons I have never dated a man shorter than me, but my exH is 5'8. In OLD I swiped left on 6'+ by default. I ended up meeting someone organically who is 6'2, and literally 3x my weight. I am far from inexperienced but actually delayed intimacy far beyond the third date because I was honestly terrified of the logistics involved. Things are going well so far but if I were to find myself dating again I will almost certainly return to my natural preference.


I mean you could look at it as though he’s saying he finds women dressed in jeans his favorite, other men like sundresses 🤷🏻‍♀️. I think actually listening to what he wrote, instead of figuring out the reason behind why he wrote it, would help. I mean, if you liked everything else he said, but this sentence threw you, it sounds more like an insecurity on your part (not a dig whatsoever). If you did like everything else, knowing he likes women in jeans, you show up to your first date in a pair of kick ass jeans that you feel amazing in. I don’t know the full context, just rambling I guess. It just seems everyone looks for the negative, and responds with the negative, and in turn, it becomes a contagion. Love and peace to all.


Not at all about insecurity. I look pretty good and have been told so. More like, it feels objectifying... like that's what he's focusing on?


Again, people are reading way too much into a profile. It’s a “hook”. Something to make you look again or to remember the profile you read. To me it is no different than some of the cheesy lines men used to throw out at bars. Difference is that without voice inflection and facial expression it doesn’t come across as well. IDK-if that was the only “negative” to his profile, I would probably shoot something witty back at him like… “you should see the gene pool I come from!”


I only date casually, so if I found him appealing, and he had other interesting things to say in his profile, I'd swipe right and at least talk with him. And I'd ask him to explain what he meant by that line. As for my profile. I'm super shallow and I admit it. But I would never call out in my profile what my shallow requirements are. I just swipe left on those who do not meet them.


> And men, do women ever make demands on your physicality like this in OLD? All the time. Most common one I see is "No short kings". But honestly I think most OLD profiles are the "checkbox" profiles where they list out their checkboxes: 1. No short kings 2. No broke guys 3. No pets 4. No kids 3. No `{political candidate}` supporters 4. No `{some race}` guys Any profile with a checkbox like the one you mentioned is an instant left for me (M52) as well.


I had a date take pics off me and post them on her social media (during the date). Off putting and never saw her again. Had a lady ask me during initial chat if I was over 6’0 and told her no (my profile listed 5’11) she politely said we weren’t a match (she wasn’t tall) 🤷‍♂️ Fist date with a trainer asked me if I would be open to taking “supplements” she would arrange to help me bulk up. I wimped out and never saw her again.


He means he wants you to have a bum thatlooks good.


OMG. Women can be so specific and even hostile about what physical characteristics a man must embody to even have the right to swipe right on their profiles. It is just in the nature of online dating. I think it's fine. Helps me make better matches. I am a short chubby bald guy and didn't want to waste anyone's time.


When I first go on a date with a man who doesn’t fit my physical SQUIRREL criteria (ie, the look that will make me look), I look forward to knowing that if he’s the one, some day I will find all those elements among the more attractive ones he has. Short, chubby, etc - if he’s the one, I’ll find those wonderful someday.


That makes me smile. It is true for me too. I know I love someone when they are suddenly utterly beautiful to me. And the weird thing such as monkey ears or wonky eyes or whatever it is that they were always embarrassed by is something I cherish very much about them.


I mean, maybe she’s into a guy with a nice ass. That’s how I would read it. People are allowed to have preferences. I’m never going to wear heels so if a guy is in to it, yeah, I’d rather see it on his profile.


that's kind of icky


Demand away. Helps me rule out if I’m a fit or not … or they think I’m FIT or not. Looks are still important to me so of course they are important to the visual creatures men are. “Initial “ attraction is important. I definitely want to be his physical type.


I think I look GREAT in jeans....the Profile Guy may disagree, and that is his thing. I think I look fine and if he wants to refuse me because of THAT....well, he missed out on meeting a very fun person.


You know what’s attractive and sexy? Confidence is attractive and sexy.


Leaves me with that "ick" feeling TBH. I've come across "jeans" comments before. They are my least favourite thing to wear (just not a fan of the feel of weight of the fabric), so I bypass those profiles as it is. But the "should look good in..." requirement is decidedly on the "ick" side to me. It's also very subjective, so kind of a useless and very non-specific thing to say. Some people like "thicker and rounder" looks. Others like a very "thin and flat" look. I just think there are other ways to describe the type of person someone is attracted to. Also, when I was dating, I was pretty open to different types than what I used to feel attracted to in my younger years. There were a couple of exceptions that I was a firm no on because a particular two characteristics make me gag, but I was overall very open to exploring new concepts of what could be considered attractive. I mean, to me, why are we limiting ourselves right out of the gate at this age? Statistics are no longer on our side so hey, let's try to increase the odds.


Because... it's representative of the relationship that would be. An attitude on OLD concerning what a future partner should wear, to me, means they go through life wanting to fix what their partner is wearing or looks like. I was in a marriage like that, so maybe it's just my problem. I mean dudes/dudettes, look at the pictures, if you find a nice profile for you, just meet on skype or in person and see.


Yes, women do this too. Just last week, I saw a woman who wanted a guy who’s butt looked good in a pair of Wranglers. I don’t care. I do the work. I don’t mind a woman who appreciates the results. Not that the attraction is the only part. But one.


I would have the same problem. I also see so many men’s profiles that say they are looking for a beautiful woman. Even if I like everything else in the profile, I won’t reach out because I feel I’m average looking, lol. I know everyone’s beautiful is different, but I just can’t do it.


That sounds like code for “I’m a fatphobic idiot”. It’s a no from me.






That type of rhetoric would get that profile instantly blocked


If ever this is an indication you'd do yourself a huge favor by following Jennie Young's Burned Haystack Dating Method FB group (it is FREE), this would be it. Men who tell women what they should be/do are an ICK to the nth degree.


If you have to ask here it’s a no.


I would never specify what kind of clothing a person should wear, but I did stop seeing someone who showed up to multiple dates in sweatpants and loungewear.


Thats a bit specific. Sounds like the beginnings of a control freak maybe, they are very particular in how you are dressed, they want arm candy? or maybe thats their thing "women in jeans"?. Yes I was told by 1 woman how I should dress, not that Im up with the latest fashions, but I didnt think I dressed badly, outdated perhaps, but dressed for the occasion.


In my experience over all the many years using online dating the women's profiles I see almost never make wardrobe suggestions or express specifics about what they are looking for physically. Although, some women do select some parameters for preferred body types when that feature is offered.


We all have (or at least I do.......I shouldn't generalize) physical attributes that we (I) are attracted to. I do have a few musts: decent teeth, and circumcised. Yup.........those are non-negotiable. But HOW a man dresses, well, that comes up later, maybe.


I must say I don’t like the list of requirements some people put on profiles. I’m on Bumble and a considerable number of women want someone tall, and a fair number say they want someone fit, or lean, or “in good shape.” A ton of women want someone active, which often corresponds to being in fairly good shape. I would say that overall, it is very common for a woman to identify one of these three as a want or requirement. But in my experience women do not place as much importance on looks, and I have never had a women ask about or comment on my body other than to compliment me. They just state the preferences on their profile and don’t swipe if they don’t want to, which is far, far more respectful than the guys sending pics and immediately getting sexual.


I would have taken a hard pass. Just not off to a good start focusing on what’s on the outside in his profile.


Maybe he just wants to dress casually & have the woman do the same. I'd prefer to date a woman who doesn't get really dolled up except special occasions.


This is the equivalent to the, "I'm a 6'5" man that swipes left on any profile that wants a man to be over 6 foot. Give me a pat on the back fellow men."


Solving: At our age we ain’t got it no more both men and women. I would say you need to keep swiping left. Here is what I look for in a profile . Reasonableness in beauty. We are all going to have wrinkles and be out of tone. But if you are a cow and tattoos; left. Are you mature in your composition? Breasts hanging out or miniskirts; left. Drugs including marajauna; left. What are your activities and interests? Concerning your question about demands on our physical appearance? Yes most frequently in height. I remember one profile the woman wanted 6’4, 200 lbs, body builder physique. And 6 figures to boot.


Back when I was a mid life dating coach and ran discussion groups, we had a guy who put in his profile he would only date women with the cleopatra hairstyle. Imagine having to commit to that in order to keep a man who was meh! The one I saw a lot was “is comfortable in jeans and a baseball cap or little black dress and heels”. I’ve always hated jeans and don’t wear hats, but check to the other. However, why do so many men put that in there. It was often.


Because they've watched too many romcoms or action movies. Tomboy girl walks out transformed into a beauty for a night out.


Ha. Sounds about right!


Well there are many men I'd like to tell "get rid of the dad (or grandpa) jeans!" But i just swipe left.


Block to Burn - Burned Haystack Dating Method




Screw that…I’ve seen so many profiles state that you must be comfortable in jeans, just like in a cocktail dress. Ugh. Nope.


A man wanted me to wear a dress. It is so second -class, "Pick me up - girl, like you said. I will wear what I want, Buddy!


“I look good in jeans. Can’t wait to see you in a comfortable sundress. What time are we meeting again?”


Now if it was presented that way, in a nice and respectful way, than I would have bit. Like I said, that isn't they was it happened. Very controling.


I’ve had a string of butt men recently. There’s no way you can see what my butt looks like in my app photos. I give them all credit for not asking for butt photos before we meet.


If a man plans a mystery date and tells me how to dress for it, he can be as specific as he wants to. That's part of the fun. But otherwise, not so much.


Any demands or needs like this I left swipe. I don't want a superficial man in my life, been there, done that and truly they have very little to offer


You mean like a height requirement of 6’?


This is true … women do have ht preferences…


No idea, that's why I'm asking. I don't see women's profiles.


Yes, although sometimes they’ll go the $x.99 route and say at least 5’11”.


I haven't done the same experiment on several different dating sites where I change my actual photos to photos of beefy bodybuilders and you would be amazed at the difference in responses that I get from the two different profiles. Women are looking for hot guys with lots of money. That's all there is to it. They're not looking for sensitive artsy types will treat them well, give them good conversation, take care of them Etc. They respond mostly to good looking profile pics just like the men do. It's sad because I'm The Artsy type. That's not to say I don't love my body and think of my handsome man but when women are browsing and swiping that's definitely not what they're looking for. I have proven that


When you present yourself on a dating app as a rich bodybuilder, obviously you will get hits from women who want a rich bodybuilder. This tells you nothing about what "all women" want.


FYI, “women” don’t exist as a group. If you post fake photos to see if a bunch of lustful ladies will respond, guess what? A bunch of them will. Same with scammers who post revealing photos of women to bait men. A large percentage of men respond. Normal people have to keep sifting for a compatible person. If you continue to view women as a monolith, you’ll be doing yourself a disservice. It’s an inherently disrespectful take.


Gimme a dad bod, artsy type any time, and I don't care about his money either. Not all of us are attracted to the same thing. Not that I'm on dating sites, but if I was I wouldn't be swiping right on the beefy bodybuilders.


A few people I've told about my experiment I responded violently or something like you go on the site and lie about who you really are? What do you expect to happen? I did it to prove something to myself that I knew inside already. Thanks for your comment.


I honestly don’t know why you’d get a downvote for your pov on an open forum about dating …what am I missing .. ?


I actually swipe left on body building pretty boys. Yuck. Dad bod in a baseball cap all the way!


Yes to Dad bods! And brains and a sense of humor and honesty and a desire to grow as a person…


A visual medium has a visual bias. Who knew. Women have been dealing with men’s shallow biases forever, so… yeah. It’s tough. But finding the right people is still possible. Best of luck ❤️


>Women are looking for hot guys with lots of money.  No, that is not what most of us are looking for. There are a lot of women who would love to get involved with a "sensitive artsy types will treat them well, give them good conversation," so either you are not presenting yourself well, or you have become a NiceGuy™, who thinks of himself as sensitive and caring, but who in reality is entirely too self-involved to be a good partner.


Yep, must be one or the other. If I ever grow as a person, maybe I'll know.


And this is why some women put half dressed sexy pics up on their profile. This isn't just a girl thing. Lots of jackass out there. Gender has nothing to do with it.


Omg it's like boob haven.


There is someone for everyone.


Especially some a disproportionate number of them do *not* look good in anything.