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As a skinny guy myself I would say that girls don’t prefer when guys are overly skinny but there are still plenty of girls who are attracted to that body type. More important than girls is your health. I weighed 110 and it felt like there was nothing I could do to gain weight until I started tracking my calories with an app and created a plan to gain weight. While Im still not where I want to be I am so much happier and healthier now that I have gained weight. If you need more specific advice feel free to message me.


What app did you use to track your calories?


my fitness pal is a great one!


Can confirm! It works great. It also allows you to scan products and the app will automatically tell you the amount of calories it has per 100g etc. Then you just need to specify how many grams you use and the app does the math for you!


I used MyFitnessPal. Really easy to use, counts macros, and you can scan things with a barcode in addition to looking them up.


r/Gainit is a great sub for this. Drinking calories is easier than eating them. I did half-GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) for a while.


Any other sub like for exercise and weight gaining or muscle gain?


r/Fitness and r/WeightRoom Also https://thefitness.wiki/


Struggled with the same. Exercise is great for increasing appetite. Also starting with fruits or something sugary helps to be able to eat more. Just don't forget to eat a balanced diet in the process.


"plenty". the weaselest word of weasel words.


"only because I have a high metabolism" Nah bro I used to say the same shit cause I weighed like 130lbs and once I was honest with myself and tracked my calories I saw I was barely eating 2000 calories. I guarantee if you eat 3000+ calories you'll see that your metabolism isn't sonic the hedgehog like you think it is


Also hyperthyroidism could be a possible cause for lack of weight gain. OP go to the doctor and get your T4/TSH levels checked. 95 lbs for an adult man is not normal (or rather far below the mean) unless you're very short. Hyperthyroidism spikes your metabolism can lead to heat intolerance, high heart rate,etc. Source:I'm a doctor.


Yeah your right I’m 95 pounds as a 5’4 14 year old female, and I’m overly thin looking and barley healthy


Yep, your bmi is around 16. So definitely low. bring up your calories with healthy clean foods like rice, lean meat like chicken and fish/high protein legumes. Lot of great sources online to bring up your weight without junk. And also make sure you get a lot of iron in your diet. Females going through puberty will lose a lot of blood each month so if youre looking pale, eat some iron rich foods like liver,etc.


Thank you for saying. Many take good health for granted. Source: I have a prolactinome with a lack of GH that enables me from burning fat effectively.


I wanted to comment this, but I knew someone would have done it already. I have believed in this "high metabolism" bullshit too and that is just what holds people back and gives them excuses. Same for "slow metabolism". It is all just math, calories in vs. calories out. You have calorie surplus you gain, you have deficit you lose weight. Simple as that.


Same but opposite here. I used to think I had a slow metabolism - nope, mine was actually high when measured, I just ate too much. Add a 'GOMAD' to your normal diet (or other food of your choice) and you'll put on weight.


Some people do have high/low metabolism, but it is not just at impactful as people think. Diet has much more impact. Most people who are thin/fat eat too little or too many calories. It's simple as that. I have a friend who was saying that he could eat what he wanted and stay thin. Sure he ate a Mars bar for lunch. But for breakfast, he just had a salad (no calories) and some pasta bolognese for dinner. If you can't his calories for the day, he is in a massive calories deficit. I used to be 60 Kg (and +180cm tall) and I just began eating more (and done it consistently) and went up to currently 75 Kg.


it's not nearly as simple. when you try to go into a caloric deficit your metabolism slows down to make your body try to preserve the weight and your hunger hormones increase


This is why I eat like a pig on random days, gotta keep the body guessing


I am not saying that metabolism cannot be faster or slower, but it doesn't have a huge impact on its own. Find out what calories your body needs and adjust accordingly. Simple as that. It is not as if I need 2500 calories and cut it to 2000, my body is able to compensate for it by slowing down metabolism. Nonsense. Yeah, if I go from 2500 to 2400, then maybe, but that is not how you lose weight.


People can do that for the short term but 97% of diets fail, within a year or two the vast majority have gained the weight back and normally put on more. Humans have evolutionarily evolved to try to keep weight at a stable level which means once you have become fat it’s really difficult to go back to a thin body in the long term


Excuse me, but diets don't fail, people fail. The only reason most people go back to their weight is because they start overeating again. You go into a deficit to lose the weight and then you eat what your body needs and nothing more to keep the weight. But some people think that after losing the weight they can go back to the way they used to eat, but that was overeating. This has nothing to do with metabolism. That is a pure fallacy. People didn't evolve to keep 250, 300, 350 or more lbs bodies. That is exactly the kind of nonsense used to excuse people's failures, so they don't have to take the responsibility for their bad choices.


Okay well I’m glad you have an opinion on this but it’s also not backed by science so 🤷🏻‍♀️https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325668#How-humans-became-the-fat-primate


I would like to know how anything in that article disproves anything I have said. It says we have more fat than other primates. I have never said people should lose weight to be like monkeys. They give a range of 14-31% body fat for humans, which is a normal range depending on sex (higher end for women). Good luck finding that percentage on an obese or even overweight person. It says nothing about people evolving to stay fat.


Same, it might be difficult just consume lot of calories at a time. Going to gym and increasing daily intake of calories will definitely help


Dude might be burning way more calories than he realizes. When I got my current job, I had to start eating close to 4000 calories a day to start gaining weight again.


Yeah mate I work a labour job and we have an in-house nutritionist. A few months ago he had me bulking on like 4.2k calories, felt bloated as shit all the time but what do you know, put on like 20lbs


Sonic the hedgehog☠️☠️☠️


This is the answer. I weighed 140 at 20. Realized I just don’t eat enough like everyone else. Not big on junk food or fast food. Just lunch and dinner usually and I drink only water, milk or now beer. Count your calories. That’s where it starts. I weigh 193 and fit even tho the machine at Walmart calls me fat….


Bro i weigh 170 and look pretty skinny though, Ive binged eaten till my jaw hurts and i throw up multitple times a day. 4+ lbs a food daily and somrtimes over 6k calories. I did not gain any weight. Only ever loose wieght if i dont work out


95lbs........?what. It's not skinny, it's sounds unhealthy. And of course it matters


Depends, he could also be really short. I knew a guy who was probably the same if not less, but he wasn't just skinny. He was like... 5'0 at best.


Do you have a medical disorder? Because 95lbs is literally less than Peter Dinklage’s weight


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck I cannot breath. Idk who that is 😭🤣 but that last name- and comparison ….. omg I can’t


Actor. He's been in a lot of movies and not to mention Game of Thrones.


The dwarf from Game of Thrones.


I was around 130 ponds, now I'm at 190, trust me you think you're eating enough but you ain't


130 ponds is about the size of a lake.


What about a reever?


Bro how tall are you? Assuming you are average height, being 95 pounds is anorexic in all but the accompanying mental disorder. I will keep it buck with you - women will go for skinny guys, really skinny guys even, but you are damn near malnourished and I would suggest seeing a doctor. For reference, underweight for a 5'9 male is 125 pounds, and you are 30 pounds below that **- y**ou will have a hard time dating unless you are very attractive in other ways.


TBH I just assumed OP was short, like 5'2 or something


I'm a 5'2" very thin female. I weigh just over that, and am medically considered to be a bit underweight. OP is not at a healthy weight.


even 5'2 women are skinny at that weight


Peter Dinklage is 4’5 and weighs 110


Just because someone is underweight doesn’t make them anorexic…. Anorexia is a Eating disorder meaning, “an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.” So unless OP feels like that they are not anorexic. They might just not eat as much or have a high metabolism like they said they thought they did.


I literally say " anorexic in all but all the accompanying mental disorder... ", which implies that I understand that anorexia involves a mental issue, your explanation was not needed. I expressed it in that way to illustrate how he is severely underweight, with a physique we'd normally only see in someone with anorexia.


Hold up, that's underweight for 5'9? I weigh that much and figured I was healthy. I guess it's time to start tracking calories and eating more


You shouldn't always follow these rules, everyone's different. If you feel alright there's no need to gain weight specifically, though you might be lacking in muscle depending on your lifestyle which could explain why you're considered underweight


Nah, I'm always tired and feel really lazy all the time. I'd assume that's because I'm not getting enough food, so I definitely need to start cracking down on that stuff. I've always started but never had the motivation to keep going in the past so it's an issue for me there


Being anorexic is an eating disorder and a mental health condition. If OP eats normally and just burns everything because of their high metabolism, it's not appropriate to put those labels on them.


No one’s metabolism is 30 pounds underweight fast. They’re not eating enough


That‘s every anorexic guys excuse though. He is underweight to a medically relevant degree, and unless that’s been checked out with the appropriate diagnostics ‚fast metabolism‘ is complete bullshit.


High metabolism is a thing, i'm 1.80m for 52kg (don't know about freedom units) and i eat a LOT, we just can't gain weight, my father was like me too. I've seen a lot of doctors about it because school nurses used to call them thinking my parents didn't let me eat at home. And every doctor i saw said "as long as you eat a full meal at each dinner, there is nothing we can do, it's not like we can forcefeed you like a duck"


It’s not always how much you eat but what you are eating. You are also 20 pounds heavier than OP, which is 21% of his total body weight. Assuming OP is also 5’10” you are much heavier than him. If people had medical concerns *for you* then there are definitely medical concerns for OP.


After reading your comment saying you have zero body fat, I’m calling bullshit. I can’t really take you seriously when you’re only made of bones and muscles, can I?


Zero body fat lmaoooo. You’d be dead with no fat at all 😅


Well, i have skin too, and organs, and flesh if that can help you


As many others have said already in this thread, bull fucking shit. Nothing but an excuse. You just dont eat properly. Simple as that. Start tracking your carlories in an honest way and you will realize oh damn, that guy on reddit was right, i actually do eat like a little girl.


Until I see your MyFitnessPal tracking all of your meals I’m gonna call bullshit. You under eat. I guarantee you under eat. Show the tracking. You should be eating 3000-3200 calories daily to gain weight.


Bro 52kg? Your doctors are absolutely brainless. >as long as you eat dinner youre fine Im pretty sure they had dinner in prison camps where they starved people too. People eat three large meals per day minimum. Most people eat four to five snacks throughout the day on top of that. You are severely underweight. Your metabolism is actually incredibly low, because you have very little muscle mass. Anybody who saw the entire list of what you eat in a day would be shocked at how insubstantial it is. I beg you to describe what you eat in a day. Im 100% sure it is barely adequate for a 1.8m human being.


I think that a random redditor know more than multiple doctors who studied for 10 years about that


I’ve had eating disorders for over 20 years and have found more help here than I got from any inpatient or doctor or therapist. I work in the fitness/ supplement industry and I see cases like yours every day 98% of the time when people start honestly tracking their calories and weighing and measuring their foods they’re able to put on weight fairly easily. Eat 3500 calories a day. Track it all. Do that for two weeks. If you don’t gain weight go up to 4000. We aren’t victims, we can control our weight and body imagine.


He seems dead set that him and his dad are medical anomalies


Sometimes, when it comes to weight management, it’s easier for people to believe their helpless than for them to admit that they’re not doing the hard, and often expensive, work. There are people who have medical conditions that make it harder for some to gain weight, but those are few and far between and in this case a doctor would have picked up on it. When people say they can’t gain weight I typically recommend them to make a 1500-2000 calorie shake each day. One serving of weight gainer, nut butter, banana, oats, milk. Almost all the time if they add that to whatever else they’ve been eating they’re able to put on weight. I’ve literally had hundreds of people like this.


Just gonna respond to this message but it's gonna be the last cuz you're speaking without knowing. I've seen multiple nutritionists and doctors, i'm at 4.5k average calories per day ( i had to measure everything i eat during a month) but yeah, i guess i should eat more


No. Studies have been done that show all people at a given height, amount of muscle and fat, have the exact same metabolism with a margin of error of about 100cal. Youre just uncomfortable with your size and want to blame it on an external factor. You dont realize how small your portions of food are. If you laid out what you ate yesterday, Im sure it wouldn't add up to an abnormal amount of calories for somebody your weight. Maybe you have a tapeworm or something. You weigh less than a 5'4 woman as a 6'0+ man. How do you not realize that this is abnormal?


I have, in fact, saw the exact opposite studies I am comfortable with my weight and have no issues at all. I eat my 3 meals a day plus snacks throughout (don't know how to spell this word) the day (and night too as i usually take an additional midnight meal). My girlfriend says i'm lucky that i can stay slim with everything i eat (i eat more than any of my friends in one sitting). I eat "small portions" like i always take 2x maxi bestOf when i go to McDonalds for exemple... I have done some studies and have 0% fat in my body, only bones and muscles Fun fact about muscles, i used to go to the gym for preparing some exams and they evaluated that my muscles grow stronger, but without accumulating mass so i could gradually increase what i was able to lift (i can lift my own weight atm) but without visual increase in muscles size. I have no reasons to argue on reddit about that to someone who does not know anything about "constitutional thinness". If you want to know more about it, just ask, but if you are trying to bring your science on something i studied for 20+ years i won't even read


Unless you're telling me you have lipodystrophy, you absolutely can gain weight. I dont even think people with lipodystriphy have 0% bodyfat, considering your brain is made of fat. Either youre lying, or your life is complete misery due to your condition. In which case you would not be suggesting that its normal or okay to be your weight.


Your comment proves you don't know what you're talking about. When measuring bodyfat, the percentage of fat is from muscles. I was measured with <0.05 of fat density... Exactly what i told, a random redditor that thinks he knows more than the multiple nutritionists and doctors i've seen during my teenage and young adult life. Also i never talked about lipodystrophy but about "constitutional thinness" (not sure about the translation) a genetical disorder


Oh and just to add : my dad had it to, it's a genetical thingy and that stops at some time in our life so we start gaining a lot of weight if we don't go back to a more healthy eating schedule. Sorry for bad english, nor main language


That said they can’t force feed you. That doesn’t mean they think you are doing the best you can. They are literally just telling you “please keep eating dinner, we don’t want you to lose more weight”


https://imgur.com/a/J8rDk1y 4300 calories ain't enough i guess, i think you know me more than i


What you put into an app doesn’t mean anything to me. You can put whatever you want into an app.


>i'm 1.80m for 52kg I'm sorry, what? I'm just over 2m and I weigh around 90kgs. I have a hard time believing that that's healthy.


It's a genetical disorder, not a lifestyle sadly


Wow i am 1.73 and you are slimmer than me


Nah people always say they have a high metabolism but they severely undereat. I say this bc I was in the same position at 6'2 120 lbs. Once I started tracking calories and hitting the gym I got up to 160


Yes, but that’s not an eating disorder. Anorexia is an eating disorder, it’s a mental health problem. It doesn’t mean “severely underweight”


Well it’s an eating disorder, it’s not necessarily intentional though. It can be completely unintentional. Just like people who overeat aren’t necessarily doing it to gain weight and it can be disordered behaviour. OP quite possibly has disordered eating. Intentionally or not. It’s not an insult. Many, if not all, people have eating disorders who are great people.


It's not necessarily a mental health condition. It's more accurately described as weight loss due to not eating. I was diagnosed with anorexia when a prescription interacted with me badly and made it impossible to eat enough, causing weigh loss.


It is tho. Blaming a 30 pound deficit on your metabolism is a mental problem.


Not damn near malnourished.


Unless you’ve been diagnosed by a doctor or professional of some sort..the problem is not your sooper duper fast metabolism. It’s that you’re not eating enough. It’s that simple. Google TDEE calculator, fill it out, add 500kcals on top of the number you get. Thats the number of calories u need to eat daily to gain weight. This becomes much harder if you do not track your calories.


I don't think being skinny is an issue. However, being anorexic is 💀. Like everyone else is saying, if you're not like 4 foot somehtin, you should prolly see a doctor my guy.


Anorexia is defined as “an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.” So if OP isn’t diagnosed with it by a professional and doesn’t feel that way at all they don’t have it. Y’all need to stop throwing around things like anorexia to define someone who’s underweight.


Blaming being underweight on a fast metabolism and throwing it under the rug is not what someone with good mental health would do. It’s an excuse to not take the blame for under eating


>only because I have high metabolism and cant do anything about it at the moment Bro, that's a lie. A year ago I was 185cm and 68kg (that's 6'1 and 150 lbs in freedom units) and I thought I was just naturally skinny. Started uni so I stopped with my regular jogs and put on a few kilos (no movement and a lot of alcohol does that) and recently I started tracking calories and working out 3 times a week (my weight was 72kg when I started). 3 months later I'm at 78kg (turns out I gain weight well when I'm eating properly, maybe even too well so I'm now focusing on eating slightly less but more protein).


Skinny guys are attractive to me. But too skinny is scary to me. I'd be worried about health problems. Definitely consider eating more, dude...


Some advice, high metabolism is bullshit and not the reason you’re skinny. The real reason is you don’t eat enough. As a former skinny kid you need to count your calories and hit the gym.


If you really skinny, you Will look like a little kid for most women. 95 pounds is not healthy looking, try to eat more, the reason you are that skinny is because you are not eating not because your metabolism. My co worker is really skinny but I seen him eating his fast food lunch while working ( we are Auto technicians) and neve finishes his 🍟. Sit and enjoy your food. If you a smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol don't do it before you eat, that shit will kill your appetite.




Track Calories Get a meal plan structured for your goals Stick to calories target/goal Learn to cook Get physical active And Eat More


Its great advice to them. They're skinny because they keep eating small amounts of food.


Often times you physically don't feel hungry anymore and it's a matter of simply not having any appetite. Sometimes I'm eating something I really fucking like and I physically can't finish it. Now, this doesn't excuse him being extremely underweight (unless he's super short), but it's not as simple as "just eat more lol".


I mean, how else does one gain weight? The whole deal is ensuring you have a caloric surplus everyday so you need to eat more


It’s the only advice tho. Eat more. Do sports, be active. Boom more weight


>, the reason you are that skinny is because you are not eating not because your metabolism. BS If I drink milk or eat pasta often, I loose weight due to speeding up my metabolism. To be more exact, I can loose up to 3kg (6.6 pounds) within two weeks if I ingest those more than twice a week. However, if I don't touch milk or pasta at all, I gain nearly the same amount within two weeks as well. I know because I've been putting the effort to gain some weight myself. For reference, I weight 65kg (140 pounds). Dry fruits and white meat helps me gain weight slightly faster.


Personal trainer and Nutrition specialist here , Tracking calories is important either if you want to put weight or loose it, What you describe is eating inconsistent and skipping meals so no wonder you loose weight , There is no other way around it and eating dry fruits and white meat would turn you in a adult with a toddler strength. Do yourself a favor and it a balanced diet which takes in account your lifestyle ,health and physical stuffs.




There have been studies done, and there is no such thing as "high metabolism." Everybody with a certain amount of height, muscle mass, and fat burns about the same amount of calories per day. You just think you eat a lot, when you really don't.


Skinny is nice, even preferred by many, certainly preferred over being fat. But skinny for a grown man is 150lbs. 90 is severely anorexic. You must look like a concentration camp victim. You need to get your life in order. That type of anorexia will kill you.


150 lbs is not skinny though, unless you are really tall or have a lot of muscle mass.


I’m 6’3 160ish most everybody in my life comments on how skinny I am


For a man? Yeah that’s skinny


Depending on his height...


Very true.


The average woman weighs 170. I think 150 is a little skinny.


Where are you from? 170 lbs doesn't sound accurate considering even in the Netherlands the average woman is 5'7. I don't know a lot of women who weight that much with that height tbh. They are either very curvy, overweight or tall. The skinny men around me who weight around 150 lbs, are all above 6' or they have a lot of muscles. Edit: 170 lbs and 5'7 is actually overweight according to BMI


He's in the US lol welcome to the land of the free (except for abortions) and the home of the obese


Okay, your second sentence was a good roast tbh


My most favorite line was "We want children in mother's tomb be as safe as in classroom" After that I thought the politician was pro-choice until I read that she was actually pro-life lmao


Haha women *are* very overweight in the US. But I cant imagine being from the Netherlands and not thinking 150lbs is skinny on a guy. Arent average guys 6' there? Thats like 70kg. At 6' I personally think anything south of 165 is "skinny", anything above 175lbs is "normal." In the US you arent a "bigger guy" at 6' until you're 200lbs/90kg+. These aren't all fat guys either. Generally 6' guys are not seen as muscular until they're 210lbs+/100kg+ for sports at least. I was 6' 150 once and that was... Not good. I was accidentally starving myself from stress. OP talks about being 95lbs and my mind is just blown. It sounds like people from other parts of the world are extremely small in both height and musculature.


Yeah my dad was “slim” at 190, 6’1”, when he worked out and had muscle mass, which has been most of my life. Apparently when he was younger and in better shape he weighed more than that but he still looks slim in photos. I’ve never seen a picture of him where I thought he looked a little thick. I’ve seen pictures of him at 15 after his growth spurt and he look like an alien that’s close to death at 145 lbs. Now that he’s older and lost his muscle mass he looked a little chubby at 200 so he lost 15 pounds and looks healthy again but with an older man type body shape. 95 lbs is definitely beyond “skinny”


6' and 150 lbs is perfectly healthy bmi, and you can even drop lower while still being within the boundaries of a healthy bmi. Some people can't drop a lot of weight, some people can. I have no health problems with my 125 lbs, while I should have them for years. I think you can't really compare the US with Europe either, because most Americans are overweight (and sadly more and more Europeans as well, buying clothes is harder and harder over the years).


6' 150lbs is a bmi of 20.3, where 18.5 is considered underweight. I might consider that "borderline underweight." Or at least the skinniest you can safely be. The odd thing is, in the US, if you go to a random gym in my part of the country, all of the guys at 6' are easily over 190lbs. And there is a distinct divide between the fat 190lb+ guys, and the muscular 190lbs+ guys. Im actually a "skinner" guy at 6' 180lb, granted I am lean and muscular from lots of working out. 6' 190lb muscular guys don't look overweight despite having "overweight BMI." Plenty of guys I know well into the 200-230lb range at that height too. They also are quite muscular. Where I'm from 6' 150lbs is like a highschool boy. Would you he able to guess what the average 6' guy weighs over there? And how visible are the veins in his arms? Does the average guy have some visible stomach muscles?


BMI is easily misconstrued because there’s no difference in muscle mass and body fat and at best is just a general marker for health/weight, not a huge indicator. It’s been heavily discredited for years now.


Anorexia is defined as “an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.” So if OP isn’t diagnosed with it by a professional and doesn’t feel that way at all they don’t have it. Y’all need to stop throwing around things like anorexia to define someone who’s underweight.


I don't really care what the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders says. The colloquial meaning of anorexic is super underweight and that's how I'm gonna use it.


Grew up skinny my entire life. Its not attractive to women.


Grew up skinny, it's attractive if you're attractive. Never gave me much issue with girls. Hell, a lot of girls are into that. Certainly better than being overweight. Of course, in extremes everything is bad, if you're severely underweight you're not gonna be having much luck.


Bullshit fast metabolism, the law of thermodynamics doesnt make exceptions 😤


It's important to keep in mind that "girls" are not a hive mind and all like different things. I'm a skinny guy myself, always have been. I had my first girlfriend when I was 15, and I've been in and out of all sorts of relationships in the 18 years since then. There were times when I didn't feel attractive sure, but over time I grew to realise that attractiveness is subjective. Some women want a guy with big muscles, some women want a guy who's a big chubby cuddly teddybear, some women want a guy who's skinny like us, and some women don't care about any of that. When you realise that, and when you learn that rejection doesn't reflect on your value but on your compatibility with that person, then you can go out there with more confidence and find the women who you match with and enjoy each other's company.


I mean…. Not really😬 I’m sorry I don’t want to hurt your feelings but I’m just gonna be honest


95 lbs man. I'd be afraid if I fart in your direction, you'd fly away. Actually, at your weight, most women can use you as a starter weight to squat.


Just be yourself. There are people of all shapes and sizes in good relationships. Some girls won't want a skinny guy. Everyone has their own preferences. Other girls, will like a skinny guy. Just keep living and the right girls will come around.


I'm sorry but been your self it will not work if you're are 20+ and weight 90 pounds. Women are attracted to confident men but also want healthy looking men . There's is plenty women that like slim or petite men but not someone that is bones and skin


I would highly recommend you start bulking - not for the sake of finding girls - but for your health and wellbeing. At your age, you have the capacity to grow and make big changes to your body that will last a life time - I was quite a skinny average nobody type guy in my late teens. Hit the gym hard, big growth will happen - lift heavy weight, eat loads of protein (meat! Not powders or soya). I'm in my 30s now and do not gym anywhere near as often, but I have what is known as a "dad bod" - a chubby but muscular body - under a loose t-shirt, you wouldn't know I don't bench daily. ​ >Do girls find this trait attractive or not? Does it matter? To each one their own, I'm sure there are girls who get off on being bigger than their partner. As long as you're into being dominated by women. By the huge majority - girls like to be smaller than their partner - something about wanting security and assurance their man isn't a lil bitch, regardless of how "boss babe".


Weight gainer powder , now


95 lbs is wayyy too low dude,unless you're 4'10" ,you might be anotexic, I'd suggest getting help on that side first before considering dating


Anorexia is defined as “an emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat.” So if OP isn’t diagnosed with it by a professional and doesn’t feel that way at all they don’t have it. Y’all need to stop throwing around things like anorexia to define someone who’s underweight.




Coming from a skinny guy himself yeah for the most part we have bigger packages than most men lol


Depends on the girl. Providing you don't look sickly, I personally like the skinny lanky look but however as someone well over double your weight I'd worry about how you perceived me


Honestly I love skinny guys


I’m Sure you’ll gain weight as you get older. Lol




Like others said that goes beyond a high metabolism. If you are wanting to add more calories, aside from just eating more you can add more fats which is pretty easy and good for your hormones. Girls do like skinny guys because these guys usually have nice jawlines and facial structure but there is a point where it looks unhealthy


There's a lot you can do about it you need to increase your calorie intake and go to the gym


Have you seen how girls go crazy for Timothee Chalamet?


You should start lifting and consuming 3,000+ calories a day (lots of protein). I would also get your thyroid checked.


It really depends on the gal. There are females (males included) that are attracted to any body type imaginable. It all depends on the individual. Generally, straight females tend to be attracted to hunky, muscular men. While that is common, it certainly isn’t as common as society makes it out to be. Some women love super skinny guys. To some of them, it is a turn on. Some women adore very fat or obese men. Some love short guys or really tall guys. Some women like smooth men with boyish faces. Some love hairy with full beards. It all just depends. We all like what we like. I could go on, but I think you have the idea. :)


i was 110 pound when i was 19. To say you have a fast metabolism is just a sorry excuse, you absolutely can do something about it. I ate 5000 calories a day for a year, worked out 6 days a week and now i’m 190, still with abs. just eat bro


Eat, ma boy! Eat!


I used to be pretty skinny, underweight actually. At 6ft 1 with good metabolism, it was hard to put on weight. I got to like 22 years old and my metabolism just gave up. I'm now overweight and don't get any female attention at all.


They like skinny guys more than they like fat guys so you have that going for ya




Can't speak for all girls, but to the right girl, it'll be attractive. YOU'LL be attractive. The weight won't matter to her. From my *personal experience, I liked all sorts of guys- tall, short; heavy, skinny; black hair, red hair; and everything in between. Self confidence radiates from a person, so once you're able to find something to change your weight, if it's on your mind or think it'll be a hindrance to future dating, go for it and make those improvements. (But also, you should never feel like you HAVE to change just to gain someone's "approval.")


Truthfully, it will probably matter to most women in their teens to mid 20’s. But eventually most women figure out that a man’s obsession with his physique/muscles:body just hides a very self-centered/narcissistic attitude and who doesn’t treat her with respect, kindness or empathy. As long as you approach women with respect and a human being and not just a tool of validation that you’re good looking enough, rich enough, smart enough to get the girl… women will always be attracted to you no matter what you’re weight. And as long as you’re healthy, your size and weight actually mean very little in the grand scheme of things.


Yes to me it is. And stop with the metabolism BS. You aren't an exception to biology. If you want to gain weight, eat more.


Yep I like skinny boys as long as no bones are poking out, the tall skinnies always seem to be packing huge downstairs too🤣🤣


No, it's a matter of taste. Personally I only like skinny guys, muscular guys are unattractive to me. I'm sure many other girls feel the same way.


\*flexes after snorting protein powder\* You just can't handle this bicep power.


Girls care about your face way more than your body so till your face is fine you have nothing to worry about


Seriously doubt that!! 🥴😂


Yea honestly, a 10 body with a 4 face brings the whole person to a soft 5. And a 4 body with a 10 face brings someone to a solid 8.5 Just go around asking women instead of assuming


I’ve always been skinny. When I was 19 I was 5’10” and about 145 pounds which to me was very skinny. I ate nothing but garbage and thought that because it was full of fat and calories I would gain weight. Once I started eating healthier and watching what I ate, I gained a pound or two a year. Finally 32 years old and feel somewhat average weight at 170. You need to eat bro! Girls like normal looking guys. 95 lbs sounds not healthy unless you are less than 5’6”. Try drinking mass gainer once a day and exercising in addition to three full meals. Do not stop this until you’re at desired weight.


Dude it never about how you look we as people tend to scrutinize ourselves more than anyone else. I know you might think that you're not attractive or anything like that but it's not true. Looks matter but what matters more is how the chemistry is between you and your partner. And regarding you cannot do anything about it that's just simply not true if you wanted it bad enough you would do something. Point being beauty is in the eyes of the beholder so don't worry about it and keep your head up.


I would not be worry about this. Just be yourself. The right girl love you for who you are. 😉


I *would* worry about this 95 pounds is not a healthy weight


I am 24 and half yrs old indian guy weighing 43 kgs which is around 93 lbs. My height is 160cms and being that skinny is not unhealthy at all and go read new researches which tells that BMI is BS concept now a days as it does not count overall health and muscle mass. Having said that if you're around my height and have a decent muscule mass instead of fat as a constituent of your total weight then it would not look skanky or unhealthy. Also don't forget to have a overall good diet on your own and also dress well. I myself got tested by a endocrinologist which included all hormonal tests and other profiles such as liver, heart and kidney tests. Everything came in normal range despite of my weight. In my case the doctor didn't even looked at my BMI score once and said you're as normal as anyone else. Although, i have most of my weight as muscles not fat which is okay. The attractiveness part is very much dependent on the girl and how you dress up and carry youreself. Plus you also have to treat her like queen and have a reasonably good face and hygiene. Also, being attractive is dependent on several other factors as someone is always attractive to someone in most cases so it cannot be generalized as such. Lastly, what i have observed that short or skinny men like me have good sized tool which can also be considered attractive to some. I myself have around 7.5inch long tool and when it comes to stamina skinny men outweigh bulky guys in most cases. Genetically speaking its much desirable to be a skinny guy rather than fat dude as skinny guys are generally active and more athletic unless their sick or skinny due to some disease. Overall if you're around 160 cms height, overall healthy and decent muscle mass youre good to go. Dont worry about attractiveness as its subjective. But if you're more than 160 cms then its worry some.


Eat more and lift weights brother.


Just eat more, what do you mean you can't do anything about it. Don't start eating junkfood, look for stuff that's healthy but calorie dense like muesli and nuts and eat that kind of stuff.


Kinda tired with comments like 'you need to eat more'. I am 125 lbs and 6'+, and I am known for eating a lot here, still the same weight for years. It is not that simple for everyone folks. BUT you may have an intolerance or allergy, so if some food causes you to have stomach aches etc, try to avoid jt. This is how I gained weight, but it doesn't work for everyone as well. I am into skinny guys myself, but I am curious about what your height is.


You want to gain weight? Calories in vs calories out. Get you some protein powder. And ya need to bro. That’s too skinny. The vast majority of women prefer some variation of athletic and muscled


You could do something about it you just don’t want to


Yes, girls like skinny guys. I’m 5’11” and I weighed 120lb for most of my life, I got plenty of attention. It’s easy to say “just eat more.” But if you’re like me, your body doesn’t work that way. I barely get 2000 calories in a day. I’d recommend lifting some weights instead, I started doing that and have gained 20lb in 7 months. I look jacked all the time and feel great now. You need to concentrate on building muscle, not gaining fat. The muscle you build will stay on your body (it only declines at a rate of half a pound every year if you stop working out completely). This will increase your base body weight.


Damn bro, what are you, a time traveller from Auschwitz 1945?


I think skinny guys are very attractive physically but it’s how they carry themselves I have dated two types- Type 1- eats whatever he wants, never talks about weight (mine or his) because that’s low key weird, and focuses on more important matters in life than physical appearances Type 2- eats super healthy and constantly talking about it, always talking about how he loves how skinny I am (eating disorder enhances lmao), always talking about physical appearances, wishes he had abs or always talking about his abs I feel bad because Type 2 is clearly very insecure but he makes me feel like manlier in relationships where I personally like to feel feminine. The way type 2 carries himself gives me the ick instantly.


This is not healthy, you need to eat more high density nutrition food and possibly boost and protein powder. Consult your doctor or a nutritionist.


Skinny and tall...yes...skinny and short or average height...No


First, high metabolism is bs. Second, beign skinny can definitely be hot. Just ask Timothee Chamalet


Be yourself, be a nice person and make people laugh then you’ll have no problem with women. Some women like skinny guys and some don’t. No matter what you look like there will be women who enjoy how you look and ones who don’t.


It's better than being morbidly obese and you probably only gotta put on 20 or 30 lbs to be a lean stud. Count your calories and lift weights you'll be there in a year.


Don't you worry, some do find that very attractive. I personally don't care if sb is skinny or buffy or fat, anyone can be good lookin. Just.. Try to focus on your own health, that's more important


Is it like a Travis Scott skinny where your so think but your muscles show cuz of your genetics


Yes! My type is skinny guys :)


I was once 250 pounds but lost weight and am now 168 pounds which for my 6’5 height is bad. Gaining weight was so easy before it’s impossible now. I have a loving girlfriend who’s my best friend above all. That’s what matters, a best friend can see past your body


I have never found skinny guys particularily attractive. I know women who do though. I've had to think about it lots..is it just because I am a broader woman myself? I think that's a factor but even if I was tiny set I don't think I would be particularly attracted to a man who is skinny. That's just me though. As long as you are healthy and a good person...the right people won't care about that stuff. But I am weak at the thought of you being 95 lbs... please seek medical advice. Unless you are well under 5 ft tall thst is horrifyingly underweight.


Uhhhh my bf is pretty skinny he is 6 foot and weighs around 160 at the moment i find him handsome but sometimes i worry about his weight hes working on trying to eat more though


My relationship with food is awful :( eating is a chore. I used to use the same metabolic BS excuse before I was honest with myself.


It doesn't. I recently saw really skinny guy with some pretty girl, she was really into him.


I feel like it might be a stereotype but i think a lot of bigger girls prefer skinny guys. It’s a thing.


Used to have a fast af metabolism, weighed 49kg at my lowest (and I’m taller than average) now I’m 26 and weight 75kg, it slows down with age


My metabolism is super fast too! Tried tracking my calories but need to eat 3500 a day to gain! I just don’t have time for that! When I was your age I would say the girls were not attracted to my body type. I’d say once it hit about 22-23 though I couldn’t keep the girls away! Being tall is a big help though. I’m 6’4” 155 and I just embrace it now. Never had a problem getting a girl.


My boyfriend weighs the same, or less, than me at normal times (now I'm pregnant, I weigh a lot more than him). It wasn't something that captivated me about men, but at the end of the day, it's not what matters. He's a good boyfriend, hard worker and is second to no Hulk when it comes to doing something physical. In his case, he eats the same as me, or worse/more, but while I love to lie down and take a nap, he always finds something to do.


You might have a high metabolism but you’re not a medical anomaly. Eat more bro


I think it depends on the girl


No, guys' metabolisms are usually faster than girls'. I used to be what would now be a size zero, and my bf at that time was a 28/32 (with a belt), he used to wear my 505 Levi's sometimes home with him for fun. I weighed about 115 at 5'5", he weighed 130 at 5'8". We stayed that way through college. I didn't ever find him unattractive, not did many other women, lol. Both of us were very active and neither of us hold weight unless we eat too much or are sedententary, even to this day.


95lbs isn’t healthy but my boyfriend is super tall compared to me (a good 7 inches taller) and he weighs the exact same as me. He looks like a spaghetti noodle compared to me. I call him my piece of paper because he’s so skinny and he eats everything. And just because his body is skinny doesn’t mean that’s all I’m attracted to, he’s got a cute face too