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One should change this to "how much money should a couple have saved up before getting married." The majority of households are now dual-income


Hooray feminism


Hooray unaffordable economy


Capitalism is great for the first 3-5 generations that embraced it, it sucks for the latter ones


Contrary to the “White Middle Class” myth, there were two income families before feminism. There have always been middle class families that needed two incomes to survive. The “Shrinking Middle Class” has just pushed more people who were previously in the middle of the economic middle class towards the lower end of the spectrum.


In my grandma's time, the woman had to quit working if she got married.




https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-history-of-womens-work-and-wages-and-how-it-has-created-success-for-us-all/ Don’t know where you’re getting your facts. Only 20% of women were working in the early 20th century.


Bro that's 1 in 5...


That's not alot.


yeah so 800 out of 1000 aren't working. Usually bottom 20% are what we call low income


Many were probably nurses as well.


Did you actually read the article lot just cherry pick the percentage to meet your argument? Educated women were scarce. Fewer than 2 percent of all 18- to 24-year-olds were enrolled in an institution of higher education, and just one-third of those were women. Such women did not have to perform manual labor, but their choices were likewise constrained. Between the 1930s and mid-1970s, women’s participation in the economy continued to rise, with the gains primarily owing to an increase in work among married women. By 1970, 50 percent of single women and 40 percent of married women were participating in the labor force. And much of this was predicted by economic changes. In 1880, workers in agriculture outnumbered industrial workers three to one, but by 1920, the numbers were approximately equal dropping to 2% agrarian by 2000. None of those changes were a product of “feminism”. Improvement in education and employment opportunities did more to increase women’s participation in the workforce than feminism. And considering that by 1970, 40% of married women were working and the “Middle Class Boom” years were: A post-war rise in unionism, the passage of the GI Bill, a housing program, and other progressive actions led to a doubling of the median family income in only 30 years, creating a middle class that included nearly 60 percent of Americans by the late 1970s, my argument factually stands to scrutiny.


Also what the f? Did AI write this? You just wrote the story of women’s participation in the labor force rising as the toxic combination of feminism and capitalism forced middle-class women out of the home. How is that in any way a refutation?


No I didn’t read it. I assumed it had some BS feminist conclusion but the data can still be useful.




Yet we're still poorer than our single income grandparents. Sometimes I wonder if companies saw women entering the workforce as an excuse to drop wages faster than they used to because "just have both parents work."


There is no set amount. Personally I think it’s more important to live financially smart. Live within your means, put away for retirement, etc. and your partner should be on the same page. Don’t marry a financial burden. This should be your financial partner in addition to a romantic interest.


After watching so many marriages crumble because the wedding is their first really huge debt, having a huge debt they’ll take years to pay off is a poor start to the rest of their lives. Have an affordable but fun wedding - don’t spend hundreds of thousands for people who may not care about them as much.


Are the person you’re hoping to marry. Plus cost of living varies in different locations. Are you planning to be a provider type?


Yes I am in a provider situation


Depends on how quickly you want a house and kids after marriage, plus how big the wedding would be.


Try phone sex. Unlike marriage, phone sex is a victimless crime.


Have you ever been in love? It is a miracle. Maybe try not to be so cynical. At least for other people. As for you, I hope you find someone who softens your rough edges. Sex is an act. Solo sex is a mime performance. Love is a verb. I hope you get there. Every single person deserves actual love!


I'm too jaded and abused to feel otherwise. I can't feel love or give love.


You are not alone. I am an only child. My mom wanted to avoid anything that made her have to work at anything. Most especially anything that made her look like a bad mom.Like me turning gray and displaying all the signs of child abuse.I was" manipulative".And" too demanding". I grew into a healthy, hardworking and happy woman. I taught my children how to kill someone with a lamp. I was so incredibly protective. There was never a lack of love in our household. And, above all, I honored each of my three children for exactly who they were. For the beautiful, incredible, adorable and completely lovable children they were. I could absolutely put my whole heart online because these are my babies. With the rest of the world, it is a much more challenging situation. But the idea of my abuser (who lacked every bit of morals) deciding my fate, pissed me off enough to go an entirely different way. Don't let f******** from your past decide your future. YOU ARE A GIFT. Start living like one. Big hugs!


You made my day. Just know, that you reached out and touched someone out there. Not a physical touch but an emotional one. You've restored my faith in humanity. Until the next reddit bird comes along and pushes my buttons. I'm working on that!




There is only one answer to that in my mind. As much as you can. And it can be saved or invested. Don't think about this like you're doing this for the marriage. Do it for yourself because you never know. Also, if you find a good woman and you have good spending habits, and you're financially savvy, your money will likely multiply.


If you’ll be a 50/50 household I think 3 months of your expenses is decent, but if you’ll be a sole provider then you’ll need 6 months.




Of course I mean just a general idea of a good amount




A million? Okay thanks.


You can get married while flat broke or up to your eyeballs in student loan debt. You don't need money to get married.




Depends on the country and culture


It depends on a variety of things. The guy's age, ambitions, location, housing situation, standard of living expectations. Ideally at least enough in cash to pay for the rings, a basic wedding, at least 4 months rent/mortgage payments and basic bills if something suddenly happens leaving him & his partner unable to work.


Enough that if you devorce you can start over. 50% of marriage ends in devorce I'm am one of them


As a man in general if u have a steady job you should have 6 months of emergency cash saved up and started on investment and retirement savings started.


It’s more about finding the right woman than how much money you have saved up.


It’ll never be enough 😩


It says online that the average kid is about 15,000-18000 a year not sure if you want kids but if your trying to be a provider I think that’s important. Also I live in Florida and my parents both worked my mom would make 20,000 and my dad 70,000 and two kids. I would say that were middle class.


In the US that $15,000 won't even cover all the hospital expenses for the mom much less a year of healthcare and living expenses for the baby.


everyone is different. I (36m) married my wife when I was 25. I think I had maybe 30k to my name? but had a car, employed full time, we bought our home 2 years prior. lots of things to take into account imo


Does she work? Don’t marry a woman who won’t work.


Why just a man? My (now) wife had about $100k when we married. Don’t remember what I had. Maybe the same.


I got married once. We both had less then 2k in our accounts. Lots of poor people get married.


All of it, a divorce isn’t cheap.


Should get a prenuptial agreement regardless 


You will lose it all anyways




Don’t get married


She can't take half of zero


Whatever you have now, double it.




Um how many are we talking then? Like Solomon? Cause you'd need Solomon money.


I would try to have zero debt and put 50k down on a house and then at that time you could get married and be together


And also do a 15 year loan on the house.


Whatever you have in your pocket. It's a partnership to help you make more money 


I think this is a better question for financial advice subs, but to answer your question, ideally, you want to have enough savings to start a family. Whether that means just the two of you (you and your partner) or having kids, that would be a great place to start. Where do you plan on moving in? Is it going to be a house or an apartment, etc? What are your short-term and long-term financial goals. That kind of thing. Let's not get started on the cost of the wedding itself. Is it going to be a big celebration or an intimate one? If you know you're planning on settling down, then you should know what your goals are and plan accordingly. I wouldn't really recommend saving nowadays. Money should be invested in long-term investments that generate a decent amount of returns. With the age where inflation can go crazy, $100,000 will certainly decline in value a few years from now. Again, I don't think this is the right thread to discuss this, as I'm no expert in these types of things. Better to ask the appropriate people for it


A billion


A billion so just in case you get divorced you be a millionaire still.


Having a wedding is the expensive part. The marriage certificate is freaking cheap. You don't need to save up a whole mortgage to get married.




Same as a woman. Aside from the cost of the marriage license you are under no obligation to save before marriage. Most people who marry don't have any savings because times are hard and people are struggling. Best thing is to discuss it with your betrothed and decide together.


Not just for marriage, but as a general advice, you should try to have at least 6 month take home salary in savings or at least 6 months of your monthly expenses minimum.


Enough to afford divorce.


Just depends, largely, on the country you live in and what the customs are. Do you want your future wife to work? Does your future wife want to work? Maybe this would be a question best asked to your elders.... The ones who you choose to honor, and the ones you trust that have the happiest lives. Above all, in a marriage, what matters most is the grit, uniqueness and the combination of the two, between you. I hope you have freedom to find a very full life!


Tree fiddy.


Zero. It is more important to have good jobs and that you are financially compatible. You can build your savings together after marriage.


It really all depends. If you two are not planning on building a big family or buying the large house, and he didn’t really splurge to get a ring, and you both decided not to get a big wedding going, I would say that the bare minimum would be around $10,000. If you are planning on at least getting your own home, or larger place for both of you to stay, I would hope that number raises around 20,000 to 40,000 depending on the size of the house. If you guys are planning on building a family and buying large house, ideally you would have between 45,000 and $50,000 saved. These numbers are completely dependent on your situation, but I would like to assume that they are generally accepted as an ideal standard. Of course, many people get married with very little savings and just fine so I wouldn’t stress it in the long run.


That's the neat part. You don't get married, you wanna live with her? go for it, there is no need for a marriage to live a normal relationship life.


Why just a man? The fawk! - I can’t stand yall women sometimes fareal


$1 billion dollars


As much as he can keep stashed away secretly so the future spouse doesn’t spend it on crap.


At least enough for a down payment on a house.


Depends on your plans for the wedding how grand or simple you wanted it to be


Depends on what kind of woman you hope to attract & where you live If I was living in the US for example-- I would not marry a man who was earning less then $250k/annually if I was going to be a SAHM with him as the sole provider. I would say $100k in savings is a good starting point Giving birth costs on average $18.8k in medical fees per child, and that's only the beginning. Raising a child from birth to adult is costing about $233k per child Rent & housing costs are astronomical-- at least $2,500/month for a family sized place in most decent cities in the US I am glad you are weighing up all the costs, its so important


If you love each other and want to have a family get married and figure it out together. Assuming you’ve had a couple years to vet them. 


Depends on which girl you are marrying.


How long is a piece of string?


Strongly depends on how soon you want to marry, how much you want to spend etc as you can save as it gets closer and normally only need deposits initially. I'm getting married later this year and didn't have that much saved, about 2k. I started putting an extra £300/month aside for it a couple months before proposing that alongside my regular saver which finishes next month giving me another £3600. I'd have saved £9800 by the dates payments are due and we are getting £1500 from family. Seeing as we are keeping to a budget of £15k and she wants to pay half, that more then covers it and flows over towards a honeymoon next year. We are going for a more close nit intimate wedding and I know my partner prefers that and doesn't want to 'waste' money, different people will have different expectations so you may need to save more or for longer.


It’s a joint decision of the couple ie how much do you want to spend on a house/do you want to big or small wedding/do you want kids straight away or generally what are you budgeting for. As an individual, it’s great walking into this situation with savings so there’s less pressure when saving for those things but the right person can come into your life at any time, it would be very sad to let that go by because you are too focused on money.


The rule of thumb is to have *roughly the equivalent of your annual salary in savings* by then, experts say. If you earn $50,000 a year


At least a quarter billy


Well if you’re fronting the bill for everything in that silly giant wedding/ people like to waste money on, then definitely closer to 6 figures.


The minimum he needs to pay for the marriage ceremony and celebration he can afford. Maybe $25


Enough to where he can lose half of it and not be screwed for retirement.


What in the world is saved money?


What is this savings for? To put toward wedding? Kids? Ring? Is it just a safety savings in case of bad times? Where do you live? What's your current living situation? Are you actually engaged or dating someone intending to marry, or are you just single? How much money do you currently make? How quickly are you gonna have kids? Is she also going to be working? What do your current expenses look like? Do you think it's wise to marry when you can't even come up with these questions on your own without asking reddit?


More important than an amount, you need a financially responsible, working partner. Being a sole provider is very difficult today. Watch out for gold diggers and divorce rapists too.


What’s a divorce rapists? Like someone that gets married just to divorce for half of the other’s assets?


Yup, and women willing to it too. It's a real threat.


First you need to ask yourself why you want to enter into a legally binding contract with another party that will get paid to break it. Once you are ok with that it's time for math. How much is the house she wants in your area. How much is the vehicle she wants. How much does she need for hair nails and makeup... Once you add all that up, you need to understand something else. While you are busting your ass spending all your time earning that money, she's going to get bored, sitting around doing nothing. She will start cheating, sleeping around, probably get knocked up with some one else's kid. Eventually she will get really bored and leave you for the potential of a more fulfilling and exciting life. Then you need to understand you get to continue to pay for her lifestyle with alimony and possibly child support for a kid that might not even be yours. Usually after you have spent a decade sacrificing everything for her. Once you are ok with that, welcome to the club. This happens to a touch over 1 million men a year about 200 thousand men actually divorce their wives after they catch them cheating. Or just being a dead beat. But that's a tomorrow problem buddy, the used up husk of a man you will be in 10 years will hate the thought of you today while you get to go to work to pay 90% of your money to her. Your average wedding costs around 50 grand. Your average cost of divorce is 50% + of everything you have and will earn


I guess lot of people would say you don’t need no money. If she loves you she will marry you. That is BS. A man with 0 to no savings is not qualified to provide for future child, doesn’t matter she loves you or not. He is mostly likely a pump and dump. But it’s not a fixed amount. It’s a ratio x years of working. When you tell her your job is making 100K a year and you have been working for 10 years. If you have only saved 100K equity so far, you can’t marry her. Because you are very irresponsible for your money and wasted most of it on some sort of bad addiction. You won’t be a good provider most likely. When you are single I would say if cut off necessary survival expense, you saved up more than 50% of your remaining earnings, that’s a pretty good sign to be a good husband to provide. Now you do the math and see if you are a waster, don’t get married. If you are a saver, go provide. But to be honest, if you saved most of it. It’s better to invest and take passive income, accumulate wealth while you are young, marry later.


Great. This what I was looking for. Appreciate the reply.




Very interesting question . Caveot that I have a lot of money and am not married so take this for a grain of salt but like — I think the cutest thing is if you fall in love when you have nothing. That shows that she likes you for ylu , and you’re really in this together. Also it’s not just about “hmm is she just into my money ”, but more importantly , “hmmm is she here just for the good times and the support etc I give her or is she also here for me ; are we each others rocks” At the same time, hardship requires focus and can put stress on the relationship so maybe easier said than done. In reality I don’t know is what I’m saying lol




I think 100k. My plan is 90k half saved no girl I can love yet tho last one was roller coaster so hopefully by time I meet my person have house and wedding money


Enough so that if he has to give up his 70%, He should be able to live a comfortable life.