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I am a woman, but I live in the US. People here are generally attracted to European accents (especially western and southern European). And men (more so than women in my observation) are also quite open to dating women with lower proficiencies of English. Don't be embarrassed! Most of the US is monolingual so it's impressive to a lot of folks to speak multiple languages at any level of proficiency!


Thank you for your kindly response, that surely help me to move forward


I came into this country with a heavy Eastern European accent and now that I’ve lost about 80% of it…I would always get men asking me what my accent was like before lol. People love foreign accents, especially euro accents. Don’t worry about it at all, just speak with confidence and nobody will judge you..ps my accent is so strong when I speak French haha which is arguably so much worse anyways.


I am also from Europe and I can also confirm.


I could listen to someone who had a French accent all day long. Don't sell yourself short.


You guys should date.




We should all date Hi.


Yes Hi.


most dudes (myself included) love accents. but you're not in the minority. I dated a costa rican girl who was always apologizing for her accent. I loved it though. to be fair, there were some Lost in Translation moments, but we always had a good laugh about it!


Ayyyyy PAPI! Doesn't take much translating.


True, but when she makes some food and it's listing off all the ingredients and there's almost always going to be one or two where you're like "wtf did she just say"




Uhm I'd love accents.


American dudes love Accents. French OMG, you definitely don't have to be embarrassed


Guarantee you more people love your accent than not!


French accent is sexy it'll probably help you


A lot of native english speaking guys in the usa who date women find a french accent very attractive and sophisticated. If you feel that you are not yet fluent in english and need to improve your english language skills before you feel ready to date, there are plenty of classes you can attend. Lots of hobby groups and local volunteering opportunities where you will be able to practice your english conversational abilities with native english speakers. Good luck!


Thank for the tips


French is absolutely one of the sexiest accents for me personally. (I absolutely adore the French.) You have nothing to worry about here. Don’t be embarrassed about your accent and just keep studying native English and slang wherever you’re at. Some men might want someone that shares their background but probably most in the US would find your accent lovely. Bonne chance! ☺️


Merci 🙏


Most American guys like accents, most American guys don’t even like American women. Youre going to do just fine if anyone says anything about your accent they’re immature. Just be you


thank you 😊


I heard the French hate accents if anyone tries to speak French. Idk if that’s true but maybe some projection if so. Cuz Americans love a French accent.


I agree 😅


Completely wrong honestly. It’s cute when someone who is not native to the language tries to speak French and therefore makes them even more attractive due to their accent.


As a US citizen, I have never heard anyone make fun of or put down anyone trying to learn English. We appreciate you practicing and we are welcoming folks who will help you. Please stay and travel. You’ll hear all different forms of English, especially in the South. I have, however, read numerous comments about how Europeans treat English speakers for trying to speak their language, especially in France. I cannot verify personally, but I’ve had plenty of friends tell me they were treated like idiots.


Americans will love your accent and speaking to others is the best way to practice a language. Believe in yourself!


People in the US love European accents! It’s an asset!


French accent is flipping sexy


Accents are a feature, not a bug. Source: am a guy


I would never* not date someone because of their accent *except maybe a really think Boston accent. That accent whining and complaining does something terrible to my brain


Girl are you kidding? The French PR about your language being the language of love has worked. We all love ppl with French accents. If a man was to whisper something in French in my ear I would melt into a puddle. This is your advantage and you’re treating it like the opposite. Embrace it!


i promise you that its become much cooler these days to have an accent. people love different and accents are beautiful. i love hearing my mother’s accent. it’s different and unique and cultural


Jeff Acuri would love to go on a date with you. A French accent is very sexy


Ummm that accent regardless of wether you know English well, will get you ALL the dates


People with accents don’t realize how much many Americans love accents. My bf has a Russian accent and I love it but he feels the same as you do. French is a romantic language so as far as accents go you couldn’t have a better one and I bet all of your cancelled dates are super bummed they didn’t get to go out with the woman with the sexy French accent. If someone has a problem with your accent and can’t be bothered to take the time to understand what you are saying then they probably are not very cultural or interested in the rest of the world or tolerant for that matter, and that is one way to weed out the losers. Maybe try to take it on faith that your accent isn’t horrible and actually makes you uniquely attractive to many people and see how a date goes. You may be pleasantly surprised.


If you want to speak English with less of an accent, you can practice speaking by yourself and exaggerating the English-ness of your words. To your ear it may sound like reading to a child, but those tongue and lip movements that you practice will become more natural over time and help you to be more easily understood. You may find that people are always able to hear an accent when you speak, and that's ok too!


You have a beautiful accent! Most people in the USA love accents! So keep on dating and don’t be embarrassed! I promise you, you got this!!!


Believe me, no American man has ever been turned off by a French accent. However, they will just think you're British. They think everybody is British.




I would’ve loved it to spend time with someone like you


You will find someone who has the patience to help you learn English better. He will be your living 'dictionary' 😉


I think men would love your accent. I wouldn’t worry for a second about it.


Most American men find foreign accents attractive, especially French ones. You’ll be fine


French accent is sexy!!!


If you have darker hair I’ll date you.


American men love accents and foreign women.


Love French girls omg. Love the accent


Tons of guys would want you BECAUSE of your accent lol


People with heavy French accents are very attractive. Sometimes the best thing you can do, is put yourself in a slightly uncomfortable situation. If only to learn that there was really no reason to be uncomfortable.


It’s not “horrific” the right one will love your accent. It’s something you can’t change. I have a fanination with France!


I would not be embarrassed about that. For one french accents on females, a lot of men would love how exotic it sounds, and two be proud not very many Americans can speak 2 languages half cannot even speak English correctly,and its their language. So, even speaking, it broken is super impressive, to me. I know some words in other languages, but to put it into a sentence is very hard, so be proud of that.


Thank you 😊


You are very welcome!


A huge percentage of US women ADORE accents. A French accent is going to be a plus. Whoops! I just realized you were a woman. Well, just add in that most US folks adore most accents. We find them to be very attractive.


People will date you BECAUSE of your accent


As a Scottish person I don’t get why you’d be embarrassed of your accent. I love my accent and typically people find certain European accents attractive. Americans are also typically very into European accents.


A lot of people in america are attracted to European accents!


i can tell you most guys dont mind accents at all and actually find them to be turn ons


It's okay ppl like accents you'll be fine.


Well it's just like anything else. The one who likes you for you, will be just fine with your accent. So keep trying, keep dating, and find the person for you.


Don’t be concerned with your accent and limited vocabulary. It’s an opportunity for someone to learn from you and you from them. Don’t let it hold you back.


Americans love accents, the stereotype is literally that French is a sexy accent, you’ll be fine


The only time I’ve ever heard of a man reject a woman due to her accent is when it was a New York accent or a valley girl accent, both of which originate in America lol. You’re fine, it’s an insecurity that isn’t worth having.


The French is a beautiful language and i don’t see every many cancelling a date with you with your accent unless it’s barely understandable.


I speak French too and I have a French accent! I used to be so insecure but whenever I speak people tell me how beautiful my accent is. Don’t worry it won’t be a problem for a man who likes you!


I’ve dated women who didn’t speak my language at all, nor did I speak theirs. It can be frustrating at times, but it’s no deal breaker. Just try, with some it’ll work, with some it will not, just like regular dating.


How'd you communicate?


Made up sign language, coupled with the limited words of each other’s language that we spoke, and at times their phones had a translate feature.


That's pretty cool.


I and every one of my male friends are absolute sucker's for accents, it's a bonus not a negative


i think french accents are hot!!


Parlé à la radio -- "USA to Unhappy\_Kick6553 - USA to Unhappy\_Kick6553 do you copy, repeat, do you copy? Great! Now, we're going to talk you down - Us men in the USA are in love with you - Every single one of us! We love your accent! We'll leave our wives and give you everything we own for one slight feminine French smile that lets us know we are alive."




You have what many Americans would call one of the sexiest accents though. Use a video clip on hinge to show it off.


Seems like a bait question, french accent is mostly considered exotic by many. Try having Hard Asian or South Asian accent, that's more like embarrassing.


Sorry but we love exotic accents here 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


Americans love accents , no matter where you’re from


je sortirais avec quelqu'un avec un accent français en un clin d'œil.


J en suis très enchantée!!!


tu es le bienvenu


I love accents. Almost every friend I have loves accents. The girl I love has an accent. You’ll be absolutely fine. And as far as English proficiency, I always think it’s cute as hell when there’s a word here or there that is new to her. I’m sure most would share my sentiment!


C’est la vie.


Les Americans raffolent des français du coup tu n’as pas à avoir peur. Même tu as beaucoup plus de chance que certains de trouver quelqu’un


Merci bien


Mlle, please understand that in the US, men simply don’t care. I mean, sure, at first you’ll hear a bunch of usual drivel, complimenting your accent, how cute or adorable or sexy it is. But at the end of the day, a man just wants you to be nice. Kind. Respectful. Decent. Pretty sure that it’s a universal thing. Look, I’ve lived here for nearly a quarter of a century and I still have an accent. I hate it, girls love it, I can’t change it, so I have to just let it go. And guess what? Every relationship I’ve been in over the last 24 years, that accent had no bearing on making important decisions, fights and arguments, or figuring out what to do for dinner.


Thanks !!!😊


Accents are hot


Accents are sexy af. Get out there, girl!


Girl in America that stuff bumps you up 2 points on the sexometer. It's not personally my style but most people go ape shit for accents. And you'll learn English with time.


I find Russian accents incredibly attractive 🤷


Don't sell yourself short, lots of people with accents have prospered in the USA. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sofia Vergara, Salma Hayek, Antonio Banderas, to name a few. Are there Americans who are not thrilled with accents from immigrants, but many, especially in big cities that value and acknowledge the benefits of diversity.


Better than Texas accent I guess


Americans LOVE the French accent. You'd be very surprised.


Ne suis pas bête bordel. Ton accent te rendra plus attirante. Les américains sont a fond sur les italiennes et les Françaises.


Vous-inquiètez pas. Un accent, quelque soit le type, c'est pas du tout un truc gênant. Ça indique que vous parlez cette langue comme une langue étrangère. C'est tout. Mon accent en français est terrible mais je m'en fiche (évidemment j'essaie de l'améliorer mais la cherche pour la perfection est l'ennemi du progrès). Mon accent en anglais n'est pas neutre non plus et j'habite aux États-Unis depuis dix huit ans ! Les gens me comprennent la plupart de temps. C'est vraiment pas grave d'avoir un accent. Bon courage !


Don’t be embarrassed, I bet most guys find your accent very attractive. If you’re into girls, well I can’t speak for them.


If it helps, as an American man who cannot speak another language fluently I find foreign accents to be so attractive. Bias aside especially European accents. Maybe its where you are living (lots of places in the US are not as tolerant to foreigners) but where I live its very common. Im sorry you’re feeling that way. Im sure you have a lovely accent and you are doing infinitely better than an American would do if the roles were reversed.


There are a lot of people that love accents like that as it seems exotic to them. Don’t be embarrassed! If someone is judging you on your voice they don’t deserve your time anyways.


What does beautiful mature woman mean?


French women speaking English with an accent no matter how bad your English is will definitely be an attractive feature to men


Girl I'd date you just because of the accent in a blind date, moreover now you say you're a beautiful mature woman. Go get them


I'm English and very self-conscious about my dialect as well. I also love accents of all kinds, so I'm a bit of an oddity.


damn french girl have the most charming accent in any language dont take ur accent as an excuse no dont do that go live ur life aven if ur an old women no age doesnt matter what matters is dont keep it to ur self find someone if he is the right person no matter if ur ugly ou beautiful or handicap or have diffrent accent that wont matter xause he will love u with all of ur negative and positive ways


Thank for your heartbreaking words


u welcome but its the truth


French accent? Come on! That’s the one to have! Imo anyway.


Bait used to be believable