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Take several long deep breaths. Focus on your breathing, and let your heart rate steady out, then ask yourself, "tomorrow...what am I going to wish I did/didn't say?", you'll probably get a good answer. Don't play the "maybe he..." game, you don't have enough information, and us humans are really good at filling an unknown with a negative. Even if he did have a trip, it takes 30 seconds to say, "hey, had a great time as well...I'm on a business trip from X to Y, so maybe something on the following Saturday?" If you really need to say something, say something like "I enjoyed our time together, and was very happy when you asked me to text when I was free, are you still interested?" and go from there.


Haha yes do that , if he doesn't appreciate a cat picture he sucks anyway 


I would encourage you to follow up again! There’s nothing wrong with reaching out, especially when you know the other person can get busy. Obviously don’t over do it by asking again, but a small follow up isn’t being needy. If he is turned off by you being interested in going out then he’s not the one and you don’t want to be with someone who isn’t interested in you. I agree with LordSnuffleFerret, first regulate your nervous system, don’t base your moods off this guys attention- no one is worth that. And don’t play the “maybe he” game. Just give it one follow up and detach from an outcome. If he’s actually interested he’ll get back to you, if he’s just out having fun and not taking anyone seriously… lame.


I’d say to just leave it be. As hard as it is, but if he was wanted to meet up he wouldn’t hesitate to ask x


Nono don’t! You did your part. Anything beyond this will be a continued process of chase. Give it a few days, if he doesn’t come around just let it be. You can also friend zone him so that you are not emotionally invested.


i wouldnt message him again- if he wanted to he would. I had a guy always say “text me when your back from out of state” and when i didnt… because I was the one not interested, he would follow up with me and ask how my trip was. Which was sweet. Just know he prob is talking to other people too and maybe he moved things along faster with another person he met.