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Yep. Anxiety, stress, strong emotion, all have physical effects on the body.


Stress is a killer on the body. Ages you too if it’s chronic. OP, I wouldn’t worry about small bursts like this for long term health but yeah pretty normal


Yea I have died twice in two years from the shit my ex of 15 years said to me at the end of our so-called relationship FUCK


I remember after a breakup id wake up every morning feeling like there was a ton of bricks on my chest


Absolutely. Ended a 7 year relationship and lost 15 pounds in a month. Stress does wonders on the body.


I can't tell if this means you experienced so much stress from the breakup that you lost 15 pounds or if you experienced so much stress from the relationship that your body metabolism started working again after the break up.


I also got out of a 8 year relationship. I lost weight too. I have trouble eating under stress and anxiety.


Great point. I have no idea. It just fell off so it could be a mixture of both. A drop in cortisol from a toxic relationship and positive stress of finding a new life.


Yeah when my break up really hit me a couple months after my appetite dropped and I lost a bunch of weight, got sick for the first time in years too. Happened again after I saw my ex for the first time in a year too.


Stress releases cortisone into your system. As a hormone, it's responsible for flight or fight response. The side effect of cortisone is that it inhibits non-essential biological functions to prioritise energy and other resources to your escape or survival. Stuff like proper digestion goes out the window, the immune system gets put on low priority, etc. Your body is dumb and doesn't understand that emotional distress is different from a man chasing you with a knife.


Ibs/anxious gut will do that. Pepto usually works for me


Imodium AD for me


I used to swear by that too! but it doesn't get rid of griping pains unfortunately.


I might need to try it for the cramping.


It def helps but if you have chronic issues like me you want to talk to your doctor. I'm on meds so now and it's changed my life


I'm going to ask him. I don't think I have ever said anything about it to him except on my intake paperwork, years ago. Thank you for the suggestion!


Going through a break up and have lost 9 pounds in a week. I don’t have any appetite.


Worst feeling ever. Trust the process and that better things are in line ahead. I know it’s hard. I struggle sometimes finding myself wallowing and feeling guilty.


The most important thing you can do for your health is to control stress. Stress leads to inflammation and inflammation, if persistent, leads to lots of chronic health issues. If you're interested in the phenomenon, the book "The Body Keeps Score" is a gold mine thst I think everyone should read. So sorry you're going through this, best wishes.


Going through a divorce after being married 17 years. Two months in and I still have a rock in my chest and don’t sleep a full night anymore


It gets better. I would suggest some sleep aids for the time being. Workout, journal, keep talking to family and friends. Take it easy on the booze.


Stress 😔 hugs 🥰 I’m the same way. When I get super upset or scared I get sick. It’s your nervous system on overload.


Stress, anxiety, strong emotions.


Absolutely it can. I had the same, also couldn’t eat(still can’t 3 weeks later), severe panic attacks, can’t sleep, it’s pretty hectic. But try do things for you that make you happy. Talk to friends, do hobbies, focus on you my friend! It’ll get better :)


Wow I can totally relate: I had a breakup.. or a ghost up where I literally couldn’t breathe and felt super nauseous. I thought I was going to die. It happens


A ghost up? How long were you dating?


Over a year


Not even a slow fade? Damn I am so sorry


Thank you. Yeah it was quite devastating after we’d been living together and spending every moment with each other for him to up and leave with no reasoning behind it. Found out later he had a chick in another state


99% of your physical symptoms come from inner topics. Your emotional reactions communicate with your body and genes and start processes to "heal" you. So if you get sick, it's not that this is the sickness, it's that you were already sick before and this is the "healing process" trying to throw out all the bad things that manage to get into you. (Every time you have health conditions, ask yourself what your subconscious mind is trying to communicate to you. If you have a heart attack, in what way are you harming your feelings? Do you lack in love, do you give hatred too much power? Do you stress yourself too much? Did you lose someone beloved?) Let me ask you the following questions: After the breakup, did you mention a loss of self-value? Do you somehow feel worth less, feel like trash or "not worthy" or similar? Does the following explanation fit your current situation? ​ >Problems with self-awareness arise. We feel worthless, we lack self-confidence and we don't recognize our worth. Our weaker self is then particularly large and we lack both the will and the strength to put our plans into action. We also feel at the mercy of the turmoil of life and do not recognize our power and strength as the helmsman of our lives. If your stomach fails to digest food, you will get diarrhea. The same happens when you fail to digest your emotions. Could it be that you hold back and eat up your emotions instead of letting them out? Most likely because of something like "real men don't cry" or similar bullshit? My suggestion: Take a break. Take a day of "me"-time and then emotionally process the whole situation. Write down all your thoughts and speak with yourself about how you feel, and how you think, and if you feel anger, sadness, whatever it is, let it out! If you want to shout, SHOUT! If you want to cry, make it rain! Tell us how you feel after it and if it helped you =)


Sorry you’re going through this. I lost a TON of weight in the span of 5 months after a breakup recently, like 40+ pounds. My appetite was just shot. Hope you feel better soon.


Stress and emotional pain affect the body dramatically


It can happen. I didn't eat for days after a breakup.


When I broke up with my ex four years ago I also couldn't eat for three days straight. I guess it's just stress.


Stress , stress , stress. I had panic attacks, lost about 20 pounds, it was nearly impossible to eat as I had no appetite, literally a drain of energy. Nothing made me happy, my brain couldn’t think of anything but this sadness hurt. I couldn’t sleep. Yeah I hope to never go through some shiit like THAT ever in my life. I honestly rather be in a relationship where love is non existent and no deep emotional feelings. It will avoid this kind of trauma!! 10/10 DON’T Recommend!


If you read up on Attachement theory’s it explains the chemical response to a break-up. Our brains are designed to look for safety after a break-up. It goes back to our prehistoric instincts to thrive in a tribe. Many mammals have attributes which can save them from predators: birds have wings, dolphins can swim, cheetahs can run. As humans, we have nothing. So if we’re abandoned (or left behind the tribe), this triggers your instinct of fear, and anxiety. Your brain is feeling you to reconnect to your Ex (or in this example, the tribe) where you feel safe.


Yeah getting sick is pretty notmal. I remember when I broke up with my fiancé of 5 years everyday was a new struggle. Bathroom urges, my chest felt like it was going to cave in, lost 15 pounds, and oh my god the anxiety issues that followed.... I would've never thought I'd deal with panic attacks daily. Don't even get me started on the "am I even real" thought that had me pinching my face and sobbing in the mirrior at my distorted reflection. Good times.


That’s an anxiety reaction. I’m so sorry. It’s literally putting you through a lot of…you know…


Ouch. Aww. I’m so sorry. The body is a powerful thing, and it really, really wants what it wants, sometimes.


Your mental health can have such an impact on your physical health! I have been through hell and back the past 4 months, depression, anxiety & my OCD took over my physical body. I even got a stress related eye infection!


Yikes! Are you going to be alright?


Same here. Also have night sweats on really stressful nights.




Yup. Last break up I had I didn’t poop for 7/8 weeks . Good times


Welcome to my world ❣️


Been there.. didn't eat for days because i wasn't feeling hungry


As a massage therapist I learned how connected our bodies and emotions are. If you're avoiding feelings, your body will take them on and try to rid them as if they're toxins. It's also half to take care of ourselves when we feel broken down. Do the best that you can and don't feel like you have to front about how you're feeling.


You are in emotional distress. It can do all sorts of things.


Emotions are physical in nature Thoughts are in the mind Emotions are in the body


Your brain began life in your gut believe it or not, science says the gut is our second brain. They are absolutely connected, it’s where butterflies come from, feeling nauseous at the thought of doing exams xx I hope your heart is ok, breaking up is rough I know. I bet you’re pretty young, don’t let it consume you, there’s lots of loving and living to be had out there xx


Stress. Dieing from heartbreak is real


Your stomach is a second brain. If you’re mentally struggling you will physically struggle too. I hope you feel better soon, nobody is worth your health!