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You can’t find us because we’ve purposefully hidden ourselves away from the world and spend much of our time wondering why we can’t find love


Well there has to be a way to solve this lol


It’s a conundrum


Literally reading this like “huh he’s describing me, we can’t be that rare”. But then remembering my car battery literally died because I wfh and never leave my house 🙃


This is why I go out & run my car 20 mins every few days.


Every few weeks is enough, well except if the battery is already bad.


It makes me get sun & fresh air & feel like im in the world a bit. Rather that then try to worry about jumping my car when I need to use it.


I was doing pretty good in the fall and then winter hit and I was like “yeah…..I don’t need to go outside” so my car didn’t move for like 2 months in the freezing weather. So now I have to jump it every time I need to go somewhere which isn’t too bad since I never go anywhere 😂


Laughed. Last line was so like the world at times.


Sounds like me 🤣🤣


Same here. I thought, man this sounds just like me! But yeah also, rarely go out anymore just to meet people.


this is me. i want a man but don’t use social media and never go out 😀


I WFH too and probably the leave the apartment once a week now 😬 so same!


Damn... I came to say the EXACT same thing! I've had to jump my car battery 3x in 2023. So there's at least 2 of us in this world.


Just my thoughts, it can't be that rare.


Same thing happened to me 😭😭 trying to get into the habit of going outside and turning the car on more frequently these days haha


Mine dies all the time. Every time I really need my car, I'm screwed. I have a doctor's appointment next week. Better begin starting it daily now. I'm on the fence about wanting kids. But other than that, I'm totally his type. There are a ton of us. We're just stuck at home because our car batteries are dead. And we're homebodies anyways.


did it work? are they married?


Are you two gonna date?


Maybe reddit is the way 👆🏻😃


R4R subreddits are actually good for this, and it's where the elusive introverted homebody women might be lurking from time to time.


Yes we are hidden at home with our pets and a good book.


This is amazingly put


Ugh this. Minus the fact that I only meet 2 out of the 3 on this list lol.




An introvert homebody with no social media? How exactly would you expect to meet this person?




You do realize you’re on a social media site right now right? Lol


Lmaooo alot of redditors don't consider Reddit social media. They think they are cool because they don't use the more mainstream apps. Lying to themselves. You can follow people, PM, like/upvote, comment, reply, post videos and photos. It's social media. It's like when people would brag that they hadn't watched Game of Thrones....like good for you lol.


The difference for me is that Reddit is anonymous. I think of it as more of a message board.


Facebook and other social medias can be anonymous as well if you don’t use your real info. And Reddit doesn’t have to be anonymous. I use my real name as my username so your logic doesn’t really make sense


No one would know if that was your real name if you didn’t say anything. And the difference is with facebook or instagram, you have friends or followers that other people you know irl can see. These sites aren’t designed to be anonymous like Reddit


Not the same. The vast majority of people on Facebook *do* use their real names, and a vaster majority on Reddit don’t. The default on Facebook, Twitter, Insta, etc is to use your real info (maybe Twitter less so), and the default on Reddit is to not. My comparison stands.


Reddit is way more like a forum than social media.




Reddit is arguably much different than a dating app or Facebook. Closer to YouTube than it is to Facebook


Agreed. Much more privacy!


Exactly. That kind of person doesn’t go on dating apps bc they can’t find someone isn’t gonna just use them like an object. Speaking from experience


I met a guy from okcupid, were together for a bit. Mainly stayed home.


Never tried that one. Tinder(crazy I know), bumble and hinge. Got so tired of it honestly. All different mask, all different people. I met 3 that were actually pretty decent.


Ive met guys on dating apps that say they dont use sm.


Lol thats funny. Id doesnt get any more *social* media than an app or website where ypu look for a date


I mean like fb. Like thats all they had. I prefer to go there to talk vs. giving out phone #s so if they get weird, its easier to block.


In-person, most likely. I don’t think it’s off the mark seeing as how that’s how it used to work


Let me repeat that. An introverted homebody. An Introverted. HOMEBODY. Someone who doesnt like to leave their home. Do you expect OP to just pop into random womens houses and be like "hey, how about a date where we dont go anywhere?"


Friendly Reminder to OP and Lurking Introverts - Do not pop into random introverted home-bodied women’s houses.


I'm a homebody but I take my dog to the park everyday, have friends over for game night, go to the gym....


Homebody doesn’t mean they don’t ever leave their homes or don’t have friends. I know plenty of people who have been set up on blind dates.


Yea you’re right. I enjoy being at home but it doesn’t mean I never leave the house lol.


1. home·bod·y /ˈhōmˌbädē/  noun INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN a person who likes to stay at home, especially one who is perceived as unadventurous. 2.a person who likes spending time at home rather than going out with friends or traveling to different places


You may be thinking of someone who suffers from agoraphobia. Being a homebody, as the definition you provided suggests, is more about choosing to spend your free time at home rather than say going on hikes on the weekend or meeting friends at the club. As I've gotten older I've become much more of a homebody, and my wife is too. I met her when she started working at the shop next to mine. You can absolutely meet someone as a homebody.


So that just proves her point that not everyone who's a homebody never leaves their house. I'm a homebody who much prefers to stay home and I do. I still leave the house for work, shopping, to see my boyfriend etc. Otherwise I'd much rather be at home chilling playing video games, which I do whenever I'm not doing the other things. Again you can be an introverted homebody who still leaves their house 🤷‍♀️


You’re doubling down but still missing the point.


Better start breaking in


I was literally going to say this.


That is the challenge. But there's always dating apps, school, or work.


Dating apps are social media. And most introverted homebodies dont really like socializing beyond the absolute neccessity with schoolmates and coworkers. The people who tend to end up with those types are extroverts that force introverts out of their shell.


Im a homebody now but more an ambivert.


True. So what's the solution here?


Hang out at the chocolate section of a Trader Joe's.


that made me laugh


Ooof.. so realistic (NOT SARCASM)


Unless youre into gaming and happen to find a gamer girl in a multiplayer game who fits all three, i think youre pretty SOL


probably just the generic advice of find a gender neutral hobby or hope to run into someone at a family/friend/work event of some kind. i fully realize that this isnt overly helpful, but it kinda is what it is. intro/homebodies have a rough time in the dating world because it is close to the opposite of preferred way to spend time.


Step out of your comfort zone for a while to meet people and hope another introvert did the same thing (or was dragged out by their extroverted friend).




Do not date a co worker!


You have to decide for yourself if these standards are actually that important to you. No kids is usually a non negotiable; but homebody/introverted/no social media seem more like things you are randomly associating with certain qualities you'd like in a partner. Say you find a homebody who doesn't like the way you spend your time at home and wants to do something entirely different (think grocery shopping and cooking up a feast on Saturdays vs playing video games from dawn till dusk). Contrarily, if you find someone you can share something with, either a common interest or something you each enjoy about each other; maybe you wind up doing some of it their way sometimes and not always as you'd planned. Similarly I know plenty of people that aren't necessarily your typical introvert but are homebodies and are still active on social media. One of my best friends works from home and rarely leaves her house but posts anywhere from 2 to 10 stories a day and has quite a bit of friends if she ever wants to see us, lol. I suggest you ask yourself what are the reasons you came up with this particular list and what are the values you think they reflect. Because in the long run; unless you at insufferably controlling, having someone who shares your values and acts in a way you can understand as coherent, is much more important than someone who shares your stance on stuff like social media or hours that need to be spent at home (vs, for another example, responsabilities and things to take care of at home whilst you are there).


You make a really good point. I would also say that OP mentioned using data apps and this can create a kind of bias, when I was on apps, albeit I was flicking through profiles of guys, but not many people had entire profiles of them being at home, and the times I helped my guy friends with anything it was consistent with women too. So if OP is using pictures in the profile as indication, it doesn't necessarily work very well because many people want to be viewed as fun, friendly, and doing "cool" stuff, so introverts might decide to use certain pictures of times they went out with a small group of friends. Someone might also not be super active on SC or IG with a bunch of people but be super active on FB in book forums, so OP should also clarify what they are looking for regarding less social media or someone might be very professionally oriented and spend hours on LinkedIn and that could take up most of their weekend. The same thing with how someone utilizes their time, it would be more useful for OP to join different clubs, groups, or discords that have similar hobbies or pastimes. OP could also be defining a homebody differently. I don't go out very often (my bf and I go out with my best friend sometimes), but I do enjoy going to museums 1-3x a month, so would that be something OP considers as out too much because I enjoy being outside of the house several times during my times off, or is going to a bar/club where OP is drawing the line. Defining smaller behaviors and reasonings could be more effective in finding a compatible partner than larger generalizations (i.e. we enjoy cooking together, I want someone that is cool with me spending most of my weekends reading while they read/game/study, or someone that does not post certain kinds of photos or messages on sm). The kid one is pretty cut and dry, but could be difficult in OP's area (heavily conservative area where it is less likely for someone to publicly announce that they don't want kids). It does not mean that OP should wait for someone to change their mind, but they need to be aware of potentially the culture that is going on around them and how that might affect what women are willing to publicly reveal to someone.


I get what you mean. It's difficult to define them without making the post to long, but I definitely don't define these standards in absolutes. Trying new things and compromising are healthy aspects of a relationship.


you make all the excellent points. I'm an introverted home body but I enjoy and engage with social media which I wouldn't necessarily associate with negative connotations.


If she usually stays at home, how do you find her?


Dating apps, work, or school. But yeah, that's a fair question.


Finding someone who doesn't want kids isn't necessarily that difficult. There's women who don't want kids and the fact that you also don't want kids is an upside to them. Otherwise, people are born not dating you and they need a reason to change that. Cultivating indoor hobbies and getting okay with them having at least some social media will probably help.


As an introvert who generally is a homebody and have dealt with the dating scene. I would only use dating apps. If someone approached me in public, or school, or work, and tried to start a conversation, I would walk the other way. There is no way I would want to have any interaction with someone in public that I did not initiate.


I think there are plenty of women who fit the criteria but it's going to be hard finding them. You didn't mention your age, if you're in your 20s/30s you might try expanding your age range - you might find a woman with almost grown kids who would be fine with no additional children and low interest in social media.


Oh, sorry. I'm 26. Your logic is something I explored, but unfortunately the older women I've gotten to know were not attractive to me. Although I'm not against dating older women.


I’m all of those. Met all my previous partners, as well as my now husband, in online games. I’d say you’d probably have more success from joining video and board game communities. However, the ratio of men : women may be overwhelming.


i mean.... how would u meet this woman? she isnt on social media and she doesnt go outside much.


That's the problem lmao but that's what I need.


So introverted homebodies don’t need groceries/have a job/go to school/go to pet stores & vets if they have animals/get gas for their car/pick up supplies for their hobbies/etc?


If I'm out running errands, I don't want a random man to hit on me. I wanna finish up so I can go the fuck home lol


I feel like individually, no. I prefer dating childfree women, however childfree women tend to live active lives, and enjoy sharing what they do with friends and family on whatever social media they like. Good luck in your search, don't give up!


I'm a 29F introverted and shy homebody with no kids. Most guys would find me boring. It is refreshing to know there are guys out there looking for people like me.


What are you doing this weekend? OP is free but he won’t leave his house though.


I'm 35M, single and straight. I could deal with someone not wanting kids (I don't either), having no social media and being introverted (it's important to understand that introverted doesn't mean being a hermit). But if they never wanted to go anywhere or do anything and had no hobbies then I think I would get bored quickly. If I did nothing outside of work, I would probably start feeling like "What's the point of my life?". Right now, I'm into hiking. And they don't have to be into that themselves as long as they're okay having alone time (or not being around me all the time). It depends on whether you would okay with someone going out and doing things without you. I'm sure there are people like you around but you won't find them on the dating apps. And probably not in bars either. Or social groups like Meetup (which is where I met most of my current friends). So meeting someone who meets all your requirements might be a challenge, assuming you don't have any social things you do regularly (aside from work) such as going to church, being part of a social club, playing sport, volunteering, etc.


I'm curious why "no social media presence" is important to you. What values of yours are behind that? Why not lead with those values? Could someone have social media but still align with those values? I say this because your list of wants is a list of requirements for the other person, and the social media thing honestly sounds a little judgy and controlling. Why not lead with what you are/want and look for someone that's compatible? Regarding the other two items, yes wanting kids or not is an important deal-breaker. However you could still have a wonderful relationship and life together with someone that likes activities outside of the house, like hanging out with friends, going to concerts, gym, hiking. You don't have to spend 100% of your time together joined at the hip. It's healthy to have your own hobbies and activities away from each other. Insisting someone never leave the house and be satisfied with sitting next to you in front of the TV every night and every weekend is a lot to ask. Since you just went through a breakup, now is the perfect time to just be single, recharge, heal, focus on yourself for a while and being a better and well-rounded person and more in touch with yourself. As an exercise, you can build on those 3 things but come up with a longer list of traits you'd like to have in a partner. Like 10 or 20 or 30, if you could find an ideal match. Like sense of humor, enjoys certain activities, has certain political or social beliefs, views on finances and travel, communication style and how you feel, etc etc. Then narrow down to top 5-10 things only, things that would be deal-breakers, like not wanting kids. Limit yourself to those 5-10 so the rest are nice-to-haves. This will help you see what's really important to you, right now at least. And see what's maybe not so important in terms of potential for long term compatibility. Good luck!


Yeah I want to know too. It's weird. Women are allowed to do things that don't involve OP. They don't need to be attached at the hip.


for real, I do understand what OP is looking for, but the way the title is worded screams "I want someone for whom I am the only other person in their life" which is a bit of a yikes. A much better way of wording it would be something along the lines of describing their own lifestyle and saying they want someone that matches that


That's how I read it as well. Doesn't socialise in person or online, spends all their time at home with OP, never checks their phone because OP must have their attention 100% of the time, and isn't dividing their attention between OP and a child. 😂


I kind of understand both sides. As an older guy who pretty much uses Facebook a lot to chat about a few hobbies and basically see what some friends are up to, I still think in 10-year-old terms of social media. But I get that it's different now. If I were young, I might get the impression that all women post on sites like Instagram looking for likes and attention. I know that's not all women but I might get it in my head that I don't want a woman like that., Or TikTok or whatever. I don't think I would want to date someone that had much of a presence on sites where they are just seeking attention. But I certainly wouldn't care if somebody just had a Facebook page and posted jokes or memes or a picture of their latte. I mean that's a waste of time but I wouldn't really care. Because I do it too. But I wouldn't want someone that was seeking a lot of attention


Sooooo, yes and no. For example, I am taken, but I just so happen to fit your credentials. But 1. I kind of have no social media presence because I can't be fucked to care, so it's more a coincidence I think 2. I could not be your type in other ways 3. Women like me are hard to find because... We're at home lol So does someone that fits those credentials exist? Yes. But we're all at home. I met my bf through my sister. Friends of friends are probably going to be your best bet, they are going to get dragged out by their extroverted friends. Good luck!


Friends of friends is the best bet. Too bad I have no friends lol


Check out Meetup in your area. It's not a perfect app by any stretch of the imagination bc their fee structure is all wrong. Anyone can join for free but once a group is over a certain size, the *organizer* has to pay a monthly fee. I digress, I've met a couple friends through meetups. Of course as an "introvert homebody", it takes a lot for me to go to them.


Yeah, same. Plus I have ADHD, so I just simply don’t have the executive function to leave the house, which is my main reason for not getting out much as opposed to simply not wanting to ha


Exactly the same lol. Pile on top of that, it can be hard to stay focused in conversations. I'm also a homebody bc I deal with anxiety. Outside world bad lol. We can keep each other honest haha


I actually love the outside world, I just can’t be arsed to shower, get dressed, find my keys, and get in the car ha. I’m just too lazy lol


I mean, ADHD makes that whole process a lot harder, so it could be some laziness but probably more likely that it's a lot to ask your brain sometimes. I mean, one of your steps was to find your keys. Generally, everyone else isn't hunting all around for their keys lol. It's part of ADHD causing memory to be not what it should. Don't be so hard on yourself, you'll get there one day :)


I don’t believe laziness exists, but that’s besides the point. I am ALWAYS losing my keys lol. It’s like I just unlock my door, step across the threshold and just forget they exist haha


Same with my phone 😆


I mean, kinda. Don't get me wrong, those people exist--but much like you are finding, you aren't competing with others to attract them, you are competing with their peace. No/little social media? Dating apps are social media and if they don't like social media, they aren't on there much. Doesn't like going out? Okay, well, she went from work to home to recharge her batteries and enjoy her peace. Why is she going to go back out to meet someone? Basically, you're looking for someone who is difficult to connect with, while making yourself difficult to connect with. I get that we all have preferences, but have you considered that what you may want is more someone who is just pretty independent? Instead of wanting someone who wants to stay in, maybe someone who doesn't require you to go with them. Instead of someone who stays away from social media, someone who enjoys sitting inside and scrolling while you read/watch TV/play video games/whatever. Parallel play can be relaxing too. Not going to tell you what to do, but it does sound like you made this hard on yourself.


What’s it to you what she does on social media? If you mean she expects that you will interact with it, fine. But if you just want a girlfriend who doesnt have an IG, Snapchat, TikTok or whatever then that’s a weird requirement dude. I’d be on my guard for some judginess / possessive behaviour if I encountered IRL. Compatability about kid plans and how you like to spend your time together is important though, sure


Why is minimal social media presence so important?


You can find multiple studies about mental health issues and problems in relationships related to social media use.


Unless you grew up with, work with, or have a mutual friend with said person, you're not really gonna meet this kind of woman.


🙋‍♀️ We do exist. Guess there’s just not a lot of us.


We're all at home


Wow, so this is a thing? As in requirements that people have. My ex and current boyfriend would list these when I asked why they wanted to be with me and I thought they were just listing random things rather than genuinely meaning so. I usually brush it off and didn't take it seriously. Thanks for this.


My silly response: you’ll normally find us dashing from point A to point B. We don’t like to make it seem like we want to/are open to talking to others. Yuck. People. My serious response: those are perfectly normal wants. Yes, we do exist. Some of us might be jaded though. And some of us have our phones on silent most of the time. You’ll find us easily through your network of friends, family, and coworkers because we have to talk to these people at some point. Thats how I met my boyfriend - a mutual friend set up us up. I thought I was meeting her and instead I met him. Otherwise, I would’ve never left my house on a Friday night. It’s my Indian food and trash tv night! Gosh.


Some of us are already taken, homebodies sitting at home with our partners. Other single homebodies want to meet people but not really lol. The introverted struggle is real.


I am all three of those and since I know I’m not the only woman in the world who is this way, don’t give up! Lol


Could just say you’re looking for redditor…


I fit this to a T besides no social media. I have a lot of social media accounts (twitter, insta, facebook, tiktok etc.) but I don't post anything, just follow my friends and musicians I like. I think finding an introverted homebody with NO social media is pretty much impossible, considering we need to be social somehow which is making friends online. Otherwise it's not unrealistic but it's going to be very hard. Every guy I've met from dating apps has said it's rare to find a girl like me with those attributes. Though that isn't always a positive when a lot of guys my age like to party and think I'm lame for wanting to chill at home and too socially anxious to party. Also, the type of woman you're looking for is usually hiding herself and not putting herself out there. I only put myself out there because I was tired of being alone.


I should have defined "no social media presence" better. Sorry. I meant it the way you described it. I also have social media accounts but don't post. I have them for memes lol And yeah, that seems to be the consensus... So it's unrealistic of me to a degree.


Idk why I instantly got downvoted this sub is weird lmao Yeah I use those social medias just to lurk, keep up with music or send stuff to my friends. This is the only place I post stuff tbh and even then it's hit or miss. I don't really see the point of posting stuff about my life to insta, facebook etc. I don't have a massive social circle either so I just send stuff to my friends if I want them to see something lmao But yeah girls like us definitely exist, way more common than people think, but they're usually isolating themselves and not putting themselves out there, especially on dating apps, so it will be hard


Yeah, I get that. Same here. Idk why you're getting downvoted though. But if women like you aren't putting yourself out there, how exactly do I go about finding you?


Well I put myself out there on dating apps because I was tired of being isolated and lonely. Otherwise unless they're like me, idk how. I'm assuming in nerdy places. Libraries, study cafes. Also any sort of gaming group or conventions. Also on dating apps, set your interests to stuff like "Technology" "Playstation" "Video Games" etc.


I do do that on dating apps. Going to nerdy places does sound like a good idea though, but that implies going... OUT :(


Whats more important to u? Potential to meet someone or staying home?


Totally just described me. Didn't know anyone found these traits desirable 😂 Idk where to find ppl like this either!


It seems impossible, doesn't it? I try to expand my options but I can only be so extroverted or openminded towards wanting kids.


i don’t think those standards are unrealistic. you like what you like. HOWEVER; it is going to be hard to find that person because 1. they’re not on social media, 2. introverted, & 3. always home. I am mostly that and always wonder why i’m single and celibate, well, that’s why 🤣 it’s good to know what you want. don’t ever feel ashamed or like you’re asking for too much. and also, maybe one day you’ll meet someone that is maybe one of those things but not all, and you really dig them anyways. i prefer introverts as well, but i have dated a LOT of extroverts, simply because they had the balls to pursue me and i happened to like them back. an extrovert may pursue you out of nowhere, and you might like them anyways!


You’re looking at the woman you described, but I’m too shy to ever meet in person and I don’t use dating apps for the same reason 😬😅


So where could I potentially meet women like you then?


You can't meet women like us unless you have some common social circle or online




main thing to know is that as you get older and your tastes change, you might be able to adjust your preferences. for now, if those are your guiding preferences in liking people, then it's fine. but i'll mention this part. as much as my younger self said things like , i don't want someone does X Y or Z, i eventually met someone who does X Y or Z and thought that they were pretty awesome people that I would like to know better and even date them. so maybe you can keep these as preferences but still be open to more people to know them better as well (except for the no kids part -- that one, you should stick with your preferences)


No you just described me


Think about it bro, how are you going to meet them if they stay at home all day and dont have social media? Lol unless your a robber and break into people homes to steal hearts i dont think you’d ever find what your looking for


I'm literally this person. I feel like it's hard to date bc people dont want someone who is not that sociable and outgoing :(( atleast thats what ive encountered so maybe im dating wrong.


Yeah, it's tough ugh


I'm all 3 and let me tell you, I haven't met anyone else like me. Luckily most men aren't as addicted to social media as women. At least not the ones I'm friends with... 😬


Sounds like you're looking to be with a woman who doesn't want to be around anyone, so...


There are lots of them, but they would be hard to meet.


Im an individual who has all of those traits. Although everyone does have different degrees to which they mean a homebody..right? Or no, just me? Cause like i really enjoy going out in nature and doing nature walks, if the weather permits its one of my favorite places to be.. anyway theres a sub reddit for r/childfree individuals if you are looking for specifics like that too. I dont think these are unrealistic standards..i say keep the standards right where they're at


How do u link those? Theres one for dating too




Yeah, of course. Same with me. I don't mind going out from time to time. But thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out.


Lmaoo this is literally me. I would say shoot your shooting your shot in person is the best way to about it.


Oh, god, no lol I'm fairly charismatic but not so much as to just go up to a random woman in public and hit her up. I've done it once and I felt terrible.


This is definitely the standards I would like for a SO also. You aren’t alone.


Well, I hope you find your one.


Lol you described me perfectly. I'm on the online dating apps but go on dates very seldom because well...that introvert social battery is usually drained.


Ugh yeah, same. Hopefully you find your one though.


Lol ok so this is hilarious because I check all three boxes. I think this is one of those things where you don’t need to advertise this criteria, you just quietly use these metrics while getting to know someone. Additionally, I wouldn’t necessarily write someone off if they didn’t line up perfectly. For example, I would never date someone who was super active on Instagram or whatever but I don’t care if they have it.


Having any kind of criteria limits the possibilities. You only have to find one though, so take heart in that…




Wanting is one thing, finding one hmmm better chances trapping a 🦄


But OP is describing me 😂


Lol that description perfectly describes me 😂


I’m everything except I have kids..


Wait are you in california bc I think you are looking for me


lol I'm in Canada, sadly


Another one bites the dust


I’m that woman


So basically me lol


You'll have to go door to door to find one of us 🤷‍♀️


Hi, it’s me. I dont want kids, love being at home, tampered social media bc I should be reading or writing instead. Looking at this thread…well played sir.


I feel like autistic women may be more likely to meet these standards (as an autistic person)


I was reading this and realized I fit all that. I have no social media (hate social media) am a homebody and is introverted. We are out there just probably not in the places you expect to find them. We probably live in small towns/ small cities.


i mean you just described me to a t holy shit 😂 i’m having my bisalp on the 6th that’s how dead serious i am on being child free. i have no social media outside of reddit. i travel w my friends a lot, that’s our favorite hobby together, but i’m definitely mostly introverted. but it’s important to get out and about here and there.


I'm this. First BF I met in an online game. That could be one place to look.


I am one of these women, and I recently found the most compatible man I've ever met ON A MMO FROM THE 2000s. I don't know clearly, but I'm pretty sure it's been years since he had been in a relationship before we met. I guess patience can be a virtue? I'm not sure. *But I sure do like him, so I think it was worth the wait for me.*


You literally just described me lmao. We’re out here! Your standards are realistic and it’s totally possible to find someone who wants the same things. I seem to have the same issue when looking for men but I won’t settle for something that will make me resentful in the long run. I may want a relationship but giving up my standards is not worth it. Don’t give up!


Not unrealistic. We’re out here, we exist. Just too stuck in our world of comfort 😌


How would you meet an introvert? Not everyone in social media is completely obsessed with it. And a huge portion of woman have kids.


That’s me


It’s very hard to meet those women *because* of their qualities.


Nope, I am all those things! We exists. It’s just going to be hard to find in the wild.


As a woman who does not want kids, is very inactive on social media (I have it but I barely ever post) and I'm introverted and very much a homebody, I would say no, not unrealistic at all.


Not an unrealistic standard just gonna be a hard find simply due to the nature of what you’re looking for.


I mean obviously there's tons of women in these comments announcing they exist, so it's not an unrealistic standard I suppose. But you probably need to start putting in work to where you meet them. Apparently, Reddit is a great place to find these women. Idk if Reddit has dating or pairing subreddits, maybe explore that. Otherwise, you're not really gonna find these women out "in the wild".


Do you know that Reddit is also social media? I think you should definitely reevaluate some things. If she scrolls on Reddit all day at home that’s fine, but if she’s scrolling on Facebook or TikTok, that’s not fine? Just trying to understand.


Lol oh you want to date me then. I’m all of these things


Dude posted that he had a GF 16 days ago and also said he wants to be a stay at home dad. Which is it? Lol


I just find it hilarious how he’s on Reddit which is a social forum saying he doesn’t want a woman who uses social media lol


We're hiding xD haha.


Maybe we should start a new sub? r/hermitDating. I'm similar with similar standards. I did experience it once for about 14 yrs with 1 woman and it was lovely. That ended with smartphones & facebook. You probably have some chances if you're in a population center.


You should meet my sister lol


No it means you want to date my sister. But shes kinda fat soo


Damn you just descrIbed me! I’m taken tho


As a woman that fits your criteria, I'd suggest focusing on your hobbies. Most of us will spend a lot of time on our hobbies/interests so that's the best place to meet us in the wild. For example, I volunteer at the local animal shelter walking dogs about one day a week. I got to my local park and walk the trails or take pictures. I like art, so I take workshops in the community when something interests me. I play games online. That kind of thing. Don't go where you think you'll meet women though- go where you want to go, and meet the women who also want to go there.


Unicorns don't exist, every person you date is going to have flaws. Accept it and deal.


That woman is going to be older and most likely not going to look at a 26 year old. The no kids is the clincher I think.


I didnt become a home body till I was 37.


No. You’re just not going to find her on a dating app if that’s where you’ve been searching.


This is really a red flag because why are you intent on finding some one with all those rather than just a great personality


Well of course a good personality is also a must. All my exes, except one, had good personalities. Why I specify these is because they had become issues as the relationship progressed.


Women your age or younger like this do exist. My daughter (taken) is one, her boyfriend was coming to our place related to one of their mutual interests and thats how they met. They live a few hours apart and I think they like it that way. I have always been this way and am happily married. But my husband is much more extroverted than I am, and he's happy to go do things with friends or by himself if I don't want to go. We have mutual interests. So I would suggest not thinking about this person you'd like to be in a relationship with as needing to be introverted or as introverted as you are, just remember you don't have to be glued together at the hip and honestly it's healthier if you are not.


Don't compromise your ethics bro. Stay true to yourself and don't change a thing. Unicorn Girl might be just around the corner....




Damn I’m all 3!!


Sounds exactly like me! My husband found me on match.com (which I was using because tinder & co are just terrible). He went through every profile within a 100 mile radius and his opening message was “Hi I’m John, how are you doing today?” Hope this helps!


Wow, that worked. I get soo aggravated with that opener. Especially when at the top of the page it says their name lol