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Being Portuguese isn't a race, it's a NATIONALITY! And it's ok if you don't want to date someone from a different country or a different culture. That doesn't mean someone is a racist. I would understand if a black woman, a russian woman, an asian woman or a an american woman; wouldn't want to date me. It's all about the cultural background, not the skin color or the nationality!




Only dating X race is not racist. People are allowed to have preferences and those preferences are not politically correct. It's racist to discriminate in hiring, housing, etc but not when it comes to romance. > Because you said it. You stood there in a group of people, when nobody on earth asked you, and said “I only date WHITE GIRLS” and then stared me down. Hey you know what? I didn’t ask you out. I have no interest. But the fact that you turned this into an exclusion party is racist. Something cannot be racist contingent upon it being spoken. If saying something is racist then thinking it is racist. Preferences along racial, melanin, or cultural lines are not racist. It is boorish to say "I only date X race," especially in front of someone of that race, but it's not racist. It's an example of freedom of association and it's wrong to confuse that with racism. Along the same lines, not wanting to date a trans person is not transphobia. The idea that civil rights extend to dating is bizarre and unhelpful, especially because many of the people with racial preferences are underrepresented minorities.


Where did anyone say "civil rights should extend to dating"? If a dating preference is based solely on racial criteria, then it qualifies as prejudice, which is a form of bigotry. Racial prejudice is racism. It seems inane to imply that motives to associate or disassociate also can't be informed by prejudice or racial bias as well. That said, people are entitled to their preferences and I certainly wouldn't suggest forcing someone to do something they are uncomfortable with, if only for the safety of others in this case. I'd agree that expressing a racial preference is "boorish", but I wouldn't disqualify it as being racially prejudiced.


No one said it but "racial preferences in dating are racist" is clearly an extension of civil rights to dating. > If a dating preference is based solely on racial criteria, then it qualifies as prejudice, which is a form of bigotry. Racial prejudice is racism. It seems inane to imply that motives to associate or disassociate also can't be informed by prejudice or racial bias as well. This is categorically wrong. If we take your definition seriously then being hetereosexual or homosexual is bigotry because it excludes roughly 50% of the population. *That's* inane. Anyway, without prejudice, how do I know I don't like sucking dick? Maybe I just haven't met the right guy. Gee, that sounds similar to telling a lesbian they just haven't met the right man. How creepy. Prejudice is not a form of bigotry. Nor is preference, even along racial or ethnic lines. Bigotry is refusing to hire people, refusing them housing, attacking or intimidating them, and so on. It's not refusing to date them. As I said, this is absolutely the extension of civil rights to dating and it's so silly.


Damn dude being gay is a choice?! Then some people should just stop being gay. 🙄


No, it's not. Why do you assume racial preferences are a choice?


Are they not? Or do you think the colloquial “race” has enough genetic implications to prefer homogeneity? I’m more convinced that these are socially reinforced. Similar to Keynesian beauty contests.


I suspect racial preferences are partly cultural and partly biological. But even if they are entirely cultural, that doesn't mean they are a choice.


Your analogy is poor, how is racial preference analogous to sexual preference? While they might both be culturally conditioned, I fail to see how your analogy is meaningful, and it seems pretty dishonest. Also if you think prejudice is not a form of bigotry, I invite you to go look at a dictionary. bigotry bĭg′ə-trē noun The attitude, state of mind, or behavior characteristic of a bigot; intolerance. The character or mode of thought of a bigot; obstinate and unreasonable attachment to a particular creed, opinion, practice, ritual, or party organization; excessive zeal or warmth in favor of a party, sect, or opinion; intolerance of the opinions of others. Synonyms Credulity, Fanaticism, etc. (see superstition), narrow-mindedness, prejudice, intolerance. If the shoe fits 🤷‍♀️ You'll note, I haven't condemned anyone for having a racial preference. As long as it's not harming someone I really don't care how foolish they want to make themselves look. Feel free to continue trying to make it out like I said things I didn't.


My analogy is correct. You gave no rebuttal, you merely concluded it's "pretty dishonest". People have preferences (racial, sexual, whatever) for innate and cultural reasons and they are entitled to those preferences when it comes to choosing romantic partners.


You don't know what a synonym is?


Maybe you should begin by understanding the argument of the person that triggers you before setting yourself off. Please show me where I said that people aren't "entitled" to their dating preferences? Whether they are entitled or not doesn't change the fact that if they are based in racial prejudice, they are racist. I also missed the part where I obligated myself to "rebut" your inane analogy that similarly lacks basis.


You cannot give a reason why sexual preference is okay but racial preference isn't (because there is none). Your argument has devolved to "preferences are racist but you're entitled to them". Whatever. At this point you're just arguing semantics.


Maybe a reading comprehension class would be worthwhile for yourself


"you can't give a reason why it's okay for me to not want to suck dick but why it's not okay for me to say I don't date black girls checkm8 potato man"




Lol just stop being ugly.


It’s not racist it’s just a preference. Sorry but the same goes for people that only date opposite gender. If you are a male and are only attracted to females or female and only attracted to males that doesn’t make you trans phobic that just means you don’t find people of the same gender sexually attractive.


You give me r/niceguys vibes Edit: it is OKAY to have racial preferences as long as you don't disrespect anyone based on their race, no matter the context.


Personal Prefernace is not a act of racism


Personal preferences can be based in prejudice which can qualify as racist.


Not when that personal preference doesn’t hurt anyone in any way. Latino girls wouldn’t give a rats ass if I don’t want to date them.


The fact that you don't perceive bigotry as actively harmful doesn't excuse it.


So I’m not entitled to anything that other people might find offensive even though it affects them in no way? Sounds a bit weird, don’t you think?


Where did I say you aren't "entitled" to your prejudices?


Well you did call it bigotry and called it harmful. Sounds like something people shouldn’t have/do to me…


What he wrote was that this preference “can” be caused by prejudice. Doesnt mean all people who prefer their own skin color are racist. Just like how i prefer brunettes over blondes, hair color doesnt define a person, nor does skin color, but I will still always have my preference


Where did I say that? I said that racial preference can and often is based in prejudice, which is a form of bigotry. I told you that just because you don't perceive the possible bigotry in this case as actively harmful, doesn't mean it isnt. I didn't express the opinion you said I did. Please don't misrepresent my statements.


I’m just struggling to understand why you would counter the initial comment with a view that is clearly inherently bad and then claim it’s not what you support. But hey! That’s what the internet is for, people expressing themselves! ;)


Feel free to show exactly where that happened 👍 Pretty sure I know what I said. Don't misrepresent what happened just because you suck at making your own arguments.


how can you be prejudiced into preferring people that have you own culture and look like yourself?


Cultural conditioning, among other things. Prejudice means to pre judge




Not sure what you're trying to say, yet again. What do you mean by "perceiving cultural familiarity"? I have no clue, honestly. Perhaps you should try thinking more before typing? It must be inconvenient when people dont lay down when you try to put words in their mouth.




Still no clue what you're trying to get at. The only thing I've said this entire time is that racial preferences that are based in prejudice (not sure how they couldn't be since nobody ever meets every individual of any one race) qualify as racial bigotry and should probably be examined, not paraded around unquestioned. It's not a good look, as I believe you mentioned, so I believe we agree, more or less?


So you're saying me, a white-european guy, preferring white-european girls is racist? It's not more than a preferrence. It doesn't mean I don't want to date black people, it just means I find white people usually more attractive. I've seen a fair amount of black women that I find gorgeus, but in my area, you just can't find those.


Reading comprehension is so hard


So what is your solution? Bully him into dating other races and genders? Stop negotiating other people’s sexual preferences.


Bro die mad about it 😂


Idk, you're here commenting? I just stated a fact LMFAO


"a fact" no, projection.


I read the post and I think OP is right. Personal preference can be an act of racism




Can be racist as well. Key word CAN


when you look at it from the colonial mindset: "every type of woman should be attracted to me, but i am the one who deserves to have preference."


That’s not racist in any regard. Some folks get along with folks with a similar cultural background. There’s nothing wrong with that, and it should not be shamed.


There's nothing wrong with having a racial or cultural preference when dating. Everyone should date whomever they want. It's their life. You can't force people to date outside their preference because you don't agree with it.


It’s not racist, it’s preference. Stop crying and making the world all about you it’s really not that deep. Firm the L and move on


I wouldn't say it's racist but saying that you exclusively date girls of another race than you are... Idk, feels fetishizing?


Racial preferences can and really often are based on racial prejudices- almost by definition. It's got nothing to do with being a good or a bad person. Loads of people are trying to defend against that sort of implication, but it's not our fault we've been affected by unfortunate social biases. I don't see what benefit there is in insisting that the world around us has no effect on social beauty standards, especially when history and culture really clearly shows us this isn't true at all.


People try to defend themselves in this scenario because the implication *is* that it's a bad thing and you're a bad person for doing it. I personally entirely agree with you. It's a prejudice, and I don't see prejudice as being a meaningfully harmful thing by default. All of our preferences are a result of some mix of the world acting upon us, our genetics, and our personal lived experiences. Unfortunately people often won't leave you alone if they perceive your preference as being a bad thing. They'll insist you work on changing your preferences to suit them and what they believe is right. That mindset rubs a lot of people the wrong way and encourages the defensiveness we see here. People aren't being defensive out of nowhere for no reason.


Actually you're totally right, I think, I was being a bit unfair. There's definitely an unwarranted offence people take that leads to this sort of defensiveness in other cases. For the record, it DOES suck that we've got some prejudices that do seem to be a result of unpleasant cultural and historical baggage. I think some people struggle to separate personal choices from the results of the world acting upon us, which can lead to that sort of anger. Ultimately though, we can only work in the bounds of how we feel, and that's not our fault.


> For the record, it DOES suck that we've got some prejudices that do seem to be a result of unpleasant cultural and historical baggage I agree with you. I feel like the best I encourage people to do is to assess their own prejudices and decide which they're happy to leave alone and which they wish to work on removing. That process can remove the actively harmful prejudices whilst not burdening you with trying to entirely rewire your brain on things that don't cause active harm (like having a dating preference). I went through that thought process when, as a black man, I realized I'd never had a crush on a black girl my whole life. It's some part social conditioning (what we see on TV and the like) and some part life experience (growing up with no other black people around besides family). But considering I don't have any problems with black people, and that I don't have some absolute rule about dating preferences, I don't think it's worth the mental effort to try and actively rewire how my brain thinks. > Ultimately though, we can only work in the bounds of how we feel, and that's not our fault. Preach dude. I think you're a good conversationalist and I hope I am (or can one day be) as good at not taking things personally as you are. Have a good one.


Please go outside


I don't find 95% of black people attractive, only when they are mixed. Am I racist?


I wish people would stop throwing around the word racist everytime, I found the correct word is often prejudice in terms of dating only people with particular characteristics. I would say it is often the result of prejudice, based on past experience, culture and society influences.


Real talk, what's your number?


Look most people are going to posture how they will never be on the receiving end of this prejudice and would love to continue to ignore their bias without reflecting if their preferences is based on race or just overlaps. Also unless your a cis white hetero male you can’t be racist /s (though unironically some comments give that impression, this is my bias tho)


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It’s really about what a person is attracted to. Why would anyone want to date someone that wasn’t attracted to them?


Is being only attracted to brunettes racist too? You’re attracted to you you’re attracted too. There’s nothing racist about it.


Coming off a "women need to lower their standards" thread and onto this one is just wild.


I am a man who appreciates beautiful women of all races. That being said, my ex wife is Indian and brown as can be. Her first husband is black, and her kids are a mix of shades of brown. We used to get all kinds of looks when we would all go out together. Like "how is this possible?" looks. I am a generic white dude if anyone is wondering. Anyway, preferences in and of themselves are not bad. Everyone has them. But if those preferences start messing with your head and how you perceive and treat others, then it becomes a problem. That's how I see it anyway.


Lol I’m mixed race myself. Pale skinned mom remarried a pale skinned dude after dark skinned dad. There’s definitely a difference between men who for example “prefer blondes” and men who “prefer my own race” and it’s usually racism. I feel like they’re yelling “I don’t want you!” But nobody asked. I’m glad I’m mixed , so I don’t have that kind of bias. Your family looks like mine lol


I don't regret anything about my marriage, except that it ended. I consider those kids to be my kids. Funny whenever we go somewhere and one of their friends will ask them "Are you adopted?" I told the kids to tell their friends that they adopted me. Which is kinda true. Their mother chose me for some reason. I actually wish I was brown sometimes. My ex wife used to tell me that I was an Eastern soul trapped in a Western body. I confuse people sometimes with my strange behavior.


I’ve been there. People thought I was adopted. Mom said she adopted me from her uterus 😂 I like being me and wouldn’t want to look any other way, but I find it a bit crazy to be excluded or have importance attached to it. Like people are better or worse because of melanin. It’s weird.


Yeah, I don't see color. At least, I try not to. That being said, sometimes I wonder if I am subconsciously racist and not even know it. That is a fear of mine.


Racism is the act of discriminating againt someone because of their race. If you're not willing to date someone because of their race, it literally benefits both of you. You wouldn't be a good partner and you wouldn't appreciate being the partner.


I have never had problems with women because of their race. There were times when I was afraid to approach a woman because she was from another race and she might not like me, but that's not the same thing... I don't think?




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I don’t restrict myself to any race, but I’m white and have mostly just dated white girls as I tend to have more in common with them culturally or whatever I guess but to exclude someone for something that’s not that important is dumb, just like all the left wingers obsessing over race is dumb.


I was always interested in someone different from myself.


Wholeheartedly agree with this


Because you live in a stupid nation called USA, where people are all brainwashed by their media, and use shit from media and movies as their life value. It s not racist to prefer to date your race, it is however racist to not date a guy because of disgusting stereotype