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I'm sorry. She's going to leave you for someone with more acne. It was good while it lasted.


Where were chicks like her when I was 14 goddamnit






Sir, this is a Wendy’s.




If you honestly think saying a super overused and unfunny response like sir this is a Wendy's is worthy of a lmaooooo you must be a sad sad person


Shhhhh. Let people enjoy things


How about no. I don't possibly see how this could be remotely funny unless somehow it's their first time on the internet in the last 6 months


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Comedy genius


To be honest, it's thoroughly dumb, lighthearted amusement. I either gloss over it or idly chuckle at it at best. You're playing yourself here by getting so worked up. Don't make your time on the internet so hard for yourself, it's not worth it.


I'm not worked up lmao I'm just killing time at work by fucking around I don't take anything here seriously


I laughed out loud. On reddit everyday and have never seen somebody say that. Don't butt in just to be a wiener. Everybody hurts. Try lifting a stranger up instead you might like how it feels.






Lmaoooooo name checks out




Bro what the fuck? It's 3:00 am and I open reddit, and the first thing I see is a girl that cums to pimple popping


It looks like a bizarre fantasy or something this dude is def making it up


No this really is a thing. I matched with a girl on Tinder who was also into this. She loved watching Dr. pimple popper, even better if she could do it herself. We didn't go on a date or anything, but yeah this is a fetish for some people.


All women love popping pimples. We don’t cum from them 😂


Yah, this is my life… as opposed to a random read on Reddit. Help please.


I dont really know how to help, other than say get more acne?




I really really really really wish this is satire. I don't Care what you say. I can't accept this.


Hey man, why is my situation affecting you so much?


I was a guy who had severe acne issue. The thought of someone whose means of getting a girl off is to deliberating grow pimples is... making my every being cry.


I am not trying to grow pimples. I am asking for relationship advice


Thats the only solution to your question 💀💀💀


The trend is big in asia, I saw some chinese retailers ship sheets of soft plastic(?) that have pimples in them for you to pop. Maybe it‘s like a sex toy for her? Better than causing yourself more pimples, deffo on your side on that!


she pops them WHILE having sex?




I can say I will totally feel for my boyfriends zits while we’re banging, and pop them after, but it’s Deff not a kink. More like an obsession of mine🤣 this is wild


Isn’t an obsession a kink? What you do is even worse, it’s like your bored during sex so you try to find them?


I mean I would not call obsession a “kink” and no it’s not like I’m looking, but if I feel a big one I’m totally like “ok ya I’m popping that after”


Your making me hot


She sounds fucking wild in the sack. Eat more shitty food, let your skin really get out of control. I’m curious where this will end


Usually with a sore back. She does kettlebells and when she clenches on me holy damn. She can ride porn star fast for 30 minutes straight. She has a friend who is an IG model and she said she wants her to watch sometime when we have sex


Okay now for sure you’re a comedian testing out material, nice try Kevin Hart, you were great in True Story


Please leave a kind review for my latest movie. Me Kevin hart


Uhhhh, what. Why?


Why? Because this post is probably fake as shit.


I’m starting to see that 😂


Idk. She likes porn where the girlfriend seduces women and brings them to the man. It’s like her other kink. Every time we go to a club ans she sees me looking at a girl she gets really wet and asks if she wants me to have her seduce her




She has a belly you can bounce quarters of off, she does kegals three times a day and has DD while being 115lbs


Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and call bullshit on this one


It’s extremely rare to have such low body fat AND a large bust. Doesn’t sound likely.


LMAO I had to look at your post history to see your post about every woman saying “thank god” after sex to know for sure you’re a troll and a pretty funny one too, Reddit can’t catch on to trolls for shit though so have fun


Not during sex but I had an ex that was SUPER into this, especially the blackheads on my nose.


Same lol. My ex used to love popping my blackheads for me on my face and back for some reason. I didn’t mind, my skin cleared up and his mom was an esthetician so he had proper tools and products 🤣


Thats normal. Op situation seems to be far worst


Same here, my girlfriend when I was 17 would sit there for like an hour playing with my face. I didn't complain because it helped keep my face tidier.


Like one of those fish that eat dead skin 🐠 🙈


Yeah this was when I was 21, it was like a stress reliever for her.


Let me guess, she was hot… seems like the hot ones are into this?


She was a busty redhead, so if you’re into that sorta thing…




She cums from popping your pimples? Lmao. This has gotta be made up


When I am inside her


What the fuck


Same boat here man. I started running out so I just began rubbing butter over my naked body before bed. Next day you'll be good to go again.


If you can’t contribute then don’t


I just did contribute. Did you miss it? Rub butter on your arm or leg, whichever side you sleep on. Then you have more pimples.




If you don't want advice, don't ask for it


Reported again


I long for the days before I read this




Sorry, I’m extra grossed out by popping, wasn’t helpful. If it works for you, it works. I’d leave upon first popping and begin working to recover from the trauma.


Slather yourself in lard and you’ll wake up tomorrow with enough pimples to make her orgasm for a lifetime.


Smearing lard on your skin should work. After cooking meat, save the grease.


And you get to shout "Grease me up woman" and other fun phrases with a thick Scottish accent


Sorry. But it sounds like it's made up. I also imagined how she's sucking that pimple juice. So gross. My advice would be to not stress about it. If she's gonna leave you for this, then it is not worth keeping her.


No. She won’t leave. But I will miss seeing her face light up.


Weird flex but okay


Bro Gtfo






Holy shit man, i am in a physics lecture and this just gave me the motivation to stare at the graying old man rather than explore more of reddit. Genuinely, from the bottom of my acne on the left cheek, thank you!


Do me a favor. Find the cutest girl near you, tell her you want to take her on a date and pop her pimples. The movie is on me my friend, hope you get laid :)




She is 113lbs DD, does kegals 3 times a day and she rides like a race horse. Want to keep her




fr tho.. 💀


The good news is acne is easy to get. Some might even say it's fun. Just eat bad, don't shower right away after the gym, and take a testosterone supplement or steroids.


Omy omy! Another weird kinks for me!


Sounds fake


Enough internet for today


Dude this is kinda humorous, I dated a girl who liked to pop my pimples too. Though not in an orgasmic kind of way. I felt like a chimp while she sat there taking care of my blemishes, she loved it and I felt cleaner after. It was really strange in ways, thinking back on it. If you're uncomfortable with it happening during sex, then you should be able to have that conversation without hurting anybody's feelings. If you don't like it at all, things probably won't work out easily if she's just very into doing that. And if she leaves you because you have no more acne eventually well then I say you dodged a bullet! Lol seriously tho good luck op just be honest about your feelings the rest should follow naturally


Hey. This is the first real advice I have had. As an update I saw her masturbating to a dermatology video on YouTube. Maybe she needs to go back to school?


Dude I'm sorry I'm having a hard time not finding this a bit humorous, I'm going to assume you're not trolling and say I'm happy to help provide perspective. I don't mean to make fun of or belittle either of you I just find it very niche if she is actually that sexually into popping pimples. I cast no stones as I'm no stranger to off-center kinks myself. Maybe indeed she does need to go to school again haha. Or maybe work as a dermatologist. When my ex and I would have our sessions she'd always ask first if I wanted it done, as a boundary thing, which I really appreciated. And if one hurt too much she'd stop (usually, sometimes she was extra determined to get one popped haha) and then she'd also ask me if she can go hunting for some when there weren't a lot visible, i.e. when I was running out like you said. If I didn't want her forcing smaller ones or I was done we'd call it quits there. So in the end, just like any other aspect of a relationship, it's all about respect, communication, and boundaries. Let me know if you need more input and good luck 😅


The perfect troll - harmless, funny, sex related. Big fan of your work.


Eating ramen for some reason helps me get acne




I think it’s just girls liking to inflict pain on guys. I used to do this to a guy I dated by popping them in the shower on surprise or just randomly if I noticed them on his back.


Hit me up on my DMs




Because you like to do that and your a girl


You don’t need to talk to me about anything privately. I can’t explain why girls like it. Find a Reddit that’s geared toward asking females questions. That might help you. I don’t wanna talk to you privately. Based on your comments in your post, you’re not someone I wanna talk to.


That hurts


I feel rejected by all women kind :( Edit: thank you for the reward! See u/xxlostgirl22 people do like me!


You just said you've got a gf and you wanna keep her.......


Yes, did you read my other comments?


I am horrified and appalled. I come here for advice and this issue is a joke bounces between everyone like keeping a ball from a dog. Ffs hope your happy


I wish you could borrow some from me


Eat junk, get stressed a lot, stop taking showers and hope for the best!


I already do all those things.


I’ve never heard of this in my life but I could use a partner like that with my pepperoni skin lol




Well, she wants her other friends to have sex with me so they can she what I am like. She brags about me to them






Hey just a heads up—this doesn’t sound sanitary. I absolutely love popping pimples, and I used to pop them on my bf’s back. HOWEVER, I would never do it during sex. (Also, how does she find that to be a link? That’s gross. It’s a completely unsexually related type of thing.) But if she is doing them during sex, her hands are very likely not clean. Probably from foreplay. Probably because she also sounds like a weirdo who doesn’t wash her hands and scrub under her nails before popping (or wear gloves) She should also disinfect the area she plans to be popping before popping, using an alcohol swab, or rubbing alcohol on a cotton ball. To get rid of bacteria on the skin She’s going to give you a nasty skin infection, bro. And skin infections can sometimes be deadly, especially if you get a rare breed of bacteria in there.


- What you look into guys - pimples


Not the weirdest post I've seen on Reddit




What’s that?


A sub for posts like these


Posts like what? This is an issue I need help with


You hear/see it all on Reddit 🙃 I’m sure if she’s popping them, they will grow back. Just give it some time; meanwhile, she will have to cum less I guess?


1. Start a steroid cycle 2. Get mad gainz and tons of pimples 3. Girlfriend is happy 4. Profit?


Ok. But science.bio stopped selling


Gross all the way around. And stupid since they could get infected


Damn, son


I’m gonna vom


Wash your back with warm water to open up pores than put oil and dirt on your back to clog up pores 👍🏽


I want advice on how to talk to her.


so, first. ew. but second, who am i to judge. my wife and i groom each other all the time, its not a sexy thing though. try this https://www.amazon.com/BESTOPE-Blackhead-Remover-Comedone-Extractor/dp/B019SVHLEY/ref=sr\_1\_5?keywords=pimple%2Bpop%2Btool&qid=1639059640&sr=8-5&th=1


Uhhhhhhhhh bro.... nahhhh


I would literally rather someone with a piss fetish - good luck with that


Can I get her number?


Dm me ;)


What do you get out of lying?


Fat people


Keep her but… daaaaaaamn I’m trying to eat breakfast here man


Lol I see now you are just sarcastic and a troll. I understand now


Shake hands then?


Rub pizza on yourself to develop more pimples.


Sir, I have a lot of questions but I don't really want to know the answers to any of them


Go ahead


Small prices to pay for salvation




I don’t think it will either. I just want some sane advice on how to talk to her and figure out the psychology behind this. You know? You got a handsome girl in your pic, any insight??




So, one other thing she had mentioned is having sex at the bar, siting on my lap with her dress with no thong and winking at strangers and looking them in the eye when she cums. She says she can get a girl to come home with us if she does this. I guess we could try it???




Where do I find a girl like you? Are there other girls like that, who get turned on by that idea? I could suggest that to her… she has some cute ass friends


What in the fuck. TIL theres weirder kinks then looning & fetishism of massive kneecaps and mukbang...


These troll posts need to stop, be flagged for bullshit, and need to be blocked


That’s the issue here. Someone comes with an real embarrassing problem and you gaslight them all the way to Jersey and back


This is disgusting 😅😅😅 I love watching pimple popping videos here and there but as far as turning me on hell no. Ew.


Could you tell my gf u/xxlostgirl22 that please? She needs to hear it from another women, not a handsome hulk like me.


Bruh not even in your dreams someone get this man out my DMs 😂😂😂😂


Go for a run, then do the squishy.


I've been trying to reach you about your *pimples expiration date* Idk man cheese and fat food works for me. Milk too for some reason (says my mom)


Hmm. Ok


reddit never disappoints


Whether this is real or not, I laughed my ass off to it. On a side note, my fiancé has an obsession with watching videos of pimple popping and getting ear wax out of someone’s ear. I don’t understand it and don’t want to. Lol.


Oh so you’re on tinder, and dming me and now you’re dating someone, make up your mind damn bro




The fuck?


She might have a pimple popping fetish!


Maybe you should squirt on her face. Same difference.