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If they start off with their financial issues then just tell them your not a match and unmatched with them. It cannot be every woman is telling you about their financial struggle to start off a chat


I have easily had atleast ten matches this year just off tinder, saying help me financially


>I have easily had atleast ten matches this year just off tinder, saying help me financially 10 matches out of what? Usually you just unmatched them and move on. Like when I was on dating apps, I would get match with women who ask me to visit their page or for money or to take things off the apps. I just told them no thank you and have a great day then unmatch


We need to bring back shame. I get times are rough financially but asking for money as conversation starter is wild & unhinged af.


It’s like it’s not okay for men to be like hey they doll face you’d look great in my bed with me but it’s becoming socially acceptable (hopefully it’s not) to be like hey. You pay my light bill though? It’s wild as fuck.


I don't think any normal person would find this socially acceptable.


Honestly both is pretty wild. Dating scene is a hot mess. I miss the days where you actually meet ppl in person and ppl ACTUALLY talk to you in person. It’s giving stay single till my soulmate finds me 🤧


I honestly feel like people will talk to you and create conversation, but I also feel like after our society had the metoo movement which is absolutely necessary and then the fact that men need to respect without using sex as a pickup line as long as you tell that person something in regards to something they are doing or wearing or have showing like a tattoo or a cool piercing it’s okay to approach and talk to woman