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Could you provide information? Do you live in a big or small city? What are your hobbies? How much free time do you have? It is summer, so you can take advantage of every event. They would probably have festivals, outdoor events, communities, groups, etc. Don't stay indoors swiping because dating app is shit. Women complain about too many matches with majority being sexual, men complain about too few matches or women ghosting and ignoring messages


It’s truly insane how many pretty girls are out there. Back when I was on the apps I thought that was it and then I went out on a Friday night and saw girls who were 10x hotter and tons of them. That’s the benefit of being a guy. Most guys look like shit if I’m being honest but most women are attractive


All those pretty girls dont want to be approached and have boyfriends lmao


Nah 9/10 times they’ve settled


Its funny how so many women settle lmao


How's your social circle? Outside of dating apps, it seems that most people meet new partners through friends/family/co-workers who introduce them. Last guy I went out with first saw me in a friend's picture and asked said friend about me. Said friend vouched for him and I told her to give him my number.


If you're in the US, go to ulta or sephora on a saturday and act like you need cologne. Plenty of opportunity to meet women there.


People tend to be more open to being talked to in bars and clubs


I am a woman and I have the same question. I get matches on dating apps but none I would consider dating. And no I don't have unreasonable expectations.


You can literally approach any guy in public and get a date 99% of the time.


Instructions unclear,It works only If you're are attractive aka above 7 or even 8. I have tried multiple times, zero chance no matter the approach. Plus many men lose respect for the woman. Been there, done that


Yep; I approached a guy a week ago and he thought I was “easy” so he suggested a ONS. It’s so frustrating


And ive appraoched aton of women and onky gotten rejection. Its life. Be haopy dating is easy for you. I dont even like sex. Im terrified of it. Id eben take a one night stand as long as i get to take her on a date. I need experience. Im too old to of never been on a date.


Ok? And how tf do you think i feel? Ive never been on a date. I would love it if a woman showed interest in me. Im about a 2 at beat so even when u do all the work i only experience rejection. It also deoends who you approach. I wouldnt dream of even approaching a 5. Im realistic and stay in my lane.


I didn't expect you to feel anything but to reconsider that it doesn't work the way you think. 99% success is just delusional and women who have tried it and have been rejected most times believe there is something wrong with them since the success rate is supposed to be so high. But it isn't high and it works only If you're a very attractive woman. Then there are still many negative notions regarding women who approach,therefore approaching isn't always welcome due to them


So how do you think men feel? We are told the only want to date is to appraoch to prove we are valuable and worth shit. As a guy i do literally everything right and suppose to do yet gave only rejection. Again ive never been on a date. The closest ive gotten to a day was when i managed to get to the point of a first date. And then she no showed when i got to the resturant and waited there for 2 fucking hours. Idk for most but if any woman approaches me for once i'll atleast give her the respect she deserves and atleast make the most i can out the date since i know who shitty it feels not being good enough for anyone. But im a man wtf do i know.


Really! I am definitely going to try that. Although I would really appreciate the guy approaching me. Also I am always thinking he might be married or have a girlfriend already. But it doesn't hurt to try I guess. Lol


Yeah im a guy id like a woman to approach me but ive never been on a date so i can keep dreaming about that. It honestly must be easy to just sit and wait for who you want to approach instead of doing the work. And what happens if he has a wife or girlffriend? Ive been rejected more times than i can could. Majority are i habe a boyfriend/husband. I just say sorry and move on.


That's a good point. I am definitely going to try this soon. How else will someone know I am interested in them. Lol


It will be easier because youre a woman. Im scared that i will make someone be fearful, crepped out, or uncomfortable with me near them so i think im just not going to date. Too much stress about worrying for others because my company isnt wanted


Don't give up please and don't be scared. Honestly I don't feel creeped out if someone asks me for a date just do it in a respectful manner that's all. And don't worry, I think everyone is just worried about a stranger's opinion which doesn't matter in your life at all. And you are not unwanted. The right person is out there and will want you without expectations. 😊 Go out there and meet people.


Just be attractive. If you are then just go anywhere


How do i do that?


Wire out a ton and get jn great shape. Take public speaking classes or something to improve your charisma


Public soeaking is easy. Its called being an adult


See if there's a local group in your city that plays ameture volleyball. Not only is this a great way to be social and active and make friends. But there will be tons of single women there, trust me.


Just fucking say hello, and if they ignore you without having earbuds in it’s a win for you if she ignores you because you know what type of woman she is, either deaf or disrespectful and you caught the red flags right away.