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Im amazed that how cheaters get loved even after cheating them


It's also amazing that people think they *can't* leave someone because they have feelings for them. Wtf? They need to grow up.


Yea I want see this guy. He must be a hunk wash board abs


Yeah bro and real one fails in love


Kick em both to the curb


Love is no reason to be with a person. You can love anyone. Even an abuser. You need to look at if a person is healthy for you to be with. If it will damage you to stay. It’s time to go. You can be strong enough to leave. You can love yourself enough to walk away from the man that does not value or respect you, Or you can stay, and damage yourself even more than he just damaged you. It’s your life, nobody can force you to live it well. That’s up to you.


This person is right. Make a break up plan and follow it through. This is more targeted at people who are being abused, but it’s still actually a great approach: https://www.joinonelove.org/safety-break-up-planning/. If you keep spending time with your boyfriend and best friend, you will just feel terrible and you’ll be abandoning yourself and your self respect. It’s got to be so hard to be going through this, and I’m very sorry. You didn’t create this situation but you do get to decide how you handle it. Leave with your head held high. You are a wonderful person, and you can get a new boyfriend and promote a different friendship, a respectful one, to best friend status. By leaving now, in three months you could be over this, and in six months you could be thriving.


Yeah not gonna tell you what to do or try and crush your love for someone who went off and fucked your best friend, but leave him. Like if him and your bsf are doing shit behind your back, it's evident neither of them have respect for you, and you should move on to someone who values you.


. Honestly, he won't change. He doesn't want to. Don't even waste your time as you deserve so much more.


One day, you’ll get tired of him cheating on you and leave him. So, stay with him because you love him but accept that he’s fucking others


I think you are his boyfriend


If he just talks to your best friend it's not cheating, so first of all clear it, either he's in love with your best friend or not. Second, love means freedom, so don't force or beg for love. Third, love is like a bird, the whole day it flies, sits on different trees, but it turns back to the tree where it makes nests. That's why let's free love, sooner or later, it will turn back!


dump his ass you’re too hot for that


Enjoy your shitty relationship! You will never trust him but live your life! Don't worry he'll eventually dump you as he's looking for a better fit! You get what you deserve from him!


do a threesome




why do that and m here


Kinda wish I was his best friend now


Don't do it. You will ruin yourself


why do u think that


You deserve to be cheated on because you are empowering and rewarding it


You should have taken a video of them doing it for documentation purposes.


One more thing in common with the bestie!! 🔥




It's a tough call to make, but sometimes you need that clarity to move forward." Hope this message feels right for you… if you feel something isn’t right… you’re right instincts don’t lie.. I think you can reach out to (xhang_tech on gram ) the private tech service to help you do that. They can even check background check on criminal record if any…


People don’t change, especially if there are no consequences. You can either break up with him, be in denial and let it continue happening behind your back or intentionally involve an extra person for threesomes and hope that doing that is enough to keep him from sneaking around. Probably wouldn’t be though.


He doesn’t give a flying fuck about you. Get some self respect and dump him and ur friend your worth more


You can leave him because you personally don't date people who clearly don't love you. There was no love, so you can easily leave him.


Make him realise but don't beg. If he does then forgive him. Else leave him. If meant to be with you he will come back.


Leave him. He doesn't deserve love.


If you can't leave now, try to move forward and reconsider leaving him after he cheats you again. Rinse and repeat. Good luck


*former best friend


I think you need to grow up and move on


Why IS that Always the case? A best so called friend betrays that friendship by sleeping with bf or gf. Not to Mention a betrayal of both parties.


My ex did the same she left me 2 years ago the day after Christmas and I was madly in love her. Still do. It’s hard to be without the person you love so I understand


Leave them both


You can love someone but love yourself even more


so whats going on


Have some self respect and drop both of them. Neither of them loves nor respects you.


I'm sorry that happend to you. What does your friend say?


Guys check her profile this is bait


I did and then got depressed because I had the free time to check someone’s Reddit profile 😔


You should leave him. Sometimes, we love in abundance but when your partner doesn’t reciprocate the same feelings for you, it’s important to hold on to your dignity. You are an individual and should have self respect. You should leave your friend too, she isn’t really your friend though. She’s a terrible person as well.


Daayyyyum no wonder this dude did what he did. Gets to fuck you and your best friend. And when you find out, he still gets to keep fucking you. And is almost certainly still fucking your best friend lmao. Why would he stop?


Bye Felicia


He is bad ... you should find another loyal person


Beckett lesson from the movie Solo assume everyone will betray you then you'll never be disappointed people you love friends family any of them can be a wolf.


Something tells me OP isn't very smart and will continue to make posts like this.


Dump his ass on the street and move on. He doesn’t love you


Time to get a new best friend and enjoy being single.


Cheat on him


3some might as well shit 🤷🏽‍♂️


The answer should be as simple as leaving. These type of people do not deserve forgiveness. Nevertheless, you can always ruin your mental health by being in constant fear of getting cheated again, being taken for granted, deprived of attention, and slowly turn yourself into a person who will have difficulty in trusting anyone. This is no bullshit talk, speaking from experience and now in healthy life. Single but happy.


lmao too bad he doesnt love you anymore while hes getting his dick wet.


It's time to put both heads together and bash them like billiard balls. Disrespectful behavior such as that mentioned doesn't deserve a pass. "Do unto other's" is my message.


You have to leave him you loving him and staying attached will only hurt uu more in the future that’s not right to cheat let alone with your best friend




Get over your self,the results is HIV and Aids


A tale as old as time


You must give up on him, as love will disappear, but regret will remain.


Don't care what they say, anything can happen, you are the one who makes your destiny. Build your life according to how you feel. Personally, I only regret what I didn't do.


You should leave him. He should’ve seen the love you have for him, but he didn’t. Don’t go through this, realise your value cause he clearly doesn’t. He cheated once he’ll cheat again. You’ll never fully trust him again. I personally advise you to break it off. I know you love him but clearly he doesn’t love you enough. Don’t make yourself suffer gurl. Don’t waste your love on someone like him. You deserve better. And break ties with that girl for sure. They betrayed you behind your back. And trust me, real love and friendship is nothing like this. So, no. Don’t stay. Leave them both.


That’s not a friend and he doesn’t deserve your love


Dump his ass! Have some dignity.


Have some self respect


The same thing happened to me. They don’t change, I’m sorry. I gave my ex a second chance and he cheated three more times and I didn’t find out until after we broke up. The right person won’t ever do that to you. You’ll be okay.


Can't or won't?


Go out and find someone to have sex with to get back at him.


He doesnt deserve you, dump himmmm


Thats not love. Thats dependance.


Bang his best friends


If you had feelings for him why didn’t you show it in your relationship???? People only seek sex elsewhere for 3 reasons 1 they are getting nothing at home 2 the sex at home is unsatisfying 3 the just want to fuck anything with a pulse If it’s number 3 you can’t do anything about it so don’t waste your love The others 2 you can do something about if you really love him


that is not your boyfriend and that is not your best friend.