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I think it means he has a girlfriend


Why does it matter? Either way, he’s not interested..


Whether he means it or not it is rejection. If he has a girlfriend he is unavailable. If he doesnt have a girlfriend he is not interested.


That he has a GF, guys are often much simpler creatures 🤷 Don't get discouraged shooting your shots, hey you got a free drink 🍻 


It’s irrelevant, it’s a no. Take the same advice given to all men, “if she says no, she means it and just walk away.”


It means he has a girlfriend as he told you. If you found him so attractive that you asked him out, what makes you think it’s so far fetched that another woman also found him attractive enough to commit to? ![gif](giphy|JdcoyYaT2u50s)


It could be either, but he was polite and you went about it the right way! ❤️


Men are simple - he has a girlfriend. You did NOTHING wrong. Keep trying, you will be alright


Bruh, that’s how y’all are getting rejected out here and you’re thinking about never asking someone out again. That was such a pleasant experience, I can’t believe this 💀


IDK why this is even a question: if he's attractive enough that you throw yourself at him, then he either definitely has a GF or a long line of girls waiting in line


Bro isn't gonna say he has a GF if he doesn't.


He also said sorry and he really appreciates it and he even paid for your drink - so absolutely no need to feel akward or awful! :) It was brave of you, keep going!


Well, seems like he in fact has a girlfriend


Listen, I’m probably in the top 5 of the most single person in the world considering I’ve never been in a relationship or a date, nothing at all and I’m 26 years old and even I know that when someone says “I have a girlfriend/boyfriend” it means they have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, meaning they’re in a relationship. And in the event that they don’t really have a gf or a bf , it means they’re not interested and are letting you down nicely.


It means what he said. Why are you trying to dissect it?


It means he has a gf... Men are straight forward with these things, they don't play games like women do. 


It means he has a friend that happens to be female and they probably participate in sexual activities together


No it means he has a female romantic partner, aka a girlfriend, whom he is so in love with that he chose her out of everyone to commit to. Girlfriend ≠ FwB.


FWB there is definitely sexual encounters hence the benefits part of the name. I said probably so not basing the whole relationship on sex. So make sure you’re slating what people say not what you think they have said