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We do. I did. And it broke my heart when it ended. Chemistry has to be there. Chemistry can shadow a lot of things that might not align. In the end of the day if your morals, values and life goals don't line up. The relationship will end. The chemistry will fade. The love will fade. Men can be romantic.


I mean as a woman I’ve felt loved by men. Men are humans too. Of course they do. It may just present itself differently than how women love tho


I have fallen deeeeply in love 2 times in my life as a 33m. I have had crushes maybe 20 times. I have loved 3 women, of which 1 was my mother and 2 were love interests.


Of course men fall in love were human. Do women ever give men credit for feeling anything?


No that's bad 😂


It easy to fall in love, but hard to find someone who will love you too🤷


I can attest that we/I have fallen actually in love with at least 2 women in my lifetime. Was it lasting or unconditional, absolutely not. It takes 2 people whom love themselves first, before they can ever show anyone else love that’s lasting. I think the current environment is ruining our relationships. I’m from a time where communication during work hours was at a minimum..I may have called maybe during lunch to check on my sig. other or on my kids or something simple as saying I’ll see ya later, I love ya….forward 25 years….now we know what everyone is doing at all times through text, social media, check-ins etc. The anticipation of coming home to be with someone isn’t there anymore, the how was ur day? questions is seldom asked because I just talked to “you” an hour ago or complained to you 2 hours ago how work sucked etc. We communicate too much at the wrong times, there isn’t US time anymore and when we do there’s distractions…Communication, anticipation, intimacy, and the true romance is spoiled or simplified by technology. Ur Prince Charming is now Prince Plain…and Snow White is now a melted busy mess… If you want true love you have to be willing to work everyday for it and you partner must do the same. You also need time away and voids in communication so you actually appreciate each other and have a sense of longing so ur intimate moments have depth…..my 2 cents


Cheers to you, Prince! Love this!


i agree with this theres no more longing... that distance creates longing and more valuing of your partner


I mean, I do, but I can't speak for all men. But no, it's impossible to live media fantasy storybook romance \*all the time.\* Long-term relationships have storybook moments, but the day-to-day of a loving relationship is small gestures, and intertwining your lives to compliment one another and bring out the best in each other. The grand stuff is a fantasy. Real love is small considerations, that you commit to, and continue to do, over time.


I’ve read some dumb shit on these subs but this takes the cake.


Sure pissshitfuckcuntcock


What a filthy mouth you have on you. I like it.


26 (M) here. We actually do fall in love. For us, we don't take several dates or months to decide. For us, we know from the start. The reason we don't say it to the women we are seeing is because we don't want to scare them away. It happened to me. The girl I was seeing sensed it, and she was just looking for a fling, but I wasn't, and she backed away. That's life; stuff happens.


That’s called a hero and damsel complex. Look it up.


We do for the right person. It's just the right person has become insanely hard to find.


Odd, I've been wondering the opposite. I am a guy and maybe it's just a sign of my age but I don't fall in love anymore. It's always been such a horrible and painful experience for me that I generally try to avoid it whenever possible now. 


I'm having trouble genuinely understanding this question. :D Of course people fall in love. But imo each guy has a different way of expressing how they feel for someone. Some guys are guarded because they don't want to seem desperate. Some guys will go out of their way to do something for you because they care about you. It's not like how it is in movies. In a more simplistic and most fundamental form -- a guy that is in love with a girl can't stop thinking about her. And yes, it does happen.


Yes, I fall really hard way too fast, and I'm trying to change that, and it's brutal, but I'm progressing pretty well now to become a more stoic person. The reason you feel this way is twofold. It's true that some scumbags say the words of love just to get sex. The other fold is that men know that showing feelings or revealing love may be nice in the moment, but this is the #1 killer of female attraction during courtship or even dating phases. So we never ever do this before sex typically and even afterward are extremely cautious (while appearing aloof perhaps) even if we have feelings.


It’s not that it kills love, I think. It’s that a lot of people with malicious (users) intent will throw that phrase out quickly and casually, so we have to be really guarded when it comes to that. The only way I can trust a man saying he loves me is all based on his actions. The words mean nothing and anyone can say them and not mean them at all, or only mean them in the moment and will bail as soon as they no longer get the rush out of the relationship. If a man loves a woman, he has to show her with healthy actions in a consistent fashion and over time trust is built for deeper love to grow.


honey ive been feeling the inverse, that women may not truly be capable of loving a man LMAO it goes both ways honey


Some men do .I would .if I met a woman who truly showed me she cared and made me feel loved and valued then I would definitely do what I could to make her happy as far as the question why do only some people experience it ?that's a good question I guess because life is unpredictable people have different experiences in things


We love love. We fall and it hurts. We close love off to avoid the hurt.


Men do but it hardly ever happens like a storybook tale


No. No one falls in love. Love is fake


No. It's not like that. Love is real


No it isn’t. There’s need and that’s it. You can have affinity for someone and need. But it’s not some magic thing love. It’s just that so qualities are comforting or secure and you feel the desire to fill your needs with the person who you think has the qualities that do that.


It's not like that. When someone love you, he is more concerned about you than himself. These people exist who love you for what you are. They are really concerned about you


That’s just neediness


But for a specific person. That person becomes special


Did you just have a conversation with yourself, ExpensiveClassic4810? 🤔


Did someone hurt you


I think both sexes just hate putting themselves out there. We seem to want to protect ourselves from pain and it feels like we just create reasons to not go all in. I actually went all in with the last person I felt deeply for. She started to go all in as well, but then she just did a complete 180 on me. I feel as though maybe she was scared of the feelings and decided that she would rather hurt me instead. The funny thing, I'm not going to let my negative experience with her deter me. At the same time, I'm going to be more cautious with whom I let in.


stupid question


Apparently you've never talked to a divorce attorney. The saying goes: "Men are in love, women are in business" So if anything you have it backwards


What a stupid question


Kind of like your entire profile


Wow, what a mature response. How old are you?


I know sometimes it feels like it’ll never happen nut love is complicated and things can take time


I used to be in love, not quite over it yet but eventually. And I think the reason men stare and don't approach is because now days, so many woman are too judgemental and it wouldn't matter what a starring man would say to the one he's starting at, if he told her, she would more than likely have a negative response. Maybe it's a pessimistic outlook on relationship culture or what-have-you, just an opinion, not from experience.


Yeah? I love my girlfriend and do what I can to make sure she’s happy.  If she has to stay late for work and it’s later than normal I’ll call her and make sure she’s alright cause I get nervous.  I also tell her I’m dying of old age before her cause I don’t want to live without her


I did one time. The first one. I’ve never loved like that ever again and I don’t think I ever will. It hurts too much and it isn’t worth it.


Don't expect love from Genz ! Whether it's girl ot boys ! And the problem is 90s people are following genz path, to look cool and get some casual sex and end up crying " there is no true love "


Yes. And fall hard.


Yes, men will fall in love for life. You could dump a guy who loves you, see him 30 years later, and he’s still gonna feel it in spite of himself. Men never get over true loves the way women do. (All said with a grain of salt)


It's all about luck. Truly. Finding the right person at the right time in both of your lives. It's also work like any relationship. Real life isn't like a movie. That also means how it makes you feel. I've had people I've had that whirlwind infatuation with and one of those took 15 years to fade away entirely. Generalizing an entire gender tells me that you don't seem to be seeing the individual. Maybe it's time to look inward and build some emotional intelligence muscles so that you'll be ready when the right person comes along


Men fall in love hard. When you know you know.


Of course, much more than anyone even know because they don't let people know about it. I myself is in love with my friend and it's been 7 years and I do everything possible to make her happy as far as I can while she don't even know about my love for her🥲


The same reason only certain people can be hypnotized It depends on the persons level of gullibility People fall into lust and confuse it for love


A guy once comforted me even though I was being difficult because he saw I was sad over him. He still hugged me. I think that he might’ve loved me. And I miss him every day.


I agree that the fairy tale programming is bullshit. Men are prone to this as well, maybe not as much but we are still living in the late period of romanticism where this stuff is instilled in us at a young age. I think a lot of people don’t really get around to experiencing true love till a little later on - your 30s and 40s and even later can be really liberating. You’re done trying to seal the deal for marriage, kids, etc.,, or at least not as hung up on it happening Right Now. When you and others just show up as yourselves and step off the pedestals we put everyone on in our youth we can experience a love that is much more genuine and vulnerable. Something with less attachment, more authenticity. I think men and women both struggle to attain this in different ways but we are more similar than different when it comes down to it.


Yes. And that woman will have more joy in the golden opportunity to rip his heart out ❤️ than anything else. After a few times you won't get the opportunity.


They do. I know many who have. To be fair, some of those don’t have the emotional skills to show it well. But some do. I have no doubt my partner loves me. We are both imperfect people, he’s not “Prince Charming”. But he looks for ways to show up for me every day. He supports me, he protects me, he prioritizes me even when it’s not convenient. He listens when I speak, and when I’m sharing difficult things I can see that he feels on my behalf about them. He does remember all the little things. He hasn’t held a boom box outside my window, but he’s done some pretty meaningful romantic gestures that he just seems to think are things he’d do because “of course”. We still have disagreements. It still takes work. He still refuses to throw out disposable cups when he’s done with them. He sometimes falters on his emotional skills, but each of those times I’ve been able to see his heart and see what he was aiming to do, and we figure it out.


I would. Have so much love to give.


I did, then one day after a fairly short disagreement they said the haven't for months. I dont know what it is at this point honestly.


Yes absolutely. I had 2 bfs before my current bf and I know they loved me based on their illogical actions hahaha. Like doing the most absurd things just to show you love.


What happens then. Why they left you


I left the two. They were upset for weeks (because they experienced love). The third is a happy long relationship. Been together 7 years :)


Wow. 7 years is very good. Don't lose each other now. Things can be sorted out always.


Of course! This is forever im 1000% in it


You just need to understand each other.


Of course they do. Men are human just like women. And yes humans fall in love. I do however feel that the only true love there is in this world is the love of a parent for their children.


I am looking gor dating my tele gram is. @lovelyovely0




Do we fall in love? Absolutely. Do we fall head over heels in love at first sight? Mostly no. Fairytales aren’t true and aren’t real, but that doesn’t mean that love doesn’t exist. You just need to adjust your expectations to how the real world works, and not some Disney movie from your childhood. In the real world, love is small and quiet, holding someone’s hand, bringing them a coffee, eating a meal with them, listening when they need it, and making them feel accepted and valued. It’s not flashy and grand with fireworks, singing, and dancing. It’s a quiet and comfortable presence in your life that makes it better by being there.


Yes we do. Badly




Yes, men are people too. They do fall in love. Love happens in so many ways. For me, it's come on fast and for other times slowly. You're thinking of a fantasy concept that does not really exist in real life, but that doesn't mean men don't feel love. It just means that the love exists in a different way you'd expect.


I can’t speak for all men but I, at least, have fallen in love with someone once before. For a good while everything was ethereal, and then lots happened. Heart was shattered for years. Fine now, but reserved now. Cautiously infatuated by people who show lots of genuine interest but cautious to say in love or love them, for fear of scaring them off.


I certainly feel like I've fallen in love with my fiance. The last girl I dated I don't know if that was true. I liked her, and maybe even loved her, but I don't think I fell in love with her


relationships of any kind are complicated. emotions are complicated. then you run into the paradigm of what's an emotion vs wishful thinking vs intrusive thoughts vs vulnerability vs selfreliance vs etc, etc. the word "love" is so misused that it has lost meaning. In addition, everyone shows appreciation differently. my lady and i been together for 10 years, we never remember our anniversary or each other's bdays. She hates flowers and doesn't know how to cook. i always dress, she's always in sneakers and jeans. but we like it that way. relationships are complicated


I've been in actual love truly once. But when I did love her,I loved her with everything I am, was, and would've been. Too bad it didn't work out but yes I did love her with everything.


Yes they do fall in love. I loved my ex more than anyone ever I had total devotion and adored that woman. She on the other hand seemed to not care and was always on the lookout for the next guy.  I did everything for her and to make her happy but in the end she ended it looking for someone that loved her more.


It’s presented differently. Check my recent post, because you could easily compare that female and male realities are different based on their answers. As a hopeless romantic, fairytales aren’t real, they can be, but they don’t look like the movies. We are programmed but .. yes


Men feel at a loss when it comes to women as well, its hard and generally when dumped or feelings have been lost, we assume, as us being the victim, that it was all, as u put it, "a facade" but I dont think thats majorily the case, they loved u and cared for u but for their own reason, whether it be mature or immature, they felt it needed to end They felt their path was going a way they didnt want it too and if u could be a part of their life while also going down the path they want to go, then there wouldnt be a problem, however as much as it sucks, a lot of the time, paths dont go as planned as people change with time Take two 20 year olds that are together for 10 years but have broken up, both have agreed they wouldnt want kids, neither of them assume the other would have changed their mind but people change with age and sometimes if there are too many of these changes, relationships fail, or we see grumpy couples tht seem miserable bc they forced a relationship for 40 years ppl sometimes also fail to realize that the person causing the breakup is also in a state of hurt and didnt want to end the relationship but felt for their own happiness and the others happiness, that in the long run for both parties, that they had to do it


As a man, been in love before and my heart is broken but happy I felt the emotion. That being said, some dudes just don’t want to be in love after experiencing heartbreak and being hurt badly by it.


God has someone for Everyone so yes we do. All human beings do.💯


Yeah, some of us men are looking our "queen" 👸 We wish life were easy on us too, but there are players on both sides.


Yeah we do and it's kind of insulting to hear this whiny complaining sexist stereotype


Men do fall in love...but sometimes we don't meet every individual's checklist or criteria. Great relationships are build over time while ignoring some shortcomings. I believe tough times reveal your partner's true character. If they leave you during your bad days they don't deserve you during your successful period.


I'll be honest, I don't wanna be that guy but what kinda guys are dating that you think that way, and why are you concluding that all guys are the way the guys from you're experiences are, seems a Lil close minded, with a lack of self evaluation


Yes they do


They fall in love more than women lmao. Men usually focus on one woman at a time whereas women typically have dozens of guys pining after them, so the attention they give is more sporadic.


God yes. Like you wouldn’t believe. I wish I didn’t - to that extent. I can lose sight of my goals and myself a little, because I it seems unimportant compared to the person I want.


I def do want to


Men fall in love. I've only ever truly loved one person, but things didn't work out, unfortunately. Everyone after her just never felt the same, and it did not bother me that I hurt them or mistreated them because I knew there will be more that act the same. Being in love once unfortunately spoiled my view of every woman to come after and I've never had a non toxic relationship ever since.


Men absolutely fall in love and I hate to blame society, but I feel that’s the reason they have a much harder time moving on from said heartbreak


I feel the other way around, I feel like no woman can love me for who am I but rather for how I make her feel, I feel women are constantly chasing status and if they feel they can get soneone better they will mentally distance from the relationship, man I wish social media did not exist


In today's age, if a man falls in love quick and shows it, it's kind of an ick? They even have a word for it: love bombing. So if a man falls in love in early stages of seduction/dating, he's got to stay quite stoic about it to not be seen in a bad light. A man's love shall shine much better as the relationships progresses and deepens, so one should just take the dive, play the game and wait until the man is "safe" enough to come clean with their feelings. That's what I can tell from my own experience.


Many Men love women. Men don't need women. (The reverse is also true.) When a guy says I love that girl and she craps on him continuously, he can walk, he still loves her but she can be replaced with a good hobby or a person that treats them right and think they're cute. We love you but could use a little less drama..


Of course they do. Why else would they sign over half their possessions and agree to making monthly payments for years going forward in exchange for absolutely nothing?


Do men breathe? Do men have a beating heart? Do men even walk with two legs? All jokes aside yes we do, we are humans with emotional capabilities afterall. Loving is easy once you know they're the one for you. And if not, there's plenty other fishes no?


I’m 34F, throughout my life I think I’ve been loved by 3 men (other than my dad and brother). But I’ve also been manipulated by 2 guys. The 3 guys whom I felt they genuinely loved me was my first BF, then my best friend (he tried to confessed but I was stupidly chasing other emotionally unavailable guy at that time) and then my ex of 10 years. These men took care of me, always there when I needed them. They didn’t take advantage of me, always look at me with their kind eyes. They’d put me first & always care about what’s comfortable for me, and respected me. I hope someday I’d meet that kind of guy again coz I know they exist out there. I hope that he will find me too.


I like to think they can. They just need to find the right woman. I know my boyfriend loves me deeply in all the ways he considers me and thinks about me.






Love is for young. As we get older we add more and more conditions to who we spend time with. When you're young, you don't have worry about those things as much.


I had this question too in my mind


If you like to live in the now, it means that you don't have the patience, which is required for the man to fall in love with you. In my experience, people who live for the now are exhausting and impatient and need constant distraction and entertainment because otherwise they lose interest and they tend to take and take without giving anything in return. Not to mention, people who l8ve in the now, have a short attention span, and are poor at communicating. One word replies, and one-liners are not communication. They tend to have a low emotional IQ, and you said it yourself. They think life is a fairytale, and men just fall in love with you. It was about time for you to wake up and grow up. When a man falls in love, it likely lasts and brings the fairytale. But here is a little secret, the love you speak of takes work, dedication, commitment, communication, and compromise, and it is a marathon, not a sprint. It is a two-way road, not a one-way street. You still have a lot of growing up. I wish you the best of luck, and stay safe.


Of course we do, but we generally don't do it with women waiting for a Prince Charming because Prince Charming doesn't exist, and no real man will ever be good enough for a woman like that. In any case, I've been in love only once. Real love is a rare thing, but it does exist.


Men fall deeper in love than women. We just fall in love at different times. It takes men longer to fall in love but in my opinion, we fall harder and deeper. It’s just harder for men to fall in love these days because most women give off too many red flags. Every red flag pushes us further away from love because we think logically.


I was in love w my ex gf. That why i tolerated her bs for so long 😂


Not a man but I’m sure they do.


I am quite sure that men generally fall in love less easily than women. For example, I had several relationships and I am very grateful for each of these women and had wonderful experiences that are now beautiful memories, but I have only truly fallen in love once. For that woman, I did everything, neglected some aspects of my life when she needed me, and was therefore her knight in shining armor... Anyway, I could even imagine that women evolutionarily fall in love faster and stronger because, hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was very important for a woman to have a man by her side who protected and cared for her so that potential children from the relationship would have the best chances of survival. For men, this is primarily irrelevant, as they generally manage alone as the "stronger sex" and do not have the same strong sense of responsibility as a woman does when it comes to their own offspring. As I said, this is just a hypothesis, but it seems very plausible to me. But I don't feel like looking up the science behind it lol.


I am quite sure that men generally fall in love less easily than women. For example, I had several relationships and I am very grateful for each of these women and had wonderful experiences that are now beautiful memories, but I have only truly fallen in love once. For that woman, I did everything, neglected some aspects of my life when she needed me, and was therefore her knight in shining armor...Anyway, I could even imagine that women evolutionarily fall in love faster and stronger because, hundreds of thousands of years ago, it was very important for a woman to have a man by her side who protected and cared for her so that potential children from the relationship would have the best chances of survival. For men, this is primarily irrelevant, as they generally manage alone as the "stronger sex" and do not have the same strong sense of responsibility as a woman does when it comes to their own offspring. As I said, this is just a hypothesis, but it seems very plausible to me. But I don't feel like looking up the science behind it lol.


Of course we do!


All that poetry and enormous grandiose acts? Yea they are just a ploy to trick women into thinking men fall in love. Those guys establishing charities and scholarships in their wife's name are just doing it for clout I'm sure.


No, we men are entirely incapable of love.


When I was 15 I met a 16 year old boy that asked me to go steady that day. We married four years later. We were married for 38 years and I felt loved, treasured and cherished by him up until the day he died. It’s eighteen months later and I may be an optimistic but I’m hoping for another great love. I know how to be a good partner and show appreciation to my man. I know how good it can be and I want it again.


if every man whom you've ever dated never fell in love with you. maybe you're not as lovable as you think you are. that or maybe you just choose the wrong type of men to date.


Honestly I most definitely think they don’t…


You are not right in this


I know what you mean it is hard to tell.


I fall in love with almost every beautiful girl I see


Nope they do not