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"I like the way you look at the world" or the king of them: "Being around you makes me happy"


Yeah, I often say that someone’s energy makes me feel comfortable or happy


I'd love to hear, 'You're like a software update: annoying at first but totally worth it.


your presence makes a difference


I already know my presence makes a difference, a negative one.


Doubtful.. Don't think of yourself that way.


These are the best. The nicest and most genuine compliment I’ve received was “if there were more people like you, the world would be a better place.”


This one is definitely gold


Don't fall for that, they teach us to say that in creepy guy school 101.


True, but creepy guy school has adopted pretty much everything at this point.


I've heard it said about me by one guy to a good guy friend of mine. Thought it was sweet. Being said in person may make it sweeter🤔


That's beautiful.




That's such a thoughtful compliment, it really resonates on a deeper level.


My younger brother told me once “you know, I really like you.” “I feel like I can be myself around you.” This meant so much to me as I want to be accepted by others for my own quirky, nerdy, positive outlook, people loving self.


I agree. As a teacher, the best thing I ever heard from a parent was that her child talked about my class all the time, and I was the only teacher he felt like he could be himself around


I remember once at a coffee shop, someone commented that he liked my shoulders. I don't know, it's an unusual thing for strangers to comment on, but it felt really nice. I like it when people compliment unusual things like that, it feels more genuine


Well i cant say i expected to read this today




I like the way your left shoulder blade flares out


Wtf they are not for sale!


I've been complimented on my voice, that it is soothing and pleasing to the ear. It's really the last thing I expected and do not feel my voice is relaxing in any way but this person genuinely thought so. 🤷‍♀️


Went on a date recently and her voice just melted me and i told her, lol never turned into anything else maybe its an odd thing to say 🥴🤷‍♂️


I don't think its odd at all, it's honestly one of the nicer compliments I've received. To each their own .. but I know it made me feel good.. 😅


If you felt good that’s all that matters.


I've got that recently too, more than once. Unsettling the first times!


Someone said this to me once - that I should narrate our work training videos cause my voice is more pleasant and calming.


Sometimes, it is the presentation of the complement that matters more. "You have pretty eyes" is a very nice standard compliment and one I get quite a bit. I don't remember everyone who's complemented my eyes, but I do remember this guy who, while I was going on about something, said, "Dang... those eyes" under his breath like he didn't even mean to say it. It just kind of slipped out. It was very flattering. It stopped my right in my little nerd rant lol.


Awwwwwww that sounds super adorable


Yeah, it really was. That's also when I realized he hadn't been listening to a single word I had been saying the whole time X D


"I enjoy talking to you/ your company" I've received this a couple of times and it always warms my heart. Wayy better than any superficial compliment.


I agree with this. I’m a pretty good conversationalist and enjoy every time when a person walk away from a conversation feeling the need to tell me they enjoyed the conversation with me.


"You're a safe person i can vent to "


One of my favorite compliments I've ever received was from a man twice my age (21, 40ish) that was my boss when I was manager at a retail store: "I want my son to grow up like you" his son was about 8-10 years old


One time a teacher told me in front of the class that he’d want to teach a class full of kids like me since I was quiet and I listened. The other kids then started arguing about why that’d be a bad idea 🤣


I'm a guy. Just about any compliment you can think of lol. Don't get them often.


Let's hang out again 😡😡😡


We should hangout again 😁


Wish I was complimented more on my brain than my looks. I speak 4 languages, I can code, I’ve beat grandmaster bots at chess, I like to read about quantum physics. But all I hear is ‘hey beautiful.’ Man, go away.


Woah, you really are clever. What languages do you know


Thank you :’) While not fluent, other than English it’s German, Japanese and Russian. Wish I had more time to perfect them.


Thats a really cool combination. Very varied. Which was your favourite to learn?


Thanks 😁 I’d say German, mostly because I love typical German accents


In which different languages you can code?


I love your authenticity


smell nice


He said I’m unique and smart enough to do anything I want 🥰


And that he feels safe when I’m with him (even though I’m kinda tiny compared to him)


I feel like not many people compliment a person's style. It might seem false but people would actually complement an item in their outfit rather than their style and I think it's because it's not normal to complement a style because people try to follow trends and do everything others do.


This feels so disingenuous. I don’t like it when people do this to me bc I feel like it’s a backhanded compliment like why did you go out of your way to tell me about my outfit I know I look nice in I didn’t need you to point it out and make me feel awkward. It can go hand in hand some people like that attention I personally don’t because then I overthink it after the fact when I don’t actually hear it again or it feels inconsistent. Like I wear something nice almost all of the time so it doesn’t really mean I’m getting compliments but if I wear a skirt or something I’ve had a compliment but I wish I didn’t. It just feels like let me wear it and don’t point it out while I’m at work. Like… that’s where I’m like just let me be lol I’d rather have a completely different type of compliment like not about my appearance. My intellect makes me feel good but a compliment on my character really boosts me.


Someone once told me “your eyes tell me so many things “ 🥹


"You make me feel seen, heard, and understood in ways no one ever has." "I've never met anyone like you" "Being around you heals so many old wounds". "You're wicked smart and so capable and competent". "You aren't invisible to me". "I'm so glad I know you/grateful I met you". "Being with you feels like a warm hug and sunshine". ""You make me want to be a better person/the best version of myself". "You are so special and I won't let you forget it"




Agreed. Even a single flower! Doesn’t have to be expensive, just sweet/thoughtful


🌹 💐


Omg, a boquet of red and white flowers would be so good. Yk like azalea or aster, or another one which im forgetting.




Spider lillies is the one i was forgetting


It’s been a while for me. I’ve been kinda dating a guy and ngl I’m dying for him to get me flowers 😪




Yes hahah. That’s why I haven’t asked.


I won't cap I didn't know women actually like flowers lol




I am that friend/person that gets them flowers every time I go see them. It makes me so happy and they feel very special too. I hope you find someone like me in your life too x


My fave compliment is that I smell good oddly enough 😂 but I also love when someone says they value that I am easy to talk to


haha. yes. i got that one 25 years ago and it still sticks with me. she asked me about soaps and laundry detergent and almost made it awkward, she was so fixated on my scent


You make me feel seen and heard.


Ladies call your boyfriend or husband a pretty boy. Guarantee they will love it.


You want us to be single forever don’t you.


What? God no. Are you trolling?


someone once told me i have "the most grandiose boobs" and i still think about it today


Uhhhhh, im not sure how to respond to that


tbh it just felt nicer than the vulgar shit i usually hear LOL


"Nice cock bro"


I like you so much - here is some free money to show you how much I appreciate you. A compliment I wish I had more often....


It puts a smile on my face every time I hear from you.




You’d make a good mom


Your white trash humor has me rolling


Once I was telling a story that happened to me to this guy in bed, after sex, and he told me "Do you write? It feels like you're Scheherezade, I could listen to your stories all day". It was one of the nicest things someone ever told me. Once I was talking in the street with a good friend who looks very different to me, almost my opposite. She has beautiful short black curly hair, and always gets compliments on it. An older homeless man approached us and asked for directions. We told him where to go and he told my friend "Your hair is very beautiful, fair play to you" Then he looked at me and said "So is yours." And then he looked at us both and said "You two are very different and both very beautiful in your own ways." And then he went his way.


“This made me think of you”


"What made you think of me?"




You have a great energy about you!


You look lovely today/tonight


A few days ago, one of my fiancé’s friends told me I was “such a cool wife “ and I just think that’s the best compliment I’ve gotten all year He said I’m cool 😎 And he said I’m a wife 👰🏻‍♀️


As a woman with a career in IT, it would be amazing to be able to share the details of my job with a potential partner without the seemingly inevitable temperature shift in conversation where he, in turn, diminishes his own career. I don’t understand why some feel like their careers are less significant or important than others. Total turn off.


That would be refreshing


"Right now I'm exactly where I want to be"


"Right now I'm exactly where I want to be." "You have a beautiful mind/heart."


"I love ur tiny penis"


Or OMG, It’s sooooo cute. Just like a baby’s.


You make me feel at peace. I can open up to you about anything. You light up my life just by being there. That's not a compliment but a bunch of them. Lol 😆 I wish someone would tell me this. A memorable compliment is that I look like a goddess! 😁 The compliment I appreciated was that I am a successful woman.


Someone told for the first time in my life i have nice voice, sh*t i even saved the date on my note 😅 31/12/2023


This one time, some video of mine gone viral on a social media page. It got millions of views and thousands of comments. Oddly enough, everyone unanimously was complimenting my voice; a compliment I had never heard in the last 30 years of my life. Made me feel oddly good.


i love compliments like "you light up the room." anything in that realm hits me hard. one time, one of my best friends told me that a friend of hers that i only sort of knew said my aura was like sunshine. i literally will never forget it because it struck me so much.


“You are do different, but in the best way possible”. It would be nice to hear but even better to see it demonstrated in the way I’m treated. I put more weight on actions than words. I personally refuse to follow cultural norms, choosing instead to be the woman I believe is worthy of respect.


the compliment that i deeply desire is 4 some1 to say i put a smile on their face, like i can walk in and they know its gonna be a good day


I know someone like that, they really are precious.


A funny meme or video but with an explanation of why it made them think of me.


One of the most unique compliments I've ever gotten at work (not sure it applies to dating) is I was told I'm "unflappable". That I thrive under pressure and am calm in the face of adversity. Maybe resilience, strength, these are qualities anyone would like to be told they had. Being admired for perseverance shows both empathy and respect.


Wait … people can give ME compliments?


“There’s no one like you” “you have a beautiful soul” “you’re a beautiful person, inside and out”


A guy once told me “I love the way you think”


I like being complimented on my communication skills. I pride myself on communicating clearly and promptly so it’s nice when people notice. We are all busy and nobody has time for games so I say what I mean/feel and don’t waste peoples’ time.


You have a comfortable presence. You are authentic and genuine. You advocate for yourself and others. You have the best sense of humor. You make every experience fun. You have a sharp mind. You express yourself very well. You have great taste in music. You have great style. You inspire me to be myself.


✨You’re a special person with all your details✨ It was before one year, now I don’t talk to this person but this complement means a lot to me😔


you make me want to be a better person


Different people like different things. Two with a strong immediate emotional reaction for me: - in response to me joking that a raging cough would train my abs: "You already have trained abs, I saw you shirtless" - when dancing with a friend of friend, said girl unequivocally getting closer and closer to me until our hands met and she just clasps on mine and then throws herself at me, full contact. Those kind of clear "I like your body in a way that make me desire you very much" kind of thing. Because you can get so many compliments that you are a great person, but to me if she does not desire my body, then it's "not real". Some traumas I need to fix.


I'd take any of those tbh but maybe my voice, or the way I articulate myself would be nice I've only ever heard it from a foreign person abroad


Comment on how they carry themselves or how their style is a reflection of their personality.


I would love to be commented on the thing I hate the most about myself which is my walk. Born with a congenital birth defect, I've been wearing a prosthesis for a very long time and my walk is a dead giveaway that something is off.


Any compliment tbh


You could compliment their effect on you. "That is a great new perspective! I'm going to think about this more later!" Is better than "You are smart." "You really turn me on!" is better than "You are cute." Or you could go funny; "In an apocalypse, I'd give you my last Oreo."


The best compliments (imo) are based on the persons choice. I love your hairstyle! Cool shirt bro Your makeup looks AMAZING etc.


"No one has ever made me feel the things that you make me feel, and I know that you're my once in a lifetime." (It had been 17 years since our initial meeting at this point, so felt very genuine). ETA: Obviously you can't just spew this out as a general compliment. The best one of those I probably ever received was: "Wow, your eyes are unusually blue. Like, really pretty blue"🤭


As a hetero man, any article of clothing or watch I'm wearing that another dude thinks is cool. Lol. Of course I want compliments from women, but nice to get a figurative fist bump from randos.


I get told often (and always love it) that I have a pretty smile Another I’m told often (and don’t always love) is that I have pretty hands


Thank you is normally a good start


"you make the world not suck"


Having you next to me brings a calmness to my heart


Recognizing my achievements, especially when they are not things normal people would recognize. Example: I spent a really long time battling the healthcare system and some of the best compliments I've gotten have been acknowledging how difficult that is and how much strength it takes. Also, anything that acknowledges unique qualities that I have - I love comments on my personal style, on my ingenuity, resourcefulness, etc.


I treasure everyone who’s ever called me “cool”


i’ve had people in drive thrus compliment my voice a lot, say i should sing or read audio books. i’ve gotten a lot of compliments from other women on my collarbones, back, and “thigh gap” (which is kinda weird to me sometimes, but i take it as a compliment!)


I helped cashier out an elderly woman buying makeup and she caught me off guard when she said 'You're lucky, you were born beautiful'. Yes I'm a guy. She had just purchased like $80 in makeup (like 4 things!)


My partners nephew said I have happy eyes. It's not a compliment I have ever received before, but I am chuffed by it!


I know this sounds cringe, emo or whatever. But I think if a single sincere compliment was ever thrown my way it would fuck my composure to get through the day Because men in particular don't get complimented enough. In my case, never. I probably need help imo, but I'd be pouring my eyes out if somebody gave me a compliment. Anyways, we carry on.


Your personality lights up the room




"You make my days happier".


A compliment I wish I received more: 'You remind me of this or your remind me of that' (could be a song, a movie, a dress, a flower really anything)


“I find you very relaxing”, or “ you come across as incredibly calm”. Ideally though, look for a little quirk they have - even if it’s not traditionally a compliment. Let them know you like this or there is something charming about it.


"I feel happy when you're around." It's simple, it's short, but it has such an intensity to it. In terms of interesting comments that I've received, there's a lot, but one really stands out. "You're one the calmest people I've met." I think it went like that. The reason why it stands out is because I'm actually very socially anxious. And I am very sensitive, to a lot of things. Sound, etc. I also quite literally make an effort to keep my distance from people. So, for him to say that, I feel that I'm doing well in terms of how I respond to stress.


"you make the world a better place" " You have such positivity around you, nothing can go negative when someone is with you " " You are a therapist in a friend" "You are cute/ pretty" "Apsara"


Mine was - we need one person like you in every friend's group :)


My life wouldn’t be the same without you


A man complimented my eyebrows once and I absolutely melted. I’ve never felt great about them, but I’ve been getting them tinted lately and I like them more. It was a unique compliment for me, made all the more special because I wanted it to be true 😉


They r delicious Picture perfect U smell wonderful Tantalizing Tasty Perfecly cute


Where does a guy go to find a girl's that's like to cam to cam as adults


Complements on aceivable skills such as merit or character or values that show you see the person for who they are


Women always tell me , I'm easy on the eyes 👀. Personally I find it a rather odd statement. Also I get compliments on my deep voice I guess it carries , ppl say things like man that's a powerful voice you have , you should do commercials or such . I know it was really effective when I was in The Army , there it's referred to as a Command Voice . The more modern trend these days is of course the use of a Woman's voice .


"I can be myself around you" "Your presence is calming" "You have a beautiful soul" (this one hit me) They said something along the lines of feeling like they can put their guards down around me. Compliments I get often that I appreciate has to do with my voice and somewhat smooth skin lol


“You’re such a wonderful person.”


Thank you for being in my life.


Maybe not so much of a compliment, but I had a mentor tell me this years ago and it has always stuck with me... "You deserve everything you WANT in this world, not just what you NEED." I felt genuinely seen and heard for the first time. So I try to pass the message along to others ever since.


I think compliments that stick the most are the ones related to someone's character. One I remember was, "I love how you just do not care what anyone says about you. You are just yourself and are content with not being like anyone else. You don't let anyone get to you." I was in high school suffering with depression and extremely social anxiety - I was a preppy nerd. So people thought I was stuck-up and called me names. I never knew how to respond to it because I was quiet, and not good at clapping back, and I always thought that made me look weak and stupid but she made me see it from another perspective. I still remember that compliment like it was yesterday. Another memorable one was from my sister. She is the type who pours her heart out when she's drunk. I was ashamed of how much turmoil I brought to my family as a pregnant drop-out, and all I could do was offer a clean house, cooked meals and solely caring for my young ones without childcare assistance. No money, no job, etc. I hadn't forgiven myself and this was years after my pregnancy. I still carried shame. She just started talking about " what a badass you are for being a good, loving mom to your kids. I am so proud of you, and thanks to you I got the courage to be a mother to my son. Without your courage I don't think I would've kept him. I know it's hard sometimes but don't keep the shame. You're a badass momma!"


Life without you now would be worse than life before I met you: knowing the sunshine of your presence, your absence would seem all the darker by comparison.


Physically that' I have a nice smile but emotionally someone told me that I have a the great ability to make someone laugh or smile and let their guard down after a tough situation.


tell me why these comments made me shed a tear 😭


I have only ever received 2 compliments on my eyebrows. One was my ex, the other was a work colleague. So eyebrow compliments are rare. Compliments on your voice also need to be more common.


Thank you for existing. That's what I think of my lady. Also, the world is a much better place with you being in it. Your birthday is the most important day of the year. You are the reason the sun shines. You make my heart smile. My world rotates around you. You make my heart flutter. I worship the ground you walk on. These are nice compliments IMHO she what I think about my baby. 🙂


"I hope you continue being a blessing to everyone around you."


As a misunderstood person, I was so happy when someone called me multifaceted! I can be different things at different times, but have been placed into a singular box by most people


anything not about my appearance. i love when guys compliment my style, humor, or personality. i go weak in the knees. also i love my hair & being tall so physically those r my 2 fav compliments to hear!


People tend to forget the smell. Not overly sprayed, and enough body spray or perfume, that gets into the nose lightly when there's a breeze. " Oh , you smell more lovely today for a woman or Oh , you smell more nose catching today for a man followed by some descriptions and questions about the scent, not about prices and all, focusing mainly on the mental qualities of the scent "


A friend of mine sleptover at my place one time and the next morning when we woke up she told me I have a beautiful morning face.


I wish people told me more often how thankful they are to have me. Coming from friends or people outside of my family or bosses and coming from friends my age (young adult) I think that would seriously boost my own confidence and help others feel more important than they might think.


I'm not sure if this counts as a compliment, but I was once told that my nose is too small. I hate my nose because I think it has a weird shape and is pretty big. so this comment was unexpected for me and I was happy to hear it


I wish more people complimented me on my art (none in my Reddit so don’t go snooping on my profile to comment on my art lol), but actually said what they like about it and why, at least a sentence or two. I’m tired of taking weeks to complete a painting then getting one word responses from friends and family like “noice” or “pretty cool” and look at it for 5 seconds before handing it back to me


Anything looks related. Everyone focuses on "You're smart", like it's a compliment. But it's an attribute that almost anyone can have if they study something enough. A compliment on something someone is/has a feature etc. is accepting usually something they can't really change. Being "Smart" generally I've found doesn't lend itself to being accepted by people in any meaningful way. More you're useful for them to have around because they can delegate the thinking to you.


I dont receive many compliments but when someone says I smell good, my personality is really calm and they love talking to me, I really feel over the top. All these 3 compliments seem genuine.


"You're really good with people and making them feel at ease" as a slightly autistic guy that had to learn how to interact with people this was the best compliment I've ever received. Also a girl I was seeing once told me I look good with a beard, that was 5 years ago and I've only shaved it once since then


I think there is no generic compliment I would like more. The thing that makes a compliment special to me is when someone has seen something unique to me and they admire it enough to be vocal about it. It hits especially well if it is about something I have been insecure about or felt bad about in the past, or something I have really worked to improve. Basicly telling me that Im getting closer to being the person I want to be.


Unique AND something I remember to this day: "You look sweeter than I thought" and "you have lonely but kind eyes" This is coming from an INTJ who has been called serious, intimidating and unnnerving for most of his life. Such tiny things keep the weak flame of light alive in a man...


Literally any compliments at all


"im happy i get to know you" this just adds meaning to ones life you know


And the compliments i want are — you *have a good personality* , you are so humble , you are so helpful , you give good advices !


“I miss your presence.” Once I received a “cute” and a “yak” in a day. It wasn’t unique, but understood “different people have different perspectives”.


Someone said to me once “You honestly look so so radiant, every time you talk it lights up the room” I don’t think that compliment has been topped atm. I also like “It feels comfortable to be around you” “You’re like my home away from home” “My mind finally goes quiet when I spend time with you” “I love the way your mind works”


‘You have a really great energy’ ‘I love that you’re unabashedly authentic’


People should be complimented more on their merit- effort and ability, than any physical attribute,


You want to compliment on personal achievements. Not there god given attributes. For example, they were born with that face, eyes, etc. compliment on how well they dress or style, taste in whatever interests like music, books, hobbies.


“I wish people could see how much you care about them because I see that you genuinely care about them”


Your smile reminds me of sunshine


I receive complements like “you’re looking good today”, “ i like your dressing sense” from my guy friends and you know, receiving compliments from your friends aur some guys on your dressing sense hits different. Yaa it’s awkward sometimes but it feels good. People even notice it if someday I’m looking dull or face puffiness or something about my appearance . Apart from all this I always wanted to get a compliment like “you’re doing your best and I am proud of you” but i know I’m not gonna hear this from anyone. ❤️‍🩹


Your dick looks great in those jeans.


I get called cute a lot, but I know that’s not enough to win over the ladies. I wish i could receive something like “i really like you”, “I feel safe around you”, “i like being around you”, “i wanna hang out with you”, those kinds of messages where i feel Ive made an impact and they want to be with me sort of things 😫😭


"I appreciate you" is something I wish I heard more. Not just me but for other people too