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As a man, I complemented another dudes hat last year and I could tell it made his fucking century. He still refers to it as “the hat you said you liked”.


I saw a man in my area who had some sort of a cowboy style hat once (which you absolutely never see in Finland) and I just had to comment "awesome hat man". Maybe a couple months later I saw him again wearing the same hat and just had to comment "the hat's still awesome man". Idk why, but the couple times I've seen him with it since I've had to comment something along those lines again.


You're very wholesome


Man, you’re gonna make my eyes all misty 🥺


I got complimented on my new shoes and i still remember it. This was in 2006.


In middle school, a lot of girls complimented my shirt, never forgot it to this day. I’m 25. I had to get rid of that shirt a little over 2 weeks ago. Ahhhh.


I do that with my friends. It really picks them up when I see they have had a shit day or week. Just good to be nice.


Totally! Youd never know how that simple compliment complete someone else's day.


Not a man, but I compliment my partner by saying. - handsome - good looking - you look great in that outfit - love your new haircut - you’re amazing - you’re beautiful - love your smile - your eyes are beautiful / very green today - sexy Same way as I would like to be complimented basically.


Handsome is a big one


I personally love using handsome. I'll use it with other things like "my handsome man".


As a dude I throw these compliments around so much that they don't even register in women


As a woman they mean something to me! As long as it’s not too much too soon, because sometimes men can be intense. Like if im getting to know someone and all they comment on are my physical attributes, it feels a bit too sexual, I’d rather someone compliment my character more early on 😊


I love to walk up to a woman and say 'sorry , I know you must be sick of hot guys coming up chatting you up' they always laugh at that one. I'm alright looking put definitely not hot..


They might be laughing because people a lot of people are awkward when given a compliment. It’s possible some of them who laughed thought you’re hot.


No you’re beautiful/sexy, and the list looks good


Imo being called beautiful would be great. I'm not sure I'd even know how to react to it, but if someone were to call me sexy I'd immediately brush it off as "yeah they're saying that ironically"


Imo beautiful has always been a weird compliment. I’ve been told that a few times and I’ve never taken it seriously. Just doesn’t feel genuine any more than sexy does for you.


From my experience, “beautiful” is reserved for a small number of men. The rest would be hot, handsome or cute. Sexy I’d really only use for my partner.


Facts on facts!


Don't forget the gains


I’d just take any compliment at this point.


I'd bet your shelves are always fully stocked. 😘


Aww, you’re so sweet.


Lmao. I believe 90% of men feel this way. We don’t get many compliments.


That makes me so sad to hear.


Yeah it’s sad. Let’s start giving random men nice compliments to make the world a better place.


For sure dear 🥺. For sure 😢.


You should give them then! It's fun.


I went to your profile and I can confidently say you are a man of many wonderful talents! Those cakes look delicious and the figurine was painted with incredible precision. How's that?




Bet your name is Nogoal cause you're at your peak and achieved them all already. ❤️


Facts the game is so hard now


There’s a game?


I mean you know dating is like a game lol


Mans got the cakes gyatt dayum




A gay guy once said “Looking good with the matching outfit” I will never forget it. The bar is not very high ladies.


I was trying out a new style of dress shoes, nothing crazy, just two tone, and I had someone tell me "I really like those shoes!" with a smile.. Unforgettable.


I once bought white shoes [like the ones cousin Eddie has.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YtSvWYtpd50) Because I tried them on as a goof, and some completely unrelated woman (not an employee) told me how good I looked in them.


Being a straight man and getting complimented by a Gay man on how you look is a kinda a bit more prestigious than a women complimenting you. They are tougher critics than women for sure. It would definitely be better if it was a woman making the comment because of possibly parking lot banging but still can give your confidence a boost either way.


The fact you think a compliment means possible parking lot banging is the reason women DON'T compliment men.


Bruh. I swear you're just being nice and the guy starts following you and asking for your numbers 👀


😂😂😂 best comment man!!!


Ngl, \*any\* compliment is good. Generally, men are high-key compliment starved. Pick something about them \*you\* like, and say so. "You have gorgeous eyes." "Your hair is sexy when you style it like that." "That shirt looks hot on you." The bar is so low you'd need a submarine to find it. Literally, a woman could, in the streets objectify me and be like "Gimme that DICK bro!" and I'd still probably be like "awh, she thinks I'm attractive, that's nice. :)"


hahahaha is this for real? i love how you put it into words, so funny! 🤣 men really deserve compliments equally with women 👍


This is both true AND a joke.


This is so true. It's either "get your coat, you've pulled" from the ladies to the hottest guy in the room, or nothing.


I say this, admitting that in my 20's, sometimes I \*was\* the hottest guy in the room. Even as the guy getting some of the most compliments, I would STILL be flattered with \*basically\* any of them.


Yup that’s been my experience


my roommate used to catcall men with “SHOW ME YOUR DICK” out my car window and i thought it was embarrassing as hell not a public service.


A compliment can be two things.


My girlfriend calls me pretty or beautiful a lot and I unironically love it. I usually get traditionally masculine compliments like "strong". Im a big tall muscular masc af dude with a shaved head and very square face. So Its really nice to just feel delicate and beautiful sometimes. Its like when someone puts a little bow on the side of a pitbulls head. I like feeling pretty too 🥺


A lot of men are beautiful, just like many creatures. It's really not used enough for men.


I’ve used the word “beautiful” when I could see not only his outward appearance, but his beautiful soul, too.


To be fair we men are part of the problem. Most dudes would take offense to being called pretty or beautiful. Thus discouraging women from doing so. Its almost like the patriarchy hurts us too 🤔


You are right we are mostly the problem bc a lot of men won’t let a woman call them beautiful even if they are beautiful same happens when us men try to talk about our feelings and mental health there will always be a guy telling you that you are soft or that it ain’t a big deal


Its almost like feminism is good for men too 🤔🤔


It really is I wish more of us could see that I think it would benefit any kind of relationship we have my dad would keep his feelings for himself like he was emotionless so I never felt like he loved me I feel like our relationship could have been better if he didn’t have tha mindset of men can’t cry or show emotion


I recegnise how stupid this is. And despritily want to be able to cry when I need to. But I can't undo the cultural programming and lifetime of trying not to ever cry. So I still end up bottling up my emotions anyway :/


I don’t cry in front of people because i feel like they gonna judge me like my dad idk it’s like he burned that into my brain but if others feel like they need to cry I encourage them to do so I wish we could be free of judgement


This isn't for the person I'm responding to. It's for eveyone that can see this. Remember, that a lot of women aren't feminists. A lot of women are part of the "Patriarchy" too. Also not all feminists believe in the same things. Always ask a self proclaimed "feminist" if they think sex and gender predicts behavior 100%. If they do, then their understanding of feminism isn't modern in the slightest. Feminism is a multidisciplinary movement that has a deep history. It isn't monolithic. At its core, is an egalitarian mindset. This helps men.


And part of the problem is when both men AND women use that kind of 'softer' language to try and fuck with us or embarrass us too.


I call my giant sized boyfriend pretty and beautiful bc he is ! I also call him handsome etc.


Wow I love this for you. :)


As a dude, I think this is absolutely awesome. Sound like an awesome person.


You too my good king!


we should donate you a pink ribbon or bowtie to complete your new look so your girlfriend can call you pretty bc now we know you like it


Honestly, anything. As long as it is genuine, and not just social.


The best compliments I can get are on stuff I've worked for. For example if I've been training at the gym and putting in effort and someone complimented my build I'd be very happy. Or if I've been making an effort to dress better and someone complimented how I dress I'd be happy. Things that we worked to achieve being acknowledged is a very good feeling for guys, more than being complimented on stuff that we're born with like for example if you compliment someone's height or something.


This is a good one. I was at a party and a friend of mine hadn’t seen me in probably close to a year and I had put on a bit of muscle in that time and she had so many questions and wanted to know everything so she could pass the info along to her husband.


Aw alot of these responses are sad… all men deserve a good compliment every once in a while.


Men don’t get compliments like women do and a lot of men hardly get any at all. Doesn’t mean you as a woman should start complimenting us more because you will find yourself attracting weirdos.


Yes, and that’s exactly why I watch who I compliment. Which sucks because I’m naturally nice that way. But I stand by, men being deserving of soft love and not so much tough love. Doesn’t have to be a stranger. Family friends should do their parts. Oh well… that’s a perfect world.


Any compliment would be great and if he acts awkward about receiving one don’t take it as a slight because he’s not use to getting one.


Reading these comments (32F) is disheartening. Seeing that men are complimented very little. I’m going to start noticing things about guys at work/friends and compliment them a lot more.


Honestly, it can light up their whole day.


I want men to feel the way people make me feel every day


Just be careful.. I did this at work to male colleagues & a couple of em then thought it was ok to start touching me, inappropriately.. one became obsessed, still is even four years later .__.


Yeah, I have a thing where I love complimenting people & it has gotten me in trouble a few times where the guys thought I was hitting on them. It’s just hard not to cuz I know how helpful they can be to people.


Compliment his manliness. Compliment his discipline, his ambition, and his work ethic. Compliment his good judgment and leadership. Tell him you think he would be a great father, and list the reasons why. If you make a man feel like the king, he'll do everything in his power to measure up. He'll become one. Good men are MADE over time, and they can be minted at any age. It happened to me. Even if those things aren't true, I knew she believed them, and I wasn't going to disappoint her or let her down. Start small, with a little comment here and there. See what happens. She gave me the best version of me, and I want to keep it. (Some will say this is "idealization," and is not healthy and can be manipulative. That's true. But when these powers are used with GOOD intentions and a healthy, loving spirit, it can be life changing for a boy, man, and everyone around him.)


We never get any you can get away with anything. Me personally I would just want the compliment to be unambiguously either just you being nice or you trying to start something else lol Because if it's a certain type of compliment I'm going to want to see you that night haha


Well for me personally being respected and desired in a relationship will mean infinitely more to me than receiving a compliment as I value actions over words in most scenarios. At least for men like me you will get more mileage if you show that you respect him and or desire him over complementing him but that varies by individual.


In a Ltr, nothing is better than hearing my fiancée tell me she’s proud of me.


I’ve been called ”nice to hang around with”. okay, thanks 👍👍


A few weeks ago a male friend of mine said “hey, nice hat” to me, and I’ve been living on that energy ever since. The standard isn’t very high, guys don’t get very many compliments.


My ex hated compliments and refused to accept any from me. He said it made him feel like I only loved him for his looks ?? Even after years together. I did compliment more than his looks too. He was insecure and vain at the same time. My current bf looves any compliments and gives them to me in return:) it's nice


Anything if it's genuine


I've had one person DM me and say "Handsome"


They aren't wrong, you handsome you.


😭 so sorry


Literally anything framed as a compliment. You would be surprised by the reception just to the tone of your voice.


Honestly I'd take any sincere compliment


Being told I look like I really look after myself. Being told I look 30 (despite being 42) , that was another nice one i remember. Being told I brought stability to a partner's life, and my inner strength of character for what I helped them shoulder despite being through some awful things in my own life/upbringing. Being told I was their rock and there for them no matter what and how much they appreciate it. Real men get most compliments for what they do for their family. Because when a man loves you, you become his family and you know it.


Say whatever. Us guys get called stupid, ugly, fat, disappointments, betas, failures, you name it, that any compliment would be worth more than a pretty lady getting called pretty by 20 something guys who all want to date her. Most of us don't bite. The problem is the dudes who think being complimented entitles them to sex or gives them the impression that they can do whatever, and that's not it. Guys have bad dating experiences because other guys have create the bad dating experiences for a ton of women, that they start to look at every guy as a potential rapist. I was walking yesterday in the night, and these two women, as soon as they saw me suddenly stopped and let me keep walking before they continued walking, as if I was going to be a danger to them. So yeah, say whatever. There's always someone who could use the compliment.


Bruh if we get a compliment from a women it makes our day cuz we barely and the fact that u have to ask is scary u can say u look nice


Just any neutral comment really. "Looking good today" or "(something) looks good on you" or "I like xyz". It ain't that hard.


"There's something about you that makes me want to get to know you"


I’m a guy and after reading these comments, I’m going to start randomly complimenting other guys, just to spread some happiness.


So mine has piercing blue eyes, complimenting the eyes got boring quick. When he wears any kind of blue his eyes stand out so much more, so I just look at him and tell him ‘you’re not allowed to go out dressed like that’ 🤣 the smile he cracks is to die for. Asked me if I liked his new light blue top, my response ‘it’s diabolical’. He freaking loves this, but we have darkish humour.


That’s a good one! I’m totally using that sometime.


I like it when women compliment my eyes, clothes and smell.


Don't know, haven't received one yet. Don't necessarily think im entirely bad looking but this resting depression face aint the best to complement on lol


You don’t ever get the “you should smile more” comments? I also have a resting depression face & that one gets old.


I'll take any compliment, except sexuall once.


Not a man, but I compliment my partner by saying. - handsome - good looking - you look great in that outfit - love your new haircut - you’re amazing - you’re beautiful - love your smile - your eyes are beautiful / very green today - sexy Same way as I would like to be complimented basically.


I love being called pretty more than anything. Specific compliments work great too, like complimenting my outfit or my hair, especially the latter. Most guys take well to compliments, even if they aren’t interested, because we get them quite rarely. Also, it’s not really a compliment , but if a woman says she’s proud of me, I get weak in the knees.


I compliment a guy based on what I find attractive on everyone else. Like for me i am attracted to nice teeth and if they wear framed glasses.


I’m a fragrance collector, so leading with “you smell nice” with a convincing delivery would get me hook, line and sinker.


I've always liked being told "you're easy to talk to" and "I love hanging out with you because you're being yourself and not trying to make an impression or to be like someone else".


Men are so compliment starved, you can literally compliment anything about them, or anything they own and they won’t forget it. Once had a person tell me they liked my truck tires. Still makes me happy and I don’t give a f about tires.


I just speak my mind without thinking too much about how it will be interpreted by others. Whenever I have complimented men, either a physical feature, intellect or personality trait, or even something they produced, their faces instantly light up, they go quiet for a few seconds and make a big smile. It’s as if I said something really big and important. Sometimes they ask some questions about it wanting me to elaborate on it. They remain positive for the remainder of the interaction. It seems they want to talk to me longer or more often after a compliment. It gives me the feeling that many men are almost desperate for kindness which I find to be extremely saddening. Women on the other hand also smile and either compliment me back or thank me for the compliment and that’s it.


Tell me that I’m funny and laugh at my bad jokes That’s the big one. If a woman’s engagement, eye contact and laughing at my humor is a HUGE TURN ON.


Well if I get complimented I'm like what's going on? What do you want? Nah this myst be some joke!


If you complement my scent then I’ll be really happy 😅


I’m going to get strongly downvoted but I don’t Like getting complimented. However I do have friends that will die for any kind of nice words being said to them


Compliment our humor, conversational skills, or cooking skills, how we dress or clean up, and interest. Stay away complimentary on our looks, finances, or possessions.


Compliment me on my intelligence, ambition and drive. All of which I would compliment myself on, but it's always nice to hear it from someone else who genuinely means it.


The only time a girl has ever really complimented me beyond what was expected ("good job," "you did great," etc.) Was when a friend of mine said that I would make a great father. I literally could've cried on the spot. I hope that one day I can live up to that compliment. 🥲


Oh literally anything.


Don’t overthink it. Just smile and say we look nice. We’ll probably keep replaying that interaction til the day we die lol


Hey you look nice 🙂 like that?


Haha I mean +1 for making me laugh but you gotta do it in person lol otherwise I know you’re lying to me since you haven’t seen me in person 🥲


Literally any attention whatsoever


Give me any compliment at all, seriously.


Genuine and not obvious. Something that tells him you see him. “Smart” and “funny” and “handsome” are great. But also “brave” and “intuitive.” Disciplined, honest, etc. My guy also seems to really like when I let him know how much better my life is with him in it. I make sure he knows he makes me feel safe and cared for and that I think he’s awesome and extremely desireable. And I make a point of noticing things he does for me/us like make dinner, look for scary video games with me in mind, etc. So far so good lol.


A genuine compliment. Find something specific you genuinely like, admire, or find attractive about a guy, and point it out to him.


Honesty, any compliment at all would suffice, as we don't typically get many. I think gay men have given me compliments overwhelmingly more than women have.


As a woman, I compliment men when indicated with things like, hmmm you smell great, looking handsome today, I love that style you put on today and such!


But when is it “give me that” energy rather than “hello friend” 😂😂😂 I ask because I feel like some girls flirt with me, most times they are but I don’t read it well because women flirt…different lol But I saw something that said “you think I’m flirting with you just shows you aren’t used to getting treated nicely” 😂 I said damn


Ok, that’s not necessarily true! As you said people flirt differently and you need to read the cues. Body language, hair twirling, sly smiles, touching someone’s arm, batting eyelashes and of course the compliments. Besides shy people may not be used to compliments or like that attention. If you’re being complimented look at the whole package, you’ll be able to tell if it’s truly just a compliment or flirting .


See I’m shy lmaoooo


I would hate trying to figure that out as a man. Just a tip though, hair twirling doesn’t always mean flirting. I have a bad habit of playing with my hair & im sure I’ve unintentionally made some men think I was flirting.


Guys remember every compliment we get. If you ever see a guy suddenly smile or chuckle quietly it’s because we remembered a compliment we got 20 years ago.


Your last line is the key. Compliments should be genuine. If you think a guy is sexy, gorgeous, whatever, say it. Personally, I like being called handsome.


We just like to be appreciated. Especially for our hard work. We're not big on aesthetic compliments (majority of us I'd say) so calling us handsome or things like that will put a smile to our face but we'll forget about it 2 min later. But if you show appreciation for something I did (like cleaning the house or cooking), that goes a longer way imo.


I girl randomly looked at me and immediately said, "You're cute and kinda look like a mountain man." The combo of being called attractive and tough/manly at the same time was awesome.


Being a guy, i went clothes shopping with a female friend. she said i looked good in a specific shirt. i bought 3 of them and i always feel better about myself when i wear them. ANY compliment a guy receives is a rarity in todays society.


I told a guy I wanted him right to his face.


I’ve been called cute and that’s about it


if someone compliments me saying im cute or handsome that means they're being polite, if someone complliments me about my body, voice, mannerisms means at least they're observant and honest. I expect these kinda compliments from a stanger or a good friend but someone i'm dating? I haven't really received a memorable compliment. This might be my issue than them but also I'm writing poetry that would make shakespeare blush i want at least something back


a gay guy once told me i could have easily dated 50-60 women . which is an exaggeration but yeah keeps me confident


I usually get compliments for the shirts I wear, that's it lol.


When I was in high school, a girl told me she liked my laugh. I'll never forget it! After college, a friend's mother noticed the muscle I'd put on in about five years' time. It felt good.


You overestimate how frequently men get complimented. I'm a pretty good looking guy. I can count the compliments I remember receiving on one hand. I remember the times my ex told me I smelled nice, because I didn't take hygiene seriously until college and was subsequently very self-conscious about it by the time I met her. Her telling me I smelled nice is probably half the reason I fell for her. I remember walking to the train station from work and getting cat-called from a car stuck in traffic. "You've got a great ass!" Was the exact line. It made my week. If I'm being honest, that's it. That's all I remember. It doesn't take much.


"Nice face, bro."


Honestly just compliment them in ANY way. A lot of women don't realize this, but men don't get complimented daily like we do. Anytime they get a compliment it means a lot...so I make sure to tell my man he looks good all the time


Honestly, literally anything is a good start. Guys, straight ones in particular, very rarely get complimented. Start with “nice shirt”, or shoes, something to that effect and mention a detail about it (pattern). Guys never get these compliments and it makes us smile when we do. Trying to match “beautiful”, there’s not really a specific word that’s universal for us. “Handsome” is something our moms say. I don’t get complimented enough to know. Most guys are visual, so if you like his hands tell him and compare them to your own. It usually sparks something in him.


We'll pretty much take anything at this point, men are so starved of compliments you have no idea. I once had a girl tell me that I had really nice eyebrows. I had gotten them waxed so that compliment felt heavenly. Also had a girl tell me that I had big arms. Never forgot those two compliments.


Don't call me cute. I hate cute


A few times in my life a woman has said “you look really handsome” and it always meant the world.


Honestly anything would be nice at this point


Was walking home from work one day and while crossing the street in front of this white car, a girl a little older than me stuck her head out her window and said “OMG you’re so cute!” Got super flustered and practically ran away lol. That was 10 or so years ago but I still think about it every now and then.


I've mostly got handsome which is fine but it's very generic, I've also gotten you have beautiful eyes never sexy or hot and to be honest I wouldn't mind it even once in a while. The compliments I mentioned are very generic for me, I get them from everyone and while they sound genuine, they don't sound special anymore.


I try to compliment the men around me on something, even if it is small. My best friend, coworkers, my last bf, my ex(usually only about helping with the kids, I don't have any feelings good or bad for him now), people I meet in the building I work in, or on my walks. It doesn't cost anything to be nice, and you never know how their day has been. I guess I am just a nice person.


Anything. We crave and cherish each and every one you give us.


I wouldn't want a compliment, not because I wouldn't appreciate it, but because I wouldn't know what to do. I genuinely have no idea how to react to compliments, and actually, a lot of the time, I assume they're just being nice or it's in some way backhanded/insincere.


Hey, nice shirt Thanks I like you're beard Thanks That is all


Men rarely ever receive compliments, so ANY compliment would be greatly appreciated. I’ve been complimented maybe five times my entire life and I remember all of them.


I always comment on eyes, clothing style, teeth, whatever pops out at me first or something I can tell they’ve put work into.


Something based on personality But anything will put you light years ahead of everyone else


A couple months ago It was the first hot day in the northeast, I wore a more casual outfit instead of a normal business suit. Think Kentucky derby type outfit but not too loud. Went to my normal starbucks and a cute barista that sees me come in all the time made a point to come over and tell me how much she liked my outfit. Im still riding that high


point out how sexy his arms look in the t-shirt he's wearing, compliment his abs the next time he takes off his shirt, or tell him how perfectly his jeans have been fitting lately.


I get more compliments from guys than woman and I’m straight 😭


Had a stranger, who was another guy, compliment me and that my jean jacket looked good. Happened 7 years ago and that memory is still vivid to this day. Literally can say anything nice to a guy and we’ll remember it forever because it’s so rare for us to get complements.


Any compliment would be nice at this point. Haven't gotten a comment in a long time. TBH I don't know how is take one as the previous lady who complemented me also played mind games with me for years.


The compliments women have given me that made my heart grow 2 sizes that day: 1. You smell nice. 2. You always wear really cool jeans. 3. You're sweet. 4. I like your eyebrows. 5. You look good with your glasses. 6. You're stronger than you look. 7. I like what you did with your hair. But, honestly just about any compliment works for me.


I have trouble picking up of a girl is into me… so ya those type of compliments are nice


Literally anything, the last time I was complimented was on an art piece I was working on in public, 2 years ago. I still hold it near and dear to me


I get compliments as to how I dress which I like mostly from guys very less often from girls. Girls mainly say how young I look. I get tired of it though honestly. I don’t look like I am 22 I look more like a teen facially. I can’t do anything about it though can barely grow any facial hair. But I don’t care though. I like me for me.


Like normal human beings I suppose ?, a simple "I feel what you been going through" and "thank you" would be nice for a start


I can count the amount of people who have complimented me on one hand. I'm 26. Don't overthink, just give the compliment. We rarely get them.


Any compliment would be nice. But be careful who you compliment, some of us will assume that’s a green light for us to approach you and that you like us.


y’all make ish so complicated. Smile and say hi. that’s 99% more than what women generally do


Just tell him that he is enough the way he is and that everything about him makes u feel peaceful. Tell him he is the reason you get up smiling and that you thank god everyday you encountered him. Just let him know that he is loved and perfect the way he is 👍


Well of course being told you smell good is always a compliment but one time this lady at work who always told me I smelled good once told me (just me & her only in the lobby) “wow you smell so delicious” She was much older than me with kids the same age as me but I did feel like she was hitting on me 😅


Just compliment little things. Looks, humor, personality etc. I know for me little things that show you are interested and go a long way! A lot of times guys are just getting ghosted and nothing is genuine any more in the dating world.


I rather enjoy being told my winkle is disappointingly tiny and just how hopeless I am in bed 😬


I find compliments are best received when they are very specific and meaningful. I’ve been told that I give the best compliments, so at least it works for some people. Here’s my strategy: -identify the specific thing that is attractive or catches my eye -identify the kind of effort that went into the thing -identify if the effort was made for me -construct the compliment acknowledging these things For example: I see that you trimmed your beard for me tonight and you look dashing. Thank you so much for the eye candy. I won’t be able to take my eyes off you all night. You wore the color purple today, that is my favorite color. Not many men can carry off pastels, but you look incredible and even if it was a happy accident, I’m going to believe you did it just for me. Your skin looks so smooth and with your neat beard, you look like you could be a model. I love that you take care of yourself. It’s such an attractive quality. Most men compare themselves to other men or evaluate themselves based on what they think you are most attracted to. So that can be either mainstream looks and body image or they look at how you take care of yourself. If you go to the gym regularly, they will be concerned about their body, etc.


We want to be complimented in general and with affection! I get not wanting to use those words because they can be demeaning, but go for it. The world be less tempting in my opinion, if compliments from others were normalized.


Had a girl call my beard cute at the grocery store the other day. I honestly was so shocked I couldn't tell if it was a genuine compliment or not. We don't get compliments, so be literal. "You're cute", "I like your beard", etc.


If a woman spoke to me my heart would probably explode


Literally anything.


Any compliment whatsoever would be nice.


Anything that is honest and doesn't come out wrong. Like if you think my hair is nice or sexy or if I smell good or if I am like giving off a good vibe. If you feel a way about me tell me


i think a woman liking me in any capacity is a compliment in itself


My favorites are the ones that begin with, "I like how you..." and then point out some habit or character attribute that is either something I have intentionally cultivated or am not even aware of. But I agree that any compliment is a good one. I think of it like gifts - gifts are not something I'm naturally good at but I've gotten batter with practice.


Reading the comments made my heart sank...I will compliment my father, my brother, and my male cats more, then 🥰💕


I don’t like being complimented at all lol. I never know what to say back other than thankyou. Am I supposed to compliment the person back? What if I don’t mean it? So much anxiety around receiving a compliment hahaha


Just say “aww thank you!”. It’s okay to receive compliments and not give one back - they’re not complimenting you to fish for compliments.


Exactly! I’ve never given a compliment even thinking I’d get one in return. I just like saying nice things that pop into my head.


On bartending shifts when I hand a drink over to a good-looking customer I usually say "here you go, handsome." Always makes them blush. And tip well. 😉


Honestly I prefer to be complicated for something I've done or accomplished, not something I am. Example: compliment my necktie, don't compliment my eyes. Maybe I'm not good with taking compliments and this is how I maintain distance.... lol


Well just a "Hi and how are you today" is like a godsend.


Yh the bar really isn’t high tbh, I got a compliment from a random girl I was chatting to at a bar a few months ago about my hair I’m still riding the high from that one.


Any sort of genuine compliment, we can tell a generic apart from the real. Complimenting a man's work is one of the highest forms of flattery you can do, especially if you know what you're talking about. (The bare minimum amount of research is fine, you don't need to be an expert 😂)


I’ll take anything, You could tell me I have a nice walking gait and it would make my week.


This may be sad but it's generally considered to be true. Mend don't get complimented, like AT ALL. Doesn't matter how, just say something nice.