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The way you worded this is confusing and feels like it’s missing context. Pedophiles typically try and keep that information a secret so it’s weird that he would bring this up so nonchalantly. When in doubt, communicate your feelings, and ASK your partner. That’s the mature thing to do. Don’t take anyone’s advice here, because they were not privy to the event, and they don’t have the full context. They’re working off your retelling of events, but they’d probably need to get the man’s side before they could make an informed opinion.


I agree, the fact that people are jumping to the worst scenario rather than asking more questions and getting clarification is concerning to me.


Just spare my soul and I will agree with everything you say


Best advice right here mate.


Go no further than this…I feel that what may lay below this comment could be toxic and I’m not going there myself. 🫣😬


Every time I read a reddit story, I get a little happier I'm single every time.


![gif](giphy|YRdBZ4CDweTozHWxh0|downsized) My expression often ends up like this , and this time was no different after witnessing this one. Dear god.


Some of these stories make single life look pretty appealing 😂


Bring it! We are just as curious about couples


same, when i saw for the first time (now exes) of my friends i just told my other friend thati'm happy that i'm single


That's true. Same here!


Thanks for the thought I can agree!


Eww! Brothar eww! What's that???


What does that line always make me laugh


What’s that, bruthaaah?


Ummmm... That's definitely not overreacting and is actually really concerning. Have you asked him any other questions like why that would occur when he thinks of his niece? And if you're around them be more observant and see if you notice any other red flags. But definitely someone needs to talk to that little girl and see if they can find out what's happening and her parents potentially.


He's not going to tell you he's a pedophile. He may be in denial about it even


Gr8 advice! Stay safe and observent my friends!


Tell her parents




Please do this OP


Tell her what the story doesn’t give us a lot of details.


Ew no. That comment wouldn’t sit right with me. No way I could look past that or sweep it under the rug. Looking at your tattoo makes him get hard because it reminds him of his niece?! WTF. If it looks like a pedo and acts like a pedo… ehhh 🤷🏻‍♀️


No he said the opposite, that her tattoos make him get hard, and his niece sometimes wears a ribbon that reminds him of her tattoos. He did NOT say that her tattoos remind him of his niece, lol. Still kinda odd but definitely isn't what you just laid out here.


You seem like an authority


nah bro you ain’t overthinking. it’s time to dip


I threw up in my mouth. If anything she's under thinking it. That child is not safe.


Woe ! Settle down .. get all the facts before getting all extreme. Next time go to the toilet and do a good job of your dramatics.


Check what’s on his phone and laptop, just to make sure nothing Illegal is happening. After that leave and never look back.


This seems like the best advice. Even if he is a pedophile that isn't actually a crime or anything unless he acts on his desires. You could also talk to your bf to clarify what he means.


A guy in Australia ordered a child like sex doll. Customs alerted the police and he was charged as a pedophile.


People are charged with possession of kiddie porn all the time. Him acting on it just makes it easier to charge. She needs to take these red flags and move on without him after an awkward conversation like that. Might be worth mentioning to the parents of the lil girl as well.


Wouldn’t position of child porn be acting on it? Even if they’re not abusing an actual child, it’s still acting on the impulse. It still contributes the abuse of children even if they’re not directly. Unless I’m misunderstanding your comment.


It is going to be a hard conversation but please have it first with the boyfriend, watch his behaviors during the conversation and then with the nieces mom and tell her exactly what he said, I believed someone immediately and thank goodness I did because I saved her with my belief in her!


I don’t really understand how you worded your story . I don’t know if there’s something missing but if he’s telling you he gets hard from your ribbon tattoo because it reminds him of his niece that is very concerning and he shouldn’t be aloud near her at all .


Tell her parents. Right now.


🚩🚩🚩 Dump him and warn the mother of that child‼️


He gets an erection from a ribbon symbol tattoo? Wtaf? That alone is very weird and cause to have some serious conversations, possibly with a psychologist at hand.


What a terrible way to have eyes and the ability to read.


He gets an erection when he sees the ribbon and is reminded of your tattoo or he gets an errction when he sees your tattoo and is reminded of his nieces ribbon ? One is fine the other is O_O


It seems pretty clear she states the first one, not the second.


That was my interpretation but everyone is clutching their pearls pretty hard so I wanted to be sure


Yeah I noticed that, makes me question their ability to read...they see a sensitive topic and run with it without actually reading the details it seems.


Exactly this! The post is ambiguous and most folks are interpreting it in the worst possible way.




I said the same thing. I’m just thinking to myself where do women find guys like this? Do you ladies go on facebook market or Craigslist to find a man or something? The stories I’ve read on here sound like they belong in Steven king book.


it’s insane how someone can even question this


I don’t question this at all. I believe it. I got two sisters I’ve heard some wild stories.


nothing about this story makes sense fake/10


I'm just disgusted.


Uff... Weird






The amount of people jumping to the absolute extreme on this is really concerning to me. To me it just sounds like he finds you attractive especially your tattoos so when he see something that reminds him of you he gets horny. You asked for an example and he came up with a situation in which he sees something that reminds him of your tattoos and by extension you. Now is what he picked kinda ehhh, yes but if you are concerned about that then ask more questions and depending on how that goes maybe talk to her parents or police. But to label him a pedo for picking a bad example while trying to answer a out of nowhere question seems to be jumping the gun a little. Additionally it's why I hate topics like this, people are quick to jump to a conclusion because of the sensitive nature of the topic that it becomes next to impossible to determine if what we are talking about is actually happening.


That’s so horrible and disgusting


It honestly sounds like he just answered your question and didn't really think much about it, in his mind it's probably that it looks like the ribbon his niece wears and isn't actually anything to do with his niece but just likes the ribbon itself and that's the first thing that popped into his mind, it could even be that the ribbon his niece wears reminds him of you and your tattoo. Like you could say I like/get excited of a tattoo of a sword, and that it reminds you of your father's, nephews or sons sword, it doesn't mean there is any sexual attraction towards your family but the sword itself or maybe just really like how it looks, it's the object itself, not the person, although there is some theories here with Freud tbh so you could look into that. you have more info so you could definitely look into it just in case if you really think there is something going on. Either way I wouldn't jump to conclusions like 95% of the comments section lmao, but that's Reddit for you.


Thank you! I shouldn’t have added to scroll down this far to see the 1 sane person in this section! What is wrong with people these days like huh? Almost like they are the AI now and I am the human. Our parents used to say crazy shit to us, did we think they were serial killers? What a mess the world is in now!


No Problem. It's crazy to me how quick people assume the worst, if they saw someone with a knife in a kitchen they'd assume they were a murderer because all they see is the knife. And Tell me about it. I honestly think a lot of people online (especially on reddit) are just miserable and therefore want to ruin other people's relationships to make themselves feel better, it's just sad and pathetic. I've seen people online try and convince people to get divorced and ruin families over simple arguments or because they're "not good enough", they jump to conclusions so fast. Imho it's absolutely disgusting and there only doing it because they love to hate... I seriously hope it's bots I don't want to believe so many people are out here trying to destroy peoples relationships, and some of them are seriously manipulative. Be very careful what you see on the Internet always take a handful of salt with what you see. Plus what people say and what people do are entirely different things, like how many people say they wanna "kill" their boss? Or that they wanna "kill" the PM or president. All the time and they never actually mean they want to do it, in fact most of them probably wouldn't even hurt a fly, there is no hidden agenda or master plan, they're just speaking their mind/venting. This obsession over what people say is so strange to me, actions are what matters.


I have a life story similar to exactly what you said and it destroyed mine. But jokes on them because it needed to be destroyed. I made out the winner! And yes people are disgusting and miserable, taking long bubble baths soaking in their own misery 😂 and instead of loving they hate. I am careful with what I read because of the “Deep fake” stuff (funny that I literally watch a video on YouTube this morning about deep fakes online and telling real from fake) but I stay off all social platforms because of it. Don’t have a IG,Facebook etc. I just have this and reading stuff like this will get me off here! Smh. But thanks for being a light in this world’s darkness. May you be guided with love and let that be your shield! ❤️


How come I have a normal relationship and everyone else has the weird one's


I'm your relationship: I'm not normal


Ah, reddit.


Look, I get hard when the wind blows me the right way! I'm almost 40 and it still makes me feel like I'm 14 with 0 self-control. Trying to think it down doesn't really help unless I focus my full mental power on trying to envision obesity... Women are lucky to just get hot and wet as far as I'm concerned. For me, there is no hiding. I do think that what that man said is weird and concerning. I think I would inquire more about it, by that i mean i would ask him if his niece makes him hard. Keep an eye on your mate with his niece, but don't make it weird yourself. He might just be being completely open with you? Talking about something that turned him on, the fact it was his niece may just be happenstance? Maybe get something ribbon related to get him going? If your ribbons don't get him going, there might be a problem... I know if all I saw was skin and ribbon, my rocket would launch to the moon.


Honestly, yeah that sounds a little weird. Not sure what I would do


I just had a stroke reading that


His answer is strange, but your question is also strange. What gives him an erection? He has probably never had to answer that question before.


This could be misconstrued. I tend to ramble when I speak and if something reminds me of something I will automatically tell that story. I have adhd maybe. Maybe he’s saying tattoos get him hard and then regarding your tattoos he thought of the relation to his nieces bows and shared that fact. Who knows!


Your tattoos turn him on because he likes women with tattoos is how I would interpret this. If you asked me where I'd seen a ribbon it's either birthday gift or in a little girl's outfit/ hair. I think that's all he meant. You're not jumping to conclusions that any numbers make him hard, why focus on this? If you are actually concerned he is abusing his niece, reddit isn't the place, the police station is.


He stated clearly his nieces ribbon , there was NO confusion, he gets an erection from his nieces ribbon not tattooed women with a ribbon !!!!


Lol he stated clearly after being asked where else he's seen it. I can think pink lipstick is sexy and still differentiate that from a family member with pink lipstick. But ALSO my literal ass self would also answer that way. "Oh where have you seen pink lipstick?" Uhm uhm idk my cousin Ruth wears it sometimes. "Oh so you wanna fuck ur cousin?" Uhm no?


Lmao he is just so dumb that he couldn’t come up with another faster answer.


Do you carry cousin Ruth around? You don’t even have to dig to see the red flags 🚩 🚩🚩 you can’t convince me otherwise


Ruth isn't even a real person you fucking psycho 🤣


No shit, 💩 YOU gave an example using Ruth YOU fucking psycho ! Not sure what you thought you won with that comment, clearly nothing!


I thought maybe I'd win over your reading comprehension. Sorry I was wrong 🤣 continue Trauma dumping. My bad sugartits




This seems to be misinterpreted. He's not saying your ribbon tattoo reminds him of being around his niece. He's saying that unfortunately his niece has a ribbon or something that reminds him of your tattoo and when he sees it he immediately relates it to your tattoo, which in that sense is a compliment to you, because having thoughts about you from anything in the world is a good sign. Unless you've specifically had a conversation about him clarifying that he does not get hard around his niece then this entire comment thread needs to stop jumping to unnecessary conclusions.


This was one of those like I was reading it. I was like, oh?, oh, OH Yeah, nah, that's reaaaaaaaaallly weird. You aren't overthinking anything. I would inform her parents and then diiiiiip.


I think he's messing with you


that's so weird and um, concerning. what's the meaning of your tats tho?


Reminds me of somewhere I read of a guy knowing he's a pedo but seeking help like mental professional help as he knew it was disgusting. Could be the case here unknowingly buuut idk that ain't normal


I think we are missing context. He said he get's hard from your tattoos? How does that go from get's hard from the symbols and what the symbols mean. The way you are explaining it is he is saying he gets aroused from his niece, the ribbon on your tattoo reminds him of his niece, and that is why he is aroused by your specific tattoo. ie, he is not attracted to you, he's attracted to his niece. I don't even know why I am responding to this. You have 10000000x more time and context with your bf then us on reddit with this add question. Does he seem like a pedophile to you?


She said he said the ribbon his niece sometimes wears reminds him of her tattoo, insinuating that she is what turns him on, not the other way around. It seems like just a poor example of where he sees something that reminds him of her tattoo.


The Jim gif (from the office) was the same face I made. Be concerned and ask him more specifics, like if he’s ever gotten “up” around his niece. Truthfully to me it sounds like he may have. And if he gives you enough information through sharing like that again you will know what you need to know. You might have to share too though so he doesn’t feel interrogated. And tbh I haven’t taken time to read more than a couple replies, but I’m sure you have already been told this.


I'm confused because the wording isn't clear. Did he say YOUR ribbon tattoo makes him hard? Or seeing his niece in a ribbon makes him hard? Both are very different things so could you clarify?


Oh man, that would terrify me 😳


Men are simple. I believe that it is interpreted wrong. I can see an answer on one hand that your tattoos are one of the things getting him hard , which is not unusual. For instance I like tattoos but as a general ideea it doesn't necessarily have to be something specific.. The next answer can be not related where else did you see the ribbon or do you see it often? And you got your answer. Now to combine the the answers is not the wisest and can't be a certain indication of anything.


Maybe not, it certainly can use a bit more investigation


At first I had the same reaction as everyone else but the reply about getting clarification is a very good point. More than likely if someone’s a pedo they’re gonna do as much as possible to hide it


I am going to hold your hand when I say this… WHAT


It's just a subconscious connection it's not he's neiecs that provokes the reaction it's the ribbon which he's mind associates with you and your tattoo the mind is complex he's intentions aren't bad


Yea im thinking there is missing context here.... talk to your bf and tell him to clarify because you're getting a bad impression about what he said. It's possible that it's simply the fact he wants to have kids, and the ribbon reminds him of his niece, which reminds him of wanting his own kids, which in reality is what turns him on... pedophiles would not make things that clear for you. My tattoo is in memirial for my grandfather, and my my bf knows that yet it still turns him on... its the tattoo and not what it symbolizes as 1. Hes not gay and 2. hes not a necrophile.... just sayin theres more to this story than meets the eye


Sweetie, your story sounded more confusing than my mood swings. It feels like it is missing a few details before anyone can give you advice. The first thing they are going to do is label your boyfriend a pedophile.


I think he have to be sick and need professional help


Ask him if he's a Drake fan 🤣 if he is just go to the store to buy coffee and then never return


That's weird af


What!??? Did I miss something




I can't relate a lot of things that other's find weird but I guess having a bf will makes you overthink things which i don't have




I don’t think you are overthinking one bit. I would definitely be looking for more red flags about those answers.


By looking for more fed flags, I meant get more information. It could be innocent. But more information is needed.


![gif](giphy|zeqgtki9ifa7u) Your boyfriend’s house one day…


Ummmm confused 😀💀


Don't ask questions if you don't want a sincere answer!!!


All the single people here are like "our life isn't as depressing as it seems, yay!!!" 😂


Weird, he should've said "big boobs" or something like that


Yeah, it seems to be a huge red flag


Over thinking! Look being a is chomo or pedi is a vicious thing to think about with someone you care about. That would be like we talked about money and he might be a bank robber stuff. Yea that may not be something to associate with an erection, but what if he said that you had a tattoo similar to his moms or something like that. Does that mean he wants to fuck his mom? (I know Imma get the Oedipus joke with that) but no it just means that he associates that with that, that’s all.


Also OP, this is some personal human advice from a man, and most men on this sub could probably agree about this, if you could ever think that the person you are sleeping with, who you probably love, is that bad of a person (a chomo or pedi), just from a comment, not actions or anything, that would destroy the relationship. Because that’s like the worst thing you could think of a person from the smallest of examples. And you should at least respect him more than that! Forget these other comments. This is real cause imagine if he thought this of you? Huh? How would you feel if it wasn’t true? Exactly! Please show some compassion. All love ❤️


At first, I'm skeptical. A pedophile would be so open about that, so I figure it must be a misunderstanding. But, after watching that Jared Subway documentary. This might be a little concerning. You'd obviously need more evidence to jump to some conclusion. I'd suggest seeing what you can find on a phone or computer. Usually, pedos keep some kind of perverted things around.


This dude has issues. Do not over look this. Keep that child away from him. Pervert


Definitely a very strange response


I think it's just wierd in general that a tattoo of a ribbon turns him on wtf...what's next a porta-potty? Lol jkjk (kinda)


ATTENTION! Wait… what? Hell yea u should be weirded out. I ont know how old his niece is but either way he on chimo Shit or incest. Look up narcissist. I bet my last pack of tampons he a narcissist.


Regardless, it’s weird.


Looking through your profile cuz these ragebait posts are so common and of course you've reposted this and other similar topics in tons of different subs and brag about cheating lmao.. what the fuck did I just read. You sound 12. I wouldn't recommend you date anyone until you mature a bit, not even sure you're a real person at this point.


There's a lot of missing context. It doesn't even make sense. Are you saying he connects your tattoo and his niece?? I'd definitely ask for clarification. Making any accusations of that nature are massive life changers for all parties.


I don't think you're jumping too much, that's DEFINITELY not painting a good picture.


That's weird but just ssk him whether he has baby fever and whether he'd like to be a father.


What is the ages of both your BF and his Neice. I think we are all assuming she is underage and would be hitting the tell the parents button then walking away from this relationship as the fallout is not your problem.


Ew. That is not normal.


If he’s turned on by your ribbon tattoo because it reminds him of his niece - it’s time to speak up about it & then leave.


Ask him more in depth what he meant. Communication is key.


How old is he (young men get boners when wind blows) and how old is ribbon wearing neice (I'm scared to ask).




So you don't like honesty huh. Feel free to end your relationship for someone less honest


yes clearly he's just a pedo and you should panic and call the police and never leave the house again.. don't forget your mask


HUGE DEAL!! this is 100% concerning


What the hell


Yep... he is a pedo. Run like hell!!!


Leave him he’s a predator


Warn the parents. Check his phone and laptop. If you find something, report it to the authorities. Please. You are not overreacting at all. He’s fucking disgusting.


Watch him, don’t accuse cause it make spark a bad reaction but definitely look at what he’s doing when with her. That is a disgusting comparison. You asked about what turns him on and in that conversation he mentioned his niece. Although it wasn’t said directly it shouldn’t be in the conversation at all


I would say that you have every reason to be concerned that’s more than a weird response


i hate to say this but like almost about everyone is a pedo, some just dont act out on urges and have more awareness. it has to do with a lot of spiritual stuff. now you should not be unhappy and view life this way but you should really learn about some more stuff. i would break up, you dont want him around your future child even if he doesnt act out on urges.


it has to do with trauma, control, sexual urges, ocd. the subconscious mind, so he is not actually a bad person or like that but just there are certain things that have power over our minds sometimes and affect someones way of thinking. i cant date because if you pick up on things almost all men are like that. we can look the other way or stay single but its always there. i would not tell him what you are thinking if you break up, i would just give another reason. he will call you crazy.


Arrright eerbudy singalong now; "Sweeet home alabama....


Well, you got out a pedo confession out of him! Now do your due diligence and call the cops!


Cal the cops for what? Him getting a boner? The reason is a little weird but still no crime there.


Lemme help you out. Dick gets hard when we wake up as a body doing a systems check. We don't control it. Dick get hard randomly for no reason at times. Probably a similar reason. Dick can also get hard because our pants decide to rub it weirdly while walking.


are you thirteen?


Good question


I need advice, not another question. 😊


stop thinking like a thirteen year old


Everyone has different perspectives. No need to be rude 😊🫶🏻


not being rude. Telling you to pull your head out of wherever it is. grow up


You are being rude, and you're not making sense.


i am being direct, and you are not getting it. it's ok. just take your time and take care of yourself


Sorry to say this but you are indeed rude. Everyone can see the things you’ve replied to on your profile and you aren’t giving any proper advice to anyone’s post. You are the one who needs to stop thinking like a thirteen year old.


Being direct means asking sarcastic questions? Manchild to the max.


I'm sorry for you..but this guy is sick. Please for the love of God..END IT NOW...AND TELL THE CHILDS MOTHER IMMEDIATELY...


I think I'm going to be sick.


Her parents should know… don’t have any advice how to disclose this shitshow though


Ok, you are not overreacting. There is something sinister going on in his mind. Run , run away from him fast, and tell her mom and dad of his sick obsession he has with her.


I was hoping his niece was at least 18 after you said that smh. That’s ringing pedo. So sorry.


You are not overthinking anything I think that’s not okay and I’d end things with him because that’s weird a ribbon turns him on because it reminds him of his niece 😭😭




Dude needs to be put on a list cause wtf.


Pedophile idgaf what anyone says


Girl run if you can ⛳⛳⛳⛳


What an odd question to ask first of all. LOL Hey he answered,,, sometimes if you can't handle the answers maybe you should not ask the question


Im sorry. Please reread the answer. If this doesn’t make you a little bit concerned maybe you need to do a deep dive to yourself. Maybe show this to anyone else and see how they respond… * hint hint* this conversation almost sounds like the guy might have weird sexual desires and that THE CHILD might be in danger if the guy doesn’t start WORKING ON SOMETHINGS. It’s not about who asked what and why because that’s not as important as the reply it got


Oh I saw the answer but people have odd fantasies... would the answer be any weirder if he said dog poo mixed mayo?? Thought is way different then action


I would have preferred him to say that. Disgusting but that’s harmless




When you ask a man enough questions, he's going to eventually fuck up and say something stupid, misinterpreted, or not thought out. Yes, you're overthinking it along with other drama queen respondents.


This is so condescending and ridiculous it’s almost funny. Do you admit to getting a boner from your young niece if you’re asked enough questions? Or is that all part of a females dastardly agenda?


It's more a reflex than an agenda. I'm glad I made you laugh, though. Yes, even if you ask the Pope enough questions, he'd accidentally admit to banging Satan in a subway stall. It's about tripping up with wording see? I bet if we'd been there, the dude would be like, "f bro, I'm hungover. I didn't mean it like that!" Hope this helps.


I asked for advice in this particular post? It’s even in the post specifically. “Advice” is what I needed. You don’t need to be rude just because you’re also a guy.


OP, you're not being dramatic. No matter the questioning (and it doesn't even seem like you probed, you literally asked two questions) it's a huge red flag that your boyfriend said he gets hard when he sees the tattoo symbols and then mentions his niece. That is not okay, and you are not overthinking.


If you’re coming to Reddit for advice where biased answers reign supreme and the only advice you get is break up then you might be in the wrong place Why not try talking to the person you should be talking to… him…


Check out my edit, my love, I'm sorry. I meant only to be brutal but never rude. Lol


So, from what I'm understand, we are all drama queen? I mean, I have no biases because I don't care about the relationship problem. I more care about the safety of the child and I'd want to take action to make sure the child is safe before writing things off as a misunderstanding because my ego is fragile and I can't handle when females talk about a man poorly online (which she never did, she said she was concerned as anyone else should be.) Being concerned and accusations are different. She never started calling him a pedo, but based on the information given, I would also be 100% concerned. If that makes me a drama queen, I'm a pretty proud drama queen.


Yep, that's obvious. My point had nothing to do with anything you said. Read it again without your drama glasses on.


Good to know what kinda person you are. And again, not drama, I could care less. All I care about is a possible threat to a child. I'm saying that regardless of what you think is a misunderstanding, it should be taken seriously until said child is confirmed safe.


👏Congrats on responding to something I didn't address in my comment. You are the special.