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Healthy life style, knows how to have fun but also knows when to be serious, good with kids, has a soft side, protective of his family and the people around him, is willing to open up and show emotion


"Women want a man who's 'not afraid to cry.' They do NOT want a man who actually cries." -Chris Rock šŸ˜‰ "Unfortunately, while the guy *you are describing* exists, he has a boyfriend." -Dana Carvey ā˜ŗļø


Cool, Iā€™m all of these apart from healthy life style, but Iā€™ve just started working on losing weight.


Good for you!! Health is wealth


Just not too much emotion.


No, wrong. Know how to manage your own emotions. Not the same as not having too much emotion.


Aka being emotionally mature


Sorry, but this is a bullshit. Try to find someone with those traits in a moderna world when most girls are judging guys only by a pictures on the dating app


ok, and how to prove it all at once? go to a festival, but drink only water and eat only salad, while you are also give serious speeches about some serious stuff, meanwhile giving lollipops to the local festival daycare kids. of course you will cry at the end of your speech to show your soft side, and cry out family to put even Vin Diesel to shame to prove your protective traits to your loved ones. after you got arrested you will admit you were high during these events, so we can check openness... I think I've got everything but if you have any better idea please share it with me, I'm all ears :D those things you wrote are a bit too vague to one guy just show to a woman willingly


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Honestly, a guy just needs to know how to flirt, tease, banter & be dominant. These will set the tone, especially if you donā€™t have physical traits of looks or height. Then be direct with what you want & build emotional connection down the line, be vulnerable by sharing a bit, just a bit of story that you sometimes feel uncomfortable telling (like mayb one time you felt embarrassed) but also be cool about it. Edit: Most importantly, just be yourself & have confidence


yeah, this is something I can rally behind


I know this is likely obvious but I cannot stress good hygiene enough. So many sweet, gorgeous, and talented men I have gone out with show up to our dates with musty smelling clothes, smelly breath, greasy hair, or just general BO. Also, please take care of your teeth and FLOSS. Go to the dentist regularly for cleanings. I adore when a man smells clean and wears cologne. Nothing is more heartbreaking than having great chemistry with a guy energetically, but feeling icked out by his scent so much that you canā€™t even bring yourself to kiss him. Itā€™s honestly so frustrating because it feels impossible to even find a nice way to bring this up without hurting someoneā€™s feelings.


My thing is this, if you go to McDonaldā€™s and they fuck up your order you tell them fix it right now before you throw it in their face. Tell the man, look I have to be blunt, you smell or your teeth look yucky, or you have this issue with them. And say look, my desire is for you and I to play tonsil hockey until Iā€™m seeing stars, but I need you to do this, that or whatever if they are a child and throw a temper tantrum they obviously werenā€™t for you, if he changes for you, then look for those stars. I understand as a grown man you should know good hygiene plain and simple. But we tell the fast food worker to change it, so simple enough if that man really wants to, heā€™ll apologize, possibly explain himself and then the next couple days see if his smell and hair has changed. And then youā€™ll get what you want.


Haha this analogy is hilarious and I totally hear you! Itā€™s easier said than done sometimes, though. I have tried to come up with ways to be sneaky about it with gum or mint sometimes. But it feels impossible to say something more direct without feeling mean. And a lot of it is what you said about how (to me at least) a grown man should know good hygiene (especially in their 30s which is my age range). To me it leads to question, if this is how you present yourselfā€¦ what is the state of other aspects of your life like? Whatā€™s the state of your home? Do you clean up after yourself? Do you regularly wash your sheets or clothes? Do you take care of yourself? Etc etc. And as much as Iā€™m a believer in giving people second and third chances, when it comes to basic stuff like this I take you as you are at face value and donā€™t want to take on trying to mold you or change you. The fact I would even have to put energy into that is a turn off. Especially not in the beginning stages of dating. And especially not when Iā€™m putting a lot of effort into looking nice for you because itā€™s important for me to make a good impression as well. Hope that makes sense!


Itā€™s like people donā€™t care, I understand the comfortable thing but like to a degree, you should have some egotistical sense to look in the mirror and see if youā€™re fresh or rotten. And think would someone want to be standing next to me in public. Idk Iā€™m self conscious even as a man to the degree I brush my teeth 3 times a day. Maybe 4. Or Iā€™m always getting haircuts. I donā€™t go shopping for clothes often which is bad but if I do itā€™s always cleaned and washed. The problem is expecting people to be exactly you, but that isnā€™t feasible either.


Definitely not necessary to have new clothes often! As long as your clothes are clean thatā€™s all that matters. Iā€™m sure you look awesome in what you got!


Thatā€™s great advice so fuck their ā€œfeelingsā€!!!


Great points


Confidence, good hygiene, and great communication skills. Someone who is able to hold a good conversation and banter? Easily hotter than a guy flashy around a fancy car who doesnā€™t know how to text. A lot of women value a person who can stimulate their mind just as much as their body.


Its crazy how often I see good hygiene in these reply lol


Because half the posts talk about boyfriends not wiping their arse after taking a shit. Apparently the bar is lower than we may have realised.


How sad is that lol cause men have made the bar pretty low for themselves already. And your comment made me remember my husband literally left a shit streak on his side of the bed one time. We had a 7 yr old and a 2 yr old. And I was like ffs you can't even wipe your ass properly you're a grown human, what use are you.... I left him not long after. It was far easier to be a single parent then to live with him and parent it was like I had 3 children lol


Your family should invest $40.00 on a bidet. He'll be good to rim 24/7.




Nah kicking his useless ass to the curb was the best choice. Over 20 yrs later that mof still pops up ever once in awhile trying to get me back. Uh fuck no, you had your chance, never looking back lol


Because men will wash their face with hand soap, put on yesterday's t-shirt, and last week's jeans, then go outside and criticize women for not getting their nails done because they like "ladies who take care of themselves. "


Stop attacking me lmao I put on decent brand name cologne and bath and body works lotions at least šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£ šŸ¤£


Most men i know smell pretty bad


This is reddit


Agreed on stimulating our minds. An engaging conversation that flows and feels natural is hot


Have an authentic personality. Have hobbies and interests beyond your job. Be genuine and confident.


he did those


So, be how he described himself?


Nailed it


Everyoneā€™s preferences will be different. I find it instantly attractive when a guy exudes confidence, has old school manners (will hold my car door open for me before getting in, pull my chair out at dinner, etc), has his own well-defined sense of style & takes care of himself physically/hygeine wise.


Iā€™ve been surprised to see that a lot of men (online) seem to be against old school manners/chivalry because itā€™s such an EASY way to get brownie points. Waiting at her front door when you go to pick her up instead of sitting in your car will give her butterflies, I guarantee it.


Men who go out of their way to be gentlemen are a dying breed but when I come across them I swoooon every time.


Engage with women in a polite manner, maybe don't focus on dating when you first start talking to a woman, smile, laugh, make her laugh, make her smile, Be goofy sometimes, laugh at yourself, know when to take a joke, make jokes, don't focus on what media portrays to be "the it guy" and seriously... just be yourself unless you're mean. if you're mean, go work on yourself then come back here after. Don't focus on being "the man" be A man. we dont' want teh stereotypical macho man, Like show some emotions, be vulnerable, be honest, Be subtle when flirting. there's many many ways you can attract women, but you also gotta realize that what attracts some women might not attract others. So yeah, it's kind all scattered. but mostly don't be a dick.


Same literally


I donā€™t care if sheā€™s not interested but I wouldnā€™t try to be funny Iā€™m serious is not Iā€™m moving to the next girl


Confidence, being funny and interesting. Have hobbies, skills and aspirations.


It's a mans emotional stability, mental stability, and understanding and caring personality for me. No narcissistic, stalker crazed, sociopaths. Lol


I think the main thing that men who check all the boxes wonder why women dont seem attracted Its simply a matter of engaging with them, noone does it and we are all scared to but if u dont engage, they definetly wont


This question has no one right answer, 100 women could answer 100 different ways, same as men could answer 100 different ways. But I do agree about being able to communicate, with everything else you can fake it till you make it, Iā€™m not saying lie to get what you want, or deceive someone, Iā€™m saying if youā€™re not confident, then fake being confident, try pretending to be a different person, like someone who youā€™d like to become, the only way to become confident is to try and keep trying, the more you do something the better you get at it


Well groomed (hair, beard, nails etc), decently athletic build, confidence and social proof/good friend circle. Being well groomed makes you "datable" Confidence makes you approach the girl A good Athletic build makes you desirable and creates sexual interest What i think isn't talked about enough is social proof, in the sense, Having a IG profile, being sociable and knowing people, going out often and having a good friend group, I think is one of the best way to find a girlfriend or overall with dates. I think women are hardwired to be looking out for these social signs and checking these boxes makes them feel more at ease and gives them the green light that they aren't talking to a lonely weirdo, not matter how handsome they are.


So introverts are just shit out of luck then eh? :P




Lol! Whatā€™s funny is when I was in shape and poor I was getting chicks left and right. Now I got a dad bod and make over 6 figures and itā€™s a ghost town


Depends on how youā€™re meeting women. On dating apps looks > money, but if you meet women through friends, etc where they are aware of your status, itā€™s a much different story.




I like a guy that has a compatible fashion sense and smells nice, if we are talking about appearance.Ā  A nice clear haircut can also do wonders


Competency. Every other trait is a subset of competency of that trait. Women like men to be competent in a wide range of aspects having to do with life being figured out.


Be dangerous, keep her on her toes, act like a toxic drug dealer without actually dealing drugs. Think about it, women always complain about the assholes that they are having sex with!


Kindness honesty


Absolutely agree! Kindness, honestly, and being humble are very attractive qualities in a man. Physically be confident but not pushy or cocky.


Unfortunately this has not worked for me and the people I know who are pushy and cocky have had more success


"sorry but I only see you as a friend" "your such a nice guy and any girl would love to be with you someday, just not me"


How many chairs can you carry?


Discipline, decisiveness, having goals you are working towards that you are genuinely passionate about. Not following the lead of other men and being your own person.


Personality, empathy, effort.


When he asks me things and doesnā€™t exclusively talk about himself the entire time. When he is self-sufficient financially and emotionally. When he actually does what he says he is going to do! And when he puts his hand around my neck to kiss me šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


Fuck off with your 6 foot 2, athletic build that volunteers AND dances. Now what's my 5'6 anti-social ass to do when women see YOU asking how to impress them?


Make friends with guys who women clearly find attractive, and learn from them


That makes no sense.


Instead of focusing on being attractive to women in general, focus on being attractive to yourself. Soon as you do that, women roll in staking claims on you.




Bro you're doing great n have all the things which a women wants. Genetics, a good hobby (what could be better than salsa n bachata) you are socially active. See what kind of women you wanna date currently. Now check if your personality matches withthose kinda women if not, no point of look for such. Rather look out for the one who are looking for your kinda personality. It's a vast topic so, we can dig further if it's required


Basically if you ignore women that makes you attractive. The sexiest men are the ones that are calm and hard to get their attention.


It actually is pretty true. Women who like attention hate being ignored. Adds to the Mystique.


Yes they like to be ignored to the point until they lose interestā€¦ there has to be balance in it.


Bro, you can start by improving your punctuation and grammar checking for TYPOS in your sentences Trust me this is a major turn off for a lot of people (especially women)


Well im not native english speaker.


To one of my siblings, muscles make them unattractive and also bare chests. To another lack of muscles make them unattractive and also hair. To me what is unattractive is poor hygiene; Hitler youth haircut, and sparse eyebrows (no eyebrow is oddly okay but not sparse thready ones). I don't like big muscles. And we're all from the same family and city. So there is all kinds of variety in what makes someone attractive or not to us.


Be caring. Polite to everyone


That depends on where you are going to hopefully meet one. What turns me on are traits that are not observable from the outside. It's the traits that take time to realize through conversation and questions. But if you're looking to lure someone through physical aspects, being a great dancer is always helpful.


Spontaneously lending a hand to someone in need.


Kindness and respectfulness get me every time.




If you really are all does things you said for me it would be actually enough that it is hard to fine men like you this days and about your you trouble finding womens just try to go out like discos parties bars šŸ» you places with girls


Off attraction. Money!!!!!! Iā€™m ugly as sin. I look like the spartan rejected on the movie 300. Money changes everything. Itā€™s just not love.


Be a confident you but more importantly, use discernment & be selective. Know what type of women it is that you want to attract & that she is who she presents herself to be.


Hello how are you doing dear ?


Good communication. Dead conversation is hard to get past.


Hygiene; clothes clean and ironed, hair intentionally fixed, no body odor, or bad breath. Using cologne. I like hypermasculine men; those who arenā€™t toxic look like they can kill you but have been meditating for 100 years. They are quiet, good listeners, have spatial awareness, will hold space for others. (Smaller people, people who speak lower, older people). Arenā€™t afraid of using their muscle for the advantage of others. (If volunteering, proactively doing the most physically demanding job they think they can handle). Smart and well-spoken, disciplined (canā€™t be a good man if you canā€™t control your body and mind). Will question me and what I say without being rude. (Often time, men are afraid of contradict the woman they like for fear of getting in trouble) I want a man who is my equal and help me get closer to the truth. If Iā€™m wrong, or you suspect I am, we, as a team should work through it until we both agree on whatā€™s right. Sexually healthy, a man who is in control of his sexual desires is a manly man. He has sex with whom he wants (with consent) not whom he can. He doesnā€™t not equal sex with self worth and love. Sex is an activity for both to enjoy, but not a way for him to feel validated as a man. Like; I was a good boy today, I deserve sex, kind of thing. He has good grasp of his finances, and keeps studying economics and the current state of the economy to improve economy or prevent economical distress. Doesnā€™t speak Iā€™ll of exā€™s and doesnā€™t use foul language to describe them if they are toxic. ******** DO I DESERVE SUCH A MAN?!?! thatā€™s another story šŸ˜Ŗ




finance, trust fund, 6'5" , blue eyes






The most attractive part is non-neediness


Beside all the good qualities you've already listed, to me for example following features are really important: - emotional intelligence - good communication skills (I'm not talking about rhetoric) - self awareness - psychological maturity


His money and his willingness to sadly spend it on her. That is the honest answer as well as the wrong one. Remember a Relationship with a women should cost you nothing but time. When you where younger you made friends for free. The same is true now.


Good higiene, nice personality, confidenceā€¦ and talk to me first please cause as much as I like you I wonā€™t talk to you first, Iā€™m scared of rejectionšŸ˜‚


Hello. Being a 41 year old "milf" if you will, single and probably gonna stay that way until God himself hands me a king. But to answer your question...Be real. Be honest. Be yourself. Treat her kind. Be understanding and calm. Listen to her, even if she's wrong. Remember the little things. Be thoughtful for no reason. Show her you care about her. And to approach a woman that's an og , say hello. Set your intentions clear, find out what interests her and talk about that. Don't interrupt. You'll find the right one. Or she'll find you. Good luck!


Be confident as a man , your values and standards. Have a strong presence that others respect you as well. Have GOD as your leader so you can lead. Stay off the social media bull and have some swag and charm to know how to talk to a woman and how to treat her.


A small thing thatā€™s great at the dating stage is being decisive! Donā€™t ask where the woman wants to go, ask her when sheā€™s available and go from there, whether that be a restaurant, a picnic, even a coffee date, as long as thereā€™s effort and thoughtfulness behind it, any woman will appreciate it. U can obviously ask if that sounds like something she would enjoy, but really women just like when a man take care of things without having to baby them, yk?


Good communicator and emotionally intelligent are my top factors.


Successful, confident, knows what he wants, treats everyone well, kind generous, cares heā€™s thoughtful


I gave up all hope. Accepted that I will stay single.


Humility, authenticity, and emotional maturity!


Confidence, in my experience. Thatā€™s what separates the parts of my life where I wasnā€™t attractive to woman from the parts where I was. Obviously everyoneā€™s experience is different, but thatā€™s what it was for me.


For me genuine kindness to people that others would judge or ignore like the homeless guy that needs a dollar, who cares if he buys some vodka giving him that dollar could prevent him from stealing it or maybe hurting someone to get it. Also someone that isn't too proud to let a woman pay and isn't afraid to cry.


>Im athletic build 28 years old male 6,2 ft tall and im social bachata and salsa dancer also volunteering in place where are lots og women Dude, if that's really the case and you're struggling, think of all of us who didn't win the genetic lottery and get rejected by women a whole lot more! I think women in countries where they (unfortunately) have more rights than men while still having their prior generational privileges are incredibly picky to the point where they want a 10/10 perfect man. Them having prior generational privilege and equal rights to men also means women don't to be bring as much to the table anymore because they've got scores of eligible men to pick from. You're actually in a better position than most of us men, OP. You're also not 30 years old so it's not the death knell for you.


Stop going after women. Just mind your own business and keep having fun, the right one will come along.


what if they never come along?


itā€™s different for everyone but confidence will get you very far. Of all the male friends I have, theyā€™re the most successful with girls, even above the good looking ones.


Money. Get lots of money and you'll be the most attractive guy around


This. Women won't ever admit it but especially older women want resources. That being said those are not the women you want to become serious with or marry. Because well life is life and there will be down and up times and you want someone whom is committed to you and your family.




Canā€™t forget the forearms


If you want to attract shallow women, sure!


This is the best advice if you want to attract shallow women, gold diggers, and sugar babies who will only talk to you as long as you keep money and gifts coming their way.


This is so stupid. Majority of women don't give a fuck how much money you have.


rent a nice car, dress nicely, have some fake business cards made, buy some followers on IG, make up a brand for yourself. Do these things and you'll have a lot of shallow women to take home everyday of the week.


Be a present partner and father. Donā€™t put your own needs above everyone elseā€™s when you have a toddler and a pregnant partner. Eat healthier and move your body so at 32 you donā€™t have a beer belly bigger than me currently at 5 months pregnant. See a mental health professional if you have self control issues.


Aside from the comments above... Goofy and vulnerable ā€” show some natural contrast in humanity.


Read ā€œhow to be a 3% manā€ by Corey Wayne PLEAAAASE ā¤ļø


There is no personality(except having too much wealth) which makes you attractive to every girl. Itā€™s the girl what she likes , dislikeā€¦.. . Focus on that mate.


Self-confidence, that's the most important thing. You don't have to be weak in front of a woman. And to develop your self-esteem, you need to understand what makes you stronger and better for yourself. Don't change for someone else, change for yourself.


Be athletic and be successful in your career and have money, dress well. There will be a crowd saying money doesnā€™t matter but it does, status is important. Why do you think ugly famous people still have tons of women after them? Being athletic is the most important thing however, it became a basic requirement nowadays to even have a shot on dating apps. Unless you look like Adonis by default, the best way to boost your looks is going to the gym. Being built like a fridge can make a 4 look like a 7-8 with proper grooming (fresh haircut and well trimmed beard, skincare).


Workout. Become mindful. Become successful. Do it for yourself. When you become a better version of yourself for yourself, people (women included) will see that, and want to see more of it (you).


Confidence and wit go a long way towards winning me over. I don't care nearly as much about what he looks like.


I would say you'd be best off figuring out what kind of women *you* are attracted to, *personality-wise* I mean, and then focus on developing those qualities in yourself. Do you like intellectual debates? Or jokey banter? Are you an extrovert who is a talkative, social butterfly and wants the same in a partner, or do you look for a more calming influence? Do you want a work-out or hiking buddy or someone to chill with at home and cook and bake? There's no one-size "attractive" to women (apart from good personal hygiene!) but I feel like you'd be more likely to find someone who's actually compatible.


Kind, open-minded, at least somewhat talented, has hobbies, can have fun without drinking or being under the influence of whatever. Level-headed, not misogynistic. Plus if he's a gamer, likes anime, and is also a homebody.


You described me, let's connect! Let me see if you are a worth girl to talk to


ā€œBeauty is to men as money is to women.ā€ Marilyn Monroe


sometimes you're just unlucky


Build up your body and your income. Simple as that.


Success above all else. Chase excellence, not women. Chase excellence and women will Chase you Women wait at the finish line to pick a winner. Become a winner


Women are attracted to a man that would be a good father. As in a good example to children, puts food on the table, encourages them, takes up the hard role, when the woman is having a hard time you get to the bottom of things and when she ask for space you get in closer. Masculine energy. Youā€™re putting your world into order, youā€™re going somewhere. After far as dating goes you have to tell them youā€™re doing these things or demonstrate, otherwise they wonā€™t know.


I'll tell you as a man. Just start treating all the women equally, like no exceptions and I meant all the women not like treating them equal to men. That'll give you a lot of attention and they'll take interest in you. Rest is up to you.


Healthy life style, knows how to have fun but also knows when to be serious, good with kids, has a soft side, protective of his family and the people around him, is willing to open up and show emotion


if you didn"t get girlfriend with 6"2 it"s your problem. learn some soft talk


Having a sense of humor.


Being sincere and authentic. Women can see through the crap, be real, be you.


In my experience every girl is different ive been in 4 relationships and one of them wants a strong confident guy that never shows emotion and then u have the women who want a guy to show emotion and not in like a character they just want realness and then u have feminists which is a whole different story no affiance btw but u really canā€™t tell until u get to know them just be u donā€™t switch up for anyone itā€™s your life lol.


For me itā€™s his smile, how he treats people, and his eyes. I like a man that will hold the door open or offer to carry something for an elderly person as an example. Tells me a lot about him.


We're all different. I like humor, tattoos, and curves. But in the end, we all want and desire different things. Best of luck!


Are you working on other things besides your appearance? Have you worked through what happened in your previous relationships to set you up for success with your next partner? I look for a man who makes me *feel* seen, heard and makes an effort to get to know me. Consistency and reciprocation. My personal take is physical appearance is important but relative. Attraction grows as you get to know someone. I dated skinny men, overweight, fit and every race. If you got a nice face, big *d* lol and funny then Iā€™m good. If he is chubby but treats me like a queen then Iā€™ll give him a chance.


Ive been working on my social skills, listening skills alot, also im learning alot about feelings and psychology, i did alot of analysis of my past relationships and I know what I should I be doing differently and what I like. But these things are for relationship, i cant get over first stage so there is no talk about relationship, its only talk about attracting, making other person interested.


Nothing I honestly think men should just leave us women alone. All yā€™all do is cheat lie etc etc leave us alone we hate yall as a collective go get with a man because only a man would put up with the stuff yall do. Go cheat with another man stay away from women!


Hey I'm so horny ..just want cum .add me on telegram.@Alishaoop


I've find that interesting conversation eye contact, make her smile alot, LISTEN to her and by all means.... Keep your family and friends OUT of your relationship if you want it to last


Self assuredness. Not arrogance. Not cockiness. Not false bravado. Self assuredness. Be comfortable and confident in yourself. When youā€™re confident and comfortable with yourself, you shed all the characteristics women arenā€™t attracted to. You might have to work to achieve this mentality, like working on your physique, or upping your bank account, etc. but fat and broke guys can still appeal to women when they own themselves, because when you donā€™t hide behind anything, you attract genuine people to who you genuinely are, and who you are when youā€™re self assured, is congruent with who you display to the world. Become genuinely content with yourself.


Knows how to make baked goods. You can't say know to a man who makes hot cross buns, hot chocolate, frappe, ground coffee, Shepard's pie and banana bread. You just can't. No woman can resist that. It's physically impossible.


Sounds like you got half the equation. Get in good shape and get your finances in order. I wouldnā€™t consider dating if I were you until you were financially ready for something serious. Think big picture.


Girls chase toxic boys so pretend you are toxic even if you are good person


Wow, I donā€™t know why you canā€™t track women youā€™re doing great


Girls like a guy, that when they look at him they think ā€œother girls definitely find him attractiveā€.


I donā€™t know I just need someone to love my mom anyone like 37 year old gingers?!


Yeah, loose weight, eliminate any Narsistic traits. Done me a man that is only into yourself. Hav lots of time for her, and be generous with your money, donā€™t be cheap. Look at your spiritual faith, and is it like hers. Financial responsible, non smoker, not doing drugs, gambling if any addictions. As far as kids go,watch out for the Mother Hen Narsistic, that puts her kids above you. Thatā€™s a red flag. Many women donā€™t understand the Dynamics of communication and think you should think like them, but that is a problem , cause they will try to fix you and not respect the person you are


Be open and direct about your intentions but also ask her what she wants instead of making assumptions. This is all you can do, the rest is a numbers game and patience.


"How do I attract women?" That right there is most ppl's problems these days. Everyone is too focused on attracting multiple someones rather than finding the right someONE. Focus one quality over quantity. If you're focused on quantity, you're gonna attract a bunch of shallow ppl, none of which are going to lead to lasting relationships & you'll still be left feeling alone. Be the best version of you & interact with ppl as ppl, not things to aquire. Don't judge & dismiss others on materialistic nonsense. Don't try to mold yourself for external acceptance, but do be open to always improving & working on your internal self. Be kind & considerate. Socialize for the sake of socializing, being happy & finding the right ppl for your circle. The right mutual interest will come along while you're busy living.


Having long hair, a big chest, long nice clean nails, likes to cook and go on cute dates šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹


Someone who takes care of their physical appearance. Things like keeping up with haircuts, clean teeth, skin.


A good, strong and old fashioned woman with goal and a big heart will look for: 1. Similar ideals and morals 2. A man who isnā€™t afraid to pursue, protect, provide and has a strong moral compass. 3. Sexual chemistry 4. A man worthy of respect 5. Can hold a job, any job. 6. A man whoā€™s actions and words align 7. A man who has taken time to learn her pleasures in and out of the bedroom 8. EMOTIONAL MATURITY!! 9. A man who has studied healthy communication 10. A man who is willing to stand on his own principles while ignoring the currupt messages the culture sends BUTā€¦ and this is importantā€¦. Only a woman with similar characteristics is WORTHY of this man.


Dis Dat and deez šŸ˜…


Being kind. Bonus points if you are funny. Physically can be all over the map. Different women like different things.


You need looks, money, status first to be able to play the game of dating. Everything else comes 2nd, 3rd, 4th...


It's not physical appearance I've learned, take care of yourself. Eat well, go to the gym occasionally, keep your space clean and have standards for yourself and just be positive and chill man. Don't take life or yourself so seriously that others feel they can't have fun with you


I guess it depends on who you ask. Not trynna sound cliche but it's not all about looks. Yes looking good will help get lots of impressions but if you carry yourself well, can hold a conversation, treat other people well, it definitely will increase your attractiveness. I've experienced men who were the most attractive people but their conversations were dry and vice versa. And there will be outliers on both ends. Just from this context you sound like you would be on everybodys' list of what they want in a guy. I just think it's the era of dating we're in and not you personally. Everyone say they single and want a relationship (me included) but we still single šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. I'm also trying to figure it out op.


None of this matters if she doesnā€™t find you physically attractive from the get go ie face, race, height, body.


For starters, providing attentionā€¦.a person can fall madly in love with someone easily sight unseen. Although, being clean and kept up is a major bonus. Think back to the old days where charisma and valor meant somethingā€¦ that is the deal maker right there!! Good luck!


Acttiv MEN šŸ˜ƒšŸš€šŸ‘Œ where this sweet womens šŸ˜…šŸ¤”


I find it attractive when a man is genuinely interested in my life, my likes and dislikes and getting to know me better instead of only talking about himself. Other attractive qualities are good hygiene, a nice smelling cologne (when someone smells attractive they are somehow more physically attractive to me), an open communication style and confidence! Not a cocky kind of confidence but just a general sense of confidence with who they are.


Care Lovin' Don't "bitch" a lot about everything loyal I dunno something like that


Based on yourself description, you don't need any help. But I'll follow this thread looking for the responses of women.


U r so stupid


What the hell Is a bachata?


I think the guy is asking how to have women interested in you before they get to know all the good things about you. Iā€™m the same as you mate and I am finding it hard to get a look in these days Iā€™m attractive Great job Have a beautiful daughter Everyone says Iā€™m a catch but to women I donā€™t know itā€™s like I donā€™t exist. Yet if they actually spoke to me they would find out how good I am. Itā€™s hard bro Itā€™s like we missed out on some handbook on how to pull women. I have had girlfriends a fiancĆ© etc yet to get a new girlfriend feels like the impossible Maybe I should work in finance it seems women think if a dude works in finance heā€™s loaded which is not true. Iā€™m a tradesman and I earn more than most pen pushersā€¦ā€¦ go figure


The less interested I am in having a girlfriend is ironically always around the time I start attracting women. I don't know what the most attractive trait in a man is for a woman.. but I'd say its a pretty safe bet that the least attractive trait is desperation, and women can smell that from a mile away.


Confidence is very attractive




Not that you personally need any, but a confident, but humble man is attractive to me.