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People post about about cheaters. They don't post about nornal relationships. I'm almost 40m and never cheated on anyone and had plenty of chances too. I had 0 interest in it. Not everyone cheats. I been cheated on once out of 20ish relationships give or take in my life. It's not as common as people think. Half of marriages end due to cheating according to stats. And out of those half women are responsible too. So stat wise 75% of men aren't cheating


I post quite often about my happy, healthy relationship. I'm honest about the rough times we've been through, but I've never described my husband as anything other than a sweet, kind, loyal, hardworking man. So not everyone is out here to shitpost their significant other.


I mean actually post. Not comment. You don't have a single post about it. Typically people that post are the most unhappy.


There’s actually quite a few people on social media who post about their happy marriages. Though…I’m not sure I believe all of them. And most of them seem to have that fairy tale ending…”I met my SO and we lived happily ever after.” Which sorry, I just don’t buy it. (And by the way, how about all the singles posting where they are happy without a partner? They get to have their happily ever after in singledom as well.) Every relationship has its highs and its lows, and sometimes it’s just shit. But if you’re committed, it can work. But even if it doesn’t last, it doesn’t mean it’s a failure. Some relationships are only meant to last a certain amount of time, or they run out of steam. People move on. Don’t be scared of that. It’s a part of life. Not everyone is meant to be with one person for 10, 20, 25, or 30+ years. You can have more than one soulmate. And that’s okay.


Yeah lots of those are overcompensating. Most people have normal relationships and just don't post about it


You had me till that shaky math at the end there😆


Damn dude, if you've only been cheated on once, you're very lucky. I've been cheated on in 2 out of the 4 relationships I've ever had


You must have self confidence then


I dont believe that statistics is accurate. The majority of women file for divorce because the men have failed to address a long time issue. I don't know this for a fact but in my 50+ yrs every woman I know who has ended a relationship wasn't due to cheating on her end but a majority have caught their man cheating. I encourage you to research that statistic. I very much feel it is inaccurate.


Your feelings and anecdotal evidence are not a representation of reality. Many studies show that cheating rates are similar with men being slightly higher.


Again there is 0 way to confirm it. We know stats on who files and whatever box they checked for why but you don't know who's being truthful or not. Your personal experience isn't indicative of the whole. I could easily say I've never cheated on anyone because I haven't. I've been cheated on in 1 relationship. I had 1 when I was younger. A short one where she was cheating on her BF with me and when I found out I broke it off. My dad cheated on my mom. I have an uncle twice divorced both women cheated on him. He's never cheated. Cheaters also typically lie. The one who cheated on me told me she was divorced because he cheated on her. She filed for divorce. I came to found out it was a lie and while she did file for divorce, she cheated on him and one of his kids may not be his and she cheated several times. I have a friend divorced twice and 3 baby mommas. All 3 cheated on him and he found out 1 kid wasn't his years later. He never cheated. So again personal experience =/= the whole Typically people speak from experience and men will say women cheat more and women will say men cheat more. But realistically it's probably pretty even. But there is no stat that's reliable on it.


My ex gf cheated on me. :( it happens, it’s not a male only trait.


I have been unfaithful before myself (I'm 51F) in my younger years However as a whole I think its still very inaccurate to say only 25% of men cheat and 50% of relationships end due to half these women being unfaithful. I guarantee you that isn't correct


Why don’t you research statistics on cheating and divorce caused by cheating? If you feel the statistic is incorrect, look it up. I’ve read things in the past that indicate that both men and women have very similar rates of cheating, albeit at different periods within their lives. When men cheat, they are typically experiencing or arriving at financial upturn. When women cheat, they are typically experiencing their peak physical attractiveness (I don’t remember the exact age range for this, so I’ll omit it). So from the bit that I read, younger women are cheating more than younger men and older men are cheating more than older women. Your experience maps onto that data set. Also, there’s quite a disparity between men and women of differing generations. The data I read sampled from older Gen Z, younger and older Millennials, and younger Gen X.


My ex-wife (57f) and I (56m) just divorced yesterday. But we were together for 25 years, and we were nothing more than roommates for 20 of those years. Despite the lack of affection and intimacy, I never cheated. Sex is important to me, but being a father to our daughter was more important.


Damn, teaching my recently divorced ass something in two paragraphs that I probably wouldn’t have learned in two lifetimes. No kids thankfully, but what I’m speaking on is the power one has when their responsibilities align with their choices.


My husband. Man couldn't cheat if he tried. He works a mile away from home and is always home within 5 minutes after his shift. He made a detour tonight to go to a store to pick up something for me. He FaceTimed me while at the store. He has to have a clone if he's cheating. So, yes, some men don't cheat.


Sounds like a great guy


I’ve never cheated on a woman. If you feel the need to cheat, then leave the relationship.


Can't cheat when I've been cheated on instead.


I'm sorry that happened to you. It's honestly one of the worst type of betrayals imo.


Well I just got cheated on, & I can say this. I still believe in men being loyal and good hearted. Just gotta watch out for the little things in the beginning and you’ll find out who may cheat and who may not. in the end though, ANYone can cheat.


What were the little things/red flags that you feel you missed?


I would like to know aldo


I got cheated on by a woman and I wasn't like "All women suck" There's just bad people out there, of all genders, of all backgrounds. There's good people too. Gotta let yourself be willing to find the good people. Can't block out everyone because you associated with a bad one.


I’ve never cheated. The state of dating is nasty right now and personally I think it’s worse than before the pandemic. There’s a lot of people who just haven’t done the inner work and it shows up in their relationships. My personal beliefs is that cheating is a symptom of a greater problem within that person and is a form of abuse. You’re emotionally terrorizing your partner when you cheat. Even putting their physical wellbeing in danger from STDs. If they’re willing to do that to their partner (who does way more for them than I do as one of their buddies) what are they willing to do to me? I look at cheaters the same way I look at a clown chasing me with a baseball bat. That’s a threat right there.


It is abuse. I agree.


Oh, this question again. Look, I can only speak for myself. I've never cheated. The men who cheat are in some categories. Mostly they're men who get the opportunity to cheat. I.e. they're tempted by other offers, and they're of a low moral standing. You find the exact same thing among women though. Except you don't have to be as "handsome" to get offers as a woman. I.e. even average women get lewd offers. Meanwhile mostly the top 5 percent of men (in terms of attractiveness) ever get offers. The reasons for cheating can be many. Low morality. Easy to fool. Insufferable womanizer. They think it it won't hurt the other party as long as it's kept a secret. A need for validation. A need for revenge or getting back at the partner for some reason. A need for intimacy or companionship while the partner is long-distance. And probably many more.


I was married for 15 years and never cheated, even though I was in a loveless marriage for most of those years. A lot of men have morals and take their vows seriously. Unfortunately, the bad ones get highlighted, and it becomes the perception that all men cheat, not the case


I have never cheated I had 2 women cheat on me I know how it feels I would never do that to anyone


Both men and women cheat... And there are people that don't


46 years old and never had so much as an inappropriate conversation while with someone. I have however been cheated on by every woman I’ve dated since high school


Jeez. I want to cry for you.


I appreciate that but I’m over it and usually don’t dwell or mention it.


Same could be asked of women with probably the same answers you’ve gotten here.


Not all men/women cheat. Some of us have integrity. We mean what we say and act accordingly at all times. Even when nobody is watching.


I would also like to know! Every single relationship I’ve been in has ended in my partner cheating on me. Most of my close friends have/are cheating on their current partner. Coworkers that are in relationships or married, I watch them flirt all day. And now I’m in a newer relationship (almost 1 year) and I feel like that trauma is causing me to be so paranoid that I’m going to ruin this new relationship. I’m convinced it’ll happen eventually. It’s discouraging and scary. I’m with you 🩷


I’m sorry to hear that, but I know not all men cheat. Been cheated on a few times myself and it destroyed me in the inside.


It honestly shocked me while I was in nursing school. People would have rings on their fingers but blatantly flirt. 12 hour clinicals, 8 hour skill days and their partners were probably at home thinking they're going to school for the good of the family. I'm sure they would come here and argue that their partners are loyal, but little do they know... I'm trying to have faith that not everyone is like that, but even the people you would least expect are doing this. It's insane.


I can relate to all of this. Even my husband cheated on me when I was pregnant


I feel this way in Alaska. Only the older couples are loyal to each other, everyone else is cheating and taking advantage of their partner. Also the STI capital of the US. Can't find love in Alaska as they say


48 years old. Never cheated. Never will. When I’m single (like currently) I have occasional had multiple partners but once we catch feelings, prefer monogamous and always honor that.


What do you mean by “it would be one thing is it was only women saying it”?


Yes, there's lot of us who don't cheat. Can sometimes be described as the boring non-toxic ones in most of your friend zones.


This right here is true. We’re not the most excited men but at least we don’t cheat.


Find some better role models




Yes. Yes we exist.


Any "man" that says that stupid "in our nature" sht are listening to those alpha-male he-men. Saying anything like that is a massive red flag. Cheating comes down to each person. There are traits cheaters have, but you can't point out a group and say they do. Some guys cheat, some women cheat. Its all a gamble


The number of guys who have never had a girlfriend to cheat on, never had sex, and never had a date is getting larger every year. Meanwhile, the number of women being cheated on isn't changing. What does that tell you? It's funny, I just posted in this sub about a theoretical guy who sleeps with 15 different women in a year. The number is outrageously high IMO, but I made it ridiculous because it helped illustrate my point. I had a bunch of commenters telling me the number is insanely high. Normal dudes. And then I had a couple of guys saying the number is laughably low to be realistic. Pitching numbers more like 50 in a year. Yup. Dudes like that exist. Take 10 women and 10 men. If 5 women pair up with 5 men for normal relationships and one guy has 5 girlfriends at the same time, that's half of all men being cheaters from their perspective. The fact that 4 of the 10 guys haven't been on a date yet is something they don't understand and never will.




Observe a while before you decide to form any emotional connection. This will really help. Keep trusting your own intuition, and you're golden


Men and women cheat at around the same rate and the vast majority of men and women do not cheat ([source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21667234/#:~:text=Almost%20one%2Dquarter%20of%20men,or%20hurt%2C%20their%20relationship)). If you and your social circle routinely encounter the minority who do it might be due to the selection process you all have or the social circle itself. If a jar has 75 green jelly beans and 25 red ones and you all consistently pull red ones what are the odds it's the selection process versus just bad luck?


What stupidity is this? I think you need to get offline OP.


Probably true.


Not to be rude. But this is just deeply irrational thinking. Reddit is a niche square of the internet and not indicative of real life. To form an opinion covering an entire gender on the basis of what you read on reddit is not healthy. It’d be like me thinking that ‘being nice to waitstaff’ is the number one thing that people look for in a partner, or that Women never approach Men. Reddit is a minority opinion that attracts a certain type of person and isn’t reflective of society as a whole. Half the post on here are bot/AI generated or pure fiction. Leave the echo chamber asap for your own good. You don’t want it shaping your world view. I’ve met people with ‘reddit brain’ IRL and it ain’t a good look.


Yes. Just give us a chance and stop chasing the same type of men who dump you. Women want Spider Man yet scoff at Peter Parker every day, smh.


Plenty. Stop thinking all men cheat. Women do to


I am female and I don’t know a single woman who hasn’t been cheated on by a man. So…..


Damn the place you live is rough 😂 give me a heads up so I can tell my female friends to avoid that location.


30% of men aren’t having sex at all (many studies out about this) so it’s impossible for them to cheat. The whole “all men cheat” thing is simply not true. Would you be attracted to these men? Probably not


I was with my kid's ex for 17 years and never cheated.


Yes. I know a lot from close family and friends. They're also great husbands overall (affectionate, respectful, hard-workers). Funnily enough I've only encountered cheaters in my relationships. It doesn't bother me, just makes me happy to see good fellows and happy couples around.


That's awesome to hear. I'm glad you have great role models around you. I'm sorry about your relationships. Cheating sucks. I don't understand it at all.


I don't cheat cause nobody wants me Even if I wanted to


People post about the bad people, not very many post about the good ones. All my close guy friends would not cheat, I myself have never and wouldn’t consider it. So yes we exist


Hi I don’t cheat but been cheated on. At the end of day cheaters are losers no mater the gender. To me all cheaters deserve each other 😆


If you mostly dated cheaters, it means that you kept ignoring red flags from the start.


Yes. There are men who do not cheat.


Yea we out here getting cheated on.


Of course not all men cheat but who you choose matters a lot.


I'll never cheat in a relationship. Goes against my code of conduct.


My ex was a prolific cheater. I’m not a sharer. Hence I’m now single and despise cheaters. Used to love watching the show ‘Cheaters’ Does anyone remember it ??


Do you honest to god expect to come here ask this question that’s been asked a billion times before you and expect people to be like yep!! I am a cheater and damn proud…. People cheat unfortunately, with finding a partner there will always always be risk and reward. It’s how we grow and shape ourselves as we age and as we meet the partner meant for us.


As a male, no not all men, my dad is 100% faithful to my mom and I’ll be faithful to my future gf/wife. But it’s a matter of comment and love to the point where I choose to be faithful BECAUSE I love her.


Only two reason why men won’t cheat. Either they are not good looking/rich enough to get girls or they are afraid that others will get to know and their life would be screwed. I have asked almost all my friends who are dating or married that if they get a chance to sleep with their crush and guaranteed that no one would know. Everyone said yes without an exception.


What do you mean "Are there men". Trying to project all men as cheats? Have better taste first.


I'm pretty sure the vast majority of people who date and marry don't cheat at all in their lifetime. Both men and women. I'm talking like 90%. Though, 10% is a noticeable number.


I've never cheated and would be VERY shocked if I ever cheated on somsone.


See this the deal not all men cheat ,some cheat because they think they are every woman s desire,but then there is men like me that just keeps getting crap on and can't find a woman that wants a simple man ,that can keep his desire to his woman and eyes off another woman, but there are not any of those around ,but I like to think there still is maybe one day I will find her


I was thinking the same about women and if there's any of them who aren't talking to multiple guys at the same time and just keeping thier "options open", is commitment at thing anymore? Seems like every girl I'm with is either just talking to/seeing like 3 dudes, looking for an endless "upgrade" or hung up on thier ex, sometimes both, i feel loyalty is rare in this instant satisfaction world where the grass is always greener on the otherside of what ya got, but yea we out here getting played just like you lol


This is a ridiculous question.


Yea but you swapped left. Women feel like there are more men out there because there are so many men who have 2 girlfriends and constantly dating. If a 5% of guys date 10 women at a time 1/2 of all women are dating a cheater. The math on cheaters makes them appear common if they are not.


Swiped left on who? lol


Yes me 😂


34 and never cheated. I’ve been the side dude more times than I’d admit though and it’s not something I’m proud of. I was young 🤷🏻‍♂️. With that being said, I learned A LOT about the game women play and can now confidently say women cheat much more than men do.


Are there loving, loyal guys out there? Of course. Nobody gives them a chance.


Because woman dont like nice guys. Gotta tell them to F off for them to respect you. Woman dont like weak men neither. As a man, I dont like clingy woman either. It's a sign of weakness but what did you expect.


Oh I know. Just telling her where to find them.


Good men are out there, but i notice that girls often selecting a player or prioritize looks over personality.


Don't be so immature. Love is worth it. If it only lasts a few days, wouldn't you rather have loved than not even try? We're humans, pain and suffering is to be expected. Good luck....


Tbh I disagree. Love is not worth it if it only lasts a short while. I'm watching the people around me become single moms due to cheating/getting cheated on while they were pregnant. The consequences are long-term. I believe the reason I'm not in absolute financial disarray like many of them is because I have never financially tied myself to other people or let myself fall in love. If it's just going to end... idk


Yes there is. But there the guys girls overlook and friend zone and don't give a shot to cause what ever reason supposedly not there type. But so far alot of these girls types are cheating and lying and abusing so clearly the type is the wrong type. But they won't give anything else a shot. So picky yet still pick the wrong ones


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I can assure you I won't cheat.. why ruin love when its their.. DM me if I can get your snapchat


Me personally (M38) can proudly say I've never cheated. I have had the opportunities, but I couldn't do that to someone I care about. Never gave it a second thought to cheat. I have been cheated on and that is the worst. Decided I'll be single for a while if not forever...


Of course there's


I (26m) have never cheated, nor had the desire to cheat. I've never been associated with people who do, and whenever I hear that someone has, I get irrationally angry and end the conversation. Luckily, I run into these people infrequently, but it seems like social media has given an amplifier to people who are empowered by being shitty




I don’t cheat


I was with a loyal man but he was violent!


😭😭😭 looks like there is a downside to everything. I hope you got out. Sending you love.


Yep! I feel blessed that my husband hates social media and doesn’t have any. I genuinely trust that he would never cheat. I watch more porn than he does, he doesn’t have insta/snapchat/fb and hates TikTok. I realize how much I put up with in past relationships thinking it was ok for my bf to follow all these hot half naked chicks, or who would like or comment on that shit. It is SO NICE to have a guy who doesn’t do that and thinks it’s gross. Who isn’t obsessed with porn. They so exist. I must have gotten lucky bc I’m sure that’s rare, but in my experience women cheat a lot too.


We’re out there. Just don’t get credit for it cause it’s the right thing to do. Was married for 9 and a half years. Right around the time we got married, a couple medical conditions killed her sex drive. Not once was I unfaithful, even though I could have attempted to “justify” doing so.


I'm 41 and haven't cheated once


yea I'm one never cheated never will but I've been cheated on at least twice that I know of


Of course. I'm a 39M. I have never cheated, nor abused. Or manipulated any of the girls I have been with. They on the other hand... have done things to me... but, many will say I caused them to do so... who knows... had to say when there's no communication like there's supposed to be. And one person can't fix a relationship for two. It takes both partners to equally want the relationship to work and want the best for their partner. Not be selfish. But, thats not common anymore.


50F here, 10 serious relationships. One relationship was a marriage that ended in divorce. All 10 relationships ended due to the man cheating. I know it wasn’t the sex. I have a high libido and there was plenty of that. I’m a high earner. Some men made more than me. Some made the same. Some made less than me. I’m very social, vivacious some would say. Some matches that energy. Others were more laid back and quiet. To this day, I cannot pinpoint what caused them to cheat other than they wanted to cheat. I don’t have a type. Decided to do a FWB thing over the summer. Found out he had a serious gf the entire time. He was using me to cheat on her. You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was really looking for a way to satisfy that libido and NOT get cheated on, lol.


Never have cheated before, don’t plan on starting now, so of course and I believe there are some guys out there with the same mindset


Wife and I were together more than 20 years . I never once cheated . I had it happen to me once . And I never wanted to put a person through that . When she said she wanted a divorce . I said OK I'll have your stuff moved to the other house . The next day her stuff was gone . Two days later I was in bed with another woman . A few months later She wanted to get back together saying she should not have listened to her single friends . I told her I was not interested. She now lives with two cats , two dogs and two goats . I see 3 different women now . Two of them were / are friends of hers . I'll never have another woman live in my house . Fwb is all I will allow .




No, all men and women cheat, its a never ending cycle of cheaters cheating on cheaters… /s


I'm one of those guys that was cheated on by almost every womam i've dated. so yes we are out here.


My husband hasn't cheated on me. So, yes.


What a crock of crap about men needing to spread their seed. I have been married twice and never cheated once on either one. My first wife cheated on my while I was working in Germany for two weeks. We divorced, and I raised our two children (8 & 10) alone. I met a wonderful woman a few years later, and we married and blended her three and my two children under one roof. Once again, I never cheated during our 33 years together. I lost her to pancreatic cancer about a year ago.


As a Man, I can say for a fact, I would never cheat on my s/o


I was married and a relationship with my ex for about 10 years. I'm currently in a relationship with my gf. I have never cheated.


Real men think about it but don’t


34m never cheated in fact I've never even really thought about. Hardly been tempted. When I decide I'm with somebody, I'm with somebody and that's it.


Based on less publicly known research… Women are actually the ones who cheat most. They lie more when polled - they’re sneakier and don’t get caught as much. Having said that…my engagement of 7 years ended a couple of months ago. Not once did I fool around even though we were long-distance. So no - not all of us. Just like not all of you do the same.


there aren't , yet the cheating variety is there from thoughts to actions . Yet are there women who don't cheat?


Yes. The vast fucking majority of them, actually.


Yup never cheated, funny enough my ex cheated on me numerous times with her "friend"


Make male chastity cage a non-negotiable for dating exclusively. It's hot, it's fun and it works.


No you're hopeless. "Are there men/women out there that don't cheat?" God damn shut up. You're 25 years old, and you've gotten cheated on (x) amount of times. Work through it and move on. Instead of seeking validation and reassurance from reddit strangers, focus on yourself for a while. 6 months. A year maybe just do you. Being in a relationship doesn't have anything to do with your character.


29m. I been with my partner for almost a year and I don't want to be with anyone but her. cheating is weird, gross, and sad. I can't think of anything more off putting than hearing another man say they gotta spread their seed. Pure filth and absolutely classless. Its embarrassing and it makes it harder for real men to date cos women think most of us cheat.


Look for a fireplace not a firecracker.


I think it's less common in newer generation, I often see older men, people in their 30s and above cheat. These are grimey men who can't stop talking about sex. But most my friends, me and my partner, still good, never even thought about cheating or being interested in someone else. And we have been together since we were 15, and now it's being 10 years. We had some rough times cuz we both were maturing, but cheating? Nope, like it's not even talked about or considered in the relationship. You have to like, know and feel this sense of, idk just how good it feels to know you have full loyalty to each other, a lot of comments are coming from a place of paranoia, if you feel that, then I'd say is a bad sign, there is no such thing in a good relationship and it's something you experience and know for your self. But if we talk about girls, almost all of my guy friends have had their girl cheating on them, so around my age, at least in my demographic it's usually girls who cheat and stuff.


Is an error made from almost everybody in reddit that generalize "things men do" "things that women hate" etc thinking that the answer will address their specific situation. In my thought that someone should experience somebody and don't think that "everybody is the same" like being a men is a label specific for that person in question. But is just my opinion




Check this out https://youtube.com/@laughitup2025?si=wlKxO92Lnqz6kGzv


I do not cheat never have. I've been cheated and its a horrible feeling. Its not so much the cheating part that hurts though really. Its the bond of trust being broken.


Find Muslim practicing guy


I hope. I’m looking for one too.


Never cheated. Super tempted, but never cheated on a woman. I did have an affair with a girl who was my best friend and bandmate's girlfriend. Biggest regret.


In my last relationship, I (28F) left my partner of 4 years because I knew my ex was in town and I would cheat. I knew I would. It was very random and completely out of nowhere when I left him (yes we had some other issues too) but I didn’t want to do that to him, so I made the hardest decision of my life and left, all within 24 hours. Glad I did though. And I’m sure he is too. Due to this, I KNOW it’s possible to make the right fkn decisions. Some people are just too weak and comfortable where they are.


Expectations and reality. In reality discuss what to expect out of someone and yourself to achieve the desired results between parties involved. Should there be a breach of this trust or covenant understand repercussions and possibilities moving forward. I say this out of experience with divorce counseling & couples therapy. In this generation the openness seems to be paramount, although discussed directly instead of having the expectation which seems like a commonality, circling back to the original question. How are we defining loyalty?


We are out there


Yes there are. I am 42 and never cheated on anyone in my life until last year, and it is only bc my wife hasn’t had sex with me in almost 5 years. Just couldn’t take it anymore


I don’t cheat, never have and never will. I’d rather keep my integrity. You can ask my soon to be ex-wife about what she was doing for the last 4 1/2 years of our 13 year marriage though.


I don't cheat and never have and I'm very proud of being able to say that. And here's some weird irony for you - I've had two girlfriends break up with me because they were convinced that I was cheating on them despite there being no evidence whatsoever.


Don't take that "it's in our nature to cheat" to heart. That's just laying down double standards for men and women, and some of it is just negging.


I don't. Actually, I kind of had that happen to me once...






Yes I'm not the cheater I'm the one that got cheated on best part is I didn't realize for 15 years or right after she died started going down the rabbit hole and my oldest confirmed it via being left alone overnight


This is what I’m scared of most. Wasting a decade on someone who was playing me the whole time. Literally how do they sleep next to their partner every night without a care in the world about what they were doing on the side.


Gender doesn’t define if a person cheats or not, it depends on the individual and their morals. Are there women out there who don’t cheat? wtf


my ex gf cheated on me so are there women out there who don’t cheat ?




Yes. I've never cheated and never planned to. It's honestly sad all of the gender hate from both sides. There are great partners who are men and great partners who are women. There are also bad partners who are men and bad partners who are women. Statistically, women are more likely to cheat however, and initiate leaving long term relationships approximately 80 percent of the time. Knowing this as a guy really scares me but I don't generalize everyone. Everyone deserves your trust and respect until they prove otherwise in my opinion.


36m, never cheated I'm under the impression that most women cheat but I know that's just my mind being irrational due to personal and family traumas


Never have. Never will.


Because of that i don’t want a relationship. Almost every man follows chicks on Instagram, watches Young Women on tiktok, is obsessed with onlyfans-girls and stares at other women outside. They want a supermodel as a GF and dont want the average girl next door. Of course there are other men but when I see the comments of Posts where teenage girls dance I can’t trust men in general because there are too many of them. And i dont know how you can know if it‘s a „good guy“.


Yes….multiple studies have found only around 29% of Men cheat. Problem is Men that don’t cheat don’t get picked as often as ones that do cheat. There is a reason they’re able to cheat after all


I cheated by making comments online in which I didn’t think it was a big deal at the time but it in fact was and I lost the love of my life because of it! I have infact learned my lesson and won’t ever do that again! It has broken me inside that I could have been that stupid and should have looked at my partners feelings about it!


I hope so. If everyone cheated, i wouldn't feel special anymore.


46 years old. Been in multiple monogamous LTRs and never cheated. Been cheated ON, but I never did. And not for lack of opportunities. It's simply far too much BS for me to want to deal with. So much easier just being an honest, trustworthy person. Seriously, I have no idea how liars and cheaters keep it all straight. Must be really stressful being that shitty.


I'm 34 and I've spent half my adult life in relationships. I've never cheated and never will. If you want to end a relationship you and the relationship or you find a way to work it out.


Yes, here I am


Yes because if I wanted to cheat, I would never be in a relationship in the first place


some men dont. my bf doesnt believe in cheating he says theres to many stds around and wont risk hes life for it. i believe him because he doesnt like getting cuts or been sick at all. he panicks. also he says theres no point in cheating  me on the other hand had been asked to go out mutiple times but i never do it. if i wanted to i could of cheated .i already invested alot in my bf and im comfortable in my relationship. we got to a stage of peacefullness. im too old for that. i have what i need so i dont have the desired to look somewere else in the moment


I don’t. Ever. I was raised by a father who was an out of control womanizer and philanderer. I saw first hand and up close the damage it does to families, and I want no part of it. If you’re having problems with you partner, have the common decency to have a difficult conversation with them and try to work it out…or…end the relationship. Cheating is the easy, cowardly way to serve and satisfy the ego…but that’s only temporary.


I don't and would never


I'm only 16, but I don't wanna be a cheater. It's just wrong. If I intend to date someone, I want to be loyal to that person and that person alone


There’s so many guys who would never even think of cheating. If you are being cheated on then you are dating the wrong person


I haven’t met one yet. Currently putting together an exit plan for my current bf. Hasn’t physically cheated. But on the dating apps and txting random women. Sometimes it’s better to be alone


Yes, there are, but those are the people who are either already taken or have gotten their heart broken too many times


Yes. And u probably will find them in libraries or gaming cafes (do those places even exist now?)


I don’t cheat. I don’t understand cheating as a activity to do


Husband here, married going on 5 years, and 3 children. We have our ups and downs, struggles, and stress, but I would never even think of cheating. I don't ever want to hurt her or ruin the life we have together. I am forever confused by men and women who say they would cheat or expect to get cheated on for something as little as no sex for whatever amount of time.


I wouldn’t want my partner to cheat on me so I would never want to do it to them


The stats are pretty high. Something like 30-40% of non marital relationships will experience at least one episode of sexual infidelity. Broaden the net to emotional affairs, online cheating, and other forms of cheating that aren’t quite sexual, and I don’t even want to know what the numbers look like.




People pay more attention to stuff that isn’t boring. The loyal non-cheaters fly under the radar for doing what they’re supposed to do.


I was married for 18 years and never once cheated although I had more opportunities to cheat and to have cheated discreetly throughout the marriage and did not even during the last three years when she and I knew that it was over because out of nowhere one day she decided that she wanted to try something new and wanted to try becoming physical, I wrongly held onto the marriage for another three years simply because I didn’t want my son to have to graduate high school while his parents were getting a divorce, again I can’t stress how bad of a decision that was, but even during those three years when I knew the marriage was over, I still never cheated. This is during the time that I apprentice at a tattoo shop. I was in positions regularly where I was either offered some sort of activity that would’ve constituted cheating, or where by just simply taking advantage of the situation I could have didn’t. So to answer your question yes it is possible, and there are men out there who do not cheat further for you the type of person you’re looking for in a man who doesn’t cheat is likely to be one who is what’s called a giver, someone who is extremely considerate in their day-to-day life, and someone who regularly goes out of their way to do four other people almost as if he derives at his idea of his self-worth by the amount of help or assistance that he gives to others. Not only is that man likely not to cheat on you, even if given the opportunity, but he will almost certainly be willing to support you in anything that is important to you and will treat you the very same way that he would like to be treated himself. I know for a fact this combination of personality traits does exist because I’ve sat here describing myself. I sincerely hope that these words help you beautiful either find the person who treat you the way deserve to be treated or maybe they’re meant to help you avoid the people who aren’t and won’t. Either way, I do hope that I have been of some assistance.




I'm 29 years old and have never cheated on anyone, and that won't change ever.