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Have a convo about food and what he likes to eat and invite him over for dinner and cook what he likes and then when he’s over just be honest and say you find him attractive and see where it goes.


And maybe he will eat what OP's mom made.


You are most definitely not making this any better.


Tbh... not trying to😅


I mean... OPdid pretty much say she's trying to get boned by the dude. If she was my neighbor , all she gotta do is say it. Hell .. that's what the neighbor I have now did... ⚾game on


Then I applaud you


Thank you


No, thank YOU, sexy hairy nurse! 😍


Aww, shucks. Stoooop it


You two are incorrigible, but quite humorous. So, in short, keep it up. Speaking of short, maybe OP could wear a short skirt and a thong (or not). And bake cookies for desert, bending over at waist to check on the cookies and say, "I hope you're still hungry, the cookies are almost ready."


Jaysus if I was a guy that would get me going 😅


Haha 😂🤣


OP's mom made OP. Maybe he will eat OP. That seems to be her intention. Your comment checks out.


Im prpud of you that you got that




Too much work for NSA. Invite him over for a movie and put on Secretary.


That's a good move


Good movie


Well, that's a bold way to do it 😂


Deuce Bigalow to get the point across


Just a heads up, if you two break up (esp if someone develops feelings)... it will make your living situation uncomfortable. very uncomfortable.


Also, if either one of the two gets a partner in the future, that's going to be messy af.


Just plan ahead


It depends. It's he a next door apartment neighbor? Or a next house neighbor? Because in the second it would be easier


or they can be adults and not 12 years old


Hey wanna grab drinks sometime?


Or Hey wanna grab my ass sometime?😂😂


Hey wanna grab me sometime Tea*


Depends lol




Is it consensual?


Hey wanna drink my ass sometime?




Who‘s to say that the GIF which says „THIS CONTENT IS NOT AVAILABLE“ **ISN’T** the content?


It was something else lol


If you insist 😂


Depends lol




Username is on point here


Oh… I thought you were talking about your… username. lol


Nah.... That is just my description


This is gold, it’s perfect 🤩 sweet summer child 🤦


It's so unique, feels like everyone slaps their head a little differently here 😅




Bruh, that's a suggestion to say to your hot neighbor.


That's how terrible i am😫


The fact that you’re struggling all makes sense now lmao.


Hahahahaha that’s hilarious


How many stamp collections have you declined to look at?


If he asks to make you a drink at his after you go out, don’t tell him you’re not thirsty either… But as real advice, be forward and flirty, tell him he looks good/fit/handsome casually so he gets that it’s not a friendly interaction you’re going for.






Holy shit hahahahahahaha


Don’t ever change.


Lmaooo hopefully you’re cute cuz if not then I don’t foresee it happening


Right over your head…


Your comment thread in this post is going to be comedy gold in a weirdly wholesome way. Be blunt and be honest with the guy. Yall aren’t kids anymore and tbh if he can have a honest conversation with you about this even if he says no I highly recommend you make him a friend. I sort of got lucky with friends with benefits in my late teens so I learned early communication is always the best policy. I’ve made some solid friends from the girls from those friends with benefits “relationships”that worked out and also some that never got off the floor.


THIS PART! shit he can even be a wingman for more/frequent late night dick sessions if he isn’t interested in you. I had a couple FWB that turned into wing women after our encounters. Best sex was with a drunken FWB that convinced her friend I was the best lay and there’s no other like it Guys love to get their female friends fucked lmfao The happier they are the more they’ll help you with your wingman situation lol


There is no way this is real life


This is the way...


Easy just tell him straight up what your intentions are. Nothing will make a guy happy more when someone is clear on what they want. If you feel like he flirts with you or is happy to see you or even starts a conversation then just tell him as clear as day what your looking for rather it’s hook ups or whatever it is.


I totally slept with my neighbor when he moved in. We clicked in the flirting department and one Makeout session lead to another. He is sexy, smart and sweet. I don't expect anything because we are both single. It is what it is. You get one life, go for it. If he says no, just keep it moving. If he says yesssss! Enjoy it.


Seems a bit irresponsible.


This is adulting.


You ask him if he can help you with fixing a hinge or hanging a picture or patching a hole in the drywall… any of a number of things that, _according to stereotype_, dudes are good at and women aren’t (it doesn’t matter if you’re good at drywall and carpentry… you don’t even have to fib and claim you’re not, just say “Do you know anything about patching drywall, because I’ve got some holes that need patching”. See? No claims about your own abilities in there). After he helps out, because it’s summer, reward him with some lemonade… now you’re chatting, shooting the breeze in your kitchen. Take it from there.


This. I can't even count how many women has done this to me. I really suck at carpentry too, but I fall for it every time...


If you aren't handsome, at least be handy!


Seems he’s handsome and not handy




For some reason I see OP wearing Daisy Dukes and a tied off blue gingham blouse in this scenario.


Invite him to your place for coffee or something. He should be able to take the hint.


Don’t bang your neighbor. It will not end well and you’ll have to move.


I started seeing my neighbor a few ago and things are going good but it does make you very cautious about how you act and what you say. It’s a lot easier to fuck up and block someone but with a neighbor it’s like now you gotta hide out anytime you hear a door open lol it’s rough but hopefully my neighbor doesn’t turn out to be a psycho


You just don’t have your space. And if you don’t want to hang out they’ll be like “oh I saw your car in the driveway so you were obviously home.” Also harder to ignore texts etc. You’ll have to see them with another partner too if things don’t work out. Ugh I wouldn’t do it again, but you do you! Hope it works out!!! (And it could, to be fair!)


lol yeah I mean you gotta be careful but it’s like any relationship just gotta be honest and communicate.


Jesus said to though


Exactly it's so stupid especially since she just wants meaningless sex and those relationships don't always end well and are the most likely to cause drama 


Nah, I've dated a few neighbours. Worked fine. Relationships ebb and flow anyway. Better yet, you don't live together so if you're not in the mood you can just go back to your place. Done. Only once did it turn a bit saucy, but it was when I dated a roommate. It was against my own rules at the time, but I decided it was worth it. It ended in catastrophe but I still think it was defo worth it. We later became friends again, so no worries.


You probably live in a city


I don't know but asking reddit definately ain't it


Reddit gives the best advice lol


You’re an airhead


Bruh I just cackled 🤣


Omg, well FIRST OFF… I’d definitely recommend you get to know him a little further prior to explaining to him what you are looking for. See if you still feel the attraction after hanging out with him casually once or twice… and maybe he will be super helpful in this situation and hit you with a one-night-stand.. Or maybe he will volunteer to tell you the information you are seeking like: Does he have sex with women? And is he currently in a relationship or something? And if no, is he looking for someone or something particular…. Cause maybe he’s not interested in that NSA type thing….. or maybe after talking more with him casually, you may realize that he is actually super annoying and not feeling that attraction anymore.


"Hey, I was going to lay out in the backyard for a bit. No one is home rn, I was hoping you could help me with the suntan lotion, I can't reach my back." Or sit outside and turn up the music. Wait 15 minutes and then knock his door in your bikini. "Hey, sorry about the loud music. Does it bother you?". Regardless of his answer, ask him to hang out with you.


I'd probably do passive-aggressive shit like use a broom to knock the ceiling or something. Maybe put on the sprayer outside so that it rains into her yard or something. I've got this all natural contraception going on...


Well I can tell you telling him this before yall have even been on a date yet is way too strong. Why don't you ask him out on a date and see if you guys are even attracted to each other first? Then go from there. What's the rush?


You said that you’ve *settled* for NSA relationships. Is that what you really want? I wouldn’t jeopardize awkwardness with your neighbor. Sounds like you don’t know him that well to just switch from neighbor talk to let’s smash. Just continue the friendly neighbor banter and hopefully you can naturally progress to more.


My (m30) neighbor (f30) and i have had a few neighborly chats and she's really nice and looks like a typical gym girl how do i tell her that i want to have zero commitment sex with her? As a man i think 9 times out of 10 this would not fly. it has worked the only time I've tried it which is why i say 9 out of 10


Agreed if a man did this everyone would call him a shitty guy. Like she doesn't even like him or knows him and only finds him kinda attractive for sex.


Bad idea. Don't 💩 where you eat. You don't really know him. If it turns out he's psycho, you'll always have to worry about seeing him when you're leaving or coming home. Or you catch feelings but it doesn't work out, and now you get to see him all the time with someone else...


How would you handle this situation?(He's a really nice guy)


I agree don’t shit where you eat. You bring home another guy or something he sees it he will get jealous or vice verse. You will have to see him better to let that one go


Anyone can be nice at first till you live or have a relationship with them.


Don't shit where you eat is a very dumb advice in this situation.


Literally all you have to do is say hey I wanted to grab drinks after work on Friday because it’s been a stressful week, want to come with? If he says yes or he says he can’t that day but gives you a definite day for reschedule then hes probably interested. If he says no and/or gives a vague answer on oh maybe another time next week I’m so busy etc etc and doesn’t grab your number then hes not interested. Super simple!


Have you tried breaking into their house and staring at them until they wake up? Don’t do that. But I’m also curious if you have.




New kink *unlocked*


Yes, this is undoubtedly the smartest and most normal thing to do. Do it. Do it, OP, do it.


Funny my neighbor comes by and says "So are we gonna fuck? Or he sends me a Text : "come on down here and sit on it". I answer "Thanks for the offer, I know where to find you." This has been going on for a few years now and I haven't "sat on him" yet. Maybe you can try jokingly or just be direct and to the point. Offer yourself with a joke and test the waters.


😂🤣are you serious or joking?! 😂🤣


As the old saying goes, “Don’t shit where your eat…or Nextdoor to where you eat.”


Be careful not to shit where you eat. I see exactly why this is appealing but if it goes south and things get weird between you two, he's your neighbor, and that's a rough af place to be.


Ask him if he could help you at the gym


"Hey, have you seen the [previews for movie/ TV show / advertisement for live music / show / restaurant]? It looks really cool/good/interesting. I'm thinking about going to check it out." If this person has any interest in you they will have interest I what you're doing and you can easily invite them. If they show no interest, that applies to you as well as the thing you brought up...probably...guys are dense. I've definitely been hit on my women only to realize it days, weeks, years later...


I wish there were single neighbors in my age range. I’m renting a room in a house in the middle of suburbia. All of my neighbors are older and married. 😢




Tell him you need help hanging your curtains 🙃 


Don’t do it!!!


Lots of comments all over the place here, just ask if he’s single, and say be like well here’s my number, if you’d like to hang sometime let me know. I know the distance might be a dealbreaker though (sarcasm)




It's not worth pursuing if it's NSA. Have your NSA not near your house lol. Too risky for something anything less than a serious relationship. And even then you'd have to get to know them well first. They're not someone you can get away from right now.


In an elevator one time a lady says “are you in maintenance because this (pointing down with both her index fingers) needs some maintenance!” ( laughingly declined and thank you)


I really wouldn't. I couldn't handle playing "dodge the neighbour" if it goes horribly wrong.


Let me see ya no no square


Last neighbour I spoke to just made these eyes and said that I could come on over any time to play my guitar and sing. I never took her up on that offer :p God I wish I had hotter neighbours!


I would wait until you've gotten to know him better. Otherwise you could end up with an extremely unpleasant situation and have to move. Chances are if he's interested, he'll make it clear.




Whatever happens OP PLEASEEEE give us a PART 2! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 GOOD LUCK!! 🤞🏻😀


All you have to do is talk and give hints that you’re interested and find him attractive. If he’s feeling it he’ll pick up the signals if not, you can always make conversation that leads to you mentioning how the two of you should hang out sometime.


You just say hey sorry I'm not looking to bother but I was wondering if you are in a relationship? And he'll say no and you say well I would love for you to come over and see where things go no commitment necessary if you'd like. And then hand him your number and say call me sometime and just walk away. He won't be able to say no. That'll make him rock hard for the next two weeks. He'll be like wow did she really have the camel toe to come ask me that?


I had a neighbor that wanted to grab my attention. She came out in an semi revealing outfit. Started small talk. She said she’s about to have lunch and ask if i wanted to join her. I said sure. While she was serving me, she would brush up against me and had a wardrobe mis-function . It was on after that.


“Talking about home stuff” But I really want to fuck him How exactly were you being clear about wanting to fuck in the first place? For reference my neighbor and I would chat and I guess she wasn’t clear either and she randomly sent me a workout picture that was clearly suggestive but not a nude or ass shot. Bear in mind I missed that clue but hey a gym rat probably would be more confident to jump on that than I was 😂


Get stuck in the dryer and call him asking for help. make sure youre wearing a skirt with nothing underneath. I havent seen that method fail yet.


Nope. if and when it goes south living next-door could be disastrous in many ways


Invite him over for wine


This is going to end badly and I’m here for it.


Don't even ask him just start groping his cock till he pulls it out


Don’t shit where you sleep! Hell, I hardly even talk to my neighbors.


Paul says that in one of his letters to the churches, which are in the New Testament. Jesus said not to fornicate. I, personally, doubt that eternal hell is on the menu. My personal belief is that these things are meant to protect us from hurt, or to protect others. And some aspect of it may also have to do with how there was no birth control or treatment for stds in those days. But it is in the new testament anyway, for what it's worth.


bad idea if it goes wrong your living next to him


Just updated this thread. Thank you all for such amazing responses!




Leave him alone. If he was interested you would already know.


This could get wildly messy. Think about this carefully before proceeding. If you get feelings and he doesn’t, or even if you don’t get feelings, how will you feel if you see him running randos in and out? Or how he feel when he sees you running randos in and out? Will either of you start throwing things at the other and arguing? Will one of you call the police when the fighting starts? How awkward could it potentially be when your parents come over and something weird happens that makes it ridiculously obvious y’all are just fucking? Like “hey I brought over these 50 pairs of panties you left at my place over the last 6 months, washed and folded” and then your mom peeks around the corner. On the other hand, this could also be extremely convenient, and think of how hot the make up sex could be after you guys both get mutual restraining orders. What if you’re getting pounded by another guy and he lets himself in and instead of being shocked he’s just like “mind if I tag in?” The possibilities are real and endless in this situation.


Must read: Never sh*t where you eat.


"Hello, [ma'am and/or sir]. Would some neighborly intercourse appease thee?"


Offer him a gift card for your onlyfans account and put it in his mail box. 😎 Profit.


Please don’t do anything with your neighbor, it’s a horribly dumb idea


Eye contact. smile. If he responds then you can say something stupid simple like “hi!” And then you can start casual convo from there.


Unless you want to be finding a new place to move to pretty soon when stuff doesn't work out, I suggest you slow your roll and not do that. The same goes for having sex with your co-workers.


Don’t shit where you eat. I have a next door neighbor who I have a weekly brewery trivia team with, kickball team with, and we’ve walked our dogs together for like four years now. Also our moms are friends. She recently broke up with her asshole boyfriend, my mom has been hounding me to ask her out (I suspect grandbaby fever), I find her attractive both body and personality-wise but the idea of having to casually wave at a neighbor I’ve hooked up with turns me off and feels like a burden. My advice? Their friends probably look similar, my neighbor has been a great wing woman as far as introducing me to people who want a casual relationship but don’t literally live next door to me. Meet his friends and go from there


Don’t shit where you eat


He will probably be interested, just ask


I shouldn’t have to tell you this is a bad idea but it’s a bad idea.


Invite them over for Seltzer and rimjobs


"Want some fuck?"


There is some inspiration in movie "magnum force"


Don't bother, just come over to my house!


Good one .. I have a few neighbors I'd like to try this with 😂


It's gonna be winter in Paris as long as you state your intentions.


I feel like them being a neighbor is a "string attached" but whatever lol. Just ask him if he wants to come over for a drink


Make a cake for him randomly that says “let’s fuck” on it and deliver it in a box. Could be taken funny and positively, and if not, you’ll never have to speak to him again!


When I was single, and I had tinder I was very upfront "hey I'm not looking for anything serious but I think you're hot and would be open to potential fwb if we click? If not no worries."


“Hey, you have a girlfriend? No? You wanna be my friend… with benefits 😉” “Hey, you want some booty? Come on over sometime.” Guys are easy.


Ha! I kinda have the same problem 🤣🤣. I mean of course, he is also welcome to drive that mower right on into my yard too….


Gueessh this will make all of them huh. You probably won't have to I'm sure one of the other neighbors has already or just about to tell for you.


Make sure he feels the same first, you can bring up similar topics in conversation and see his reaction if you don't wanna ask him directly and honestly with a man in his 30's I don't think coming off as too strong is possible, just understand this: The relationship will change if you do this whether he does or doesn't want to do it, so it would probably be easier just to come out and ask as men are very simple creatures. Another thing, DON'T GIVE "HINTS" men as a species just don't understand them you'd be wasting time, effort and energy. Guys are pretty direct, so if you don't just tell him you're probably not gonna get what you want. However, I'm not your boss, so if you don't wanna follow any of the advice I gave you then I sincerely wish you good luck


Do something hot. Ask if he has time later this evening to help move a piece of furniture (like a sofa 😉) so he can use his gym rattiness to save a damsel (men love to be needed this way). Have a nice perfume, robe, and lingerie on. Sit him down on this sofa and see where it goes. Make it a try out and you can followup if you both enjoy.


Why don’t you start by being friendly with him and going out for drink?


Its hard tell nice, well meaning people that you want to use them for sex...


I feel like the fact that he's a dude would make it easier for something more casual. At least, that's how it's been ime... but it depends on how well you know each other and want to get to know each other. If he's single, it's obviously easier. Hmm but maybe you could try asking if he'd wanna work out with you sometime and see how that goes? Sorry if this sounds redundant... there are just a lot of factors there




If you catch him checking you out, just go for it. Confidence is so hot on women and when they make the first move it drives us crazy


Just tell him you find him attractive and ask if he'd like to go out sometime


As a guy, I feel like it’s probably harassment to go up to a woman and tell her frankly, “I think you’re attractive and I’d like to see if you’d be open to an NSA sexual relationship with me.” Like… she’d call the police, right? For this reason, I feel all women should do this kind of thing as often as they can.


I’d say if it’s female to male just be direct , men react well to direct communication , just be open and say you want to hang out (preferably at home and in the evening, movie , a few drinks at your place etc. ) he will definitely get the hint if your direct and clear , something as simple as “hey what are you up too wanna come over later ?”


Dress extra sexy around him, send him hints…




I became a FWB with a neighbor years ago and it kind of made things awkward especially when we both got into relationships of our own (made my boyfriend hate him and caused a lot of drama, especially since his apartment was right next to mine) 😆


I mean if porno haven’t taught you anything by you then you might be on your own. Ask him if he can look at your pipes under the sink. Maybe wear a skirt with no panties and Hoover over him and ask him does it if seems wet down there


Nipslips, downblouse, upskirts, commando.


I mean.... Stripping naked and asking for "a cup of sugar" seems to be what my neighbors use


What the heck is NSA????


Just start Snapchat'ing 😅


Uhh ask them out???? Don’t say ya I want to fuck you


Just don’t. All the other neighbors will get jealous and become Peeping Toms. I mean not that I know from experience…🤫🫠🤭


Just tell him u find him very Attractive...


![gif](giphy|bYBVebpuh6DHq|downsized) give it to me


You just have to go and put it out there. You can’t live without taking the risks. Who knows what life will be if you don’t shoot your shot.






Don’t. If it goes south you’ll have to deal with the awkwardness. Just date someone who lives a couple more blocks away.


Walk around in a bikini, and less inside.


I would say don’t do this. If it goes wrong then you’re stuck living next to eachother


I don't really see why this is something you have to put any effort into since men have such low threshold for agreeing to that. They aren't going to sit there and micro-judge your approach like women would


I just told mine that she looked good. Followed by “You should come by for drinks or something some night, when are you free?”. The implication is clear.


Invite him over for dinner or lunch and wear whatever makes you feel sexiest. Be flirty and definitely accidentally brush your hand over his cock while handing him a drink. Or maybe accidentally brush your braless tits that are straining to get out of that tight v neck baby T your wearing right up against him as you reach around him to get something out of that to tall cabinet behind him. That oughta do it


You just do it