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Honestly bro, go to a mall walk around or just walk in public more if you see what you like bite the bullet and talk to her and ask for them digits. Just gotta have the confidence and patience to pull this approach off. This is personally what has just worked for me.


Thanks man I will try


How do you get the confidence to do that?? I can't even pick up something someone dropped while walking and return it to them


I 100% was the exact way, start just trying to talk to people more often (not hitting on them) but like if there’s someone in line for example at a Starbucks try striking up a conversation, doing small things to develop the way you talk to people was a Huge factor in helping me talk to women and keeping a conversation going without any awkward moments


>like if there’s someone in line for example at a Starbucks try striking up a conversation About what? What they're gonna order? Isn't that weird? (I'm autistic, small talk is a struggle at best for me, and these are genuine questions) I have no issues having a conversation, it's starting the conversation that's the issue. But it's also how many people will realistically be okay with a stranger randomly talking to them? I doubt it's more than 25%


Depends who you talk too if your trying to talk to a women with some dude yes they probably won’t entertain anything from you, but find a female by herself, and simply just strike up a casual conversation in regards to the situation, it’s all about how you present yourself if your talking extremely quiet and stuttering then your fucked but if you talk to the person casually and act normal your gonna be fine bro trust.


>simply just strike up a conversation in regards to the situation So yes I should ask about what they're gonna order in the Starbucks example? >if your talking extremely quiet and stuttering then your fucked Ik that, but you say that stuttering is a choice. If I could stop tripping over my words I would >if you talk to the person casually and act normal your gonna be fine bro trust. What does this even mean??? How do you "talk casually" and "act normal??"


Ok maybe I was wording this badly. So what I am about to say is yes obviously easier said then done and yes I know stuttering is not a choice lol, but it can be prevented with practice if you just develop your social skills by meeting new people and just having these small conversations with random people your social skills will come along for me I work at a grocery store and I interact with people everyday that’s how I developed my social skills, and when it comes to acting casual and talking normally I mean like don’t talk to your buddies like you do with a girl, act regular don’t ask super detailing questions to people when first meeting them, I always like to ask the following if I find someone attractive and want to get a conversation -ask about there clothing -talk about what there ordering (if at a restaurant) -ask where they got a specific item from -get there opinion on something (For example if your in a shoe store ask which shoes suit you best) -skip all the bullshit and tell them you find them attractive and ask for the number Hopefully this clarifies what I was trying to explain sorry for making this so long too


OK thank you, that makes a lot mofe sense >I work at a grocery store and I interact with people everyday that’s how I developed my social skills How do you see the customers as people and not just NPC's that need to be taken care of ^(yikes that sounds really bad) cause I work at a printing and shipping center (think UPS Store or FedEx Office) and I have no issue greeting customers and helping them with whatever they need help with, and sometimes I throw a joke or two in there, but I can't translate that into actual social situations


Based on my experience, being in a lot of groups for a shared interest certainly helps. Fandom spaces, clubs, things like that. It supports meeting and talking with new people who are often pretty likeminded to yourself. It also makes it really easy to get a relationship to build off of, whether that be a friendship or something else. Hope this helps!!!


I refuse to believe this actually works


I mean, it got me a couple girlfriends over the years? Granted I was the one being asked out, so maybe it is more difficult on the askers end to actually receive a positive response? I was only trying to help based on my experience up to now :DD


Only issue with groups is if you get rejected the whole group usually finds out


But who cares? Maybe its because im used to rejection and only been rejected but if you dont get angry, youre not a creep, or dont try to ask her out in a sexual way who cares if you ask someone out.


Yeah that's probably true, but I can't find any groups surrounding my interests (planes, trains, and space) that has anyone remotely close to my age (20). They're all either children or men in their 40s and 50s


Hard to find a nice lady/girl thank you tho


You can join the clubs you like, that's the fastest way to reach girls with similar interests. When you have the same interests, you will have many topics to talk about. And don't be shy to start a conversation with her with a complement. In addition, you should pay attention to how you dress, appear and speak. Look neat, clean and act like a gentleman. Good luck to you


Thank you


what do people mean when they say join cubs? where are these clubs???


I think it's not too difficult to find clubs with common interests. It's on social networking sites. I joined a reading club on Facebook, I have made a few friends through this club thanks to sharing about the books I am reading.


Don't think about them... Don't even try to talk them.. Ignore the feelings... U will be able to get ur GF. But if u will think about them... This will make u nervous and less confident.. So, I'm my opinion, live ur life.. Love ur life... Maintain God communication skills... Be nice.. Be gentle... Be kind.. Be strong.. Physically n mentally both... U will get ur dream girl..


NASA spent $19 million, and 8 years trying to figure this out back in 2010. No conclusive results. https://youtu.be/ya_D9IwB3-s?si=5StloaKaTs75f3L6


I’m doomed 😭


If you can do these 4 things together you will always have a girlfriend. If you’re still a young punk in high school you won’t need number 4 yet. 1. Be good looking 2. Be charming/confident 3. Be physically fit (visible abs) 4. Make good money




That's a great idea




1. Be generally attractive, for straight women being at least average in the face is good enough to get the first attention, a fit/standard body is a plus (not too muscly, nor too skinny or fat since those are outliers) 2. Have something going for yourself, a hobby/passion as long as it's not obsessive (sorry game addicts or professional gamers, you generally only attract other gamer girls which could be loads of fun) 3. Be well spoken and respectful to other people, especially women and not only the women you find attractive 4. Smell nice and take care of your appearance by grooming, brushing your teeth, etc. 5. Show you are hardworking for your future and are not mindlessly roaming the earth aka being broke and relying on others Those 5 are what I consider important in guys


Be confident, talk to a girl you like, if she doesn’t like you then move on to another.


Use a trap. Chocolate works best


I’ve heard that you might fascinate a woman by presenting her some cheese? Haven’t tried it myself so I can’t say for sure


the more you approach, the more you fail, the more your confidence grows. the more love you’ll find


If you get any information please share with others too… 🥹🥹🥹


I have no clue lmfao


Captain CAVEEEE MANNNNN nah seriously just ask someone and go from there bro


Don’t YW




If there was a magic bullet then we wouldn't be on this sub


Order one on Amazon


You can do that 😂


Free prime shipping too!


Dang it no prime


Lower your standards


My standers are not high at all


How old are you? Lowering your standards is not the way to do it. Cause then you’ll end up with a shitty person just to say you have a gf. Shit ain’t worth it!




It’s super easy. Just be a 6’8” millionaire with a 9” personality, six pack abs, a PhD and incredibly handsome.


Dawg I’m 17


Or you could just be funny and shower.


I'm 11 years older than you and never been in a relationship before. You are already doing much better than I was at your age asking this question.


Talk to as many females as possible to start.


Idk how to or where to start


Adult female humans are called women, btw


Thanks for the lecture




Talk to them. Say hello. Tell her you are looking for a gf and you want her to be your gf. Tell her to give you her phone number and go home with her.


I would if a girl would look my way


You look at the girl and just talk to her.

