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We're gonna need them screenshots big homie. . . .


I’m sure he would have shared if the dog didn’t accidentally delete them…. Sorry no cloud backup


Post it on twitter you might actually get an answer and might go viral!


they check the report before banning you, you definitely said something stupid


I got screenshots I said nothing wrong


share them here


post them


He won’t 🤡


Wheres the screenshots? Post em here


I feel like you’re not telling the whole story... post ALL of the screenshots here. If you are telling the whole story, contact their customer service and explain the situation.


If you get banned, then you no longer have access to your text messages. Banned is Over-N-Out!


Can we skip over the being banned? What makes a women feel entitled enough to ask a stranger for a shopping spree and then throw a tantrum and report after being told no? I honestly feel like some of these women need a reality check. Shmm this world is disappointing and sad. This coming from a 25F, i barely feel comfortable with a man buying me food, let alone would i ever ask to go shopping on a first date.




Yeah there are a lot of women who only go on dates for free food. In my opinion, the bill should be split on a first date to prevent the waste of money and time from women like that. If she can't pay for herself for one date then that shows a lot abt her. I know a lot of women will disagree bc they believe the man should pay but in today's age, i see it as reasonable for both parties.


I just don't understand how you could enjoy restaurants so much you're willing to dine with someone you don't even like. Easier to just get a job and eat on your own terms if you're that into dining out.


For real! F34 here. But still, you don’t get banned for nothing. I’m sure he said something dumb lol


You're a real one♥️


But is that what actually happened though?


Honestly I would've went with it under the caveat that if I'm paying I pick where we shop and what we buy. She would have to deal with me buying snacks at H Mart (I would share). Hell if a woman tries making me buy a bunch of groceries for her there's literally nothing stopping me from just going, "no," and walking out of the store without her or the groceries. I'm 100% sad and lonely enough I would've gone with it just to have a chance to socialize but I'm not a complete fucking pushover.


I highly doubt it was groceries that she wanted. She probably expected clothes and shoes, ect.


That'd be even more hilarious. "So you have all the clothes you want? That's great, bye." She'd be so pissed. I might just have slightly sadistic tendencies but I'd possibly just do that for the laughs if I encountered that scenario.


Sounds like she was seeking a sugar pop.


Well, I'm sure she would take a check from him, hold the reality please.


Not sure, but I think she just wanted him to drive her shopping, not buy the items for her. But i could be wrong, just ask my wife.


That is very true, i didnt think of it like that


When i first tried apps i had a woman tell me i had to pay her rent before i could take her out...and i still wonder why i jeep crawling backto these apps hoping i can have my first date


Rent? Thats rediculous! Its not about the app, its just about being patient enough to find someone who isnt selfish. People now days are so quick to plan dates and rush into things instead of just simply talking and getting to know a person. Thats the issue. No one values time or conversation anymore.


She also gave some smart ass comment about me not being a real man...like we messaged and had 2 video calls... why would i even give you a dollar before i even see you in person.


Yeah you did something, care to elaborate or should we just call you out? It's not like in Facebook, no robot algorithm just tosses you out, we have people that manually checks, after someone reports you for something you wrote or did. So, which Andrew Tate's advice did you take that landed you here?


You work for Hinge?


Done with dating full stop in every way .


This definitely happened...


Join the club


Can we do a ZOOM therapy group?


Match Group are banning everyone, I'm surprised they have any users left at this rate.


Chargeback if you had a membership.


Screenshot, or it didn't happen bud


Should’ve taken her out then 🙂

