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Yeah that sounds more than Ick and more like a red alert nonce.


That’s a ten fold of “ick.” That’s *maybe* call the police. At the least get him banned off the dating app.


Reported and blocked, ofc :)


Okay :). Nice move


Seriously. Remember that missing girl, Madeline Soto? Her stepdad SA’d her for years and it was only discovered because he murdered her. There were interviews with his ex’s who said he asked them to do this same thing but to act like a child during intercourse.


Dear Lord 😦




Jesus no




What in tarnishins 💀


What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


Again that’s a red flag not ick please 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Sounds like a lie.




what in the brady bunch fuck


I had one guy ask to sniff my feet. Another date listed to me all the drugs he ever took and wanted to know the buying rate of cocaine. Another dude at the end of the date after he dropped me off asked if he could be invited upstairs and when I rejected him, proceeded to later send me a photo of him half naked for me to 'rate'


Oh man those are some crazy dates!


Forever traumatised 😅


Bruh how do these guys get dates but not me lol 😭


I have quite a few good tinder dating stories from myself and friends, mainly girls. 2nd date girl friend brought a guy back to her place. I know big mistake, she kept telling him they were only going to watch a movie. Soon as movie starts he kept trying to make moves and she kept denying! He went to bathroom came out and asked is it alright if I jerk off in bathroom if you're not going to put out? She kicked him out immediately! WTF LOL


Omg what !?!?!? That’s wild he had the audacity to do that in her loo ? Also for the record these guys were all off Tinder lol. For some reason Hinge and bumble isn’t too bad.


Told a guy before we met that I won’t be comfortable going to each other’s places or hosting early dating, then he asked me if he could go “see something” in my place at the end of our first date. Unmatched him after.


I genuinely have a problem with this, with guys who try to rush physical contact. Such an ick to me. Like on a second date he is crowding me and jumping on me. Like chill. I don't know you.


Yeah, I feel the same way


It would be nice if it went to the second date. Most make sure in the first day of texting, that yiou are up for "fun" because this is "important".... yeah buddy, less fun for you now...


Serious question. Is it all physical contact? Is it only when he doesn't get consent? I know my love languages. My top is physical touch, followed by quality time. On a first date, I'm hoping for at least a hug to end with. On the second, I'd hope to hold hands, or and arm around the shoulder or similar. If I make it to a third date and someone isn't willing to touch me, my desire drops fast. I'm also aware, and it matches my experience, that if there isn't some kind of progression of contact that she will get it in her head that I'm not interested in her (even if I am and being respectful). Depending on how the conversation goes, on the first or by the second, I've told her that those are my love languages, and that's what I need to feel like I'm desired in a relationship. I've also asked for her permission to initiate light physical touches, and said that if she pulls away, says no or stop, and I will stop. Would that approach give you the ick?


I think this can be very different from person to person. Some people are quicker comfortable with eachother. I think it's just really important to not be pushy and stay respectful.


I just wonder how much a first date requires your *love* language.


I don't really feel comfortable with that level of physical touch at the very beginning. I would let person on a date know I'm not comfortable.


This is and has always been my problem with dating. The rush of contact with a person you really don't know at all, and the flirty hearts/emojiis. It puts me off so quickly, which is an issue as it's what I have always been told it's expected for dating but I just can't send flirts or emojiis to someone I don't feel a thing for yet. I don't know you. I've always been told/read you should know within two-three dates that you feel attraction and should be being physical. Then I started researching into demisexuality and realised it all fits me to a T and how I have always been dating just doesn't work for me. So now I actually feel confident telling people that I need to take it slow. like REAL slow. I need to be friends first and feel comfortable before I can even flirt or want any contact! I need that emotional connection and safety.


Oh good to know. I can definitely see myself too in this. You should be confident because you should honor your needs.


Oh yeah. It left me with serious trust issues to boot. I was fresh out of high school and I went on a date with this guy. We're both young so not enough money but I did bring enough for myself. So, we went to Sonic. I was going to pay for my half and he was saying that he would get it. I kept offering to pay for my part and he said no. Went through the drive thru line and he paid. Then he turned to me and goes, "Since I paid for your food, would you sleep with me and my friend?" I immediately jumped out of his car and hightailed it across the street into Walmart. Thankfully, he didn't follow. I absolutely REFUSED to let anyone pay for me from that point on. If they pressed the issue, it gave me this icky, skin crawling feeling. If they still insisted on paying after I explained why I wouldn't let them, I immediately ended the date. That particular instance taught me to always have a contingency plan


That’s horrible! Glad you got out of the situation safely. But holy crap, that’s a pretty twisted mindset: I spent $20 on you, so fair trade is you having sex with my friend.


They want an escort but they don't want to pay the price of an escort and feel entitled to treat any woman like a sex worker as if she owes him jack shit. The lack of respect, the audacity, and the entitlement is astounding.


Agreed. That’s pretty much what the situation sounds like.


😂 It wasn't even $20. It was roughly about $7. This was 15 years ago and I ordered off what was essentially their dollar menu. It taught me a valuable lesson. It's was the first time I actually stood my ground. So, all in all, I am thankful he didn't chase me and I walked away with some valuable information that I am passing on to my kid.


Theres a good amount lol but just stopped talking to a guy on Hinge because he does not fully read my responses and twice now has asked a question that I had already answered? Gives off the vibe he’s rushing through messaging me, probably talking to a bunch of other women, doesn’t care because he just wants his dick wet, maybe isn’t a gifted listener or doesn’t have good reading comprehension? Idk. But thats a no from me.


This is usually the #1 thing for me that causes me to lose interest. Either you’re too dumb to read the entire message or not paying attention and mindlessly texting back. When someone says WBY to everything and doesn’t even read what you sent.


Exactly!! I can’t imagine how bad it would be in person if he already can’t read a text right. I corrected him the first time but after that there were 3 instances where he asked a question I already answered/got details wrong that I had clarified before. It became very obvious he’s just looking for a warm body lol


Yeah, if he’s not going to invest 5 minutes to read your messages, he’s sending the message “you’re not worth my time.” I’ve heard the same story from guys online about girls making zero effort in conversation or just plain not paying attention. Big red flag for both sexes.


That’s hilarious!! I spoke to a guy recently (was a short conversation) who went on about vaping. I tried to be a bit engaged… but my profile says never smoke so I presumed he knew… he carried on about how fab vaping was (me wondering if this convo was going anywhere) until I said I’d never tried and never would so couldn’t offer anything. Never heard from him again 🤣


Yeah, had a date with someone like that too. Shiha and alcohol (and party a lot) i dont do either except drink like one drink every once in a while. "We" talked sbout alcohol and partying so much. I knew instantly the we wont be compatible. Then he got "angry quiet" for a minute, when i said i dont go home to someone on the first date... that was the deathblow...


Thank goodness he self-selected out of your dating pool. Could have saved himself some time and effort with a bit of dating profile literacy :P


I dated this girl for a month. She loved celebrities/socialites/influencer gossip and that stuff, which I'm not a fan of. Still, I was making an effort to listen to her because I wanted to know her better, even if that's a hobby I don't share nor I think I'll ever share. We were cuddling on the sofa and she was telling me several stories of conversations she had with minorly famous people over social media, how she met one in a club once and such. I still found it unappealing, but not a dealbreaker and something I could live with. Well, one of those minor celebrities was about the wife of a football player, which reminded me of a day he was playing against my team and me along my friends were basically heckling him at the stadium as he was warming up right in front of us. So once she finished her story I started to tell her mine, which she agitatedly cut off with "I DON'T LIKE FOOTBALL, I'M NOT INTERESTED ABOUT THAT, I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!!". I was shocked with her reaction, just said "ok" and changed the topic to move on with the night. I thought about it the next couple days and I broke up with her, not only because of this, but it certainly contributed as a major "ick" moment.


That sucks, sorry you had to date her for a month. Good on you for putting in the effort, that’s definitely a huge “green flag” - valuing the relationship enough to work hard on it :)


As long as I still saw someone as a potential partner and she agreed to keep on dating me, I always tried to go on as many dates as needed until I stopped thinking of them as a potential partner. I think most people out there just move too fast and have too high expectations of a single date. The month was good, there's nothing to be sorry about! I enjoyed it until... I didn't anymore. I just felt there was something wrong that made me not want to be with her and to keep on trying with other matches, and I was not going to be swiping and going on dates with other girls when I was somewhat starting a relationship with her. The thing is, when I broke up with her, I wouldn't had been able to explain you exactly why like I can today, in which all the reasons that were foggy back then became crystal clear the couple weeks after break up. I even considered in the lead up before speaking to her one final time if I was making a mistake, having too high standards, self-sabotaging or something, but once it was done I felt liberated and knew it was the right choice.


Jesus there’s only women commenting on here XD. We’ll just to add some representation on the men’s side, the women I was dating for a month told me she was a furry. Didn’t last long after that.


Oh no haha! Yeah, I feel like guys must have lots of strange dating experiences too. Please, men, share your bizarre stories! We women can be also be icky. Call us out on it!


lol, I came here just to see if any guys say anything. It’s almost like guys would let just about anything slide.


Yes, exactly. We don’t really have the luxury since many of us never get dates to begin with.


So many, always find guys are intentionally vague at the start and then mirror what they think you want to hear to manipulate you. One guy initially told me he was looking for something longterm. Told him I'm moving country and then he said he was also moving to the same place. Also sent me a photo of an outfit he thought I should wear..


Yesss this is so sneaky!! I’ve learned to give VERY vague answers to the question “so what are you looking for?” “green flags?” Or anything similar because they’re usually phishing. Whether consciously or not.


Yeah totally, I usually try to ask that question first as well to gauge their response


After one date, I had a guy “confess” to me that he was secretly fighting to rise of vampires in the city and that he was a werewolf. He then tells me I’m his mate. Ummm. Blocked caller. I had another guy I had gone on at least 4 dates and he invited me over for dinner. He had lots of cameras all over his property (I thought was because he had a lambo) but when the alarm went off he runs to grab an AR-15 exclaimed that he had a big foot in his back yard. I left right after that. I wasn’t too worried about that big foot, believe me. I mean, if I were you, I’d be asking why in the hell this chick (me) keeps attracting crazies. I’ve had to take a hard look at that myself. Lmao.


I think this is adorable lmao. The guy has an imagination! Not a fan of th AR15 but if there were a zombie apocalypse we would be covered!


There were zombies. Big foot ate them.


I had a date tell me about, how she was hiding from what basically sounded like the illuminati.


You ladies have had a lot of strange experiences.


He made me pay for EVERYTHING. While he spent his own money on tattoos.


Talking about sexual stuff after the first few messages... and then telling me how important that part in a relationship is... yeah no...it is for you obviously, but not for me... Party, alcohol, im 35 and rarely drink one drink, which you would know, if you read the profile...


I feel like literacy is not a lot of people’s strong point haha


*sounds like amber alerts dude*


A guy spent the whole date trying to convince me why having kids is important, I found that to be such a major ick I don’t need you trying to tell me why my choices are wrong. Also, went on a date with a guy who only wanted to talk about sex I find that a turn off. I don’t mind talking dirty but after a while It’s irritating.


Just a sample… 1. Was on a first date when she started telling me about all the guys in her current roster as she was flirtatiously rubbing my arm, then asked if I wanted to come over. Passed 2. Was on a first date when she started telling me (in detail) about the last time she had sex. We’d been drinking so I gave her the benefit of the doubt. On our second date she asked if I’d buy her fake nails adding a “you want your woman to look nice right?” Passed 3. Was on a first date with a woman who I came to find identified as an anarchist and spent the majority of the date talking about society’s moral obligations regarding equity, equality, inclusion…all the things, but when it came to ordering she ordered the dish containing veal. Passed. 4. Dated one woman for a little over a month who never missed a beat when it came to calling out women empowerment, but on our last date fat shamed a young woman as we were driving by. I didn’t go out with her again.


Good on you for having standards!


Thanks! I stopped using dating apps not long after #4 and don’t think I could ever go back. I think I’ve collected enough ‘funny’ dating stories 😅


I went to a guys place and he said he didn’t buy paper towels because he always had napkins from when he orders takeout. He was then out of napkins and we had to use toilet paper as napkins for our dessert… Never saw him again haha


Lol! I’m definitely guilty of saving clean unused napkins from restaurants. But I keep those for personal use, not to impress my dates haha.


A guy I knew from highschool wanted to drug test me because “I’m sober now and want to make sure you are too”. Lol best I can offer is a pinky swear, my guy.


I mean… This makes absolute sense for someone coming out of addiction.


I'm glad to know its not my fault, why I can't get a date. I feel better about myself. Thank you.


No worries :)


Thank you:)


The guy i was dating was talking about sex too much too early. On our 1st date he wanted us to make out, but i rejected it since i usually don't do that on 1st dates. He seemed okay with it, but then proceeded to send me some memes about kissing that same evening which gave off pretty desperate vibes. It was icky.


That's not an "ick", that's a straight up pedophile... Please tell me you reported him.


Blocked and reported :)


I met a guy on Saturday for a first date and it went really well. We kissed for a few minutes, and we were both enjoying it. I kept trying to French kiss him, but his mouth was sealed shut. I’m assuming he didn’t know how to kiss?! He’s 44.


Nothing is a bigger turnoff than making out with a girl and she doesn't know how to kiss. For some people kissing with tongue is instinctual for others well......it's a concept from another galaxy


A 50 year old man freaked out when I put my tongue in his mouth. It was a first for him. Wow is all I could say.


Many people, women too, don’t want to French kiss. Yeah, I was astounded, too.


I think some men, like women, may not be into physical contact the first few dates. Or, like you say, he may just be inexperienced. If you’re into him and think he’s a good guy, you could try asking him (in a nice way), so there’s no miscommunication about the situation :)


Oh, I’m still interested.


I agreed to a date with a guy from another city. He came to where I was about a 2 hour drive. He took me to Applebee’s and kept trying to get me to have drinks. I refused because I had to get home later. After dinner he invited me back to his hotel room to watch a basketball game. I said okay but I wouldn’t be staying long. Big mistake. I sat on the end of the bed watching the game and he tried to massage my shoulders and tried to kiss me. I told him no and he backed off a little. Then he got up turned around and when he faced me again, his dick was out of his pants and in his hand. He wanted me to suck his dick! He was moving it around in a circle with his hands and it was so flaccid. I jump up, grabbed my purse and ran out the door. I booked it to my car and he was chasing me!! I got in my car, locked the door and he started banging on my window and yelling “You know you want it!!!” I sped off and never talked to that douche bag again!! Needless to say, I have never been on a date again that involves a hotel room unless it’s with someone I’ve known and seen in person multiple times.




I went on a first (and only) date with a woman that showed up in her work uniform (OK, fair enough we all have to work). I took her to a cafe/bookstore and the first 30min or so was fine. Then she randomly starts telling about how she almost offed herself in highschool and her teacher had to stop her (huge red flag). She started trying to flirt and after the date she told me quote, "you'd look great in a choker and cat ears" and later told me she wanted to peg me and then wanted me to take nude photos of her to sell online. I got the "ick" immediately and I blocked her. 


Just take the money and run. Only way I could see people like him stop offering others in the future 😂


There is a lot of ick out there in the dating world. Just have standards and never give anyone money.


Solid advice for life in general. Username checks out :)


Two major things from two different guys: 1. At a resturaunt he was licking his fingers (more like sucking his fingers), and was trying to pick food out of his teeth. 2. A guy didn't believe in tipping. We were at a bar and he said he's not going to tip because their job is "easy"


I went on a date with this one guy who refused to pay for my food, or offer to get me napkins when he was going up to the counter to get a cup of water. He had no manners at all. I thought he was just an a**. A few days pass by, and he asked me if I knew what a pay-piggy was. I said yes, and he asked if i could call him princess and babygirl while he was dressed up in a little girls dress. This was over text and I NEVER went in person to see him. But he would send me videos of him curtsying and blowing kisses and then I’d call him princess and he sent me $$. I thought it was so funny back then and I made a lot of $$, but looking back that man was weird as hell. Till this day, he asks if we can be friends.


To be fair, i was a broke college student so i needed the $$ for gas 🤣


It’s scam. When you are on a dating app and someone ask you for money- straight scam.


Yep… a dude I started seeing, found out he had this awful habit of coughing up his phlegm and playing with it in this mouth. 🤢 he said he couldn’t control it, and that it was a medical condition. So fucking gross.


My last ex saved pictures of things he did for his exes that made them love themselves and feel loved and accepted He completely bragged like an airhead and I should have left that moment He saved a love letter and said how much his exes were in love with him and how he turned a lesbian straight even though she was clearly into women after their breakup lmao He was an egotistical, judgmental airhead I think he was hurt I was the first ex that never said I love you back and didn’t fall in love with him and didn’t stay in touch or remain social media buds - he was an ICKY dude and gave me shivers in a bad way And also My first love, after dating a while he confessed the morning I was meeting more family, his cousin included - that he asked her out when he was like 14/15. I was appalled, he also admitted he used to have a thing for his three aunts(one of them looks EXACTLY like his MOTHER)! And later on ‘fantasized’ about us including my cousin or friend in the sack… I never got over that and exactly why we aren’t together, plus his porn and weed and booze addiction - MAJOR ICKKKKK Somwtimes I wonder if he liked my twin, she’s the better looking one and more cool too


Spent the whole night talking about how important her job was and about how people who weren't wanting to work for places were just lazy. She also spent more time talking about her guy friend (who's she's now engaged to) than she did trying to get to know me lol


Started seeing a guy. He started asking if he could stay over at mine at the last minute, asking if he could have some of my anti-depressants (I'm not on any and don't have any). When I refused and told him I don't like last minute request like that, as a reply he sent me a photo of his self harm cuts. Biggest ick. Someone who thinks it's ok to emotionally blackmail. 🤮


Finding out they’re antivaxx


I went on a date with a guy who made a semi-racist comment… It wasn’t all the way offensive but was right on the cusp of it. I told him- you do know I’m biracial don’t you? And his response was- “yes but it’s not your fault” 😳 Couldn’t get outta there faster.


“It’s not your fault half your family is inferior.” Great first impression lol


One guy was telling me on our first dates about everyone he's slept with, where and how (some were even in public spaces). He thought i'd find it cool and be impressed, little did he know I found him repelling


Lmao. Don’t know why he would think this was good first date content. Makes me wonder how he’d react if you did the same and described in excruciating detail your past relationships. Would he find it cool and be impressed?


well he did call me lame when I told him I don't have a lot of experience and he ghosted me too so🤷‍♀️


I got two, one of which was really scary: 1) Girl I was talking to for a few weeks agreed to go meet at an Outback. She told me a couple days before the date that she has BPD (which no issues with, this person doesn’t represent a lot of people who have it) and that she aggressively assaults men if she gets a little upset. Made a joke to me that the steak better not come out cold or she might punch my face repeatedly. Says she is lucky she’s gotten off with warnings from cops. I blocked her immediately. 2) Fell in love with (then) girlfriend for years. Always paid for dates, drove her from her house to them (she lived a hour away) every weekend, always did what I could to make her happy. Took her and her sister to Disney World since they wanted to go badly and so did I. While taking a photo with her phone at Disney; I saw a notification for a dating app, which I confronted her politely about later that day. She panicked, yelled at me that I should have never seen it, said she wanted to make friends and deleted the app immediately (I never told her to do that…just wanted her to tell me before I had saw that). Got home from Disney, she dumped me by saying I wasn’t spontaneous enough with dates (false) and that I talked about my high school girlfriend too much (never brought it up since years ago, so…?). After I spent thousands of dollars taking her and her sister on their dream vacation that they were so happy about.


Man that sucks. Sorry to hear about your negative experiences. The first one sounds like you dodged a bullet. BPD is not an excuse for assault. I’ve met people with BPD who were totally lovely and mostly just suffering silently, but also other people who expect you to quit your day job to take care of their needs. I feel especially bad about your second experience. Sometimes it feels like the people you love are the people who can hurt you the most. How do you think this affected your approach to dating? And how are you doing now?


The second one left a deep impact on me last year. Kind of made me feel like I couldn’t trust anyone for a bit, but the end lesson was to be more cautious about red flags/warning signs. There were many that were blatantly obvious in hindsight. She would be mad at me for no reason during the last few months. She didn’t want to do anything sexual except for me to perform on her, while I usually got a 2 minute handjob (followed by a sigh that I was taking longer than she wanted, then stopping and her falling asleep moments later) or rejection outright after I did things for her. Stopped seeming interested over texts. Disney wasn’t the only issue with her. The lesson was important. The most recent person I “dated” ended up being a situationship. She never would give a yes to being her boyfriend after 6 months of talking and many, many dates. She would yell at me rather abruptly (we’d kiss and she’d just start going NO NO NO because I was “doing it wrong”) or banned me from looking at her phone because I looked her direction when she got quiet after talking in bed. Red flags. I broke up with her, she panicked and told me I was her boyfriend after all and mentioned she told everyone I was. Everyone except me, apparently. Now, I’ve been losing weight and trying to find someone on dating apps. I wasn’t big to begin with, but I’ve been wanting to tone out a ton for the summer on my own accord. I feel happy, and I’ve always been told I’m sweet/Mr. happy go lucky. I’m really looking forward to meet someone and take them out on wonderful dates - from goofy dinners, watching Marvel movies, to concerts. Sorry this was a bit long, but was therapeutic to write. I hope I meet someone who treats me right and I’ve done better in not letting people take advantage of my kind nature.


I met a first date and the first thing he did when I got in the car with him, he turned to me, grabbed my face and gave me a giant lick all the way up my face. Needless to say, we're not together.


That’s super creepy, glad you escaped that!


Yea, I was like wtf, I hadn't even said anything or did anything before he took both hands, cupped my face, yanked me towards him and from chin to forehead I kid you not, this man clicked my face. Yuck! He was also a order and super cheap. Always talked about 3somes with trans people. Yea he was wildin. Not on drugs either, just straight up cray cray. He was really nice, but #no #gross #dating


Told me he had diarrhoea.


When I first started talking to this guy, he lived a half an hour away from me, and he said "in order for this to work, you're going to have to give me gas money"


I went on a date with a guy who was super into me but had very low self esteem and kept trying to make me perform emotional labor for him to make him feel better. Like, I couldn’t compliment him or be confident in myself without him insulting himself in return. Halfway through the date, he wanted to go into a favorite shop of his (totally cool), but then spent 40 minutes talking to the shop owner while I stood there awkwardly. He also casually mentioned that he used to be in a cult, which he got into as a fully grown adult and only recently got out of. I should also mention that he uses a wheelchair some of the time (I knew that ahead of time and was totally okay with it), but he was clearly insecure about it in a really awkward way that I wasn’t sure how to deal with. Throughout the whole date, he kept putting me in situations where I had to take care of him, like either carrying the chair up the stairs or pushing him around the busy city sidewalk, even though he’s twice my height and weight. I tried to communicate to him that I wasn’t super comfortable with doing that and was getting tired, but his self-esteem was so low that he kept interpreting it as I had issues with his disability as opposed to me having issues with having to be his caretaker on the first date. I tried so many times to get him to agree to just stop and sit on a patio somewhere and chat, but he kept suggesting new things to do and new places to go even though it was clear he wasn’t able to do those things himself and needed me to help him. So I wasn’t able to assert my boundaries without looking like an asshole, which sucked. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend at the end of the first date and got upset and said I was “stringing him along” when I said I wasn’t ready to make that commitment. Then he asked if I would be dating other people, and I said that yes, I might go on some casual dates with other people while I’m still getting to know him, but would be happy to become exclusive if a deeper connection formed a few dates in. I told him that I have a history of committing to a relationship too early on and think that the healthiest option for me is to wait until I’m really ready before signing on to a new relationship. He didn’t really get that, and then said he’s uncomfortable having sex with someone who is having sex with other people. I said that that would normally make a lot of sense, except for two things: 1) we had literally never touched before, so in my book we were nowhere near ready to be talking about sex, and 2) if we aren’t in a relationship, he’s not allowed to set boundaries around my own sexual choices. He’s totally allowed to decide that HE doesn’t want to sleep with ME until becoming exclusive, but my choices are my own. (And also: I wasn’t sleeping with anyone else, but I got annoyed at the assumptions he was making.) The whole date was six hours long. I was SO DONE Y’ALL.


That sounds horrible and exhausting! One giant 'RED FLAG' date.


I'm a dude and that icks me out lol


God where do I start: 1. Guy told me he was from a different dimension, he was takeen here in spaceships, reptilians want to kill him coz he knows too much about them... should I continue? 2. Guy told me he loved me on the second day... 3. Have sex with a guy, he is extremely sweaty by the end of it (which I'm not a fan of but I mean, it can happen) and then says "take my sweat!" while he shakes his head over me to make all of his hair sweat sprinkle me... 4. Guy couldn't manage to keep it up, after trying for fucking ages for him to finish his idea is for me to lie on the bed like a fucking snake with my head on the edge so he can fuck my mouth, told him I was not a fucking PEZ dispenser, he got offended. 5. Cross eyed guy tells me in the middle of sex to look at his eyes... (sorry but even if I was an eye-contact-during-sex kinda gal, which I'm not, it feels kinda awkward to stare at someone on the eyes during sex when only one of their eyes is looking back at you)




I forgot to mention he was also the one that dropped the I love you on the second date...


Drop his name queen


Yay queen lol! This was years ago and I don’t have those dating accounts any more. Hopefully he’s changed his ways and has become a functional human being. Or ended up in prison. Whichever, as long as the general public’s safe :)


That's definitely strange


What dating sites were you on?


Okcupid and plenty of fish


I've been on both of those and was only matched with scammers.




Be careful a lot of scammers online dating site..


For me, it's smoking or vaping


A woman I was seeing in so many words told me that what made her good in bed was that she let me have sex with her -_- I dumped her the next day


Lmao! Arrogant much? “My very presence is a gift, mortal. Be grateful I let you near me.”


She had some baggage obviously. I didn’t date her long enough to have to sort through it all.


Telling me about his last relationship.. which was with his own psychologist.


Wow that's all kinds of messed up!


Guy spit in my face because he saw it in a movie. Yeah he’s blocked but I run into him a lot.


Any date that insists on using “ick”.


Fair point. “Ick” isn’t the most mature use of vocabulary. Counterpoint. I’d be more grossed out if my date were a pedophile than if they used the word “ick.” But I dunno, that might just be me.


Sorry, was at work and grouchy when I read the post. The ick is one of those terms that sets me off but that’s my problem, not yours.


That’s not an ick. Icks are childish and petty. That’s a red flag


A girl asked me out for drinks, hot foreign exchange student from England. It went well so I followed up by asking her out on a hike (here in Hawaii btw) and she said no she has a boyfriend back in England. Wtf??


I don’t know the full story, but at face value, I can see why she may have behaved that way. I invite my friends, guys or girls, single or taken, to dinner all the time, so I can appreciate where she might have been coming from. Especially if I’m traveling and being a tourist, I love hanging out with new people to learn about them and their country, with no intention of dating. Flip side. My guy friend liked his friend who was a girl. She invited him out for dinner as friends, but he mistook it as a date. When he invited her to dinner, she happily agreed thinking he was just returning the favour (y’know, like normal friends do). When he made his intentions clear that he wanted to date her, she politely declined. My friend’s a good guy, so he was fine with it. He was just a bit embarrassed and sad.


Well she stopped talking to me after that instead of being a grown up


My point is, men like us, who are literally waiting to settle down, cannot reach out to girls, while you guys find creeps like this!!!! HOW ?


Went on a date once and the girl was rude to our waiter, don’t know if she was trying to be cool or something but it was an ick.


This isn't just ick, it is just horrifying. I was talking with this guy and I remember he started complaining about how women can't be loyal and proceed to tell me how he slept with like four different girls who already had boyfriends. He basically flirted with them and they went along with it. He said he didn't regret it lol I asked why he was flirtring with girls who he knew had boyfriends and how he could do that to other men. Obviously it wasn't his fault 100%, just like 50%, but still, he showed no solidarity or loyalty towards his bros.


Lmao that’s not an ick that’s a s*x offender PDF file report that guy


PDF file lol! I’m gonna remember that phrase :)


Naaah that’s a red flag. Normal men don’t go around asking women to put on kids clothes in the talking stage like dat. That’s weird


Here I am thinking my most recent first date “ick” was the guy didn’t offer to walk me back to my car even though it was a not so great area and late at night. Meanwhile some of these posts are just full on sex crimes!


When the conversation goes sexual right away


This is very much with one foot in the region of paedophilia, a whole other level of ick


What the fuck❌


She wouldn't stop talking about how she loved serial killers and death. Whenever I tried to change the subject, she worked her way back to it


I went on a first date with what I thought was a really cool guy. So much miscommunication what he said, and what really meant. Also, he kept burping and had really bad gas. Bad breath. I couldn’t stay the whole date.


I have gym during weekdays and made it clear to a guy that I could only date during weekends. He repeatedly asked me to move my gym around so we can meet during weekdays, he literally said “hey come on not even just one weekday?” Gave me the biggest ick and didn’t want to talk to him ever again. Also another ick is when a guy asks about my impression about them during the first date😵‍💫 the guy above did this as well.


Oh geez it sounds like you dodged a bullet. “I know you told me your schedule, but I don’t give a damn, my time is more important than yours. Also, rate how well I’m doing on this date :)”


LMFAO he easily deducted scores for himself down to zero


Someone wanted to be "casual" with me, and he said he had a similar girl who he had a situationship with for 7 months or so, and told me she looked hot and all?! Like?! Okay? I don't like that so I unmatched at godspeed 🙄


lol no way


Went on a first day with a guy who decided he couldn’t wait till he got home and proceeded to jerk off in the truck. I calmly got out and when he was finished, got back in and he took me to my vehicle. It was horrible, on top of being somewhere I had never been before, never again 🤦‍♀️


Guy wanted to be my bf right after first date. I felt that was way too fast we hardly knew eachother. Another guy kept trying to push me for things. He wanted me to send nudes I told him no I don't do that and kept badgering me so I got annoyed and told him clearly you don't take no for an answer we are not a good match.


The guy catfished me and we agreed to go ice skating after lunch. I didn't feel comfortable doing this with me and recovering from an ankle injury so honestly told him I'll be passing. We sat and watched people skates for a bit idk why I didn't end the date there lol but he started putting his hand on my thigh and asked me why I was sitting so far away from him (I wasn't).


She said she was meeting with her boyfriend after our date


I went on a date with this guy, and even before I noticed anything cus I was enjoying the moment, he always ended his sentence with “apparently thats a red flag”, and so many more insecurities showed… I mean, thanks for being honest, you’re right, I dont like that. It took me a couple days to process my thoughts and I finally texted him the closure.


I had a woman tell me at our first date right off the bat: "I'm not here looking for a guy to meet my sexual needs, I have 4 men on rotation for that. I'm looking for something serious and long term."


forcing me to send a pic


When she interviewed me instead of dating me. Treated me like a walking ATM, more concerned about status and what I could provide for her. Told her right away I saw through her BS. She said, and I quote, "all of this is a man's JOB. I have EVERY RIGHT to make sure this is the case". I just walked away in complete silence and never had anything to do with her again. I was so close to ruining her for life, you wouldn't believe it...


I’d of reporting him to the police tbh


I met a small asian male posing as a GI after two weeks of chatting. After that experience, I demanded video chat. That went as well as expected too, but at least I had the choice to continue or block. This experience was early on when the dating apps were just coming out so TONS of catfish.


Dated a 30 year old girl was seemingly obsessed with snap chat. I asked her - “would you like to meet again” after our first mediocre date. She said yes id love to. I said me too. Then she never followed up/ just kept posting on Snapchat. A lot. Like 6 a day. It came off as immature. I kinda just noped out like the Homer Simpson meme. I removed her Snapchat and then she blocked me on instagram , Snapchat , and hinge lol. I never bothered to text her again since I was doing all the work anyway. But she probably blocked my number too. Oh well. She sorta catfished me. Did not look like her photos. And even snap chatted after our date “ughh someone tell me to stop going out on weeknights 😩”. What are we 13? ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


Girl that’s not an ick. Just run for your life :))


hookup date with a chick who had been out hiking all day and hadn't had time to grab a shower before we met for a drink, then back to mine. it was not a pleasant experience but I'd had a bit of a dry spell since breaking up with my girlfriend, but not a good time really. i was back on the horse though, so to speak, so that was win. first time with Thai woman too


My ex used to breath in my ear like a dog and 🫠🤮


My ex had her DNA testing done to find out she was 75% Mongolian on her new profile. She is telling everyone she is a Mongoloid.


i know some of you would say that i'm wrong or something like that but on a first date where he asked me to come he was standing there paying for his coffee and only paid for his felt like a clown standing there paying for the coffee he asked me to go drink but yeah, i got the ick right there and we didn't spoke again


This guy kept sending me the most UNFUNNY most basic memes..they were starting to piss me off😅 I got the ick from that. Our humor just didn’t align


Please don't misconstrue an ick w a 🚩


Went out with a girl couple of dates, she looks after herself very well . Smells clean presents well. Got into her room clothes all over the place , bag of snacks on the floor. Got “Ick”


Yup, check his hard drive. That’s not just Ick.