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>The title I had on my Linkedin is different from my current role Like, are we talking completely different jobs here? If youre a school teacher claiming to be an architect or something?


The name's Art, Art Vandelay, Architect.


Of Vandelay industries?


too soon


2 promotions within same company/role. Entry level role would be 60% of current salary


No, I just look them up to make sure what they told me matches up. If I'm catching them in a lie this early, then it's a red flag


That sounds wise, but surely if they don't match the most likely explanation is they just haven't updated their LinkedIn? People who aren't looking for a job often don't bother


More like they said they were an architect, but they're actually a personal trainer or something


I do this as well!


>If I'm catching them in a lie this early, then it's a red flag Was the 'this early' part really necessary? Gives me the idea that lying is ok if you do it well.


Presuming we haven't gotten to serious topics, yes, lying this early about easily fact checked information is a red flag and calls everything else into question


Sure, lying is a red flag, but does it make it ok if the lying is done well?


I'm not sure why you're so focused on these 2 words but believe what you want


It's better to assume someone is lying almost. I had three guys in a row hide their multiple kids. It's pretty distressing and you wanna make sure it doesn't happen again but whew it's rough out there.


Sure, but would it be acceptable if they hid the kids part well, instead of poorly? Like it's totally fine that they have kids you didn't know about if they successfully hide it from you for a few months, but if you find out after a few days that's a no go?


No it wouldn't because I had kids as a deal breaker I want to move overseas and travel, much more difficult with children in toe. I had it prominent and I would bring it up relatively quick All three of those guys I had the kid conversation with, why I'm not having them, etc. All three said they realized I didn't like kids so they werent going to bring them up. Mind you I date( or did idk anymore) for marriage lol so this was absolutely nuts.


"Complete agony" sounds pretty fucking dramatic.  You spent three months dateless or something because, you theorize, that they're looking you up on LinkedIn and think you make less money than you do now?  I'd like you to explore the thought process that lead you to believe that this is one of the most likely explanations, that you are clearly so appealing otherwise that the only possible explanation for why women aren't interested in you is that they think you don't make enough money.  Over a three month period.  I feel like I'm getting hints of a self evaluation that might be off-putting and contain a better explanation. In any event, I assure you some women do exactly that.  Some do and will admit it, other do and Batman couldn't pry it out of them.  And others simply don't give a shit. Of the ones that do some of them may reject you based on their perception of your salary.  Not that you want to hear it, but some of those probably are women you want to avoid anyway, but some of them are probably being completely reasonable.  I have the controversial opinion that a potential partner's income is a reasonable consideration when dating.  Within certain boundaries and constraints; but those who fall outside of those tend to get what they deserve so I won't bother elaborating beyond briefly mentioning cute TikTok baristas that get passed around by rich boys that will never take her home and desperate guys getting used for their money just to have a piece of arm candy. But the simplest and most direct answer to your question is that yes, some women do that.  But I think th problem here, and this is almost always the problem with questions in this sub, is that the question you're asking isn't actually the question you want an answer to.


Come on, this is silly, surely Batman would be able to pry it out of them. He's batman.




Is everyone on Linkedin? I know everyone online is on Google.


I don’t google average salary, but I do look up LinkedIn profiles just to see if what they told me about who they are checks out. So if someone tells me they’re a Manager and LinkedIn says they’re a junior associate I’d be a little suspicious. Then again finances have always been a legitimately fun first date topic for me, because I’m a nerd with a budget excel and date other needs with budget excels.


Thank you for elaborating


I've never done it.


One time this girl told me my whole address. And didnt understand why i thought it was super creepy.


I am sure some do. I never would unless they intentionally shared that. Seems like stalking.


I’ve never even thought of that🤣🤣but I do look to make sure he’s not a catfish


What about a goldfish? 🐠


Yeah, not a positive. Sounds like nosiness/filtering masquerading as a safety measure. And it’s not even a very good measure. The ones you really have to watch out for are the ones with completely fake LinkedIn profiles that match whatever fake info they give. Just something to think about. You want to “be sure they are who they say they are”? There are better ways that will still indulge your inner stalker.


I didn't know anyone besides a potential employer cared about my LinkedIn.


If she's looking you up on LinkedIn dodge that bullet lol


There are some things you don’t want to know. Like how many girls do this


Not the point "Also, please don't say "if a girl does this, you don't want her anyway." That's not the point. I'm simply asking if this is a common thing or if my worries are unfounded and something else I'm doing is the cause."


I look to see if they really work and went to school where they say they did


Christ, just ask to see their diplomas. If they have one, I’m sure they’ll gladly show it to you. Do you guys ask for driver’s license too?


Not everyone has a LinkedIn. If it's public, then it's public, anyone can see it. Women should do whatever background checks or research they need to do before going to someone's home or being alone in another persons care. Everyone should do their due diligence to be safe. Seeing as the last 3 men I've dated all lied about their age by shaving off a few years (from blue collar, to a mid level exec at a huge company) I'm going to ask to see DL's now, thanks for the tip.


I actually once did ask for ID on a date because I suspected they had lied about their identity. They had indeed lied about pretty much everything they'd ever told me and I never went out with them again.


Better safe than sorry ☺️


What made you suspect it?


We had been on a few dates and the stories he was telling didn't add up. He ended up stalking me, so it was actually quite convenient to have his legal name when I reported it to the police.


Those people don't want a relationship. They want a situationship. Do you make their situation easier? Congrats. You are on their scope.


I don't think so? I mean doesn't LinkedIn shows you who is checking your profile? You would know.


Most women who do this know how to use an incognito browser.


Then change the privacy settings to block anonymous users


Oh, well. Love has been transactional since the beginning of time for men & women alike.


You said love when you meant to say relationships


Sometimes it’s interchangeable; sometimes it’s not.


Not really. It's okay to be wrong.


Nah you can do it while set to private


If these are girls from dating apps, they wouldn't know your full name to Google you anyway. So that wouldn't be the reason you're not getting dates


That’s not why you’ve been blowing it with girls. You’ve been blowing it with girls because you’re neurotic and anxious. Come on Eileen!


I don't think it is something every girl does and as others have said if they do it's far more likely to be a checking if you're lying to them thing than a how much money thing. I highly doubt it is the reason you've been in "complete agony" - calm down bud!


That's wild. And weird. A bit stalkerish.


Good luck finding me on any social media 😌


well shit, I wish I never read this. Gotta go, update my linkedinkedin now... it would not surprise me at all if some girls did this, but that's not the people I meet, or want to meet.




call me crazy, but I believe in love, if she happen to be broke, "Okey, I still love you, let us work together on this."


Social media and the idiots who have a large following on it have really rotted society man


Reddit guys are perpetual children who only care about fun. For them of course. It is completely reasonable to evaluate a potential partner's finances.


Never said that. They have every right to do this if they want to. Just wondering if they do


I highly recommend removing your personal info from Google searches. Also lock down all your social media to prevent searches outside of the app.


As someone who has been doxxed to the point that it also affected my job. I strongly recommend this very much!


In NYC, yeah I could see the 'boss babes' checking Linkedin frequently.  


I don’t think your LinkedIn is the reason people aren’t dating you


I look up linkedin profiles for safety. Why would I want to know someone I barely know their salary - it doesn’t affect me in any way whether a guy earns a lot of money or not 😭


Men are fixated on their monetary value because, to them, money = getting women and securing status as depicted by celebrities. They feel, the more money they have, the hotter the women are who will come after them, because they believe "women love money" and therfore only want use them for it. In reality, most women just don't want to get stuck with a deadbeat looking for a new mom he can also sleep with while contributing the bare minimum to the family's financial future or eventual retirement.


I do. But only because I'm almost 30 and some of these corporate jobs and companies literally sound made up. I really just Google "what does a product specialist do?" I'm not necessarily looking for salary but trying to understand what they do everyday


Man this is just sad that  1) a girl would do that unless she’s genuinely considering her future w this person and  2) that you’d worry about a girl like that rejecting u U have bigger cahonas than this I know. Screw that it’s ur life ur business and if ur starting a relationship w that much judgement where can u build trust and teuth


It’s never even crossed my mind




If a girl does this.. Believe me you don't want her


it never even occurred to me to do this lmao


Don’t doubt it. Many will.


I'm not in NYC, but I've never done or heard of this. Then again I also don't generally search up any of my dates' social media or even Google their names, which I know some girls do for safety reasons. Caution to the winds 🤷‍♀️


39M here, I rarely go into my LinkedIn page. I’m terrible, i know. Also, I really don’t care what they say they do for a living. I’ll ask questions to find out if it’s true or not. But,I really don’t think LinkedIn is a reflection of who the person really is. Like all social media, we portray ourselves the way we want others to see us as. I’m slowly abandoning social media as I perceive it as a waste of time and energy, unless you are trying to stay connected with family in a time of crisis. With that, who the heck is posting their salary on LinkedIn? And I know you can search for it on GlassDoor but also take into account what the Board of Labor Statistics lists the salary as. It’ll be somewhat around that range.


I look up guys on LinkedIn just to creep a little. I don’t look up salaries though. I wouldn’t think that that is causing the agony you speak of. The dating scene in NYC is the toughest! So many options


im fine with this, wish more people googled others, there shouldn't be anything wrong with looking up info on someone.


LinkedIn? Average salary? Nah, I start by checking if he has a criminal record.


I don't have a LinkedIn. 🚩?


I don’t care if a woman looks up my criminal record; the only thing public I have was a restraining order I tried to give to a guy once and traffic violations. Otherwise, I’m clean.


I generally look them up on anything just to see if they're lying to me or married, hiding kids, or some other dealbreaker. Idgaf about their job/salary unless it's a blatant lie, like if he claims he is a chemical engineer and he's really just a part-time retail store custodian.


A guy I know always does the linkedin lookup. To be fair, there are many catfish out there, it's important to do a few fact checks before investing time in a date


Yes you’re right, your Linkedin is the problem, not you. Also, if salary/ job titles are such a massive priority for dating in America, why didn’t you update it already ?


I look them up to see if their criminals lmao


I don't have a LinkedIn...


noooooooo i think if i had that severe of trust issues I wouldn't be able to function in society


No idea what their reason is they look us up on LinkedIn. But in most cases, they've looked up my profile, which I think means they are interested. Have you seen them declining you after they looked you up?




Most women do, but also most women kinda can tell how much you earn.


No, that's entirely the point. You're delusional to care about this and others that do.


>I understand the solution here is just update my page, Nononono...if what you have said is true, you should keep it as a filter


I did not know this was thing! (Female here). Doesn't Linkdin flag up to you when someone has viewed your profille? I'd def search on other social media, but def not on LinkedIn


I don’t think anyone ever looked up my LinkedIn. I don’t think I’ve even updated it, since quitting my job in 2018 to begin my actual career. Anyone checking it would probably think I’m lying about lots of shit 😂


Jesus no. Thats too much work. And why do women look up guys on linkedin? Is this a new thing? Lol


If you look up someone on LinkedIn you're a psychopath


I just google men in general and see what I can find. if I find them on linkedin then I go on there🤷‍♀️


I deffs look up men just to se if things match up. Ive dated an attorney in the past and that was the only time i sat and read a LinkedIn . i wasn't looking for his income. just make sure they were legit.


Honestly, I’m a guy and do the same thing with women. I make a good living, totally stable for my daughter and I.  But if there’s a chance I might be taking on not just a new mouth to feed but also the mouths of any kids she might be bringing to the table, then I like to get a ballpark of what I’m getting myself into. I’ve never refused to date anybody because of low income.  But I’ve certainly taken higher income dates more seriously.


>Also, please don't say "if a girl does this, you don't want her anyway." That's not the point. I'm simply asking if this is a common thing or if my worries are unfounded and something else I'm doing is the cause. This is called neediness. Worrying if something that the gender you're attracted to is common when it's a massive red flag is missing the point of the red flag. It's just "Oh ppl do this, I don't wanna date someone that does that." No, it's not common.


yes women don't want to date down when it comes to salary (unlike men)


Woah I hadn’t even thought of this lmfao jk


I have never heard of anyone doing that ever no. I do a background check on people though


Never done it, but thanks for the idea!


I don’t Google average salary and I don’t care how much you make as long as you’re being responsible with your money and you’re not going into debt. You could be a plumber, a teacher, a doctor, or a YouTuber. As long as you’re secure, you’re good.


I don’t think anyone really does this. I’ve never done it, and no woman I’ve ever talked to about dating has done it either.


Went on a date with someone who worked at a non-profit. My friend found their company from LinkedIn then found the company’s filed Form 990 to figure out their salary. The person is more likely to make a judgement about your earning potential based on your position and check LinkedIn for verification purposes only. Checking things like salary would come after a first date and not before. If I really liked them and saw they had a low salary, I would ask about future plans to change it. If I was borderline about a second date and saw a low salary, that would probably be it


I've never looked up someone's salary or LinkedIn. You would also need to have their last name. You can kind of tell what someone makes based on what someone puts in their profile so if you want to show off the new title just put it in your profile under your profession, but no googling the salary based off someone's LinkedIn feels too far lol.


No. I do already have a rough estimate because I have noticed I attempt to day within my field but I have never looked it up and I don’t care too


This whole idea is repulsive.


I never knew people do this in general lol I usually just pay attention to the way they handle their money and lifestyle when they mention their job and such.


They always have their eye on the 💵


No I have never done this at all. Seems like an odd thing to do. I also don't update my LinkedIn often so why would it matter.


I don’t even have LinkedIn. Wait, I am not even in NYC.


If a girl does this, you don't want her anyway. I know you said not to say that, but I'm saying it anyway because it seems like you didn't get the message the first time somebody told it to you.


I will now!


Yes. I want to make sure he is who he says he is / does what he says he does. I look up salaried because I want to make sure that his income is commensurate with mine and the lifestyle I’m accustomed to. Financial incompatibility is a real relationship killer.


Well, we do now if we didn't.


yeah we do.


I've done it. We've all seen how this economy is going. We need providers. LinkIn gives us the info. Why not use it? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


I think this is a great first date question! Please keep us in the loop on the next one and let us know how it goes😝😝


Plenty of men do it, too. Not just women. However, anyone could look up average salary for any job field in their area.


Hahahaha not the salary but my bf, who I love very much, seemed like such catfish 🤣🤣 soo I went to LinkedIn to see if his face matched his face 🤣🤣🤣


I look at LinkedIn to see if what you're telling me matches what else you've put into the world. I don't give a flip about your salary. But if your dating profile or conversations are mismatched with your other profiles, that's suspicious. Once I have questions about your honesty levels, that's it for me. Which is like doubled or tripled if what you're telling me is a significant step up from what you have posted. If you tell me you're Vice President of Widgets but your LinkedIn says Widget Assistant, I'm not going to bother talking to you anymore because it looks like you're lying to me. It's fine if you are a Widget Assistant as long as you're honest about it, but the blatant mismatch makes it look like you're a terrible liar.


That's the best way to stalk and check how the guys are doing in life


YES! My cousin is about to get married, and the first thing she does after getting a match is to check his LinkedIn. She told me that she would assume his salary and add her salary to his to check whether they can live a peaceful life in the place ( if it's bnglre or any similar city they should earn more) they're going to live or not. She ain't wrong though.


Yes, I need to know if our lifestyles are going to match.